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October 1st :)

Sep 28, 2005, 3:44am
Hi folks -

October 1st is the deadline for any submissions you may have for this months
edition of the AWLife Newsletter :) Please send all submissions to
newsletter at awlife.net



AWLife Newsletter - October

Oct 3, 2005, 4:22pm
Hiya Folks :)

Your last chance to submit an article for the october edition of the AWLife
Newsletter is tomorrow :) I'm aiming to have this edition out by the 5th,
so please, if you're still interested in submitting your news - send it over
to newsletter at awlife.net



AWLife - October... released.

Oct 6, 2005, 4:38pm

The AWLife Newsletter for October is now released and published. You can
read it here: http://www.awlife.net/content/section/3/55/

If you have your submissions for November lined up, feel free to send them
in to newsletter at awlife.net, but if you have a sudden last minute submission
for the october edition, I would be more than happy to publish it as soon as

Cheers, and thanks for your ongoing support of the newsletter :)


FTP/OP Hosting Available via AWLife

Oct 7, 2005, 3:25am
Hi Folks :)

I'm proud to announce that AWLife is now offering its initial FTP and Object
path hosting through our servers. The initial plan we're offering is 200 MBs
for $20/month, on a month to month basis, with no setup fee.

Please check out http://www.awlife.net/content/view/111/42/ for more
information on the package itself.



FTP/OP Hosting Available via AWLife

Oct 7, 2005, 9:06pm
Hi there :)

I understand that in comparison to some of the larger domain hosting
companies, such as godaddy.com, our hosting for an object path may be
considered high. However, in comparison to companies within AW, and even to
AWI itself, our prices are affordable. Why? When signing up for hosting with
a company that works directly out of the AW software, you gain a level of
expertice that is not found through a major hosting company (in fact, many
hosting companies don't allow you through their usage policies to host major
file directories such as Object Paths). For incredibly advanced users, it
probably is more cost effective to register your own domain and gain GBs
worth of hosting space (which I definitely cannot compete with) - but for
the standard user that is going to want help along the way, which we most
definitely offer, we are more than reasonable. :) AWLife strives to be a
company that is flexible with the user base, and to be frankly honest, if a
user felt they needed more space, or felt that our prices were too high, but
most definitely wanted to host with us, we would be more than willing to
find a work around, and work out a deal.

Hope this helps. My intention is not to swindle anyone out of anything - or
discourage people from going with cheaper hosting plans - I am simply
letting people know what we offer now.



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FTP/OP Hosting Available via AWLife

Oct 13, 2005, 12:34pm
Mmmmm - What would the AW Community be without all the hostility? ;)


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AWLife - November :)

Oct 14, 2005, 1:48pm

We are quickly approaching November, and appropriately, it is time to put it
out there that I am now accepting submissions for the November Edition :) If
you have an artists tip, world highlight, or just general news about your
community, city, world, galaxy, or universe - send it my way, and have it
featured inside of the AWLife Newsletter.

As time goes on, more universes are becoming involved in the submissions
process, and as a result the readership expands with every issue. This is a
great opportunity to highlight either an event, or a community, and show the
rest of us what's going on. So take it, and submit some news on YOUR
community. :) All submissions should be sent to: newsletter at awlife.net on or
before November 1st. I'll be sure to post a second reminder once we get a
bit closer.



Rediculous Signs @ AW GZ

Oct 20, 2005, 4:20pm
Oh please :)


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AWLife November submissions - Last chance!

Oct 27, 2005, 2:32pm
For those of you who would like to submit for the AWLife Newsletter,
November Edition, your last day to do so is coming up! November 1st will be
the last day we accept submissions :)

http://www.awlife.net/content/section/3/55/ For those of you who are not
familiar with the newsletter...

To submit, please send your articles to newsletter at awlife.net :)



New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 1, 2005, 3:52pm
Why the secrecy about your identity? :)


November - AWLife!

Nov 2, 2005, 1:10am
Greetings all :)

This month we've had more submissions from other communities and universes
than we ever had..... Seeing as such, I've decided to extend the deadline by
a couple of days to allow any last minute community updates be sent my way
to newsletter at awlife.net

If you've been meaning to submit for a while, NOW is the time to do it! :)

Look for the AWLife Newsletter on or around the 5th. Cheers!


AWLife - November!

Nov 10, 2005, 1:54am
Greetings everyone!

The AWLife Newsletter for November is now available at:

This edition was actually out a couple of days ago, and it is my fault for
not remember to set aside the time to send out the notices. My apologies!
Cheers :)

For all future submissions, please e-mail newsletter at awlife.net



AWI Answers

Nov 18, 2005, 2:12pm
> 2. Besides that, these "many users" also make up a small minority in AW
> and
> I don't recall seeing more than 5 or 6 on these NGs. AWI once said they
> don't want to upset users, but I think you'll be upsetting even more users
> by keeping public worlds obsolete. The problem is that like in most
> industries, they only hear the complaints, rarely the praises. I dare AWI
> to open an official poll :P

A good portion of AW users don't even use these newsgroups, Comit :)


AWLife - December Submissions

Nov 22, 2005, 4:57pm
Greetings one and all :)

We are quickly approaching the AWLife deadline of December 1st for all
submissions to the AWLife Newsletter, December edition. If you have news
you'd like to send in, please do so to newsletter at awlife.net before December

I hope everyone is enjoys the upcoming week, and has a safe and tastey
Thanksgiving :)



New AW Toolbar Available

Dec 12, 2005, 3:09am
I dont get the comment either, Syntax :D


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AWLife - Any stragglers?

Dec 12, 2005, 9:52pm
This month AWLife will be releasing its newsletter on the 15th (Which is
just a few days away!). If you would still like to submit an article, please
do so within the next day or so :)



AWLife Newsletter - January!

Jan 7, 2006, 4:19pm
Greetings All -

Its been quite the crazy past two months for me (and for everyone else, I'm
sure) and as a result, the December edition of the AWLife Newsletter never
made it to publication. I do apologize about that. However, this monday I
*will* be releasing the January edition of the newsletter, and would like to
extend the deadline for submissions to sunday evening. If you have anything
you'd like to hammer out, just send it my way once it's done and alls well

I hope everyone is having a fantastic new year - may it be a safe and
prosperous one for all of you.



"Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)

Jan 12, 2006, 3:36pm
I think that some of your points are valid, while others don't hold any
merit because you've taken things out of context.

This environment was designed FOR teens, not for middle aged adults - That's
how it goes... As a result, everything in that environment is "aimed" at the
teenage crowd. Period.

I think the reason we've been informed as to the existance of this universe,
and been allowed to enter it freely is in part because it is somewhat of a
preview of what will be offered. Obviously, theres no public building or
complete customization of the environment, but to slam THIS project because
there isn't that flexibility, isn't fair. It's a custom project, aimed
exactly at what the client wants - not what the Active Worlds community
wants (thank god for that!).

I agree with some of your points but I think to bash the environment based
on a scaled of 1 - Active Worlds, is pointless, off base, and a waste of


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"Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)

Jan 12, 2006, 7:37pm
There is a difference between "kids" and "teens" - I said "teens" not kids


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AWLife - All new FTP/Hosting plans available

Jan 28, 2006, 4:51pm
Greetings all :)

Over the past few months we've been working to be able to offer the AW
community more affordable, reliable hosting plans for not only your worlds,
but your webspace as well. Recently we have made some incredible strides by
the way of web hosting, and what we can offer for an affordable price.

Starting now AWLife offers economy web hosting plans including 5 GBs of
space, 250 GBs of bandwidth, 500 email accounts, and 10 MySQL databases
starting at $3.95/month. There are also a range of other plans offered,
including hosting accounts up to 20 GBs in space.

We also now offer the hosting of dedicated servers, virtual dedicated
servers, and dedicated IPs (just to name a few!). If you're interested in
checking out what we have to offer by the way of webhosting, please visit
www.awlifehost.com for more information. As always, if you're interested in
our competitive and reliable world hosting plans, please visit our home site
of www.awlife.net



Note to AWI: Teleports

Feb 4, 2006, 10:17pm
Why the hostility?


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AW4 vs. SL features

Mar 13, 2006, 11:14am
I think that was the point... lol. =)


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Second Life

Mar 14, 2006, 5:40pm
First off, lots and lots and lots of assumptions on your end, Starax.

I would probably quit AW altogether if Linden Labs took over the AW client.
Why? Because I have heard horror stories about that company :)

The AWGate is a cool world. I visited Tao, and no offense, but the graphic
appeal of the gate far out does that of the private world.

I have personally found that the second life browser is far more clunky and
obtrusive when it comes to moving in the environment than the AW environment
itself. I would consider it an incredibly sad day if we were to lose AW to
Second Life. The only thing Ive ever really wished for was a more attractive


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AW Reunion 2006 Pre-Registration

Mar 26, 2006, 5:42am
Sweet! Good work Goob :D


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[AW Reunion] Hotel Accomodations

Apr 8, 2006, 9:35pm
Good news!.... It seems people have rapidly booked and signed up for hotel
rooms, to the point that our original booking of 15 rooms was under shot -
All 15 rooms (and more!) have been booked.

As a result if you call up, and ask for the AWReunion/AWRadio group block
rate, you may be told that this block is currently full. If the staff tells
you this, inform them that our committee was notified that the block could
be easily extended and booked as necessary.

In the mean time, we will be in contact with the Doubletree as soon as
possible to extend the block ourselves so that no one calling gets this
message... Looks like the reunion is going to be quite large! Lets go AW!


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[AW Reunion] Hotel Accomodations

Apr 9, 2006, 1:11pm
That much is up to you :)


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[AW Reunion] Hotel Accomodations

Apr 9, 2006, 2:57pm
Woops, didn't mean for that to come across in the wrong way. I simply ment
that when registering the hotel rooms you have your options of occupancy :)

We don't know what occupancy those rooms are. At the moment there are 22
people registered to attend, but we have the sneaking suspicion people have
reserved rooms but not registered online ;) There is the potential of
doubling up if need be, but it shouldn't be a problem to reserve a room



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Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 23, 2006, 12:48pm

The main flaw in the argument that Active Worlds Incorporated "Sold out" by
taking the Wells Fargo project is that much of the pivotal and foundation
work for AW v. 4.1 was done before Wells Fargo even came onto the scene.

There's probably more that I could argue, but there's not much of a point,
seeing as how the rest of the argument above has gone...



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To Rick and JP...

Jun 28, 2006, 7:55pm
Hmmm... I wonder if the server Alpha World is on would handle all those
glorious movers very well. heh.


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