.duo. // User Search
.duo. // User Search
Sep 21, 2003, 10:27pm
PWNED is it?
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"themask" <rickyt50 at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f6e3429$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Seen it, but seriously.. one word to this pic= OWNED.
Sep 22, 2003, 5:23pm
that sucked >:-P
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"s t e f a n" <ssss at sss.cmg> wrote in message
news:3f6f181f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://server865.gisol.com/~abstrakt/djyouri/Cherry%20Moon%20nr3.mpeg
Sep 22, 2003, 5:23pm
well, actually, it didn't suck, but it wasn't good.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]".duo." <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f6f4c1d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that sucked >:-P
> --
> -.Duo. (342836)
> "s t e f a n" <ssss at sss.cmg> wrote in message
> news:3f6f181f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 2, 2003, 5:39pm
In fact, would you mind if I gave you some suggestions?
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]".duo.24daysleft" <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f7b668e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> WoW. I want your bot lol
> --
> -.Duo. (342836)
> "tony m" <tony at homeunix.uni.cc> wrote in message
> news:3f78ffa7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> RPG. Although the novelty of Active Worlds games has pretty much been
> completely lost with me, I knew that the guy could really use some help. I
> never thought it would turn out the way it has, and I'm quite proud to
> back and say that I was a part of this; I'm glad to have had this
> opportunity to work on someone else's dream, and to help them reach their
> goals. We've learned and laughed from each other; and now, after 12 weeks,
> we're ready to bring it up to the next level.
> real-time PvP (player vs. player) combat, much like a First Person
> while most RPGs rely on turn-based PvC (player vs. computer) combat to
> the game. You are able to interact with many aspects of the world, from
> using doors and control panels to firing large turreted weapons. You can
> obtain items, experience points, and money much like any RPG. Many
> structures can be damaged or destroyed entirely by the weapons you will
> encounter.
> tactical nukes that can destroy entire structures within seconds. Recently
> completed is the Time of Day system -- there is a set of 24 world
> that rotate every 4 minutes (one hour in game time). At every 15 minute
> interval, the next hour's attributes are "blended" into the current hour,
> creating a 'transition' effect between hours.
> a weapon; depending on the number of hitpoints that object is defined to
> have, it 'respawns' within a certain amount of time. These destructables
> also have 'material' types, such as "Plasti-Glass", wood, "enhanced" wood,
> "DuraGlass", stone, metal, micro-reinforce steel, and energy. Usable
> (also called "drivables") are like bunkers -- they provide a defensive
> position for a player in which the player fires with the weapon that the
> drivable is configured to have; up to four players can occupy a single
> drivable, depending on that drivable's configuration. Contributing to the
> realism of the game, Proxima's game engine also features falling and
> drowning damage. Falling damage is based on the distance you fall (in
> meters) times two. Drowning damage is calculated like this: (20 * (([your
> character's endurance] / 40) + 1)).
> written by UberMonkey. Most of it is available for viewing from
> http://proxima.uni.cc/lib/. Ten "factions" control various properties that
> have been built around the world; the factions include City, Police,
> Bank, Drug Cartel, Bounty Hunters, Merchant's Guild, Natives, Church, and
> the Inter-stellar Federation. Factions can be joined by using the
> appropriate consoles located in a faction's base.
> game and report feedback to UberMonkey or Tony M. More information can be
> found on the Proxima website: http://proxima.uni.cc
Oct 2, 2003, 9:50am
Most Mac users tell me its slow... I don't know whether or not from
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"joeman" <john at fakeplastic.com> wrote in message
news:3f7b9747$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not too slow, was able to use AW a while back just fine on OS 9... It was
> also an ibook (366MHz G3 chip) with 64MB of ram... so... hah.
> -Joe
> ".duo.24daysleft" <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:3f7b66cb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> like
> checking
> are
Oct 2, 2003, 9:52am
No, but it does look that way.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"weyoun" <Weyoun at> wrote in message
news:3f7b8a18 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> :)
Oct 2, 2003, 7:36pm
What if there is no meaning to life?
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:3f7c9881$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The meaning of life is to find out what the meaning of life is. Once we
> it out then theres no reason to live so thank me for ending life as we
> it. Who has a bright idea for a new meaning of life before the world sinks
> in to depression?
Oct 4, 2003, 10:19am
Because our brains are by far the most advanced and complex. Not that our
logic is correct, but we are the only ones WITH logic.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"robbie" <robbie at oriox.com> wrote in message
news:3f7ca84b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Meaning is a human creation. A mental physic which makes us believe that
> every has a meaning and purpose. Think about it...humans arent the only
> on this earth, why should the logic we have created in our minds as we
> evolved be the correct logic?
> My two cents.
> -Robbie
> "r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:3f7c9881$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> find
> know
Oct 4, 2003, 10:20am
lol, good question.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
news:3f7d36cf at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what ever happened to "money, cars and bitches"? :)
> -SWE
> "r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:3f7c9881$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> find
> know
Oct 4, 2003, 10:55pm
Evolutionarily thinking, the meaning of life is to survive.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"icey" <icey at green.zzn.com> wrote in message
news:3F7F393A.2040809 at green.zzn.com...
> who cares about meaning of life, would an answer change something to
> life? Suppose the meaning was to go reproduce and die...would you be
> happy with it? So let's create our own meaning...the best will win the
> competition..and pelase do not ask me details about it :)
> icey
> r i c h a r d wrote:
Oct 4, 2003, 10:20am
Hey me too, wow! C-ya then (-:
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"henrikg" <something at somewhere> wrote in message
news:3f7d3a10$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello, I just want to inform the community that my world, Tomorrow, will
> expire in December. I've had a lot of fun creating and meeting people in
> AW, but I have no further use of the world as my life has changed with
> spare time and less and less interest in AW.
> Its been fun and no regrets (for anything!)
> HenrikG
Oct 4, 2003, 10:22am
ROFL, right after strike's thread
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"stefan aka joker" <sss at ss.Csss> wrote in message
news:3f7dc9df at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.spiralmatrix.com/
Oct 5, 2003, 7:48pm
Your homail address? What are you, a pimp? j/k >:-P ok
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"john" <johnf at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3f808fca at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Let it be known that my homail address isn't the one I use for my
> citizenship, nor is this. So please take note that people sending this
> email to my hotmail one, that they are wrong. Tx, ~John
> From :
> billing at activeworlds.com (Bill Hoover)
> To :
> johnf_the_great at hotmail.com
> Subject :
> ActiveWorlds Billing Info
> Date :
> 5 Oct 2003 21:25:59 -0000
> Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent
> MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version
> It has come to our attention that the credit card used to make the
> of
> your citizenship and/or worlds was a fraudulent purchase. You are now
> investigation and the proper authorities have been contacted. If you feel
> are
> wrong and wish to speak with us then contact us through
billing at hotmail.com
> and
> make sure to reply to the e-mail we first sent you.
> Thank You,
> Alex Goodwin (AWI Billing Services)
Oct 8, 2003, 9:09am
how do you set the movement back? o_O
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"weizer" <weizer at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3f835dd2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have a friend that still uses 3.3 because he hates navigation in 3.4. I
> know you can change it so it's the same as 3.3 but anyone that doesn't
> the time to play with the configuration don't. This may be one of the
> problems. Anyway... didn't AWI said that 3.4 will be forced upgrade ?
> -Weizer
> "alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 3f8193de$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> they
Oct 13, 2003, 11:07am
Well, you can report AW to customer abuse if you are banned from the
newsgroups for saying what you want. It is clearly corruption if you are
threatened a ban from a Gorean who's a GK because they like Gor, and didn't
like what you said about it. You are right, you have your right to freedom
of speech, and you did NOT break any of AW's content or conduct guidelines.
If anyone (or anything) does that, its Gor. They get special treatment
because they make up a relatively large part of AW's revenue. You could
complain about that GK to abuse at activeworlds.com and
gatekeepers at activeworlds.com (I think) first. Then, if they refuse to do
anything you can file a complaint about Activeworlds to the US government.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 3:16pm
heh, I didn't say anything O_O
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 7:08pm
Good way to think.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 12:12pm
Well... I'm not even going to reply to most of your post... I personally
have gotten attacked more from just trying to enjoy my time than most
everyone here. Not recently, but in the past.
another, I
If I read correctly, then I mostly agree.
Oct 13, 2003, 12:37pm
Whoa, I didn't say I cared that much, I jsut said people attacked me a lot
Unless someone is really ausive, I never block or mute anyone.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 7:10pm
Don't talk about something you don't know about.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 7:12pm
I once knew an 11 year old who was 6" 3.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 13, 2003, 7:12pm
Actually... you can't really be punished severely for it. At all.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"binarybud" <leo at realPANTStourvision.com> wrote in message
news:3f8afdea$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think we know who the sick one is here asshole.
> And just because your a child does not mean you cannot be punished for
slander either.
> "agent fox mulder" <AGentfoxmulder at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3f8afc8d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
in a
Oct 15, 2003, 7:31pm
You misspelled sweetie.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 18, 2003, 12:28pm
I bet you if it was an off-duty GK or a GK's freind saying it, NOTHING would
have happened.
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3f8fa9e7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> OMG he said the...P word O_O_O
> Seriously, why would anyone defense the GK here. Can't say pee? That's
> ridiculous, regardless of the circumstances. lol this is a new low in
> censorship. Along the same lines, I bet you can't also say poo, eh? =P
> "joeman" <john at fakeplastic.com> wrote in message
> news:3f8e0730$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> trouble.
Oct 18, 2003, 12:32pm
Well... I don't see a problem with it. All conversations in the gate are
useless because they bar any useful conversations. If C P was a GK off-duty,
or a friend of a GK, he would've still been there.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 19, 2003, 12:20pm
Like the entire universe... except not as bad.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 18, 2003, 12:34pm
I'm interested in helping. But my cit expires in 4 days, and I'm only
usually available on weekends.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 18, 2003, 12:34pm
Oh yeah, I'm in the process of making an open-ended RPG bot. I can build too
-.Duo. (342836)
[View Quote]"swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
news:3f902040 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> btw, builders and bot programmers could also come in handy ^_^
> -SWE
> "swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
> news:3f901eff at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> help
Oct 19, 2003, 12:43pm
Maybe. AW takes up too much of my time though so I'm not sure.
-.Duo. (342836)
Oct 21, 2003, 12:14am
Well, my cit is expiring tommorow, and I don't use AW enough to renew, no
matter how much I've enjoyed my time on it. I have much too much homework to
play that often, and when I usually do play it ends up interfering. Maybe if
I went the way of Goober King I woudl keep using it... it sounds nice.
Anyway, thanks everyone for being a jerk to me, helping me out, or whatever
else. My e-mail is ncommons at comcast.net and my AIM screen name is
duomaxwell10388. You'll probably still catch me on these groups for a while,
and on Spiral Matrix every so often. Maybe I'll log in to AW as a tourist
every so often.
Goodbye all, friends, enemies, and others. I quite possibly will miss you
-.Duo. (342836)
P.S. Good luck with your case Technozeus.