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An intriguing question...

Jun 9, 2006, 6:07am
It happened.


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the screen shot button

Jun 8, 2006, 11:59am
You must edit screenshot = 1 to a higher value or something like that in
aworld.ini... I'm in a rush, so I can't post the parameters right now, but
that allows you to snap up as many images as you want, without overwriting
existing ones.

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"Undocumented" 4.1 Features

Jun 9, 2006, 2:30pm
* World Server Plugins

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 11, 2006, 11:28pm
To fix the problem, purchase high-speed internet.

Although it sounds like I'm being mean, its the only way -- AWI won't be
fixing it anytime soon.

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 12, 2006, 11:02am
What world(s) does it occour in? Are you hosting anything? Any other
connection-demanding programs open?

How often does it occour, and is it a simple disconnection for a upto a
minute or so, or is it something you need to restart AW to reconnect?

Furthermore, if the disconnection lasts long enough, please check your
contact list - can you tell me if your cotacts are there, or is it empty?
And could you also tell me if you goto the Login -> Citizen dialog, is there
a "Tourist" button at the bottom, or does it simply have "Login" and
"Cancel" on either side?


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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 13, 2006, 9:24am
Informing me of why the problem should be fixed doesn't exactly help anyone
find the problem.

Very difficult to troubleshoot with the given information.

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 13, 2006, 1:08pm
The disconnection lasts upto an hour!?

And I'd be very interested in knowing if the contacts list and tourist
button are visible.

Can really help determine some things.

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dial-up prob with 4.1

Jun 14, 2006, 9:35pm
When you click Login (on the menu bar), then Citizen, the citizen login
dialog (requests citizen name and password), it will have three buttons at
the bottom; "OK", "Tourist", "Cancel"

Usually when disconnected in such a way, the tourist button is not there, as
it is the default to remove it when universe status is unknown.

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 3:14am
And to think I was going to ask AWI for assistance in the GTA-Project --
much rather the opposite.

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 9:24am
Anyone else notice that when *developers* are talking, they always seem to
use the word "Actual"

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Digging their own grave

Jun 17, 2006, 1:10pm
Guess who I'm talking about.

They wanted better.. 4.1 delievered.
They wanted more customers.. 4.1 delivered.
They wanted more security... 4.1 delievered.

They wanted more projects and more customizability by developers. 4.1 has
not only steered clear of it, it has slammed the handbrake and changed to
reverse without touching the clutch. Creek, clack.. and we're going the
wrong way.

Digging their own grave

Jun 18, 2006, 8:18am
How do you force security measures onto a group of developers who are really
promoting the base of the company?

It is much a figure of speech, inspired by my tiredness.

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Double ghost???

Jun 19, 2006, 1:28am
Virtual ghost at the most.

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Jun 22, 2006, 12:16pm
Use to happen to me.. not much lately. Probally because my telegrams are
loaded up so much now, it just works normally.

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is it a hole...or a cigarette

Jun 24, 2006, 3:11am
"Hole" is on the naughty list? Anyone who would know what one could be
refering to in the offensive nature, would be well capable of seeing the
word in the chat box.

Not like AWI would get emails from parents saying their son/daughter has
picked up the word "hole" from a online chat program.

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happy Bday AWI

Jun 28, 2006, 10:09am
AWI says thank you.
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Come see the new awnews

Jul 2, 2006, 10:39pm
Weird.. OE opens C:\Documents & Settings\Josh when I click your first link.

Otherwise, good news.

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MY Award

Jul 5, 2006, 8:00am

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last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 10:42pm
Suuuure... Chrispeg would do something like that, when he wouldn't even add
a few extra coords or users to my world!?

Thats not the Chrispeg I know!


last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 11:54pm
Hacks, exploits, any other staff member besides Chrispeg, someone outside
the AWI team who managed to either hacked or get a hold of the AWLD priv
password, etc.

There are numerous explainations, although some not so common, but you can't
say it is not possible.

The main thing I'm wondering, out of all the staff - why did you choose
Chrispeg? Apparently, he has had trouble with you, or the other way around.

What I understand is, there is some form of problem between you two, maybe
due to a communication barrier or something? Regardless, either he is
playing tricks on you, or you are just trying to get him into trouble for
something that you know he is/was going to to do you? My reason for thinking
that, is he has now mentioned that you have been hiding bots around GZ or
something? You may have sought a way to cover it up with trying to get back
at him? I'm in no way trying to attack you here, as I don't even know Chris'
side of things, all he did was formerly say what he has done in what I
believe is, unrelated terms. He may have reason to not deny the rumours, for
whatever reason, maybe due to something that has been said to him by one of
his superiors in AWI.

Anyways, sort it out with Chris and the rest of AWI personally, don't bring
it into the public discussion *unless* you are sure you are making the
correct accusations and AWI has done nothing for you in the first place.
Bringing it here will just make problems worse.

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Blank Telegrams

Jul 7, 2006, 10:36pm
I reported this long ago.. still hasn't been fixed, but then again, not
exactly a high-priority bug.

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AW on Vista

Jul 10, 2006, 10:41am

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AW on Vista

Jul 11, 2006, 7:41am
I never bothered downloading Vista before because of my many Linux
installations - can anyone please tell me if there is any place to download

Apparently Microsoft ended the beta? And don't be silly - I'm requesting
LEGAL downloads, or a "no more beta" reponse.

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AW on Vista

Jul 11, 2006, 10:59am
Just my luck.
Oh well.. I'm sure my legal friend has a legal copy of this..*Hops off

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Renew World on website broken

Jul 19, 2006, 4:49am
Have you done these actions using the same website before? The renewal may
work, but the size and user upgrade may require AWI to actually proccess the
request themselves.

Other than that, because it is a P100, it may have a security check in place
(AWI must check the transaction), as P100 worlds are what little credit card
theives purchase.

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Renew World on website broken

Jul 19, 2006, 2:23pm
Level3. :P
Sorry.. Had to pick up on that one.

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Renew World on website broken

Jul 20, 2006, 9:54pm
More like adding one to the existing world, which didn't have enough room
for it, originally.

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GTA Project: Staff Needed

Jul 24, 2006, 8:06am
Greetings to the Active Worlds Community,

The Grand Theft Auto project has recently had a huge development - even
though we have even more recently had a slump in activity (due to myself
being involved in real-world issues)

I would personally like to notify you all of the status of the project - and
to let you all know that we have now gone back to the heavy-workload stage.

The few citizens that I have let in have found the progress "simply
I would like to showcase it to all users, but at this time - there is still
much to be done. Once we have got a suffiecent workload completed, I will
begin showing it to more users.

I would also like to inform you all that we are still seeking staff to help
assist with the project.

The following positions are open:

* Programmer - C++ and/or Visual Basic with reasonable knowledge of the
Active Worlds SDK - .NET is great, but not essential.
Knowledge of incorporating bots into websites is also requested - .ASP, .PHP
or other.

* 3D Artist - Preferably 3D Max. Previous experience with RWX essential

* Graphic Artist - Generic in-world graphics (i.e billboard images)

* Webmaster - Will create and maintain the project website

Please reply here, or telegram equin0x in-world.

Our current (and badly designed) website can be found at
http://www.onlaunch.com/ - Keep in mind it is only a quick website for us to
work on.

Thanks for the support!

- Equin0x (#349705) -
Project Leader

GTA Project: Staff Needed

Jul 27, 2006, 9:39am
Don't have access to my webspace at this time, so I quickly put them on
Imageshack - thought you would all like to see what we have done in the

I thought it would be best to post screenshots of areas that are
recognizable by the average GTA player, so here they are. Please reply and
let the team know what you think of our work!


GTA Project: Staff Needed

Jul 27, 2006, 11:28am
Copyright issues are only a problem if one or more of the following are

1. The project using copyrighted material is used for financial gain.
2. The project has any form of commercial involvement.
3. The content is unchanged from its original state.

We are not gaining any money from the project
The project is completely personal and an individual non-commercial hobbie.
The content has been changed in such a way, that it is impossible for anyone
to find and download all the different models, textures, etc. - then convert
them back to the original GTA format to use them as they could if they
actually bought the game.

If they were to get the models + textures and reconvert them to GTA format,
they would need to convert the models through .3ds then to GTA format -
which is very hard and time consuming. The images need to be converted back
to .bmp then repacked in a GTA format file.
If they wanted to use the models somewhere else, they would still be
required to convert the images to .3ds which is just as hard.

And we are considering a system to verify that the user has bought a
legitimate copy of GTA: San Andreas. ;)

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