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AW 3.5

May 1, 2004, 1:16am
It also reduces the number of action buttons on 800*600 screen
resolutions, since when you place the tab left of the main screen, you
need to reduce the width of the main screen by that amount. This is,
without a question, a worsening for some people who use those buttons
and have this or even a lower resolution.

I still do not see a technical reason why the tabs could not be placed
as a child in the main window container and the graphic window is then
resizing itself to match the width. This would not withstand stand-alone
windows, since the simple windows and elements still maintain their own
resources, the only difference then is that the container would be
completely filled (in width) by the graphic child.

As a matter of fact, the other elements still are in a container
(examine the application with a subclassing tool), only the tab control
is not.

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AW 3.5

May 1, 2004, 6:22pm
It was not about the toolbar - the action (gesture) buttons is the
problem. :-)

Of course, one can make all actions 1 or 2 letters only, but that
wouldn't be much talkative anymore. Even with a lot of abbreviations,
the maximum action buttons was until 3.4 at 20-25, now it will shrink to
about 15-20.
What is needed is some new method of calling actions - for example a the
transformation into the possibility of pictogram style buttons combined
with a fly in/out action bar (actually, why are the toolbars rollbars
and not fly out bars that can be placed horizontally too...).

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CopyCat Uni Spammers

May 1, 2004, 6:00am
AW browser version 4.0 shall be a multiverse browser anyway with which
you can visit all other universes.

AW probably does not really care whether other universes are advertised,
since when other universes have a lot of visitors, their owners are
likely to upgrade and maintain the license - AW is in the lucky position
that, whether in the own or in another universe, they always get a share
somehow. :-)

Plus - why not let people know about other universes who would like to
have visitors (not private or small group ones), the whole AW community
wins from it, because it is better that an unsatisfied person leaves for
another universe in the same community than to leave for a complete
different product.

However, I'd rather fancy some list or information at AWgate or in the
help file than announcements, which I consider to be vocal environment

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3.6 confirmed...

May 2, 2004, 10:36am
Has anybody tried out yet whether (and how) you can disable streaming in
the client (or the command as a world-wide option)?

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good post BRO

May 7, 2004, 6:58am
Let's consider they would and let us consider they have 4 worlds of P100
- here a calculation over 5 years:

In AW, 4 worlds with 20 citizens each would be 4*1150$ = 4600$ per year
= 23000$ in 5 years. Let's further say they got 200 citizens who pay
each 70$ per year = 200*70*5 = 70000$, altogether = 93000$ total
expenses (citizens+world owners).

A universe of the same size as 4 worlds of P100 would be 62000$ plus a
yearly update fee of 25000, thus in 5 years it would be = 162000$ (plus
the costs of running an own uniserver) total expenses.

As we can see, even in this calculation, the ends would not meet - let
alone that there are probably more than just 5 worlds (or more
precisely: more than the combined size of 5*P100), which would open the
gap even more.

A universe will only "pay off" when you got a huge number of citizens
AND a small combined world size - when you either have a small number of
citizens OR a big combined worlds size, staying with AW is much less

A viable solution would be when AW opens up an Adult Universe with the
same world and citizen fees - in this case, adult worlds could migrate
to the adult universe.

On the other hand - I fail to see the problem, still, after following
discussions for so many years. Every browser has a teleport button with
which you can leave worlds not suited, and moreover, each computer has a
"off" button with which you can immediately stop any indecent influence
on you.

And children, well they should not sit in front of the computer
unattended, HOWEVER - there is nobody out there who really believes
that 1) children are not exposed to any "indecency" (which is defined
in each culture and nation differently anyway) in their daily life or 2)
children become "spoiled" by seeing a naked breast or hearing a bad
word (a) in fact, I never have heard in any country so many swear words
even in normal conversations as in the USA and (b) in Europe, each child
sees nude persons everyday on magazines in the stores or on TV at family
times on family stations, and still, the teenage pregnancy in Europe is
significantly lower than for example in the USA, same for criminal acts
of children and teenagers (and the country with the biggest porn
industry and output of porn videos is ... the US, while at the same
time, a peeking Jackson-breast is close to a national catastrophy.
Especially in the USA, I have a problem to understand why the
broadcasting of how to unnaturally end a life (murder, war) is fine
while the natural creation and existance of life (sex, nudity) is bad...

In conclusion, this issue is not a problem of indecent content (what a
wishful thinking - I do not see it so it doesn't exist?), it is an issue
of education, common sense and life/society environment - and all of
those cannot be corrected or even lead by rating symbols, beep sounds,
white and blacklists or witchhunt-style discussions, but only by
tolerance, explanation and demonstration, coupled with the basic ability
how to operate a human brain.

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Lost Friend

May 20, 2004, 12:21pm

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Somewhat OT: Professional 3D

May 21, 2004, 10:04am
I am using Vue D'Esprit to make still scenes - nice program, but nothing
for the casual user due its complexity.

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There there...

May 22, 2004, 9:48am

Help Please...

May 26, 2004, 12:58pm
What nowhere is mentioned, btw: you cannot store received files in the
root directory, when a root is set as the default (or from the last time
you have _sent_ a file), receiving will always fail.

There are more oddites though - I have 2 computer on the same switch,
but connected to the internet via different gateways. Both computers and
both gateways are set up exactly the same and I can send files from A to
B, but not from B to A <g>.

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Help Please...

May 26, 2004, 3:48pm
Probably you have tried to put in a non-existing directory - you also
can manually set up the ini file section like:


This requires that you have already a folder named awfiles on your C:
drive. Make also sure that there are no other [transfer] sections in the
ini file.

When you do not want to edit the ini file, just let someone send you a
file and, before transmission starts, manually select a folder to store
that file into, eg. C:\awfiles (must exist already). After that and when
you log out, the line in aworld.ini will have changed to the selected

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Contact List vanishing

May 28, 2004, 12:03am
Looks very likely so as it is a problem on the side of your provider.
400ms is quite a big number for a broadband connection, you would expect
that rather with a modem connection. A "normal" response time would be
ca. 10-40ms, depending on the distance (add ca. 70-90 for cross-american
and/or cross-atlantic).

Large repsonse times and packet losses point to insufficent lines, most
probably it is a load problem in your resp. Verios case.

With a good connection, disconnects from the universe server should
almost never happen.

Other reasons for a broken connection could be eg. an overload on your
side, for example in the router or gateway (when you use those) or in
your machine itself, eg. temporarily not enough sockets or short
timeouts (when you are up- or downloading heavily at the same time or
some other application steals the computing slots or freezes the

In a good environment, you should be able to maintain the server
connection for days without any interruption.

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disadvantage to 3.5..

Jun 2, 2004, 2:32am
Same for receiving files.

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Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 11, 2004, 6:45pm


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Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 16, 2004, 5:48am
One of the oldest units of length measurement used in the ancient world
was the 'cubit' which was the length of the arm from the tip of the
finger to the elbow. This could then be subdivided into shorter units
like the foot, hand (which at 4 inches is still used today for
expressing the height of horses) or finger, or added together to make
longer units like the stride. The cubit could vary considerably due to
the different sizes of people.

As early as the middle of the tenth century it is believed that the
Saxon king Edgar kept a "yardstick" at Winchester as the official
standard of measurement. A traditional tale tells the story of Henry I
(1100-1135) who decreed that the yard should be "the distance from the
tip of the King's nose to the end of his outstretched thumb"

In Edward I's reign (1272-1307) the yard (or Ulna) and its sub- and
aggregated divisions were defined.

"It is remembered that the Iron Ulna of our Lord the King contains three
feet and no more; and the foot must contain twelve inches, measured by
the correct measure of this kind of ulna; that is to say, one
thirty-sixth part [of] the said ulna makes one inch, neither more nor
less.... It is ordained that three grains of barley, dry and round make
an inch, twelve inches make a foot; three feet make an ulna; five and a
half ulna makes a perch (rod); and forty perches in length and four
perches in breadth make an acre."

The perch or rod, as it was also known, was a traditional Saxon land
measure and survives in twentieth century. It had originally been
defined as the total length of the left feet of the first sixteen men to
leave church on Sunday morning.


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Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 16, 2004, 5:55am
By the 18th century, dozens of different units of measurement were
commonly used throughout the world. Length, for example, could be
measured in feet, inches, miles, spans, cubits, hands, furlongs, palms,
rods, chains, leagues and more. The lack of common standards led to a
lot of confusion and significant inefficiencies in trade between
countries. At the end of the century, the French government sought to
alleviate this problem by devising a system of measurement that could be
used throughout the world. In 1790, the French National Assembly
commissioned the Academy of Science to design a simple, decimal-based
system of units; the system they devised is known as the metric system.
In 1960, the metric system was officially named the Système
International d'Unités (or SI for short) and is now used in nearly every
country in the world except for the United States. The metric system is
almost always used in scientific measurement.

The simplicity of the metric system stems from the fact that there is
only one unit of measurement (or base unit) for each type of quantity
measured (length, mass, etc.). The three most common base units in the
metric system are the meter, gram and liter. The meter is a unit of
length equal to 3.28 feet; the gram is a unit of mass equal to
approximately 0.0022 pounds (about the mass of a paper clip); and the
liter is a unit of volume equal to 1.05 quarts. So length, for example,
is always measured in meters in the metric system, regardless of whether
you are measuring the length of your finger or the length of the Nile
river - you use the meter.

To simplify things, very large and very small objects are expressed as
multiples of 10 of the base unit. For example, rather than saying that
the Nile river is 6,650,000 meters long, we can say that it is 6,650
thousand-meters long. This would be done by adding the prefix 'kilo'
(meaning 1,000) to the base unit 'meter' to give us 6,650 kilometers for
the length of the Nile river. This is much simpler than the American
system of measurement in which we have to remember inches, feet, miles,
and many more units of measurement. Metric prefixes can be used with
any base unit. For example, while a kilometer is 1,000 meters, a
kilogram is 1,000 grams and a kiloliter is 1,000 liters.

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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 9, 2004, 8:34am
To be added: I have not noticed is with the beta versions, but the final
version now let me fall through floors again very often (to fix: leave
the world and come back and the floor is solid again).

This fall-through-bug was introduced with V3.3 and had never been fixed
in a final version since.

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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 14, 2004, 10:08am
This actually made sense because the 3.6 version ONLY introduced the
media command and was not supposed (and did not) include any other
feature or option.

Whether is it wise to introduce a new feature before all fixes for old
ones were being made is another issue and discussion.

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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 14, 2004, 10:26am
I do see, though, a valid point of critics here, even when it was not
outspoken but more induced.

I noticed, too, that most of the beta testers seem to have been chosen
from a technical point of view, which might be questionable. The design
of the client includes not only technical issues, but also questions of
useability and appeareance, and it would make perfect sense when you
also have representatives of the wow-all-the-colors-and-sounds and the
where-are-my-glasses user groups, as well as from groups who use the
program in a less-technical sense (who walk around in the landscape to
experience details rather than fly to reach a target, who use it only
for talking face to face and not for building or messaging, etc.).

Although the main perspective of the developers lie, naturally, on the
technical side, I have on numerous occasions tried to intervene and to
bring non-technical also into the discussion.

In my humble opinion, a beta test should test the complete end product
with all its appearences and impressions, including "feels" and
triggered emotions, and not just or mainly the technical aspects (hint
word: acceptance), and this is especially true for a product that is
made up almost only from its "look" (only that is, what a user sees in
the end and while using it).

I have seen over the years here in the newsgroups many reactions to new
versions, and most of the negative reactions were a result from outer
and inner design changes - while complaints about technical
insufficiencies were more rare.

Therefore, I think the discussion taking place here now, is not a
negative thing per se and testers and non-testers and developers try to
understand why one groups thinks this and the other group that. :-)

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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 14, 2004, 11:05am
Yes, the 3.6 changes were purely of internal/technical nature, other
than the 3.5 release.

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Why no 3.6 Beta for general community???

Jul 14, 2004, 8:36pm
I do not read about any new features or options being included. :-)

But apart from that, you did not quote from the invitation letter to the
testers which stated without any doubt that the 3.6 revision only deals
with media, though some obvious fixes of problems would be possible when
they were along the way and would not take too long.
I quote here:

It is to test the embedded media player, to improve features and
capabilities of it. The first phase of this beta cycle will only be
about the new multimedia capabilities. All other concerns can be
discussed later.
The plan is, to have 3.6 out as soon as any possible

This makes hopefully the intentions of the 3.6 beta test more clear. :-)

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Jul 28, 2004, 1:39am
I tested the 61.76 (not 77 though) a few days ago, and, on a GeForce4TI
card, the results were extremely bad. Occasional flying polygons and
frequent holes in the terrain using mode DD8+TL, while the performance
was not better than before. I went then back to the last stable version

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Jul 31, 2004, 11:09pm
No idea really - I tested now 61.76 also on a GF5900 with the same
problem-result. :-(

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Jul 31, 2004, 11:11pm
The current release deals mostly with DX9 and the fx6800 series, but it
seems it makes Dx8 worse for some other models - however, as we know
from ATI for a long time, not always is the latest driver also the best
one <g>.

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Aug 1, 2004, 11:41am
It does not work on 3 of my computer with GF4/4400, GF5900 and the
directx versions 8.1, 9.0a and 9.0b. :-)

It works neither with W98SE nor with X/P, I got reports from some others
that they have similar problems, might be a problem with certain cards
or certain configurations (I did not try all possible settings, only the
performance-noantialias-nofilter setting which is use all the time).

I tried then the last 3 nvidia drivers, they all work perfect in all
regards, the (for me broken) 61.76 one results in ca. 3% higher
framerates though, but this can origin in the non-correct rendering.

But anyway, I do not bother since almost all new features in this driver
only apply to dx9 and GF 6xxx anyway, which I both do not use. :-)

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Aug 1, 2004, 11:46am
BTW, the changes in 61.76 are:

- WHQL Certification
- Add support for GeForce 6800 series support
- Complete support for NVIDIA PCI-E GPUs
- Consumer electronic display support for DVI-based digital displays,
such as widescreen plasma screens (CEA/EIA-861B)
- QuickZoom – ease eye strain and enable ergonomic computing with easy
Windows magnification
- Updated application profiles allow users to assign multiple profiles
for each application
- Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0b and OpenGL® 1.5 support

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Aug 1, 2004, 12:00pm
From a gamers forum:

I've done some research, and i found out that; with ASUS cards like the
5600XT, 5700, 5900 & 5950 Ultra (at the moment i only found these cards)
has a driver-level overclocking issue with the current 6X.XX driver
series (i only checked up to 61.76).
In many forums, (such as NvPlanet & Guru3D), you can find alot of people
complaning about low 3D performance on their ASUS cards as soon as they
enable CoolBits 1/2 overclocking in the NV Display Properties in the
ForceWare 60 Driver Release Series(or with RivaTuner/Asus SmartDoctor or
anyother driver-level overclocking utility)
I just thought it would be nice to share the results of my small
frustrated research...as i'm also one of these victims.

6X.XX drivers works perfectly with out driver-level overclocking and it
also works perfectly when its ONLY hardware overclocked from utilities
like PowerStrip 3 (I tried 3.50 & powerstrip claims it hardware
overclocks, not that i'm 100% sure of this)

My problems happen on an ASUS 4400 and MSI 5900 card, but in Non-OC
state, though (however, the PC itself is 10% OC, which might be the
reason here - no idea). But at least I know definitely I am not the only
one having problems with the series 60 drivers <g>.

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To Nvidia Geforce users

Aug 2, 2004, 4:58pm
There is a signed one, I think the 61.77(s).

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Sound playing slow whilst using aw

Aug 2, 2004, 8:29pm
When you got a nvidia driver (GF card), try various driver versions,
especially in the 45-55 range, and do not only try the ones from nvidia
directly, but also the ones that MS is offering. This helped in numerous
cases with this problem. We spent hours to try to find out other
reasons, but could not find anything else (providing DX, sound card, DMA
etc. is all set up correctly and shows no errors).

There seems to be an incompability of certain computers with certain
nvidia drivers, but no pattern we were able to pinpoint.

There is a very good chance that

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Help Tech's of ActiveWorld Please ;)

Nov 8, 2004, 10:15pm
Last upgrade I did from a onboard needed to have jumpers on
the motherboard set.

Was that like 1970? :-)

Normally you will find a simple BIOS option which switches the onboard
graphics on or off, the by far hardest part in installing a new graphic
card is to get rid of the old driver (most people do not switch to a
plain VGA driver prior to switching to a diffrent type of card).

What was not yet pointed out in this thread is that most mainboards sold
in the USA do not have a special graphic card slot called "AGP slot",
esepcially not when they have onboard graphics. Now, most graphic cards
of higher performance require this slot, but the entry models are mostly
available in a "PCI slot" version as well, which can be used in any
computer (PCI is the normal slot where you plug in network, sound, etc.
cards as well). Their performance is a bit weaker than that of AGP cards
and they are about 25-50% more expensive, but at least they save you
from having to replace your complete mainboard.

Avoid the NEW PCIe/PCIx slot mainboards, they will become standard in
1-2 years, but for now, the regular mainboards are better and more

On the other hand, for those who have a lucky hand with computer
assembling (which is not hard at all anymore since today a computer
consists of around 6-7 parts only, 2 being a fan <g>), might pick some
of the less expensive motherboards with AGP slot (around 100$ and less)
- they usually serve well for all average useages.


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Help Tech's of ActiveWorld Please ;)

Nov 9, 2004, 11:40am

Then the market in the USA must be extremely different from most markets
in Europe - even more than the last time I looked deeper into it (I
assemble computers as a hobby <g>).

For example, in Germany, brand names do not play any bigger role here, I
would estimate 80% and more of all desktop computers sold are "no-name"
machines. Most are sold via electronic markets and food (yup!)
supermarkets at quite low prices. At local computer stores, where they
build you a system after your specification for around 40$ extra (or yu
buy the components and assemble it yourself), you won't pay much either,
but get better quality components.

Almost all systems sold (except the office systems for ca. 150$, which
one almost cannot assemble onself for that price) have an AGP
motherboard, some with onboard graphics that one can easily disable in
the BIOS. Computers without AGP slot can hardly be sold here - except
for pure office machines or for ones labelled as "starter" computers.

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