d a n // User Search
d a n // User Search
Feb 25, 2003, 2:55pm
True, True ;-)
D a n
Mar 8, 2003, 11:59am
1. Use a spellchecker
2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
D a n
Mar 26, 2003, 5:45pm
doesnt work for me, its only a java script but im using a CD / CD-RW combo
so its classed as 2 cd drives and doesnt work for me ~_~
D a n
Aug 8, 2003, 9:44am
*nods head*
D a n
Aug 8, 2003, 6:02am
[View Quote]"dlp anne" <anne at dreamlandpark.com> wrote in message
news:3f32e5a7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 25, 2003, 8:09am
No, the devil :P
D a n
Nov 27, 2003, 9:29am
> BURN HIM! (not you, Builderz.... the person who posted!)
No... Assimilate Him. (or atleast his INTREPID)
D a n
(My INTREPID is way better :P)
Apr 25, 2002, 5:23pm
I've seen that its brilliant,
Telegram A1CTTourist5 on AW. he might help.
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cc83ce0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ive just found this...
> http://a1cttourist5.tripod.com/awvideo.wmv
> A full advert for Active Worlds thats absolutly stunning. This is the
> awc's dreams are made of (guess thats why he copyrighted it). Its by
> A1CTTourist5 :)
> -Mark
May 1, 2002, 2:32pm
You can't, you click catagories.
[View Quote]"a1cttourist5" <pineriver at thenett.com> wrote in message
news:3ccb8251$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 7, 2002, 11:32am
When i swithced to DirectX 8.0 Mode I got an error in D3D8.dll or something
like that, its ok now but then it kept crashing again. After a restart its
[View Quote]"allen iverson" <Allenv12 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3cf82de9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Has Anyone else experienced AW 3.3 Crashing Alot or is it just me?
> Allen Iverson
Jun 7, 2002, 11:37am
Funny! I've never laughed so much in the AW Community!
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cf8c44f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a hillarious extract from AWTEEN's NG's at
> news://andras.net/AW.AWTeen i think youd like :)
> -------------------------By Mark---------------------------------------
> Mountain Myst has gone and borrowed Cryonics' credit card to use for the
> purpose of "entertaining the active worlds community" and she has gone and
> kindly organised a huge AWTEEN reunion in Hawaii and paid for it using
> Cryonics credit card (Well, 200 people 2 weeks in Hawaii aint going to
> off 1% of what he has - I doubt he even noticed when MM came back in
> and going to get her Swimsuit and invite some of the other people at AWC).
> So we all arrive at Hawaii. CarlBanks almost was airsick and we managed to
> get Robbie's laptop before he hacked into the planes flight controls and
> started flying our plane. But we made it in 1 piece!
> To utter amazement Chanty has brought a water pistol with "TP" written on
> the side of it to "keep everyone in order" and thinks seem to be going
> great.
> While Mark and the MaEC are sitting around a table drinking orange juice
> while planning how to finish Survivor 5 in under 2 weeks while Chanty,
> Sophie and Steph go bobbing for apples in a big bucket. (What they are
> wearing is upto them :P), everyone is having fun, Phalaphe is trying his
> best to learn to windsurf and Poseidon is sat on a seat outside his Limo
> flew all the way over from the USA. Meanwhile Robbie was trying his
> to hack into the local ISP while Eric and Carl play in the sand together
> building the "Church Of Eric" onto to have it obliterated by a wave every
> seconds.
> The waves were splashing and the BBQ was making a great smell of food as
> Jasmine attempted to run along the front of the water trying to avoid the
> waves.
> --------------------------By Robbie------------------------------------
> Note: JP = Cryonics and Rick = Enzo
> --------------------------------------------
> While MM is sitting with Princess Lauren and MIKsam on the beach. Robbie
> sneaks up and steals JPs Credit Card and tip toes back to his computer
> laughing evilly.
> Meanwhile in Boston, the Active Worlds server lies pwerless in the corner
> a darkened room while Rick and JP use the plug socket for the kettle.
> wanders into the room;
> "Right lads, I'm off" Started Roland, "I'd like to take this oportunity to
> thank you for all these-"
> "Yeah Yeah, whatever...just make sure you double bill a few credit cards
> before you go to pay for the Porsch I bough yesterday afternoon."
> Interrupted Rick.
> Roland sighed, glad he was leaving now and walked out of the room while
> and JP continued to listen to the NFL coverage on the local radio station.
> Suddenly all the light in the Active Worlds iffce went Red and a deafening
> siren began wailing at 30,000 decibels. Rick and JP dropped their mugs of
> coffee and looked at each.
> ACTIVEWORLDS.COM!" The shouted simutaneously. They both got up and ran
> to the nearest console, sweat pour down their faces.
> "Its a good job we included all that spyware in the installation of the AW
> Browser, arent you glad we did it now, eh?" Said JP, exitedly and opened
> Sub7, connected to the customers IP Address and opened up screen capture.
> Rick and JP's pupils transformed into dollar signs as they saw the mouse
> the possible customer hovering over the U4000 pricing option.
> They say motionless watching the users every movement tentatively.
> A few minutes later Rick and JP lay on the floor of their office in a pool
> of coffee, their eyes in a satisfied glaze.
> "$62,483" they both repeated over and over again.
> Rick sat up, "Awww Shit! Roland left already. We could of had him double
> bill this credit card too."
> JP stood up slow, "Don't worry, he said he left intructions on how to do
> on the fridge."
> "Which one?" Asked Rick "We have four."
> JP walked over to one of the fridges and pulled a small Active Worlds Post
> It off the front. He read the instructions and then went and sat down at
> console.
> "Riiiight" He started, as he tapped and cliked away.
> A few mintutes later, "Shit. I think I billed it more than twice.."
> "Heh, so what? muahahahhahahahahahah"
> As they sat laughing to themselfs evilly, Robbie over in Hawaii was doing
> just the same as he say with JP's credit card in his hand, looking at his
> laptop screen reading the same message out loud over and over again.
> "Thankyou for purchase an Active Worlds Uniserver, your credit card will
> billed promtly. -Active Worlds Billing Team"
> -------------------------By JP-----------------------------------
> Damn! Theyve found us out! Run for it!
Jun 7, 2002, 11:23am
I dumped my cache and it works!
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3CFC4395.A333FF6A at oct31.de...
> Could it be a problem in your avatars.dat?
> E.g. unpaired keywords
> avatar
> beginimp
> endimp
> beginexp
> endexp
> endavatar
> or spaces where no spaces should be?
> Or the header is missing - not sure what of this is really
> required, but that's how the first lines in mine read :
> # animation registry version 0.3
> version 3 # keep this around
> I guess the first line isn't needed, but the "version 3"
> is necessary I think.
> Sometimes this can cause strange results.
Jun 7, 2002, 11:24am
Not only is it for A1CT but I have set it up for the whole AW Community if
you like, all you have to do is post in General.
Visit http://a1ct.gmnet.uni.cc/ and sign-up and post, Simple. Not many
people have signed up yet so get a post in and it will be front page!
Feel free to discuss about A!!CT and many other forums I've added. keep
checking for more and you are more than welcome to make suggestions at
Community at a1ct.tk or Telegram me! So far, no errors!
[A1CT Network Manager]
Jun 20, 2002, 2:40pm
One of the most popular ways m a t t got peoples cits was faking out to be
A1CTTourist5 to name one said that m a t t posed as MrBruce in the cit AW
Terroist 2
I never ever fall for punctuation or special characters due to I check using
MS Word to see if it is valid
Telegram from MrBruce., sent Fri Jun 14, 2002 20:36:
I need your ppw for a second please
This one was ovious the "." (dot) was a character to fool people. I didn't
fool for it and told him that he is not the real MrBruce.
A1CTTourist5 reported m a t t asking T5 to find out the real MrBruce's ppw.
Myself worked out that m a t t was planning to use a bot under MrBruce's ppw
and wipe the world. MrBruce used up his bot limit at this time running
paintball, ZBot and BuildBot yet this was still a risk.
I spoke to class 3 (PK) and he managed to get A!!CTSUX terminated.
*Keeping you informed*
[A1CT Network Manager]
A1CT Network: www.a1ct.tk
A1CT Forum: http://a1ct.gmnet.uni.cc
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW.
> has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
> conversation took place at the AWGate.
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs
> Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
> Aisley: oh my my
> M a t t: YO
> M a t t: WAZZZUP
> Travman: (to M a t t) what
> "AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
> "SexyLady": wow
> M a t t: remember me
> Travman: in here
> Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
> Take care of yourself.
> Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
> Travman: u too, aisley
> Travman: (to M a t t) of course
> "AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
> "AlexBor": laila tov
> M a t t: I stole this cit
> M a t t: Stole 2 today
> UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
> "AlexBor": jupiter stop it
> Aisley: Lady.. just say no
> Travman: (to M a t t) from who
> Aisley: Night Usul :)
> M a t t: TiffieBooBear
> "SexyLady": maby later Alex
> Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
> Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
> M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
> "AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
> Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
> M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> "AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
> "SexyLady": i know
> M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
> "AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
> "SexyLady": it was a joke
> "AlexBor": or whoever it is
> Aisley: Night Everyone :)
> "Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
> run?
> "AlexBor": oh
> "AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
> Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
> "Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
> "AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
> Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
> M a t t: alright TPCircuit
> "AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
> Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
> "AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
> Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
> all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.
> Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type
> activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
> loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
> with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
> 338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar
> used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
> All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
> I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers
> script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
> every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or
> from possible AW related sites.
> I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus
> from email web addresses such as COF at activeworlds.com when I sent an email
> back to this address it came back there is no such address.
> World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a
> on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to
> that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.
Jun 25, 2002, 5:30pm
AW don't need your citizenship password,
They can see it from their database
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3D112F82.2000105 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Now we get to see how stupid AW citizens *really* are. If anyone falls
> for this, they deserve what they get. Rick and JP may be idiots, but
> they can at least type properly, and don't need Hotmail. :P
> the derek wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> The sad part is, people just *might* fall for it!
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 24, 2002, 3:34pm
June was cancelled :-( but I hope the next one goes of with a blast.
Thanks to MrBruce we got a 30 user limit on A!!CT World so everyone is
The event will start in A!!CT (date and time TBA)
Introduction in A!!CT
Then go off exploring. A!!T2, A!!CT, A!!DISCO, A!!!!!CT and A1CT will all be
open for the hangout.
If you'd like to get your build in the Hangout Scroll
Keep your eyes peeled in the Newsgroups for news!
Jul 13, 2002, 5:01pm
A!!CT has decided to launch ***IGNITE*** on August 17th 2002
Everyone is welcome to help out! See http://a1ct.netfirms.com/event.html for
a list of some of the events planned for then!
D a n will be on holday for 1 week then :-(
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d307001$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello AW community, please forgive my cross-posting, but I have several
> subjects in this one post!
> As some of you know my world A!!CT opened on August 17th 2001 as a 30 day
> trial world called A1CT World.
> I did not plan on it at the time, but I ended up keeping the world and
> opened it up to the AW community as a public building and chat world.
> A!!CT has expanded from a P-10/5 user world to a P-100/30 user world, has
> tourist access and continues to offer it's self to the AW public
> A!!CT World is about to turn one years old! And in celebration of this, I
> making public that I, as the owner of A!!CT and some of our members are
> planning some events to show our appreciation to the community that has
> helped us servive.
> As of this posting, things are still in the works. We are still in the
> planning stages and a complete schedule has not been put together yet.
> The reason for this post is to announce my plans and ask the AW community
> for suggestions and donations of prizes to help award in events.
> I plan on scheduling this as a week long event consuming the week leading
> to or around the 17th of August. I plan to have games, community events,
> awards, prizes, (such as worlds and citizenships) or anything that can be
> donated.
> I have plans of having multi-world events, either involving all my worlds
> including worlds owned by others.
> Although this celebration is based on A!!CT world's first year as a world,
> want this celebration to be based on COMMUNITY, the celebration of
> in AW!
> If you would like to donate time, suggestions, prizes or host an event
> associated with this event, please contact me, either by telegram MrBruce,
> or email me at A1CTWorld at aol.com or contact citizen Mayor Taz.
> Please keep in mind, this is not a private event, but a public community
> event where all are welcomed!
> Thank you for your time, MrBruce A!!CT World owner.
> A!!!!!CT, A!!DISCO, A!!CT, A!!CT2, A!!CTHQ, A!FUTURE and A1CT world owner.
Jul 22, 2002, 9:50am
Ignite cancelled, yet some other ideas
[View Quote]"d a n" <awdan at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d30791c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A!!CT has decided to launch ***IGNITE*** on August 17th 2002
> Everyone is welcome to help out! See http://a1ct.netfirms.com/event.html
> a list of some of the events planned for then!
> D a n will be on holday for 1 week then :-(
> "mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3d307001$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> community!
> am
> up
> or
> I
> "people"
Jul 22, 2002, 9:53am
I can bairley aford mine!
I start paying Jan!
[View Quote]"fg" <citfg at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d3a2b08 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I feel sorry for the kids if that is the problem.
Jul 26, 2002, 3:58pm
Just so no-one gets confused!
No more ideas!!! They are closed
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d3f4768$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi, just droping a line to say Thurdsay night 12:00AM VRT is the deadline
> submit any, events, ideas or suggestions to me for me to add then to A!!CT
> World's one year birthday celebration.
> I need time to piece together a schedule. A!!CT's birthday is August 17th
> 2002, which is a Saturday, we can make this a multi-day event if enough
> things are thought up.
> Please email me at A1CTWorld at aol.com ASAP with ideas or events we can come
> up with. Games with bots are welcomed!
> We are also accepting and welcome any donations for prizes, so please
> out.
> Please although this a world's birthday, let's just make this an all out
> community event!
> Thank you.
> MrBruce and everyone from the A!!CT World Community.
Aug 5, 2002, 11:56am
Looking at the world, on the rate of everything, the max people I have seen
on the world is 2! (excluding activities)
Anyone else agree?
- D a n
Psst... anyone there, or was it a mouse that shrieked!
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d4d88bb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes, it's time for another weekend update to the happenings of NG Survivor
> 2.
> Things were pretty quiet around camp as we finished off a VERY LONG third
> week. Both tribes were barely noticeable on the World map, as campsites
> looked more like devastated pieces of nothing, and this is AFTER we got
> OP 80% back. :) The diminishing Nebewi tribe all but vanished except for
> fragile Ambient Spirit still hoping to get a 3dtree to grow from the piles
> of salted dirt given to her. Lioness and maki have random discussions on
> they've given up on the game. Mod flies around like a vulture looking for
> any piece of dead avatar carcus to feed his tribe of cranky eight. But in
> actuality, D a n, Gamecube, and Eric have barely made cameo appearences
> inworld. Could he young'uns be so confident in their place in the game
> they don't even have to show up? Or are they just lazy teenagers? What
> mystery.
> But somewhere in the midst of it all, an Immunity Challenge came up. And
> were these survivors enthusiastic. :) It's partially my fault since it was
> last minute, and thanks to that, a record number of 2 contestants showed
> for my best challenge yet. :) Here's a recap:
> The challenge was called Tribal Feud. It's pretty much a simplified
> of Family Feud. For Robego's maki and Nebewi's Ambient Spirit, who didn't
> know what Family Feud was, I explained to them the rules. A survey
> was given to 200 people, and Ambie and maki were supposed to guess the top
> answers. The team (or in this case, contestant) that gets the last answer
> wins the game. You keep on guessing until you get a wrong guess. In which
> case, you get a Strike, and the other team gets to answer. Three strikes
> you lose. The question was "What do people chew on when they get nervous?"
> Ambient clicked the cup first and got to guess first. She correctly
> one of the six answers, and chose to go again instead of pass her turn to
> maki. Remember, it's not who gets the most answers, it's who gets the last
> answer, kinda like Pool. Ambient continued, and finally struck out once.
> maki guessed two more answers until he struck out. maki nearly lost it for
> Robego when he was pressured to forfeit because he had to go afk. But,
> a team player, he continued on for Robego. Ambient again struck out, and
> then maki. Ambient had only one chance to get the last two answers, she
> could not guess incorrectly or else would've lost the challenge. And
> exactly what she did, losing Tribal Feud and sending Nebewi off to their
> third Tribal Council. :( maki wins for Robego.
> So let's fast forward to Tribal Council night. With only five left in
> Nebewi, this Council was going to get heated. A four-member alliance
> to be forming, and Joeman looked like he was up in the chopping block.
> Joeman has managed to not submit his votes for the last two Tribal
> and voted against this supposed alliance in the first week. His day looks
> outnumbered. However, he gave his Nebewi tribe a much needed boost by
> helping win the tribe's first reward challenge. Will that be enough?
> However, Ambient Spirit is the big player this week, as her appearence at
> this week's Immunity Challenge gives her a double-edged sword. Will she be
> the first to break the alliance and vote against equally inactive members
> Gandalf, JerMe and Mongo? The three boys equally have close ties to each
> other. Only Gandalf and Mongo have shown any public comradery towards
> However, they also can equally stab Ambient in the back for her loss.
> And what about JerMe? He missed quite a first week, and would be next up
> the scale of inactivity. Are first impressions stronger than current
> impressions? Are they the same thing to the tribe? JerMe missed out on the
> recent reward challenge also.
> And so has that magical wizard Gandalf, who overall, is just as lazy as
> tribemates before him. Is he just a pawn ready to be wasted? The other
> members seem more valuable at this point, and this inactive AWTeener might
> just be ready to be booted from his pack.
> Well, I'll tally the votes...
> First vote...Joeman.
> Joeman.
> Third vote, Joeman. I do not read the rest of the votes, Joeman, will you
> please hand me your torch. I'm sorry, but the tribe has spoken.
> *extinguishes flame* *climax tribal council music* Joeman, if you'll
> reply to this thread with your Final Words, I will psot them on your
> survivor profile. And there you have it, another shocking loss, and a
> clear-cut voting alliance is formed.
> Now, onto next week's events. On Wednesday, a twist of a lifetime is going
> to occur in this game, leaving camps, tribes, and contestants in a rush to
> re-strategize. Yes, it's going to be a switch, but it's none like you've
> ever seen in Survivors past. You'll have to watch and see. Will the Nebewi
> Alliance stay strong, or be broken apart? And what about invincible
> Will this switch end their winning streak? WIll in-fighting lead to a
> surprise castoff? Stay tuned.
> And make sure you keep checking the website,
> http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor. Let us hear your opinion on the
> weekly NGS poll! See how the tribe got to casting off their own. Read the
> survivor profiles and rate their popularity each week. And most
> keep tuned as a myriad of Survivor twists are going to occur in the month
> August. Things are just heating up. 12 castaways, 12 weeks, 1 Ultimate
> Survivor. Outwit, Outflame, and outlast, folks. :))
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
Aug 7, 2002, 7:12am
ohhhmy's message was removed from the server
Did AW find it offensive?
D a n
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3D4EA527.5030806 at utn.cjb.net...
> *smirk* It seems I've hit a nerve. Good, that means I did my job. ;)
> I noticed you actually changed your email address this time. While you
> may be learning, it's a bit late now. Oh well, JFK, keep trying. You may
> fool us eventually!
> ohhhmy wrote:
> <snip more ranting>
> --
> Goober King
> That'll be the day :P
> robrod at prism.net
Aug 10, 2002, 6:00pm
D a n
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3d54a20c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> uhh...welcome back
> --
> maki www.awmaki.com
> "athnex" <awnews at athnex.com> wrote in message
> news:3d549937 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> name
Sep 19, 2002, 4:28pm
Demented? k, thats the word for it
D a n
[View Quote]"joeman" <joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3d5c5cdc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I dont think idiot is the word for it.
> -Joe
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3D5AB621.8010004 at utn.cjb.net...
> free
> world
> Therefore
Nov 3, 2002, 1:00pm
Not just sometimes, all :\
D a n
[View Quote]"john" <johnfricker at lineone.net> wrote in message
news:3d5c0d81 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wow like you aren't a pain in the butt sumtimes!
> There exists more than one website... if there wasnt more than one on the
> same subject, you'd be less than spoilt for choice.
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3d5c0bb5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3d5c0870 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> your
Aug 24, 2002, 12:45pm
D a n
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3d62e591$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *stares at "Size"* you horribly awful person...
Sep 3, 2002, 9:18am
No offense to everyone, by looking at that post its just crap making it even
bigger than ever.
Its stupid that a Post that wasn't supposted of here has changed into a
harrasment subject.
> Dream on, space-cowboy. Maybe one day, you too can pilot your own
> around killing kingdorks and harpooning startrek nerds. Lame.
> -Joe
Kinda stoopid. Just plaim harrasment, there is no discussion here what so
ever! Just say this in telegram instead of letting laods of citizens read
it! It just makes you think your powerfull and big headed.
> things,
> say
Count the harrasment in here guys. I counted to 11 yet there might be more
the way other people see it.
NCC did some this up by Get a life. He didn't say much. And by replying your
showing just how much you like posting hate and flame messages.
I just had to nock some sense into all of you!
D a n
Along time of freedom goes a long long way...
Sep 5, 2002, 4:24pm
Dont worry NCC,
Whatever happens here is nothing, just ignore the post by clicking next to
it. And the mute button will be written in gold :)
D a n
[View Quote]"ncc 72897" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3d752ff5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "how he is "harrasing" us, as well as others"
> There's your lie, you hypocrite.
Sep 3, 2002, 9:28am
Why was this posted in the bots newsgroup aswell?
D a n
[View Quote]"syko" <sykoaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d731a01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well you did too, AND you didn't even need to put in that complain tag, i
> mean come on, can you write any more absolute crap to just take up
> space..........................................................!? and
> its because we dont like you as much as we like strike, hehe.
> thats all i'll waste for now
> "maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
> news:3d723a39 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 13, 2002, 6:42pm
lmao :)
D a n
[View Quote]"johnny b" <uniquectAToptonline.net> wrote in message
news:3d7d2417$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maybe just to piss you off ;O)
> "anduin" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
> news:s87onuolaorvuaep8hrdrv1ci1llurk59h at 4ax.com...
> <3d7c0b40$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>: