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scuz // User Search
scuz // User SearchNew AW HostJun 24, 2003, 6:14pm
Sry. Im working on all this. And im trying to get a control panel made. And
all by myself, so ive got a bit of work todo. [View Quote] Settings bugJan 31, 2004, 2:54am
After you click Apply for the first time many objects when changed dont turn
it back on ~Scuz World Server bugFeb 3, 2004, 12:51am
World server build 57 is not loading atdumps correctly. It loads up to
around 17 and everything past that is deleted. ~Scuz World Server bugFeb 3, 2004, 1:03am
Tried uploading it with a X1 and I see what its doing. when i try and change
one of the atts that its not letting me load it sends back a att change event with the old ones. [View Quote] World Server bugFeb 3, 2004, 3:11am
ok its fixed now, i deleted all the files and readded the world, but now its
not sending terrain to the client... >_< *wonders if he'll ever get the worldserver to work* ~The frustrated Scuz [View Quote] |