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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:03am
I know the PK has passed on. Most of us know this. It's how he has the
behavior of an OX that might bother us.

[View Quote]

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:13am
who are you asking?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:16am
Gnu? What's your problem?

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:21am
I knew Page passed away when tunablues sent the grams to us all. I didn't
behave like you guys are. Someone with authority in an AWI owned world
ought to behave with dignity and manners. Yeah I truly get upset about how
some of you teens behave. Go figure. I'm sure Page wouldn't like it

[View Quote]

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:41am
Not going to argue. He's the wrong person to be in charge of CY.

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 12:55am
The other thing that you don't realize is that Warrior did not come into the
world until after I asked my first question. There was no text by Warrior
before my question.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 1:58pm
Does this mean that anyone suffering from a tragic situation, get to toss
civilization out the window and go the Gate, or any public place for that
matter, and stampede with every fowl thought, ill-wish and corrupted
behavior known and unknown... since they are behaving out of an expression
of "genuine emotions" ? Or Tart, would you eject them ?

You think it's normal that someone at a funerel or wedding screeches out
obsceneties to others for behaving decently?

You'll notice a lot of the teens (and adults) online have ODD, which is
Opositional Defiant Disorder. They are apparently wanting to recreate their
own new civilization since the rules that are in place 'in the real world'
anger them and rob them of their freedom of expression.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 2:14pm
That whole scenario was set up to begin with Rapier.

"But you Orb, for what you have done here, you do not deserve to live.
I wish it was you who had died, Orb, and not him.
He was a far better person than you just proved you could ever be."

It was you and that tourist coming in at that very moment who are
despicable. Why was that person a tourist? The citizen who was in "tourist
mode" didnt' want to be involved in such a horrific situation? Why did a
tourist know about Page's passing before you ( the dear close friend you say
you are ) ? Get off your insanity trip, you and your "teen" buddies, if
they are even teens at all, go get some therapy.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:09pm
Name calling becomes you RoseyBuoy.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:14pm
Geeez I might cuss if you keep it up !
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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:29pm
I know it's not a joking matter. You accuse me of not caring about someone
passing away. You don't even know me at all. I'm 44 years old and I'm a
high risk heart patient because of a medicine that I HAVE to take which
deals with another medical situation that I have... and I see the value of
life more than most of you teens do at this point. Now you can start

Some of you can take something and wrench it around until it's nearly
unrecognizable. I found it crude the way the initial conversation ensued.
A person given authority in an important part of Active Worlds such as an
award system ought to be handled by respectable mature person/people. Not
those with a vendetta.

You keep sticking up for them too please ok? See if you jump on that wagon
you'll get a CY for your efforts. I see the future of AW in the hands of
some of you and I think it's pitiful.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:39pm
I didn't accuse HIM of setting up that scenario. Where are you reading that
situation up is... wow.

To clear things up on the age matter, I've said both some teens and some
adults have ODD. So it's not just teens behaving like cave people in AW!

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:40pm
(retyping that last post it's messed up)

I didn't accuse HIM of setting up that scenario. Where are you reading that

To clear things up on the age matter, I've said both some teens and some
adults have ODD. So it's not just teens behaving like cave people in AW!

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Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:41pm
People like you Gnu are not everyone !

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:44pm
"Stop with the stupid "community" excuse, goddamn it people can read
theres no need to be an attention whore and repost everything you post." -

[View Quote] The above taken from another topic in the Worldbuilders Group.

Nice Gnu very nice.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 3:48pm
That wasn't bait. This is a real concern. Otherwise why have PK's and GK's
and why should anyone care about anything for that matter? Let's just let
every situation go when we see something going wrong. Let's let the people
in the streets get robbed and raped or even worse killed. Let everyone wish
everyone else dies. Let's see, maybe I'll go stand in the middle of the
gate while you're on duty and cuss for everything that I hurt about. Would
you eject me? This isn't just about cussing.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 6:34pm
NO! and the same goes for everyone like you !

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 9:55pm
What I said about my behaving that way at the gate was hypothetical. I'm
not obsessing.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 14, 2005, 10:09pm
Another hypothetical situation.

~~~~~~Your friend passes away and you find out while you're standing at the
gate. It's not your shift at that time, yet you put on your privs right
after hearing about it and start swearing. ~~~~~~

Appropriate? Respectful?

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 11:25am
No, that still isn't "ALL" of what this is about. It's much much more. The
rest is too complicated to explain here although I might try. This fragment
shows some of what you can expect in the future. I won't explain further
since you don't seem to understand as you are doing the same thing in your
"I'm a GK, I'm a GK!!" state of mind. You tell people not to bring their
NewsGroup topics to the Gate yet you bring your GK topics to the NewsGroups.
Such as when you were in your heated battle with Alaskan Shadow about
something that occured at the Gate yet you took upon yourself and went way
beyond GK means to come here venting over that incident. By now most of us
know that yes indeed you are a GK! We can't all be so perfect Tart.

I perceived that encounter with that tourist and Strike for the timing and
situation that it appeared to me out of interpretation which was affected by
things he and some of his friends have done in the past. Also my past
experience with Strike in the NewsGroups and in my frist covnersation with
him in AWUniversity where I was just as kind to him as everyone else around
me and he turns on me with his Holier than thou - know it all attitude.
Just as rude and ornery as he could be. Because he knew programming? It
wasn't because someone had passed away near the time of that conversation.
I'm sorry that he's felt opressed for so long but I am not the adult that
caused that. He had a horrible snot nosed attitude long before he ever met
me. Could be all the supression he had due to how things have been in CY
and in the NewsGroups prior to that.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 6:07pm
Solicit Sex? I might cuss!

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 6:26pm

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 16, 2005, 11:10am
While you are so busy behaving in your normal manner why not try something
different. Step outside of all your excuses and lies and other related crap
and take the coords you saw in the first post here in this thread and go
build something for Page's Memorial.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 16, 2005, 11:42am
I can take any stance I choose. I went and built something even though I've
only known Page briefly. I've built for birthdays of people also with other
people who do the same thing, whether we know the person or not. That is
just what some of us do. A lot of times building with others in AW allows
you the chance to meet others and share with them. That's part of what AW
is about. Chatting and Building. But, I didn't go and build something for
Page's memorial to chat or build with others, yet to share their loss out of
sympathy for those who were close to him.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 16, 2005, 12:34pm
NO it wasn't! My goal wasn't to get Strike in trouble. I haven't got time
for your constant bs. I'm done with discussing anything further with you ..
because I don't even know you nor do I care. For you to think I do would be
another of your misjudgments.

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 17, 2005, 9:44am
This is from one of your own friends about how you teens behave. He was
speaking about AWTeen:

"All of the world meetings that I have been to have either ended in
confusion, or a global lockdown on chat. When they don't get everyone
pissed off, something goes wrong otherwise..."

[View Quote]

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 17, 2005, 2:27pm
not all teenagers are rotten little demons only a few .. thankful that it's
at a minimum

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 17, 2005, 3:56pm
Don't over generalize you wot not.

As the Activeworld Turns....

Jul 16, 2005, 8:17pm
One day a King left his palace for a horseback ride and after riding for
several hours became lost in a deep and almost impenetrable jungle. Reining
his horse, he looked about him and was terror stricken as he saw a tiger
coming towards him. He leapt from his horse, quickly climbed a nearby tree
and sat on one of its branches.

The tiger came to the same tree and sat on his haunches, waiting to devour
the King whenever he came down. Seeing this, the King began to test the
branch on which he was sitting to make certain it was strong enough to bear
his weight. But as he looked along its length he was filled with fear, for
he saw that two mice, one white and the other black, were gnawing away the
inner end of the branch where it joined the tree.

He looked down at the ground to see where he would fall when the branch gave
way, and whether the earth below was hard or soft. But here another
terrifying sight met his gaze. Beside the tiger, there was a huge python
with its jaws wide open, waiting for him to fall. The King trembled with
fright because his situation was so desperate.

As he clung to the branch wondering what he might do to save himself, he
suddenly saw that honey was dripping from a branch above his head. He began
to taste it and as he did so the honey had an amazing effect. The king,
absorbed in it's sweetness, soon became completely oblivious of his danger.

The tiger, the mice and the python, were all forgotten as he became more and
more enchanted with the taste of the marvellous honey. In a short time, of
course, the mice gnawed through the branch. It fell to the ground, and the
king, with a happy smile on his lips, was killed.

The tree up which the King climbed in his search for safety symbolizes this
world, the dense and dark material universe. The tiger represents death,
which eats every living creature born into this world. The python is the

The branch on which the King sat represents the span of our life, whether it
be ten, twenty or fifty years or more. And the two mice are day and night,
which inevitably shorten the span of life.

The honey symbolizes this world and it's ephemeral pleasures, in which we
become so completely absorbed that we forget even death.

The result of becoming absorbed in the worldly pleasures is that, like the
King, we die without discovering the true purpose of our life.

What Do You Like to Build?

Jul 17, 2005, 3:59pm
CoLor I love your approach here to the sharing and inspiring of building. I
think you have the nicest building style as I saw some of your work in the
past and awed. It would be so fabulous if you'd organize a website or some
other means to perhaps get further involved with this line of thought that
you began in this thread. God Bless.

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