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talisan // User Search
talisan // User SearchIrritated with MICROSOFTMar 3, 2006, 3:17am
OK... we all have reasons at one time or another with Microsoft to be
irritated. That's a given. However, if you have not noticed, there is this DANDY new download from Windows/Microsoft Update called "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool" and LET ME TELL you that many people, maybe even YOU will regret downloading this. WHY? Because if you are like me, your computers will be invalidated and unable to download future updates. WHY? Because if you are like me, you have upgrade your computer and reinstalled the same copy of windows multiple times(i.e. yearly) to a single computer... but to Microsofts point of view multiple simultaneous computers... as in... you are a pirate using the same disk to install to multiple computers. Unfortunately Microsoft has us over a barrel. Activeworlds only runs on a Windows machine. We can't simply jump ship and move to Linux or Mac and continue to run our favorite software. We'll simply be left in the cold without updates and vulnerable to future Windows bugs. Take care and good luck to you! Irritated with MICROSOFTMar 3, 2006, 10:29pm
No, I do not have a bad copy of my cd or key. All of my copies came from the
same place and all are legal. Thank you though for pointing out the possibility. You'll sing a different tune once it happens to you though. Irritated with MICROSOFTMar 3, 2006, 11:57pm
Thankyou RICHARD for replying. I will try your solution.
However, the fact that no one here seems appalled by Microsofts heavy handedness suggests that we have some sheep here. Microsoft being the herder. I have always updated all my copies of windows(over 5 xp versions) using MSUpdate and have always used the windows genuine advantage tool, and on the same cpu's. Now I do occasionally upgrade the video cards, hard drives and memory... and on a rare occasion the motherboard. I HAVE had to call microsoft in the past to get past the 1 month validation due to this, however I shouldn't have to do this when it's months or even a year apart. MS wants it piece of the pie... this is understandable, but not at the cost of its customer relations. No doubt they have an acceptable number of customer dissatisfactions allowed for each change like this, but I personally find it stupid to allow even 1 if it can be avoided. <*rant off*> :) AW4 vs. SL featuresMar 15, 2006, 2:38am
When I was in the community, I could never understand it either. I think its
a mental imagery thing. There was never anything in that community that I ever found to be a .... turn on. Only some of the philosophy made sense and that I agreed with. nuff said. AW4 vs. SL featuresMar 19, 2006, 1:08am
Bill Murray was awesome in that flick! Don't you agree? I mean... it's one
of those movies you can watch several times and never get bored with. :) Second LifeMar 15, 2006, 2:51am
I do not like SL in general. However, I've intentionally immersed myself in
SL for the last 3 months. There is a lot of good stuff in SL, as well as bad. 1. The ability to share, the ability to trade, the ability to sell. 2. Building can be done by anyone, but is overly complicated for the uninitiated. 3. Building is Free if you limit your space, and you easily have the ability to expand your space depending on the limit of your pocketbook. 4. The worlds is ever expanding... seems without limit, and environments can mesh, blend together or simply change from one square to the next... I've got a reasonable computer for a year ago... I've got an anthlon 64 3500+ with 1gb mem and a 6800 nVidia video card... and I only get lag when I decide to change the default video settings to higher values. In AW I can max everything out at vis 200 and still get a reasonable frame rate.... but a I am fairly convinced that has a lot to do with particle systems. When I first came to AW though, I hated the build interface... now it is second nature. So, if I were first encountering SL without the knowledge of AW, I might feel the same. [View Quote] How much should a world cost?Mar 15, 2006, 2:30am
I emailed AWI not long ago about buying a much larger world for public use.
I wanted to know how much I would spend doing so. The reply kicked me in the pants. How much does an AWTeen like world cost? The answer is probably here somewhere in an old post, but I am not intelligent enough to delve into the newsgroup and find out with the software that I currently have. Does anyone know? I've been told that I'd have to take on 2 more incomes in a hope to actually come near that size of a world and sacrifice my first born child. I'm in SL as well, and though I have many misgivings about that environment, at least I ALWAYS know what it will cost to do what I want. AWI seems a little more vague... and what they are NOT vague about seems to be way over priced for what you get. There is absolutely no way in carnation that I will spend 64000 dollars to create a large enough world for me to be satisfied that you or a tourist can build in with a reasonable ability to find a plot of land not already occupied by someone else. But what sucks is that I want to have that world available. We all have our desires and dreams, that's a given. Mine is simple but hard to aquire. It's a wonder why no one has taken a uni server and hacked it so everyone can have their own.... huh,... I wonder why anyone would ever do something stupid like that. lets be reasonable here... I have my own internet connection that I pay 40 dollars a month for.... 4mbs connection. I have my own path/web space which I pay a decent dollar for. I run the server off my own computer.... or in the environment my web provider allows. I'm providing everything for less than 100 dollars a month... except for a license. What should someone reasonably pay for a large enough area to provide enough building room for a couple of hundred friends/aquaintences? I'm just saying. How much should a world cost?Mar 19, 2006, 1:06am
I'm just saying. <- key phrase.
I was not asking them for a P100 sized world, I was asking them for a P4000 sized world and that webpage which you linked to which I have reviewed a hundred times in the last few years doesn't say how much that would cost. BTW, nor has that page you linked to ever changed in that timespan either. With SL, you always know... period... unless it's land for auction... and in that case you get to decide how much you are willing to pay. Get my drift? If I want to buy a p4000, please have it out front as to how much it will cost me... don't just ask me what my budget is. How much should a world cost?Mar 23, 2006, 10:59pm
>. As for the tourist building issue - same issues..tourists cannot build in
>certain worlds until they's like a don't want to >give your whole product away for free! The reason I originally registered was because I was able to build as a tourist in Alphaworld. If I was unable to build and my experience in AW was simply as a fancy chat room, I never would have stayed. Back in the late 80's and early 90's there were several avatar style experiments being done which I tried, but none allowed building, they were just chat rooms with fancy surroundings and people dressed as a few different avatars. Big woop. IBM even tried it and ultimately shut it down. I quickly lost interest. Now, there was ONE 2D avatar environment that I was totally hooked on a very long time ago on a service called Q-Link... back in the days of 300 baud modems, commodore 64's, and when CompuServe was the ruler of all online services(before the internet as we know it for you young kids) and it was called Club Caribe. You couldn't build there, but there were many games you could play on the island/city paradise and you could customize your appearance for a small fee at vending machines. Buy a new head, or a can of paint to change the color of something you were wearing... and you could buy all manner of odd objects... there were towers you could explore, malls galore to buy in, underground labyrinths, the island, underwater ruins, and loads of special places you could take your honeydo on valentines day. Maybe it was just that era or period of time, but there has never been any game, chat room, or 2d/3d environment that I have ever experienced since then that was so addictive and compelling to use. Maybe it was my age. I don't know... all I know is that my last bill was over 800 dollars and I lost access to my very first credit card as a result. :) Now, since I registered with AW, I've opened a couple of user accounts and had several worlds since 1999. None of which would have happened if I had not been able to build as a tourist. Building for the uninitiated in AW is a little confusing at first, and therefore I feel it is important to give Tourists the ability to try it out, learn how, and implement their ideas. They always ran the risk of having their builds deleted by a citizen and they were always warned up front that it could happen at any time. If they wanted their land and their builds to last, they'd have to register. That was their incentive, and I know it worked for a lot of us still here today. For me, the 70 dollars a year isn't that big a deal, but I know it is for many. I also know that when it was 20 dollars a year I referred everyone I knew to come take advantage of the sweet deal. Since it bumped up to 70 I have not referred a single person. There are too many free things on the net to keep people interested without having to spend that kind of cash on. I mean, get yourself a copy of yahoo messenger, find a bunch of chat buddy's and if you want, doodle on the same window with each other and see each other on your webcam's while doing it. I know it doesn't compared to AW, but it's 100% free to do. If you don't know it by reading older posts, I am a Cable TV installer for a large cable company. I install internet service for many people a day when I work and I get to see the icons and programs installed on their computers during the process of my installation. People like free stuff... and the number of installations of Morpheus, Kazaa, and Limewire is extremely widespread. The use of AIM and Yahoo messenger is rampant. But not once have I ever seen a copy of Activeworlds... never. I've seen people with World of Warcraft, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot.... nuff... I'm praying that 4.1 is the killer app. :) Be well! How much should a world cost?Mar 23, 2006, 11:54pm
Fair enough Elyk, and I do know that there is a website available which
tells tourists which worlds are tourist and tourist build enabled. However, why should a third party have to create such a list? There *should* be such a list available from the activeworlds website. It's to their advantage to advertise this... for free... on their website. When I was a player of Dark Age of Camelot... or Everquest II(no longer)... they made websites that told of every minute detail of each player, each guild, each server... you name it... you could get the details. When my world server goes online with the AW uni server... all the information needed is transmitted to it.... in order for the worlds list to be generated with the correct rating, access, etc. Thus when one of my worlds shows up on the list, you will either see it colored or grey, indicating you can go there or not... or it may not show up on your list at all because you decided the rating was inappropriate. Nowhere on this world list does it say "citizen building available" or "tourist building available"... or even for that matter "tourist enabled". Of course is doesn't say "citizen bots allowed" either... but these are all features that every world owner has the right to enable or disable. I do not work for AWI obviously, but if I did, I would strongly push for a dynamicly updated page on the AW website that showed which worlds were online, and what their stats were... because you gotta know the UNI server knows these details... and I know there are some talented people there that could punch out a script for such a page in a day or two. This would eliminate the need for third party sites to try and guess which worlds were or were not whatever. And thus give all of us citizens and tourists the ability to find the world we 'wanted to/could' build in. It would solve a problem we have complained about for a long time and probably others we are not even aware of yet. [View Quote] Introducing: AW Portals (follow-up: Community)Apr 20, 2006, 11:30pm
Besides goooooogle... what other sites are you using to add revenue to your
site? I went to your site about 20 minutes ago and these rather annoying popup style ads were showing up as I was reading one of your pages where my mouse pointer was.... overlaying what I was reading. Sure gets your attention :) Just curious :P [View Quote] AW MessengerApr 18, 2006, 11:14pm
> But ... It has the disadvantage that it logs you into the universe and
> your name (with AFK settings) will appear on your friends' the contact > list. It would be nice, if this takes off, if AWI would add a new flag to the user list which would state that you were logged into the messenger program and not the browser itself, instead of using the AFK state. I think this program is a fantastic idea. I was saved!Apr 20, 2006, 11:22pm
ok ok.... I went to go license another world... and I had the size and name
all set up... and I went to include my credit card information.... but it wouldn't let me put in the Year of my credit card. Glory be! I was saved from an impulse buy! Thank you AWI! :) Please fix it so I can spend more money I don't really have. ;) Love, Talisan I was saved!Apr 21, 2006, 8:28pm
Honest, I really can't buy a license right now because of this.
screenshot follows: I was saved!Apr 21, 2006, 10:26pm
Good catch. I never would have thought to check for that. Do you get the
same results as I? <tr> <td>Expiration:</td> <td> <select name="cc_mo"> <option value="01">01 (Jan)</option> <option value="02">02 (Feb)</option> <option value="03">03 (Mar)</option> <option value="04">04 (Apr)</option> <option value="05">05 (May)</option> <option value="06">06 (Jun)</option> <option value="07">07 (Jul)</option> <option value="08">08 (Aug)</option> <option value="09">09 (Sep)</option> <option value="10">10 (Oct)</option> <option value="11">11 (Nov)</option> <option value="12">12 (Dec)</option> </select> <select name="cc_yr"> <select name="cc_yr"> <option value="06">2006</option> <option value="07">2007</option> <option value="08">2008</option> <option value="09">2009</option> <option value="10">2010</option> <option value="11">2011</option> <option value="12">2012</option> <option value="13">2013</option> <option value="14">2014</option> <option value="15">2015</option> <option value="16">2016</option> <option value="17">2017</option> <option value="18">2018</option> <option value="19">2019</option> <option value="20">2020</option> </select> </select> </td> </tr> I was saved!Apr 28, 2006, 11:58pm
Well, thanks for fixing the problem... unfortunately for the moment my
impulse is under control :) ... but just for the moment ;() CYs need photographersApr 28, 2006, 11:56pm
OMG... reading this post drove me to near extinction.... but, after reading
it twice I did grasp the concept you were trying to convey. Yes, there is no doubt many citizens that do visit the awards will take screen shots... and it could be assumed that having sanctioned screenshots could be a move to make the Cy's more like the Oscar's... but doing so does not invalidate the citizens screen shots vs the... ahem... official screen shots. The only thing that could invalidate them would be to prevent screen shots altogether... like the Oscar's have banned camera's at the ceremonies. The only way this could happen is if AWI sanctioned it with code, and even then, there would be ways around it. Don't have a heart attack over this... it's all cool :) I think she just wants to cover all the angles... even the ones the cits might miss :) Screen Burn InApr 29, 2006, 5:01am
Eons ago I used to experience screen burn in... on old monochrome monitors
and then new vga and ega monitors... but after a while it stopped happening on newer monitors and so I forgot all about it. I mean, screen savers were invented for the sole purpose of preventing it... but the it became obsolete. Huh... ....well, I have this 17 inch Viewsonic monitor that I've had for perhaps 3 years now... its an LCD and so far so good. Now... I have this 30+ inch Viewsonic LCD theatre proportioned monitor that I got this past December... and darn... well, under certain conditions I can see burned in buttons. I thought maybe it was just that game and maybe they were just ghost images from dialogs waiting to pop up at the right moment, so I took screen shots... even rebooted the pc... and well, when I went into photoshop, the ghost images were still there, and they stayed in the same exact spot, no matter which way I scrolled the screenshots. The burnins were independant of the screenshot, but would only show up under certain color conditions. They do not show up on a white screen, but do show up on a dark blue screen.... but not on a black screen. Anyhow... not suggesting you don't buy one of these monitors, just making you aware that screen burn in is not dead, but still a reality. for your enjoyment....Apr 30, 2006, 4:26am
Looks good!
> > CuriousMay 4, 2006, 11:12pm
That's really cool Ciena! Nice! CuriousMay 5, 2006, 2:17am
> TY it got addictive. I did 10 of them :)
Well shoot, I only count 5 in that screen shot, I need to see the other 5... or more if I counted wrong. :) *pokes you* CY nominations SOON!May 9, 2006, 11:47pm
I've read every post here regarding your issue and I have no idea why it is
even an issue. Every rating except X is allowed. So, if you really want your world to be included, why is it rated X? Are you trying to keep certain people out? Is there truly X rated material in your world? If so, then even if your world were allowed in the Cy's then a lot of the people who could vote for you would not be able to get into your world in the first place nor be able to have any opinion on why they should vote for your world. This is a dead horse, and I truly believe it is a smart move to keep X rated out of the family orientated Cy awards. <snip> The Classification and Ratings Board was created in response to a national cry for some kind of regulation of film content. During the 1960s, the social pressures of an ever evolving country fostered a sense of concern for the new topics and issues being explored by the creative industries, namely in the movies. The motion picture industry sought to find a balance between preserving creative freedoms and notifying people about films content so that people could make decisions about what movies they wanted to see and what movies were appropriate for their children. Former President of the MPAA Jack Valenti worked with the National Association of Theatre Owners to create a new and, at the time, revolutionary approach to fulfilling the movie industry's self prescribed obligation to the parents of America. On November 1, 1968, NATO, MPAA and IFIDA announced the birth of the new voluntary film rating system of the motion picture industry. The initial design called for four rating categories: a.. G for General Audiences, all ages admitted b.. M for mature audiences, parental guidance suggested but all ages admitted c.. R for Restricted, children under 16 not be admitted without an accompanying parent or adult guardian (this was later raised to 17 years of age, and varies in some jurisdictions) d.. X for no one under 17 admitted The rating system trademarked all the category symbols, except the X. Under the plan, anyone who did not submit his or her film for rating could self-apply the X or any other symbol or description, except those trademarked by the rating program. The original plan had been to use only three rating categories. Valenti felt that parents ought to be able to accompany their children to any movie the parents choose, without the movie industry, government or self-appointed groups interfering with their rights. But NATO urged the creation of an adult-only category, fearful of possible legal redress under state or local law. Hence, the four-category system, including the X rating, was installed. Hence, the emergence of the voluntary rating system filled the vacuum provided by the dismantling of the Hays Production Code. The movie industry would no longer disapprove the content of a film, but would now see its primary task as giving advance cautionary warnings to parents so they could make the decision about what movies their children see. CHANGES IN THE RATING SYSTEM After the creation of the rating system, the board found that the M category (mature) was regarded by most parents as a sterner rating than the R (restricted) category. To remedy this misconception, the rating was changed from M to GP (general audiences, parental guidance suggested). A year later the name was revised the name to its current label, PG: (parental guidance suggested). In July of 1984 the PG category was split into two groups- PG and PG-13. PG-13 meant a higher level of intensity than was to be found in a film rated PG. Over the past years, parents have approved of this amplifying revision in the rating system. In September of 1990 two more revisions were announced. First, the board began giving brief explanations of why a particular film received R ratings. Since, in the opinion of the Ratings Board, R rated films contain adult material, they believed it would be useful for parents to know a little more about that film's content before they allowed their children to accompany them. Sometime later the board began applying the same explanations in the PG, PG-13 and NC-17 categories as well. These explanations are available to parents at the theater (by telephone or at the box office), in certain media reviews and listings, and are made available at and The second change was in the X category which then became NC-17 (no one 17 and under admitted). The X rating over the years appeared to have taken on a surly meaning in the minds of many people, something that was never intended when the system was created. Therefore, the board chose to reaffirm the original intent of the design that was installed on November 1, 1968, in which the adults only category explicitly describes a movie that most parents would want to have barred to viewing by their children. These ratings were all trademarked and can only be used to for film ratings. <snip> begin 666 ratings_histor_hdr.gif M1TE&.#EA; `8`,0``-43&.#1S=_$P-MR<]^VL]<\/]M_?]R-C-8 at )=8N,ME7 M6=IE9MV;F=A)3-ZHIO%36-0%"^'?V at `````````````````````````````` M`````````````````````````"'Y! ``````+ ````!L`! at ```7_X",^46F> M:*JN;.N^,#R2<6W?>'[.>N__.!YP2"Q&A,:DLH9<.I^H)G2ZE%*O1"MJP!T( M8HT&4#!PE!Q>1H%QU9H($$0!`C&K!H!O! ``&B &)0T0`G^!*7AZ0VXE!Q # M$0R/)00.= at 1\# at ("# at 01`6:6)J .#)Z<GB at *=24)$!&6`9^B$9 at `FF>XLYR6 MJ:"*.R,M`ZRK!P%S='T`=("#8L3,$ D1CLT+Q'0**',F$ 5P$ 0,T at A[S08$ M".C5S0 at `YA&K=E'"+',)Z]MS at 0#4CH<<3%H`84& =0&F"1 at D$$" `ZF\-:.S M($*W.9;8`"SQ3A.?",02!"#0+6&\%(PB_[P;!$G2- at $0MA&T0XS-'%F9" at 9P M1<!5`7HE8":P1##0M at $$1PH,;-=18NOYJ0BA at ;"4A6,$A80"I+51E<FYJE\ MI54`LW5BJC&+&&E25TW?SK at *!/;MIZ-UVQF QX*1P(J#"!!+Q\P,A#XEND6( M*Q 2' 2!"!QC>*)F8 at B at ' at 4P4&C2X1)_#!I;3.U,'+=8[:DPU':!6656([B: MQ%? at MC]+7Q=<I0U%X!(?<5N;)FOV at (/7:L4\P<QA7]4I.,F"Y8G4KUD.9'7: M%4&Z`%DP"\#2=:*2B>W2:VTO83V7GNLF'&U[+ at *+2 at 0#YD"R7WY.GA8I)7% D`04TP 9__2G 5A=J]2'HH X!/B at A2M!-:"%]-%RHH0HA```[ ` end CY nominations SOON!May 9, 2006, 11:54pm
These ratings were all trademarked and can only be used to for film ratings. <snip> OOPS!!! Does that mean that activeworlds is in violation of trademark laws? HOLY ****! Robbie's TrueSpace TutorialsMay 10, 2006, 10:47pm
That's a cool site. Where was that when I was hawing and nawing for
Truespace info a few months ago? Better late than never. :) I'll be pouring over those pages for a while. Thanks replyMay 10, 2006, 4:02am
I am VERY sorry to reply,this will be flat... but I have attemped to be
reflective. Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...May 12, 2006, 9:41pm
Land in SL, is at first quite cheap, you can get a starter lot of 512
meters... and that's tiny compared to the size of the smallest AW world. If you have a yearly membership, that first land is included. If you want more land the price starts jumping higher, and you get monthly instead of just an annual bill. There are communities, but they are different than AW's. You create group land in SL, and within certain limits, anyone in the group can use and build on the land that is group owned. However I do believe their is a heirachy within the group. I have never been in a group, so I don't know the exact structure. I've been a member of SL since Oct 05... not long, but I aquired some land and made my attempts at a homestead. Now, I have sold off all my land and canceled my membership which will expire this coming October. I have no desire to spend another linden dollar on anything, and I hope that by next October that the currency exchange for linden dollars has not tanked, since they are taking away all of the incentives for making money in the community except pure buy and sell. e.g. you used to be able to make a dwell bonus' when people visited your land and your builds, this is going away. The popular places made good linden dollars from mass traffic. I already know that the linden dollar has gone from 250 lindens to 1 dollar to now being over 300 lindens to 1 dollar... so I am glad I already cashed out. If it gets worse, it will be like the peso! Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...May 13, 2006, 2:04am
Eep, I have a love hate relationship with you. :) I have tried SL, and I
have jumped in full force and with the full power of my CC... luckily I didn't get too far in. I built my houses both free and puchased, I have purchased hair, skins, and you name it for my AV and been disappointed right and left. I have been to PG and mature areas. The PG areas being stupid and the mature areas being full of T&A all over the place, not to mention porn pics between AV's all over the place. I am glad I don't have kids and have to contend with that crap. YES, SL is constantly growing, but they better grow a conscience over there really quick. Not only that, SL is offline so often now because of hacker attacks I am getting sick of it. In order to prevent the hacker attacks, certain illusions of SL's superiority in scripting are going to have to be given up or restricted in order to prevent them in the future. I am tired of being told I can not enter SL because of these attacks and only Lindens can enter. It was happening monthly, but now weekly. Although AW may not be growing, it does not have the problems that SL has... and that may also be why AW 4.1 is so delayed BTW... they may actually be "testing" the software to make sure it's not like SL :P |