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orb // User SearchThe Cys Can No Longer ExistMar 12, 2005, 3:00pm
Ohhhhh Bitty, Speaking with thou forked tongue.. Congratualtions on Your
Commi award!!! WTG Bitmeister ! The Cys Can No Longer ExistMar 12, 2005, 5:43pm
How "great" does this sound ?
" There is no way Lady TeaL could possibly do all that is needed to see the Cys through with no training etc. She's fantastic, but not superwoman:)" (quote taken from the horses mouth itself). Haha...Bitster nice job on that cape! 'pukes' The dreaded phone thing has gone out with a big bang ! TeenGate's party tonight!Mar 12, 2005, 4:44pm
Are adults allowed to attend? I've met lots of teens in Active Worlds and I
have to say that there is a lot of intelligence, talent and creativity among the numbers! I'd like to see what you young people have going on in TeenGate, even though I'm 44, I think that a community that can relate together no matter the age is another factor of true spirit of community. I've never been to TeenGate so this would be a good time to visit if I'm allowed there? WB TZMar 25, 2005, 9:57pm
Yes, heard he's out on good behavior. He bribed the guards with some trail
mix. WB TZMar 29, 2005, 1:43pm
It was several pages at length, an account of his adventures. Somehwhat
reminded me of the tale of the city hotep and the country hotep. WB TZMar 29, 2005, 4:34pm
Yes, it was that very one. Hotep the yellow king of some other obscure
dimension. WB TZApr 1, 2005, 4:01pm
You are lame Bowtie. I say welcome back to TZ and you twist what I say with
what Linn says as if you merged the two of us. We're not the same person and I have no intention of bashing TZ here. He's the man who taught me to build in Alpha back in 98. Never forgot how he took HIS free time to help me! I have respect for him and always will. So don't mix my kind hearted words and my attempt at trying to retreive a well intended sentiment which was "WELCOME BAC K TZ" with your bad language, agressiveness, and Linn's bad sense of timing among other things (believe me, I'm trying to be generous for Linn's sake here). WB TZApr 1, 2005, 9:53pm
I bank on the fact that people with intelligence read this NewsGroup too
*just shakes her head and laughs*. Misery loves company. WB TZApr 4, 2005, 7:12pm
If you haven't found out by now after 1,267,492 trials... In this case, it
has been proven that it is a little different, Linn. Especially considering the factors involved. The many times of forgiving only to have the same psychotic behavior repeated and intensified. Since this person feeds on people who forgive them only to create more pain. WB TZApr 4, 2005, 9:08pm
That was intended for Linn :\ One good insult deserves another right Linn?
I have one man I don't need boys. We Need a Court SystemApr 5, 2005, 1:46am
Leaving AW SoonApr 4, 2005, 1:33pm
How ridiculous. Why did they disable your other cit? The other question is
have you decided what you are yet? Leaving AW SoonApr 11, 2005, 3:24pm
Badass is slang and has nothing to do with ones bum. It's similar to saying
a person is "hot" or "groovy* (nostalgia, gotta love it) , but with slightly different meaning. Badass could actually mean a few different things as it's a broad slang term. For instance, the meaning 'trouble maker' is associated with 'badass' in some geographical locations, though "badass" could also mean one who is "cool" in another area. One reason for different interpretations is that a slang term from one country could mean something totally different to a person from another country. I think the interpretation depends on the individual's experience with the word... as it's such a loosely used slang term it will then be variously understood. Generally speaking, GK's are left to interpret as they must. They are pressed to make quick decisions to keep the atmosphere of the gate light and G Rated. If Badass meant our bums though, then what you're implying is that Alaskan is sitting at the Gate looking at people's backsides and judging whether they are good ones or bad ones. I think she wasn't doing that at all. So, if it's partly the meaning you were considering when ejecting her you made a mistake. To wrap this up however, since this is a rather open ended subject somewhat based on opinions, IMHO I believe that we ought not say Badass at the Gate. I think it's distasteful and inapropriate..but doesn't merit ejection yet a warning. Leaving AW SoonApr 12, 2005, 1:12am
You know what Tauntaun? The person who dredged anything up was Tart. Now we
have to listen to this power trip spill out into the NewsGroups. That eject deserved a warning and we all know it. So you get over it. Leaving AW SoonApr 13, 2005, 3:06pm
Tart, did you not bring this on yourself? Who were you referring to when
you said "I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other ppl posting to this thread...." Isn't that a one- upmanship behavior you are feuax gloating with? Or did you just want to stir up trouble yet again? You want to clarify who you are speaking of or to? Enquiring minds do want to know who these people you are harassing might be. Unpleasant did you say? I'll have to agree that... there have been more than a few unpleasantries in regards to you at the gate. You think you can exist on being holier than thou when you are clearly being contradictory to yourself whenever the occasion suits you? Maybe you are just bored... with not enough to do in your GK duties that you have to come to the NewsGroups and trump up something only to make a fool of yourself. Power tripping just doesn't wash anymore hun. I'll be keeping my eyes on you GK. FibblesApr 5, 2005, 12:41pm
I have to Rave about the world Fibbles.
My grandbaby is 2 years old and she LOVES fibbles. She's learning how to move her fibble self around in AW using the arrow keys. Next she's going to learn to fly on her own. Ah huh, the next generation. This is Community isn't it?Apr 11, 2005, 8:18pm
Is that Amanda Wesely , Cute Mandy , Seiya, whatever it is?