scuz // User Search
scuz // User Search
Nov 14, 2002, 3:34am
how do i have a VB bot edit terrain, is all confuzing!
Nov 15, 2002, 2:10am
Thankyou so very much!
Nov 15, 2002, 2:12am
Whos site?
Nov 21, 2002, 2:44am
How do i get the 3.4 SDK, im making a bot for a world i have and i want the
new SDK sos 3.4 people can use water and my bot can change water!
Dec 5, 2002, 3:43am
how do i edit terrain in vb agian, the post about that i cant see anymore
Jan 19, 2003, 8:09pm
anybody know a way that i could have my vb bot store the height of a terrain
point? i need it so i can makea forest that will allways be right on the
Jan 19, 2003, 8:12pm
anybody planing on making a 3.4 ocx???
Jan 20, 2003, 12:57am
can sombody eather make or tell me how to make a bot that will make a forest
and keep the trees right on top of the terrain
Jan 20, 2003, 8:33pm
i dont know how to query terrain
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns9309EC83BA61Akahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in
> news:3e2b6588$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Query the terrain first, then give your trees random X and Z positions,
> then compute the Y value for those positions, according to the terrain
> query results. You'll have to do a bit of maths though.
Jan 21, 2003, 1:44am
i know how to lvl it, thats easy in vb comwrapper, its getting the heights
that confuzes me
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e2cafe0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ".duo." <ncommons at attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:3e2cae64$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Only the 1337 peeps know. The terrain documentation is just poor. It
took 4 of us
> to decipher it once... and that was just to level terrain in a given
> --Bowen--
Jan 22, 2003, 11:10pm
does anybody have the nomad1 zip with the trees in it?
Jan 24, 2003, 12:01am
what would i store aw_data in with vb?
Jan 24, 2003, 4:01pm
TY so much!!!!
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000NOSPAM at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3e315193$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Fixed length string ...
> Public Const AW_MAX_STRING_LEN As Long = 255
> Dim szData As String * AW_MAX_STRING_LEN
> "scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in message
> news:3e309e83$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 24, 2003, 4:24pm
For some reason sdk.aw_data(AW_TERRAIN_NODE_HEIGHTS) allways returns one 0
any ideas?
[View Quote]"scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in message
news:3e309e83$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what would i store aw_data in with vb?
Jan 28, 2003, 11:29pm
Just a note. In the comwrapper there is a command that should take the
aw_universe_time and convert it into a regular time.
[View Quote]"baron" <pk39srt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:MPG.18a12a8283e4d322989698 at news.activeworlds.com...
> In article <3e366ecc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>, someone at someone.net
when you call sdk.AwUniverseTime (in VB). The AW sdk help pages aren't too
clear and Grimm doesn't have this at all on his pages. O.O Anyone got an
example they're willing to share?
> I don't get it, did you check Grimble's post (
news://news.activeworlds.com/3c9b93fe at server1.Activeworlds.com )? The
explanation is excellent and there is a small project attached that does
what you want (get universe timestamp, check offset with local machine,
display VRT). You don't need to translate universe time to a human readable
format. Note that sdk.AwUniverseTime is not a method, it's an attribute
available in the content of AW_EVENT_UNIVERSE_ATTRIBUTES.
> Btw about "disappearing" posts...if the post was removed from your local
cache you'll have to reset the NG headers. Right click on the SDK
NG/Properties/Local file/Reset, this will force OE to download headers
again. You can also set OE to not remove old posts,
Tools/Options/Maintenance/Uncheck the Delete news messages checkbox.
> --
> Baron
Jan 30, 2003, 3:17am
if u hold up fer a bit ill make u up a code to check vrt
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e38354f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Percipient's is more exact - he gets the VRT once from the Uniserver and
then uses
> the difference later... Not the same as what you said.
> It doesn't look like he said he was getting it from the Uniserver, maybe
he was
> unclear on that or I missed something. Either way it works.
> --Bowen--
Jan 31, 2003, 10:36pm
would sombody pleeeeeease make a 3.4 vb sdk.
Feb 1, 2003, 5:05am
yes i know, but i really need a 3.4 sdk for vb. its mrgrimm who made the
current one, sos i need a 3.4 one.
[View Quote]"agent1" <agent1 at shatteredplatters.com.nospam> wrote in message
news:3e3b1752 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Read my reply to your last post on this exact subject.
> -Agent1
> scuz wrote:
Feb 1, 2003, 3:36pm
i know 1 command in C++, print
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3e3b949e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If you want the beta SDK before everyone else, do what the rest of us do
> when we need it... Use C++ :P
> - Mark
> "scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in message
> news:3e3b71bf$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 8, 2003, 8:08pm
Feb 8, 2003, 11:04pm
i mean the subject of the post. they suddenly started to biker bout print vs
printf then all sorta other stuff
[View Quote]"joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3e458346$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ... Im tempted to call you a dolt... But that would be too good for you.
> -Joe
> "scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in message
> news:3e457fc5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 9, 2003, 6:31pm
heh!!! dont worry, i aint gona become as bad as NCC!!! Hes lower the low. He
allways gets to much power and abuses it if everything doesnt go exactly his
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e468938 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah, I don't want to deal with another fucking NCC. Pardon my language
but it can't
> be any more ill advised than most of the crap he's posted/said/whatever.
> --Bowen--
Feb 14, 2003, 1:01am
i have started to now, and im getting OK got a good book teaching me
[View Quote]"equin0x" <equin0x at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3e4b2dd7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just calm down and relax, now learn C++
> (Yes, that is coming from me, see? now you no need to say it joeman.)
> "scuz" <webmaster at awscape.com> wrote in message
> news:3e457fc5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 23, 2003, 4:40pm
Could sombody make a full vb proj, that shows how to use query in the cw.
ive tried and tried, and it seems to only find the obs i dont want to find.
Feb 24, 2003, 10:33pm
i know, but hes tierd of me asking fer help now and he said to ask u
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3e5a8d95 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> R i c h a r d made 1 a while back:
> news:3e180875$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com
> ".duo." <ncommons at attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:3e596266$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> cw.
Apr 16, 2003, 2:06am
I for one really need a 3.4 VB sdk. I know allmost nothing about C++ and
i really dont have much time to learn, but im fairly good at VB and I would
like to use the 3.4 features in my bots.
May 24, 2003, 2:52am
hmmmmmmm did u think bout use sdk.aw_object_add.
it might be good to call the actual command :P
[View Quote]"basix" <GoldKi at Hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ece44a4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dim rc As Long
> With Form1
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_X, mvarObjectX
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_Y, mvarObjectY
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_Z, mvarObjectZ
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_YAW, mvarObjectYAW
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_TILT, 0
> .sdk.aw_int_set AW_OBJECT_ROLL, 0
> .sdk.aw_string_set AW_OBJECT_MODEL, mvarObjectGUID
> .sdk.aw_string_set AW_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION, mvarNPCDetails
> .sdk.aw_string_set AW_OBJECT_ACTION, ""
> rc = aw_object_add
> If rc <> 0 Then
> Form1.sdk.aw_say "NPC Creation FAILURE! Reason[" & rc & "]"
> Else
> mvarObjectNumber = .sdk.aw_int(AW_OBJECT_NUMBER)
> Debug.Print aw_object_load
> End If
> End With
> Doesnt seem to be working correctly. It returns RC = 0 yet, nothing
> in the world?
> Anyone have a sample that works with the COM DLL ?
> -BasiX
May 24, 2003, 1:59pm
hehe, took me a while to see it. but then i noticed it was missing sdk.
[View Quote]"baron" <pk39srt at hot[youknowwhat].com> wrote in message
news:MPG.193970bf60a0b1709896a4 at news.activeworlds.com...
> In article <3ecefa78$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>, webmaster at awscape.com
> Good catch Scuz...in fact it goes back to what I suggested countless
times, if
> you had used Option Explicit, the compiler would have caught that.
> Tools/Options/Editor/Require Variable Declaration.
> --
> Baron
Jun 6, 2003, 10:43pm
Anybody but me notice grimmsoft.com says "We will be back up soon" on it
Jun 23, 2003, 4:35am
Whered you get the 3.4 sdk for vb?
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3ef5b017 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *HISS*
> The newest is the AwSdkDLL (attached) is the new standard, the format used
> in AwSdkOcx<int> is no longer supported and will not be continued. Besides
> the new version is much nicer...
> Documentation... www.activeworlds.com/sdk/
> - Mark
> "mike zimmer" <mike at remmiz.com> wrote in message
> news:3ef5a2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...