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A!!CT Bingo

May 9, 2003, 10:15pm
For the last time, have you ever thought that newbie guide may have actually
reflected me, it didnt influence me one bit lol. If GK wrote it or not, i'd
still be telling it like it is.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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A!!CT Bingo

May 10, 2003, 11:10am
I'm telling you, i never even paid attention to that until i read it in his
ng post, i thought it was funny, put it in the sig, and never paid attention
to it after that lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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E N Z O a request

May 10, 2003, 12:36am
Oy i would.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]


May 10, 2003, 11:09am
The Lady please don't run away with the opinion that you are the first one
to attempt this, getting a vote, getting support, trying to get the tourists
back, because you are not, many have done it, many have failed, it is a
futile battle, you will not win. So it is best to just let your attempts die
off. For it will of course as everyone says, never happen.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader


May 10, 2003, 12:06pm
I agree with that.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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^Tourists & Newsgroup^

May 12, 2003, 8:58am
of course tourists do not care about their build rights, because their stuff
can be deleted anyway........

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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^Tourists & Newsgroup^

May 12, 2003, 5:24pm
My personal opinion, the current system works just fine.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 3:42pm
There is no bot that even comes close, NONE not even the Preston, to doing
what the Xelagot does. The Xelagot is one of the best, if not THEE best bots
in existance, I am glad AW has decided to support you for all your work, but
it's a little sad that we have to cause all this uproar for them to help out

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

A!!CT World and myself thanks you all!

Jun 6, 2003, 4:37pm
you werent world of the month, you were one of the top ones voted. but
probly because you put something in your IO to try and persuade people to
vote for you.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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A!!CT World and myself thanks you all!

Jun 6, 2003, 5:01pm

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 4:36pm
*pats NAV 2003 Pro with AutoLiveUpdate*

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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new virus alert!

Jun 8, 2003, 12:44pm
*would like to know what kind of weed Mark is smoking, because he is
apparently delirious, and trying to make himself sound like he is smart at
the same time. Failing miserably of course.*

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

[View Quote]

new virus alert!

Jun 8, 2003, 12:45pm
pc-cillin is the worst anti-virus avaliable, god get NAV, rated the best by
PC Mag and tons more pubs

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Alpha World

Jun 6, 2003, 7:04pm
I hope they scrap it i've been in NewAW it's retarded.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Alpha World

Jun 6, 2003, 10:44pm
If it is at all related to the sims it was this

A sad attempt that failed miserably.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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New Alpha World

Jun 6, 2003, 10:45pm
Trust me, overall it was not worth the programmers time, it was a complete
and total waste, the project failed. It's the stupidest attempt at ANYTHING
i've ever seen. The programmers could have spent their time doing better
things. Okay?

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
[View Quote]

New Alpha World

Jun 6, 2003, 10:47pm
Problems with NewAW:

Nothing but Prefab objects.
The money system sucks.
Hard to build anything.
None of the objects are proportioned.
As said earlier, nothing but a failed attempt at The Sims or Sim City AW

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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New Alpha World

Jun 7, 2003, 11:51pm
couldn't have said it better myself.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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stepping down from ctv

Jun 12, 2003, 6:27pm
what does awteen have to do with anything here? lol

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Jun 12, 2003, 6:25pm

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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AW Forum?

Jun 14, 2003, 2:55pm
The NG is aw's forums.
Don't take it upon yourself to make an AW Forum.
Many people have done it before.
Their forums went nowhere.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 1:17pm
Ya'll got nothing

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

Special opportunity

Jun 25, 2003, 10:31pm
Well what is it before rebates lol.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

Another Special Opportunity

Jun 25, 2003, 10:31pm
You see, Andras spammed something useful, you did not. You should be

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 28, 2003, 12:51pm
I propose you close down every world you own, including A!!CT, let your
website expire, then leave AW :)

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 28, 2003, 4:40pm
I'm trying to say is, after reading this recent post i've lost all intrest
and came to realize that A!!CT is a crap hole. That should be destroyed.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader


Jul 6, 2003, 6:47pm
Many people over many years have tried to convince AW to resort to
advertisement, commercials, etc. etc. but this has never happened, you are
just one of the people who has suggested it. Join the club. But AW will
never use the idea, why i do not know because i know that whenever AW
appears on a tv show, or a interview current users skyrocket. Apparently AWI
has not taken a hint. I myself got here via a interview on CNN with Rick
Noll and JP McCormick, i thought the program looked pretty intresting and
well 5 years later, i'm still on AW :)

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

VR Radio & TV Database - Is Anyone Interested??

Jul 8, 2003, 3:13am
I got a idea though, why not let the tv stations keep their origional names
instead of naming them after basketball players or whatever the heck it is
your doing.

Brock - VWTV Co-Owner

VR Radio & TV Database - Is Anyone Interested??

Jul 10, 2003, 6:30pm
I'm saying if you do a tv database use the proper names :P

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Getting the word out about AW

Jul 8, 2003, 4:18pm
Erm ZDTV is the former name of TechTV..........

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader

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