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chazrad // User Search

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Sound Alert

May 23, 2002, 5:08pm
at least you wasted enough bandwidth responding to me, why not waste some
more and give her a better answer?
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3ced2bfb at

> thats it? Most people wouldent even waste the bandwidth to transfer it
> 2 u,

Sound Alert

May 24, 2002, 6:56pm
will only work for you if you're running the bot, not when you r

back to the drawing board :)

"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3cee7824 at

> okay. here is it in basic VB...
> if instr(sdk.awchatmessage,Youname) then
> beep
> end if :)
> Get someone to put the equivilent of that in for u
[View Quote]

Sound Alert

May 25, 2002, 2:45pm
then check if it's not just your name coming up in conversation (so it wont
make sound all over the place), allowing for others to also want to be
acknowledged, maintaining a database who you don't want to make sounds, the
code to find the wavplayer and keeping track of it, not wanting to have 1
bot for every person in your world......

i think 200000 lines (including the dbinterface and the ui) is more

but hey what do i know, the bot i use plays a predescribed sound for each
individual (with an upper limit of 2000.0000.000 different people) )for
those the caretaker allows it, or a default sound to those that caretaker
allows it and no sound for those that are not on the list. In this way it
can even play your own voice or the voice of the one that calls you.

"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3cef694f at

> well if your not running the bot your talking a direct IP connection
> bot network linked to yourself and to the host.. which just made it go
> up from about 1 line of code to............ about 200, unless you do a
> whole lotta hooking stuff and read the text in the browser (difficult)

Sound Alert

May 25, 2002, 5:46pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in news:3cefcc73

> thats bordering on insane, lol, nice job though :)

feel free to join my testprogram :)

AFK - Hiding feature

Jun 4, 2002, 5:45am
if you have a question mark, the join feature always shows grayed if you
are offline, not when you are online for those you didn't block

seems like a silly feature to me.

wish for sdk

Jun 7, 2002, 10:27am
I'd really wish the sdk the be updated with the following:

add a function aw_user_all_data, which you give an address of a
preallocated block of memory arranged in a structure which contains all
avatar attributes (including object related ones). aw_user_all_data_set for
the other direction. the server will then do a memcopy of their structure
to/from your block. in this way you get all attributes at once without
having to ask for each and every attribute and then having to copy them to
your own structure. This will put a slightly bigger stress on their
resources but (questimating) this is easily compensated for by not having
to handle all the seperate calls for attributes, and will also reduce the
network load.

wish for sdk

Jun 7, 2002, 12:54pm
"milesteg" <MilesTeg at> wrote in
news:3d00abd7 at

> HI Chazrad,
> Why do you think it would reduce network load?
> I m pretty sure attributes are all received in one shot .
> for example when the event avatar_add is raised, all the avatar
> attributes are received from the server,
> the sdk hold them and you can get them using aw_int or aw_string
> etc..I don t think aw sdk makes a call to the server each time you
> make an aw_int or aw_string call, that would be weird ;)
> Regards,
> MilesTeg
yeah now that i think about it i didn't really think that part through.
the idea is good though,not?
> "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at> a écrit dans le message de
> news: 3d00a6c4 at
> for

Another idea.. read.. its kewl!

Aug 10, 2002, 8:21pm
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> wrote in
news:3d558620$1 at

> Someone's defensive on VB. Most people that program VB aren't
> experts, realize that. They're just people who need to make something
> quick, and when you make something quick it's going to be crappy.

Well as a recognised by all 'basic hater' (which i am not) i tend to
agree with you. Anyway, sloppy written C/C++ code will outperform sloppy
written VB code for very simple and obvious reasons. VB code can be very
dirty easily, however to write very dirty code in c/c++ without getting
your ass kicked already at compiletime is a real effort.

Also, to write an optimizer for vb taxes even the most brilliant of
minds. To trust MS to write an efficient interpreter is way past
gullability (MS doesn't pay for well written code but for quick
turnover, how else do they make money but to underpay graduates) So any
language written by MS (which they didn't buy up and slowly strangle)
must by definition turn out to be crap in the long run.

IMHO to put your mind to writing to any MS specific language standard is
asking for it in the form of getting stuck to them and their improbable
licensing idea's.

> = very rudely shaken to reality since MS came on the scene


Oct 26, 2002, 9:48am
That bot's can't send grams i can understand, but why cant they read them?


Oct 27, 2002, 4:46am
"d a n" <awdan at> wrote in news:3dbace6d at

> No dont allow this or we'll be bombed unless a user and customise this
> feature
> ---
> D a n
[View Quote] just receiving will actually solve a lot of these problems. The bot can act
as 'spam' filter, save the grams directly to text, etc


Oct 27, 2002, 4:11pm
"ananas" <vha at> wrote in news:3DBBC2FF.5D0BF8A8 at

> It will not affect me, but most people would not be pleased if
> everyone who has their PPW will bee able to read their telegrams.
> And they will not even be able to read it themselves, as already
> delivered telegrams are not delivered a second time.
[View Quote] mmm, you've got a point there. i viewed it to much out of my own personal
standpoint. tnx

really why isnt it here already?

Nov 28, 2002, 7:24pm
1. why isn't a global bot globally visible?
2. why doesn't AW sell botonly citzinships for lower prize, the 3bot limit
really sucks


really why isnt it here already?

Nov 28, 2002, 9:23pm
Tnx Kah, why don't you have such an easy answer for the first point ? :)

I think you can buy a bot limit extension for $20/year? At least I
> think this was possible under the old pricing scheme. Ask
> sales at

really why isnt it here already?

Nov 29, 2002, 6:43am
Well, that's actually exactly what i meant by making it visible, if it's
visible you can whisper with it. I dont care if you can see it really as
long as you can whisper to it. Chatting it can do with console messages.
But if you have an agechecking bot it would be nice if you could whisper
your age, amongst other things. A global bot should be visible globally
else it's half work in my view.

"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at> wrote in
news:3de6b4e3 at

> There really isn't such a thing as a "global bot" in that sense. A
> bot in global mode can detect things from all over the world it is in,
> but that is one way, and does not effect how far away you can see the
> bots avatar or how far away you can hear the bot's chat. A bot with
> caretaker privileges can also send "console messages" that can be
> heard anywhere in the world, but than neither effects nor is effected
> by weather or not the bot is in global mode and also does not effect
> the bot's chat range, which is also how far away you can see it's
> avatar.
> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]

really why isnt it here already?

Nov 29, 2002, 8:54pm
Well wouldnt have to be an avatar hearing range, if just they put the
bots name in the whisperbox i don't care about the avatar 200 mtr range.
I see no programtechnical reason why AWserver cant display global bot
names in the whisperbox, if the bot can detect all events it can also
hear whispers globally IMHO.

"kah" <kah at> wrote in
news:Xns92D5D12E445Fkahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at

> "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at> wrote in
> news:Xns92D55DE821A4Epetrossa at
> I agree. If nothing else, it should be made an option to have it be
> detectable in the entire world. Perhaps it would require a bit of
> rewriting to allow for avatars beyond the usual 200m hearing range,
> but it'd be worth it.

really why isnt it here already?

Nov 30, 2002, 7:41am
"tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at> wrote in
news:pbnguuou3oacvrn1d0os16fbtq85lkuq26 at

[View Quote] i emailed sales at 4 days ago, still no reply

really why isnt it here already?

Dec 1, 2002, 7:04am
"kah" <kah at> wrote in
news:Xns92D6A74A37721kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at

> "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at> wrote in
> news:Xns92D5EE33BD382petrossa at
> Now it's set up to ignore everything beyond 200m, so if the server
> suddently came up with an AW_AVATAR_ADD for an av outside hearing
> range it would confuse the browser.

i mean: not to generate an avataradd event, or any avatarevent for that
matter , but just add the global bots name to the whisper box of the
browser. circumvent all events, just allow the bot to hear whispers, the
same way it can hear global chat without generating avatar events. The
avatarevent itself can then be generated when it comes in range.

really why isnt it here already?

Dec 1, 2002, 7:05am
"j b e l l" <jbell at> wrote in news:3de921e8$1

> Thanksgiving Weekend.

Lol i give thanks every weekend (to my girlfriend for services rendered,
for the sun coming up and such things :)

really why isnt it here already?

Dec 1, 2002, 8:37pm
"kah" <kah at> wrote in
news:Xns92D7A957F33B6kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at

> "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at> wrote in
> news:Xns92D761A11157Apetrossa at
> But the AVATAR_ADD is needed to add it to the whisper list, that's
> what I meant.

i see no earthly reason why this should be so. It's not a degree by God
or something, it's just how it's implemented now. It's small adjustment
IMHO to the browser and server to put global bots in the whisper box,
with a great improvement in the use of global bots.


New Lindows PCs

Jun 20, 2002, 5:57am
i spend it and i must say, the os is really quite impressive even in the
prebeta stage. I am now running spx 2 and it rocks!

"jerme" <JerMe101 at> wrote in
news:3d111b2b$1 at

> Lindows just plain rules... and here's why...
> Microsoft is admittly the standard operating system when it comes to
> desktops. Linux and Unix is the standard for servers. Microsoft has
> had not trouble breaking that barrier and moving windows onto *some*
> servers. Linux, however has had a extreamly difficult time breaking
> the barrier into desktops. Reason being...there are more desktop
> systems out there.
> When I use my computer, I need to be able to effectifly communicate
> with others quickly and easily and get my work done in the most
> efficient manner. When everyone else is using Windows desktops, it
> makes using linux a little hairy. Moving files between systems becomes
> tedious, as you have to worry about compability and having a linux
> counterpart for your windows programs and vice versa.
> Lindows breaks all the barries down by allowing you to run Windows
> programs from a Linux enviroment. Sure, this has always been possible
> with windows emulators for linux, but never to the extent that Lindows
> takes it. So, now I can run with my handy linux desktop yet still use
> all Windows programs to communicate with outsiders.
> It was only a matter of time before someone tried to combine the two
> OSes, it just took someone with enough resources to get the company
> off the ground.
> In summary, If I had a hundread dollars to spend on something, I'd
> spend it on Lindows. :o)
> -Jeremy
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker - Owner
> JTech Web Systems
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
> itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]

What to look for in a video card?

Jul 5, 2002, 10:43am
"dion" <Dion at> wrote in news:3d258db3 at

> hmm very interesting stuff. :-)
> GF4400 w/ athlon gets ya 60fps average... sounds good to me :-)

with gf3/athlon about the same, with lows at 25 peaks till 97

help? :-\

Aug 7, 2002, 5:08am
> For NT they took several ideas from Unix and implemented them,
> or at least tried to *g

Always thought they stole most of NT from IBM in their 'joint' OS/2

help? :-\

Aug 7, 2002, 3:42pm
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> wrote in
news:3d5155df$1 at

> LoL Microsoft steals everything from everybody. Weren't win3.1 and
> win95 based on 2 of the mac versions? Then so was XP (kind of based
> on OSX). They usually just steal bits and pieces of other OS's and jam
> them in there.
> --Bowen--

i still miss OS/2 :( The fight they had to keep the win 3.1 box alive.
it was always great to see how the programmers at MS where trying to
make the win box/OS/2 fail and how the IBM programmers managed to make
it work again. I still admire them (IBM) for managing to run win 3.1 as
a DPMI client while at the same time win 3.1 only wanted to be DPMI
I still hate them (IBM) for throwing the towel though. I will never buy
IBM's products again after selling out in such a big way. Not even
hardware (which was crappy at best :)

Oh well the good old days...

Now we are stuck with it by our own complacency

help? :-\

Aug 8, 2002, 6:20am
"ananas" <vha at> wrote in news:3D51FE11.99050E19 at

> General discussion :)
[View Quote] :) well put

You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 10, 2002, 5:34pm
More proof that the internet truly belongs to the freaks...

Anyone seen lately? Remember 2nd ww? Remember Sadam gassing
woman&children? Be sure mankind is and will be capable of the most
horrendous crimes. Not denying that childabuse (>was victim) is a horrible
crime, in all levelminded consideration, when 10% of the worlds population
uses 90% of the resources (thereby denying most of the world the rest just
because they can)they should be silent in shame and not put a big show
about 30 children getting abused

just my 10 cts worth

bot host

Aug 12, 2002, 5:37am
"maki" <maki at> wrote in
news:3d57461a at

> well, that's great and all, but I tested it, the cpu fan is only a
> small bit, and it's more muffled when encased, so it's a very small
> sound, along with the power supply fan, that's nothing - I unplugged
> the cpu fan and it is my hd, it emits a high pitched sound, kind of
> hard to explain, but it's very annoying, I don't know why it does
> it...sound of it spinning, oh well

buy a seagate barracuda they r comp-letely noisfree

Evvvilll Software Corporation (HTML!!!)

Oct 15, 2002, 4:37am
look at www.lindows.con


XP is unstable. i have about the same probs as Dion, as well as needing
to reboot every few hours because suddenly eplorer takes 98% of CPU.

use XP because at least it is more stable then the 9x stuff, but that
doesn't mean that much


"dion" <Dion at> wrote in
news:3da8a931$1 at

> I run XP Pro simply because I'm too stupid for linux. :-P I'm planning
> on getting linux later but I'm afraid of going a couple of days
> without the internet so I'm waiting till I get my new computer before
> I start figuring out how to use it. Once I figure out how to use it,
> I'll stick it on my personal comp. ;-)
> Anyway, XP is generally stable until I start using my drivers. Once in
> awhile, when I connect something to the USB, it beeps a buncha and
> reboots. More than once my XP has randomly rebooted only to tell me
> that it's completely fucked over when it comes back. I ended up
> reformatting. And no, it wasn't a virus or anything, I watch all that
> stuff closely. My network is secure and nothing on my computer can be
> modified by other computers on the network. It's XP's issue.
> -Dion
[View Quote]

High CPU Usage

Nov 30, 2002, 7:39am
"kimi" <kim at> wrote in
news:8iqguusg2lm7kn46jmf5qrekgek73j6lv6 at

> On 30 Nov 2002 02:22:37 -0500, "tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at>
[View Quote] i have the same (xp 2000 athlon desktop), added to that if AW runs long
time my computer slows down to a crawl. (i have gforce 3 ti 500+512 ddr)
i close and restart and it wil work again for a while.

Incredimail.. scum of the universe...

Dec 21, 2002, 8:34am
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3e03e6df at

> Every god forsaken, idiotic, intellectually challanged moron who uses
> Incredimail should be put up against a wall and shot until theyre
> nothing more than quarks (fundamental particaly) because theyre
> bandwidth wasting, memory hogging, network grinding, packet sizing
> sods!
> Anyone else feel that Incredimail is 1 of the worlds worst invensions,
> its an IE clone,

Shoot me :)

World Ratings-Guideline request

Nov 13, 2002, 8:17am
Extremely well put kelle, i wholehartedly support this sane view

"kellee" <kellee at> wrote in
news:3dd20e37 at

> Well put :o)) BUT
> I thought those where pretty well the idea, any way?? In my opinion
> the vocal few are WAY over reacting, and need for "review" is uncalled
> for . In general nobody expects a "R" rated word to contain childish

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