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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 5, 2004, 3:53pm
You've got a private friendship with Usama Bin Laden now huh Strike? Thank
you for sharing.

Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 5, 2004, 8:47pm
What part of 'you are trouble' don't you understand? Now shut your yap and
stop instigating!

Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 6, 2004, 11:01am
LOL Atleast you're creative !

Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 6, 2004, 11:49am
Here's a fun site just in case you're bored.

Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 7, 2004, 1:19pm
Another building contest winner heard from !

truespace geniuses needed

Nov 8, 2004, 4:30pm
Dont' make me have to write tutorials.

truespace geniuses needed

Nov 9, 2004, 11:51am
Let's get together and model LNH. I have 2005 open.

truespace geniuses needed

Nov 9, 2004, 11:52am
He who speaks loudest might want to consider teaching.

Scientific Question

Nov 11, 2004, 9:18pm
The Day After Tomorrow deserves a CY.

Scientific Question

Nov 13, 2004, 3:46pm
I'm liking the movie based on it's own merits without regard to anyone
else's opinion of it. I LIKE THE MOVIE!. This is, after all, just a movie.
I don't wait for my president's ok on what to have for lunch either. If I
voted for someone based on what movies they like or dislike I might as well
hang it up.

Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 20, 2004, 11:57am

Interesting read.


Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 20, 2004, 6:18pm
I've found several sites about computers that are connected with fiber optic
cables but none about present fiber optic 'computers'. Have you got a url
to a site that is about them?

Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 22, 2004, 5:20pm
That's a different system than fiber optic.

Someday : Fiber Optic Computers

Nov 23, 2004, 1:49pm
That and those things in the fridge. What are they Recee's Peanutbutter


Dec 10, 2004, 1:45pm
ENZO what's the deal with that?


Dec 10, 2004, 2:48pm
*gasp* phew !

Gk's ? LOL

Dec 28, 2004, 7:58pm
Perra: to all kids some havent been nice this year.....from
SC.Mrs DOD: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Perra)))))))))))))))))))))
ORB: Perra do you really think you want kids to see that.. now I know to add
you to my ignore list you idiot
SC.Mrs DOD: QRB that is not nice
SC.Mrs DOD: Perra is a very nice person
ORB: well did you see his url? maybe you can read
Perra: some can takes joke..but some can´t Mrs Dod
ORB: I question the level of intelligence among some of you GK's
ORB: saving chat
(GK) Tengel: Well, ORB, humor, doest hurt, so I didt see any thing wrong
with it
ORB: then you're another idiot
SC.Mrs DOD: ORB awgate is G RATED
ORB: I wouldn't want my grandkids coming to AWGate and seeing that sort of
Tengel: Maybe so ORB :)

Gk's ? LOL

Dec 28, 2004, 8:39pm
you would :o(

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Gk's ? LOL

Dec 28, 2004, 9:16pm
leaving it... and it's quite a 'joke' that GK's think it's worse to call an
idiot an idiot (which could cause you to risk E J E C T I O N) than the
idiot's actions are LOL!

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hosting worlds

Jan 21, 2005, 3:07pm
Do not trust David. He has a version of AWHack for one thing and he has
cloner. When I first met him, while I was with BRO, he used several
accounts and showed me 5 at once..this was back when aw was $19.95 per year.
He'll only hack you and abuse your privacy.

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hosting worlds

Jan 21, 2005, 9:51pm
I think it's fair warning.

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hosting worlds

Jan 21, 2005, 9:52pm
I'm absolutely certain of what sort of person he is too.

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Cy Nominations

Feb 2, 2005, 2:25pm
Absolutely true. The CY's are not given appropriately and are run by some
who are biased. The awards ought to be given by CY employees in
representation of the company AWI recognizing the efforts of loyal citizens
and not by some citizen who thunk up a way to use, control and manipulate
others by offering a generic award. I give the CY's a big fat 0 for


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Cy Nominations

Feb 2, 2005, 6:53pm
and what happened to the kabash thought you were leaving.

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Cy Nominations

Feb 2, 2005, 11:28pm
Then stop contradicting yourself.

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Arden SeaMaster

Feb 1, 2005, 10:29pm
Arden loved Active Worlds and art , but especially people. His humor could
light up a room. We had a blast in AWRPG after he invited BRO and I to
visit him there. He was one of the kindest most generous people I have
ever met. God did send us an angel when he sent Arden SeaMaster. He'll be
forever missed.


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Lights Lights Lights !

Feb 28, 2005, 11:12pm
Please just put them back the way they were when they were perfect .. if
some person had a problem with them they are NOT the majority.. takes a vote
for ahving them the way they were.

Lights Lights Lights !

Mar 1, 2005, 4:30pm
You are still a pain your warped. I mean the overall lights within the
program seem erratic. OK ?????? Now kma!

[View Quote]

The Cy Awards

Mar 12, 2005, 1:18am
It's more important that people build with, rather than against eachother.

Some of the problems that arose were quite hurtful to many people where CY's
were concerned. Such as; the fact that it was so sad when one person got
rewarded for the extensive time and efforts of sooooo many others. That I
think was the worst slap in the face to those other citizens and proved that
CY was a little groupy clique in lots of cases. Another thing is that an
award should not be handed out by anyone other than AWI staff since it only
makes for cliques and where there are those there follows unfairness.

One person, who is not AWI staff, ought not be queen or king of everyone
else's creativeness. Creativeness is owned by no one other than the
creator. How can one put themself above the rest and determine the fate of
all of those citizens who pay their fair share to be here? I appreciate the
1st rock built by a new citizen more than a CY any day.

Lastly , CY ought to be left in history and should not be carried ahead and
morphed into something else by yet another group of those who wish to be one
up on others.

Source for Skybox Textures

Mar 11, 2005, 10:18pm

Great site for skybox texture sets.

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