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Minimum Visibility = 200m

Jul 28, 2006, 1:58am
As crazy as it may sound for some, I believe I should have the right, as a
world owner, to set the minimum visibility to 200m.

It is my world. If I have the ability to use such objects and techniques
that viewing my world at 200m results in no lag whatsoever, I should be able
to set it to maximum visibility.

I say this because, AW should be stepping more to a game-development
environment for those with such talent, just as Second Life has.
This way, the average user has no differences - but the "developers" in AW
have more things to work with, therefore - the average user can have a more
intense experience in Active Worlds.

Now, my computer is far from the best - and I have tested the world with
many other people on 200m visibility, everyone reports no lag at all. And my
world doesn't have a low number of objects or poly count - it is a p30
filled with real gaming models - and it works great.

Due to the nature of the world and the models it contains, we need to keep
it at a minimum of 200m visibility (if we could exceed it, it would be way
better). As the world grows, we have concepts of how to keep the lag at a
minimum with such features as fog and such.

Minimum Visibility = 200m

Jul 28, 2006, 5:47am
Being my world, I may choose to only let the users with a reasonable system
in my world.

I could start all new users in a empty area isolated from everything, and
give them a warning about how the world may not be suitable for them.

You see, it is something that really should be upto the world owner - its
not like you have these sort of limitations when making your own program or

Worlds are not free, nor are they cheap - if I want to limit the world to a
handful of users, I should be able to.

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Minimum Visibility = 200m

Jul 28, 2006, 10:45am
Thats simple enough, thanks a lot for that.

I guess the only thing now is to have my wish changed to "increased
visibility limit". :)

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Minimum Visibility = 200m

Aug 2, 2006, 4:46am
Less than a 1% chance that they will ever use your code.
And for the record - I'm not implying its a bad code. :)

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Minimum Visibility = 200m

Aug 2, 2006, 12:01pm
Not very nice to say about AWI's programmer-to-be. :P

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Oct 13, 2002, 7:51am
I could not care less. However, I do not want to me a grinch.

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Oct 14, 2002, 5:33am
Have no idea, just got bored. Anyway I noticed Bruce says that his world
attracts hackers. Hackers are people that steal paths?
They are not worthy of the title hacker.

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 5, 2002, 4:16am
Best RPG is coming...

MAFIA RPG - Lots of jobs open

Nov 5, 2002, 4:09am

Me and the rest of the company of Cyberox are interested in making a Mafia
RPG, we have a large world which can be upgraded, it takes advantage of many
3.4 features and allows tourists (Mafia world).

We are currently seeking the following people:

- Builders
- Object Modelers
- Art/Texture designers
- Programmers (C++, VB, Delphi)
- Beta testers (Highly suggested that you are using 3.4, although it is
not a requirment)
- Story writers.

If you can handle any position, please email xeroer at optusnet.com.au for more
information. You can also telegram Equin0x.

Thank You.

A!!CT has been renewed

Nov 22, 2002, 7:46am
the best objects in the whole AW??

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A!!CT has been renewed

Nov 23, 2002, 9:08pm
she? NCC 71854 is female??

This brings a whole new story to me...

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A!!CT has been renewed

Nov 28, 2002, 10:53pm
Poor NCC...

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AW Flight Mode - How to get it before they think to introduce it in AW 5.9 or something...

Nov 20, 2002, 7:12pm

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Check this out

Dec 10, 2002, 6:33am


Dec 18, 2002, 7:10pm
[View Quote] Meaning how they know how long you have been present in the world?

Its a world server plugin programmed by Grimm...

And, active, no. Just presence is calculated.

You could easily program a bot to do the same just by checking the world
server, although wouldn't be as affective.


Dec 21, 2002, 5:05am
I wish people would read everything.


> And, active, no. Just presence is calculated.


hopefully that will work

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Dec 19, 2002, 9:51pm
You get excited AFTER watching a movie?

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3.4 advanced!

Dec 23, 2002, 2:54am
I will get some details. I tried this once before with 3.4 features,
although failed due to lack of support.

I am interested in turning AW's features into a game. But as I said, lack of
support. Now I am making a game by itself with a devteam.

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AWTeen GZ Closed due to Health Warning

Dec 21, 2002, 5:09am

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Feb 7, 2003, 8:44pm
AW3K ILLEGAL!? I better stop hosting it then

(Once again, those taking me seriously need a better life)

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Feb 7, 2003, 11:03pm
oh no! I don't host! It was the cat! Yeh! THE CAT!!

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Feb 9, 2003, 5:55am
he he he...look...a...a...uh...LOOK ITS ENZO!


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Feb 9, 2003, 5:56am
Well, since this NG has the spam it does, I thought I would ask who shares
the theory of Earth being another planet's hell?


Feb 14, 2003, 3:36am
In other words, hell only exists for however long your in it.

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Ok just my opinion

Feb 15, 2003, 7:05am
How about they just put it under the A1CT newsgroup?

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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 4:17am
Well, just asking, do you mean your own universe or goto another universe
and start up more a!!ct worlds?

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Is it true?

Feb 10, 2003, 4:18am
It's actually a false rumor, I do believe.

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illegal universe - MAKING A PROFIT OUT OF IT!

Feb 20, 2003, 6:20am
An illegal universe is one thing, but when they begin to profit from it, it
makes me sick.

http://www.emotionfm.nl.tt/ is currently making money by selling worlds and
citizen ships.
The software IS up for download, under "Emotion 3D"

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Apr 11, 2003, 11:02pm
You cant spell, your attampt to kick him out is stupid and he is not a
hacker. If he can hack Aw software, then...hell, im not even going to
bother... He can't hack it.

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3.4 my opinion for what it's worth

Apr 16, 2003, 7:56am
Don't want it?
Don't download it.
Actually, they dont even have it asking to upgrade, it is availible to
download if you choose, but there is not even a messege box for it.

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