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xero // User Search
xero // User SearchAs an aside note *self promo*Feb 16, 2001, 7:52pm
Hey cool song, didn't know you did electronic stuff, I like electronic
stuff, song..<downloads more> lol -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 17, 2001, 1:17am
I vote theres a IQ test before you can use AW, anyone with me?
-- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 17, 2001, 1:37am
On another note..Maybe not...maybe he will guess one question right by
accident.. Some tgram logs: Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: I took a iq test Response: what was it? 80? Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: 175 thank oyou very much Response: stop giving me your weigft Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: 175 IM SERIOUS ILL EVEN SEND U THE EMAIL Response: uh online tests arent real u dumbnut Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: Let me buidl a sign to spell what i wanna say:P Response: and let me build one that says "STFU" on it Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: No a real one they sent me the resuklts though Response: cheating on a online test doesn't count either Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now: ! Response: considering theyre bullshit anyway -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 17, 2001, 2:39am
yeah..Col shut the hell up and stop bringing your annoying crap in my world
before I ban your cable modem .btw..if anyone else needs to ban him.. Agent Fox Mulder has address, trying to resolve is -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 17, 2001, 6:24pm
Telegram from Agent Fox Mulder, sent just now:
YOu little....No wonder i keep getting hacked cause of u LOL haha agent.. -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 17, 2001, 9:54pm
Have one, works great :)
-- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 18, 2001, 10:20pm
Who cares what they test, we just need to have a test that doesn't let
people like Agent Fox Mulder AKA Col Klink on anyone got ideas? lol -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at We jammin'Feb 19, 2001, 12:52am
Theres an idea, lets vote it, grammar test before you can use AW. Have to
receive anything BETTER then Agent's score to get on AW, LoL. -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at Attn: MyrthFeb 18, 2001, 6:06am
Don't get a S3, get a geforce or dont get nothing, don't waste money on
anything else. Nothing beats a geforce. -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at New NewsgroupFeb 20, 2001, 7:11pm
Who the FUCK wants to spend time loading 170 damn newgroups on your slow ass
modem? And who wants to post in your newsgroup anyway? Its probably empty and going to be forever, now stop posting useless topics and posts in here before I REALLY get pissed at you. -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at Ok,Everyone Is mad at people for posting about diff stuffFeb 20, 2001, 7:11pm
Kill AFM! Sacrafice him to the might powerful one, uhm..Eep? LoL..
-- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at Facter, your mission if you choose to accept itMar 9, 2001, 10:16pm
LoL Its more then just "dual processors" it also has no system services I
believe which was always the big NT thing....If I got XP i would definitly get the pro cause I'd want system services and dual processor support lol.. [View Quote] ME and internetFeb 22, 2001, 4:29pm
Windows ME sucks, you shouldn't have upgraded and just waited for Windows XP
which comes out in 5 months. -- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at Running a world on a puterFeb 24, 2001, 9:11pm
Yes, also make sure port 7777 is open, and sometimes port 5670, also if
theres multiple servers, open up port 7001-7### depending on how many world servers you plan on running (you only need one for AW3.1 server, 7777 but for multiple universe hosting you might need 7001 or something) [View Quote] er, not quote, Roland...Feb 27, 2001, 12:37am
Best performance ????Mar 3, 2001, 6:56pm
5.1 gigs is plenty of space for win2k..My windows folder is only around 800
megs on win2k..thats 4 gigs thats plenty to hold some mp3s, a few programs and microsoft office.. [View Quote] Best performance ????Mar 4, 2001, 4:45am
LoL IA didnt i show you a link showing where to get ram for like $90 the
same day you went and bought that? gota just buy stuff [View Quote] Best performance ????Mar 5, 2001, 12:07am
Make sure you get CL2 ram (cas 2)..Sometimes costs a tiny bit more but that
makes it even more worth upgrading to PC133.. [View Quote] HELP!OFF TOPICMar 5, 2001, 12:05am
YOU JUST, DO YOU NOT REALISE EVERYONE HATES YOU? GOD DAMN!! AND WHY the hell just WHY post fucken 30k in your damn questionmarks..just..take a gun..and hold it to your head..and SHOOT..GOD!!! your annoying you know that? Leave the damn newsgroups before we take a vote to vote out something a little more useful..who votes out agent/col klink? HELP!OFF TOPICMar 10, 2001, 1:13am
LOL they removed my isnt in here anymore..haha lol..
Countdown!Mar 13, 2001, 1:45am
What the heck is with all these people who want peoples sympathy by posting
about how they are leaving AW and crap? This is getting really stupid now..and really old..if you were going to leave AW you'd just leave. Theres no timer you go by or counting down the days, who are you kidding? Leave or stay, don't waste space in the newsgroups if all you want is sympathy. Countdown!Mar 16, 2001, 11:15pm
LoL friends in real life? Anyone with real friends doesn't brag online about
how they have friends in real life...I don't think I have to say anymore about that. [View Quote] Countdown!Mar 16, 2001, 11:26pm
Lanezeri loose the attitude..what do you think your coolest person in
the world now? Oh look at cool lanezeri! He can curse! OMG he must be the coolest person in real life too! OMG!!! Well guess what kid? The world don't evolve around you and you wasting your time trying to "piss" anyone off in here as you stated above isn't going to work either. That just gets people not to like you as a person. Is that what you really want? Because if it is you got some problems. Take a chill pill. If you want to leave AW thats your buisness, you can simply post I am leaving AW and just leave right then. Instead you put a count down and pathetic excuses simply delaying it so you can do what? Piss someone off? Raise your crappy ego? Or maybe for some other reason I won't know the answer but whatever it is it isn't very logical. Nor benefiting on your part. And don't take me the wrong way, the other day someone tells me you "hate" me. Oh golly gee hate me? I thought you were trying to get us pissed off? Geeze..look whos the pissy one! I'm not here to get you to hate me, I am here to tell you your wasting your time for some personal reasons of yours and wasting peoples time arguing about this total BS. Give it up already, for your own good. -Xero [View Quote] Virus warning (no hoax)Mar 16, 2001, 5:52am
Thats an old virus, and if you go to its a site that tells you
how to get rid of the virus and how they bought the domain to help people get rid of the virus, lol.. [View Quote] Attn: Beta testersSep 18, 2001, 4:51am
On another note, I have wanted to try this myself for a while, stupid closed betas, I
don't get why AW can't let everyone on them but not let everyone submit bugs. I also suspect that OpenGL mode would work fine as it works fine with half-life, etc. The new version of mesa (v3.5) supposively has "100% OpenGL Conformance" so I do not see why OGL would not work. I use the nvidia drivers for GL but have mesa installed for other reasons (to compile wine with OpenGL support for instance). Software mode would most definitely work as it does on 2.2. Although 2.2 does not work perfectly under linux/wine(telegrams don't always send, the bar that shows the frame rate etc is missing, contact list shows everyone as online, telegrams always unread) I do suspect that OpenGL would definitely improve the frame rate. Linux seems to run 2.2 pretty fast although my computer is relatively fast so this seems to be why. Attn: Beta testersSep 18, 2001, 11:32pm
Of course theres a reason its in beta, its still being devloped and needs
the bugs worked out, still don't see a reason why people can't play with it. I've used plenty of programs that are in developement/alpha/beta on sourceforge but I suppose that's different since it's opensource. I still think it is pretty foolish to keep it closed off to others, I don't see why a certain group of people should get the right to try the new features before everyone else beta or not. I do not think that is fair. |