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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 17, 2003, 10:37pm
I removed the checking of citnames from teh bot, there was just no point.
I'm just using them as variables. Its only a temporary bot anyway, I'm makng
an advanced rightsbot in VB which will take a while to program. I guess I'm
kind of rusty at programming, I learned VB programming in 1999 and C++ in
2000. I rarely program. Why should I use a file? What difference does it
make, more easily edited? Its also less secure... but its what I'm going to
do in my VB RightsBot, so I don't even know why I'm saying this crap, heh
heh heh.

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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 17, 2003, 10:42pm
The thing is, I'm building an RPG and terrain comes out much better
hand-done than demeter-done. I want to have security as well as quality >_<
so I don't have time to gain experience with it, could someone just write
the code (according to my bot) for it? If its not too much trouble that is.

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3.4 vb sdk

Feb 18, 2003, 11:06am
Yeah, but whats the point?

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Wondering how his question about sombody making a 3.4 VB SDK got to such a long boring string of posts

Feb 17, 2003, 10:43pm
I haven't good any bots working yet, and I know, or knew everything about
C++ once >_<

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Wondering how his question about sombody making a 3.4 VB SDK got to such a long boring string of posts

Feb 18, 2003, 11:08am
Two years ago I would have been able to tell you everything in the Direct X
sdk, winsock, opengl sdk, and more. I just never program so I forgot it
all, heh heh heh. I never speak Spanish either, and I kinda forgot a lot of
the Spanish I've learned >_<

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Programming Languages

Feb 17, 2003, 10:47pm
Example of evil C++ memory error:

#include <iostream.h>

struct MemErr
int crash;

void main()
MemErr *Omega=new MemErr;

I assure you that if you put that into a C++ document and run it, it will
eventually crash your computer, or at least everything its running. I
forget but I think you have to do "Delete Omega;" or something to delete it
from memory so it doesn't crash your computer.

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Programming Languages

Feb 18, 2003, 11:14am
Yeah, maybe I should >_< takes up less memory for one. Its just the
programming style I got into after I forgot most of C++, heh heh heh. I at
least used to know everything basic and useful.

You don't have to attack me though grimble...

Obviously if something in a program doesn't work correctly... it either is
an error or has an error. I wrote that code to purposely show whats bad to
do with DMA, I actually know, or at least knew everything about DMA >_<
Maybe I should just go read a book or something, lol
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Programming Languages

Feb 19, 2003, 12:14am
Damn, I can't post one little thing without getting attacked 5 times >_<

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Programming Languages

Feb 21, 2003, 12:29am
Anyway, can anyone offer any help in me running the bot as an admin client.
I know its way too advanced and crap but I really need to add CTs and get
rid of them too, beacuse demeter done terrain looks like crap.


Feb 17, 2003, 11:14am
I found a site where you can download it illegally... but that isn't right,
now is it. Anyway, I have no idea how to program a bingo bot, so I can't
help you, sorry. I struggle to make a simple rights bot >_<

For what your gonna use it for, AW isn't charging enough...
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Query on comwrapper

Feb 23, 2003, 10:08pm
How do you use the com wrappre anyway? heh heh heh

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Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx UPDATE BUT INCOMPLETE

Jul 12, 2003, 3:15pm
Wow, thanks (-:
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 16, 2003, 6:17pm
sdk.QuickStartGlobal = True
sdk.aw_init AW_BUILD
Dim rc As Long
rc = sdk.QuickStart(342836, "PASSWORD REMOVED (-:", "Duobot", "Duobot",
"jediwrld", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
If rc Then MsgBox rc
peoplepos = 0

help, lol

BTW, thanks for sdkocx6 richard

What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 16, 2003, 6:29pm
What am I supposed to use then? heh heh heh
umm... thanks? lol
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:08am
Ah, thanks
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:09am
I'm terrible at making windows programs in C++ though, rofl.
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:11am
I agree. I myself use red hat and windows, and in terms of programming I use
C++, C, Java, and VB (more if I knew more).
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:13am
I know like 2 things in C. One of them is printf, and the other is scanf
I would use C++ if I was good with the windows API in it (-:. I'm great with
swing in java, too bad there isn't an sdk for that...
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:14am
Exactly why I'm using VB... its just easier lol
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:21am
"Course... the best bit of C++ over VB is OOP, the class based structure and
derivision etc of C++ kicks the preverbial shite out of anything VB can
offer like that... I remember using Brants classes for avatars... and it
ended up taking like half a second to loop though the avatars and check
several variables, mainly because you had to call bloody member functions to
get and set variables! Now on a bot that handles typically 50 to 100 events
a second this is... bad... Then, I created the whole project in C++, and
whooosh, direct access to all the variables, and public, private and
protected content!"

yeah, that's why I want to use C++. But I don't get how your supposed to use
the windows API with it... and I don't really remember the windows API
anyway, roflmao.

"Not to mention no variants! (Unless you use COleVariant classes for DAO DB
as Im having to...) which speeds things up a rediculous level... and the
concept of overloading is absolutly brilliant... Take my Zeus bot for
example... the console message to user function, its overloaded with....

ConsoleMessage(CString szMessage, int red, int green, int blue, bool bold,
bool italics);
ConsoleMessage(CConsoleMessage *pConsoleMsg);
ConsoleMessage(CAwMessageDump *pMessageDump);

Now thats infinatly better than having 3 different function names for each
of them... they may need different bodies but its still a brilliant way of
handling things..."

Another reason I want to use C++... but I'm terrible at windows API, not to
mention C++ in general rofl.

"But, like I said.. when you basically want to take something like a text
and do some replacements at once, you can't beat VB for dev time, 10
seconds, literally... best because of its form based development... Of
course once you start dumping into things like API, and copying and pasting
a exoillion lines of API code into modules... (Unless you were l33t and made
a VB add in *G*) it gets damned annoying! Personally I don't see why you
have to have a hundred lines of const int WM_BLAH = &3B2C..."

Which is why I was using VB, I want a windows GUI but I suck at windows API
(and don't know how to combine it with the AW SDK anyway).

"Anyway, thats what I wanted to say.. I just find C++ more of an actual
programming language... and less of just writing stuff out in plain english,
lets face it.. natural language IS slower... GUI vs DOS... DOS wins hands
down for most things (excluding graphics design etc, hehe)..."

Yup. I want my windows API though, lol.

What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:35am
I suck with MFC too, rofl
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:41am
What do you include to get CString? heh heh heh
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 10:58am
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 5:37pm
The problem isthat I'm not recieving any error codes... and I'm using
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 7:36pm
I already have a book :-P. Anyway, I could get the login code to work no
matter what I tried. Its kind of dumb )-: do I need a timawwait?
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 17, 2003, 7:36pm
thanks... lol
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 18, 2003, 11:57pm
for me it is, rofl.
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What's wrong with my bot's initialization code? (sorry for being a newb, lol)

Aug 18, 2003, 11:57pm
Then where is it? And why are you always so mean? >:-P
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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 26, 2003, 7:16pm
Trying to get rid of linking errors, heh heh heh
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Where oh where are the bot programmers?

Aug 27, 2003, 11:03am
Umm... no dumbass I mean the linking errors not related to the AW files.

-.Duo. (342836)
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