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AWSDK MSDN Type thing

Oct 20, 2002, 2:04pm
I really don't know what you're talking about, but I think the current site works just fine.


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Dec 6, 2002, 9:32pm
The docs say it's mostly just for the world admin tool so I wouldn't bother using that.


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Dec 6, 2002, 9:31pm
Well the SDK docs really do explain it fairly well...

aw_terrain_set uploads a row of terrain cells and has a max of 1000 cells at once. You can only set one texture per call, so that might be annoying...

Anyway, the first two parameters are just where it should start loading the terrain, the third is the number of cells in a row, fourth is the texture you're applying to the cells and fifth is a pointer to an array of short values containing the actual row data.

The SDK example loads terrain to a 100x100 cell area from the array 'data'.


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Callbacks in MFC

Dec 6, 2002, 9:24pm
That's very nice! Oh... you'd like some help?

What are you trying to use as a callback? There are some problems with using class members as callbacks for the AW SDK.


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Bot Hosting Services

Sep 15, 2002, 5:54pm
[View Quote] I can't tell what you're saying (which way it was spelled on the site), but the correct spelling is "privilege".


Global Mode

Oct 3, 2002, 1:59pm
Well since it's not the actual boolean value from the language, they can make it equal whatever they want. If they wanted it to be the same as the language's definition of true and false, they'd just use that.

Anyway, I hardly think we should trust the opinion of someone who replaces the name of a company with rude insults for no good reason.


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Preston requests

Nov 3, 2002, 12:47pm
The only way for that to happen is for the browser to generate bump events, or the bot to query for property and download all of the objects so it can do the checking itself.


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Re: Lister Version 1 - 1 attachment (2/2)

Nov 6, 2002, 6:56pm
This is not a binary newsgroup. If you want to let us know about your bot, provide a link to a location somewhere else. Not everyone is going to use it, so why should they download it?


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I wish...

Sep 2, 2002, 11:52am
[View Quote] Yeah, for discussing AW features you want.


Launch command

Sep 8, 2002, 9:06pm
Ever played games? Many use physics and are "real-time" with no real problems.


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Create your own AV!

Sep 13, 2002, 10:19pm
No one at AWI has said they'll be including custom avatars in 3.4 (or in the near future, for that matter). Where did you get your information?


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Create your own AV!

Sep 14, 2002, 3:12pm
Skinned Avatars are not custom, they are simply represented in the browser as one continuous mesh.


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Create your own AV!

Sep 17, 2002, 8:02pm
[View Quote] Not really.

> why dont aw? all they have to do is change to the quake engine :) will be better for all of out

uhh... Depending on the version you're talking about, the Quake engine is probably like four years old. Quit pulling things out of your ass.



Sep 22, 2002, 4:47pm
This is how I think of it...

The "wishlist" newsgroup is for us to talk about features we'd like to see. They probably don't read this newsgroup very much, so don't count on them seeing your idea if it's only posted here.


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Key assignments

Oct 6, 2002, 2:21pm
It would actually be far from easy. You would first have to rewrite the entire input system so that pressing a key didn't directly do something, but performed an action based on the keymap. Then you would have to add a new section to aworld.ini (or some other location) which defined what each key did.
Of course all of this would require changes to *all* of the documentation that made reference to specific keys. You can't tell people that if they press "END" they will switch to third-person view anymore unless you know they haven't changed that part of their layout.
You would also need to add a new dialog (and document it in help) for changing and managing the keyboard layouts.

Anyway, it's a lot more difficult to add than you seem to think. Just because you've "seen a whole bunch on the web for people to use" doesn't mean that it would be trivial to add them to a commercial product.


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Key assignments

Oct 6, 2002, 4:45pm
*yawn* Now who's trolling?

Anyway, why not explain your idea a little more so I can understand what you're really talking about? I don't see what you suggest being possible without major changes.


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Re: Sun Feature

Oct 24, 2002, 12:24pm
Things that aren't bugs don't go in the beta newsgroup!!! :)

If you were looking at the sun in real life, would you see a lens flare? I would want that to be an option instead of "having a sun means having a lens flare".


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Re: Sun Feature

Oct 24, 2002, 8:59pm
No. Lens flares do not occur with only the naked eye.

"A camera lens has a number of elements that work together to focus an image onto film. The insides of lenses are coated with an anti-reflective material to help reduce the amount of secondary reflections known as ghost. In the case where bright lights are facing the lens, the lens coating is not fully effective and secondary reflections occur producing what are known as lens flares. Each part of the camera that light travels through before reaching the film may cause a secondary reflection which can show up as spots or banding. For this reason Zoom lenses with many focusing elements may have a complex looking flare, while prime lenses with only a few elements will result in simplistic looking flares."


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Re: Sun Feature

Oct 25, 2002, 1:52pm

[View Quote] I have never claimed to be perfect, but in this case I am correct.

> I see nothing in there that explains your point at all.

I see nothing anywhere that explains your point at all.

> But wait, there's more; tell me what's in your eye and how it works and I may give you partial credit for correctness.

There's no need to be a patronizing ass. I know how the eye works and that it does not cause a lens flare. If you don't believe me I really don't care because I know I am correct.

> Maybe you'll even be able to tell me why I'm right or you're wrong.

That's impossible since you're wrong.


Re: Sun Feature

Oct 25, 2002, 3:59pm
That is a good point. If you're trying to create the effect of looking through a camera, then you would probably want a lens flare to occur. If you were trying to make it seem as though you were seeing with eyes, though, you would probably want to disable the flare. That's why I think it should be either a browser option, or one for world properties.


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A few ideas...

Oct 29, 2002, 9:50pm
It doesn't matter what sort of system you have - Ananas' statement still applies. Don't spam.


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Passworded Maximum World Limit?

Oct 28, 2002, 12:37pm
That wouldn't work very well since I doubt many parents install AW for their kids. If they don't, then all one has to do is set the limit to 'X' and password that.

Passwording isn't going to solve the "problem", anyway; parents should be with their kids while online if they don't think they're able to handle things they might see.


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Collision Detection

Nov 2, 2002, 4:48pm
What do you mean by "collision detection"? World owners can already specify whether or not people can use Shift to pass through objects, and they also control whether avatar collisions occur.


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LiveUpdate without Query

Nov 25, 2002, 7:43pm
How exactly is the SDK (or the world server) supposed to know which objects you know about? That's the point of "live update" mode - you query for the property, then if it changes, you get told about it.


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LiveUpdate without Query

Nov 25, 2002, 10:26pm
So then why can't you do it yourself?


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LiveUpdate without Query

Nov 26, 2002, 8:32pm
The SDK already provides everything you need to interact with property. Just because you're too lazy to query the standard way doesn't mean they should add a feature to the SDK to do it for you.


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to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 2:33pm
Posting a private message in a public newsgroup is a waste of time for every person that has to read
it (other than the intended recipient, of course...). I don't care one way or the other what someone
has to say to someone else.


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to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 3:47pm
no one asked you linn thanks anyway but i dont need your personal messages

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to daphne

Sep 3, 2002, 8:04pm
This will be my last post on this issue. I did think of why the original poster did what they were doing and it still didn't justify posting it in a public forum. The message you posted is really immature and doesn't add anything to the discussion at all.


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list of 3.4 features?

Sep 4, 2002, 7:51pm


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