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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 5:48pm
As I said before... if carrying out at least some parts of The Lady's plans
were possible it would be great. Unfortuanetely, since AW is a company, we
have no control over them, and never will. I personally have been treated
unfairly by AW on multiple occasions, but I don't think what The Lady wants
is a good solution, not to mention that it is completely unrealistic. It
would be nice though if they could reform certain parts of AW. *cough* GKs
and PKs *cough *cough*, but I definately agree with lioness that we don't
need anything more complication than we have, I just think that what we have
could be better (free of cost to AW).

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 5:51pm
Why are you always such an at §§hòlë?

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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 6:43pm
Sorry man, forgot to >_<

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 6:48pm

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 23, 2003, 11:25pm
What if you live in a place where going outside is dangerous?
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 11:23am
Right, but what if you live right next o a mine field? I think I get enough
of the outdoors, there is a HUGE window in the room my computer is in (at
least 20 feet tall and 50 feet wide >:-P. Anyway, I go outside all the time.
Why do you think you don't see me on AW pretty much at all? heh
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 2:28pm
I think the whole g-rated thing is bull pucky.

There are no studies which show that exposure to sex, potical topics, or
other exposure is harmful (exlcuding violence and bondage, neither of which
can be done or shown on AW).
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 2:32pm
rofl, get it, because I said pucky instead of shit. j/k, m ypoitn still
stands. Actually, let me phrase it better.

There are no non-bias studies which show that exposure to sex, potical
topics, or
other exposure is harmful to younger people (exlcuding violence and bondage,
neither of which
can be done or shown on AW in a place liek AWGate). Too bad no one knows
this and is just caught up in folk psychology...
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 2:34pm
Holy crap my grammar is bad.
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 8:59pm
Exactly, most countries (even without civil wars and such) are much more
dangerous (Spain, Portugal, and a number of others are examples). You can't
base what you think of an entire country on one place (the ghetto) or its
leaders (who's decisions might not actually reflect what the majority of the
population believe). Also take into account that the USA is the country with
the LEAST prejudice and NO prejudice laws (even though Bush is trying to get
rid of state church seperation by doing various thigns such as funding
faith-based organizations) and you get a not that f***ed up country with
leaders that are somewhat f***ed up. Even Bush has his good points (don't
laugh), for one he is trying to get rid of embargos of Brazilian oranges and
such (clementines in the summer, yay!), and also pushing for performance
based education instead of the way it is now. Give me a country name and I
assure you that it is much more f***ed up than the USA. Not that the USA
doesn't have lots of thigns f***ed up about (lol, I should use a different
word). Examples: capital punishment, hiring bias (though not as bad as in
other countries), all those tax cuts (>_<), umm... yeah, fanatics, and
umm... you tell me? I can't come up with too much more.
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 9:00pm
I don't live in a dangerous place, but I know people who live next to power
lines (which give you cancer). rofl
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 9:00pm
Yeah, lol
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 24, 2003, 9:03pm
Umm... no but maybe outlook express automatically quotes it and I didn't
bother to take it out because I had to go? I don't know...

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 25, 2003, 11:17am
OMG, ROFLMAO. That's the stupidest, most horrible thing I've heard in a
while, but its so much so it's funny.
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 25, 2003, 11:18am
Proof? lol >:-P
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 25, 2003, 11:45am
Per capita, the UK has more crime than the US:
Also FAR more car theft (per capita):
And look at all the countries with higher per capita burglaries:
However, since the US throws drug addicts and such in jail, it has the
highest amount of prisoners (per capita):
And once again, many countries have more robberies (per capita):
Nor embezzlements:
US isn't even on the list of most convictions, not to mention the most
convictions per capita:
Is however pretty high on the assualts (per capita) list:
And tops the adults prosecuted (per capita, once again because of the
prosecution of drug addicts):
Not even on the murders (per capita) list:
Unless you go to the BIG list:
Isn't even on the BIG list for manslaughter (per capita):
Yet isn't even on the BIG list for police (per capita:
Yet is reasonably high on the rape (per capita) list:
But is reasonably high on the murders with firearms list (per capita, of
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 25, 2003, 3:13pm
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 25, 2003, 11:25pm
Depends whether you believe willpower exists.
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 9:54am
But what if he doesn't need gasoline O_o

-.Duo. (342836)
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 3:59pm

-.Duo. (342836)
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 28, 2003, 4:17pm
Guess not, lol.


-.Duo. (342836)

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 29, 2003, 11:08am
Whoa... that's a pretty hypocritcal post >:-P

-.Duo. (342836)
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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 29, 2003, 11:08am

-.Duo. (342836)
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Aug 21, 2003, 10:34am
Idon't know, I guess it just relieves the pressure of accidently stumbling
upon on one of her posts and deciding to read it. I don't pick out her posts
in particular, if anyway, I try to make one reply and leave it at that, or
simply reply to what others say.
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Aug 21, 2003, 10:36am
I can't get my objects texturs to work, so I don't build, heh heh heh.
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Aug 22, 2003, 11:06am
I thought this post was deleted?
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Aug 22, 2003, 2:03pm
Why? lol
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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 11:33pm
He meant for people to stop attacking people, not to stop posting thigns he
disagrees with.
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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 22, 2003, 10:58am
Why? For one post? He has more reason to suspend your account, you should
read your posts sometime. They are REALLY nasty. Actually, that was only 640
x 480 and medium quality with a resolution of 72 pixels an inch. But by all
means Enzo, delete that post.
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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 22, 2003, 11:01pm
heh heh heh

Anyway, the picture was "only" 51k :-P and the post was "only" 74k :-P. I
don't see the problem with it unless your on 56k >:-P. J/k, yeah yeah, I was
just making a bad joke. Sorry for doing it, 56kers.
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