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alexthemartian // User Search
alexthemartian // User Searchno auto-upgrade?May 7, 2003, 2:07am
also, i got 3.4 from open beta. if closed beta people get auto upgraded,
then how to open beta users upgrade? [View Quote] can somoen verify if this is safe?Aug 11, 2003, 2:25am .. im not trusting programs unless they are
veified :-P "Telegram from Python Builder, sent 55 minutes ago: Python Database is a program full of AW Television Stations and Radio can easily switch back and forth from one to the other. This was made by a good programmer friend of mine for the Python Builders but it is being released to the public. It also has a built in bot that generates hills if you own a world and protects tourist builds but the TV and RADIO Station section is the best. Download it by going to:" can somoen verify if this is safe?Aug 11, 2003, 9:57am
ok thanx for letting me know.. i knew that it was questionable when it was
telegramed instead of posted here or someting [View Quote] HotbarAug 12, 2003, 1:53am
i see the .dll on outlook express.. and it is grayed out when i click the
paperclip... which is good.. but can someone explain why outlook express gray out certian attachements.. even greys out pictures sometime. why is that? [View Quote] Echomencers above post MEANS NEW UNIVERSE!!!!!Aug 18, 2003, 5:35am
Chazbot new buildAug 23, 2003, 1:03am
how do i unistall chazbot?.. this is what readme said (latest version of
chazbot): "To delete the bot from the registry, just run deletebot.exe, after that you can just delete the installation directory." deletebot.exe does not exist on my computer.. either it is missing (either from my computer or somehow not part of the installation of chazbot) or the readme needs to be changed.. now can someone tell me what i do to unistall it? do i just delete the directory? [View Quote] AW Meeting.Aug 18, 2003, 5:29am
grrrrr!! that always ititates me.. i fell like dumping a thousand 0s on the
head of the ppl who do that.. it makes the entire universe look lik n00bvile (note their are 0s in that) i also hate those .48 / .49 ppl.. dont they know it is .5??? (i think i even seen some .499s once in a while.. or i might be crazy).. and people need to learn how to use Yaw.. 0 is north.. 90 is west.. 180 is south.. 270 is west.. and PLEASE DONT USE 360.. that is same as 0.... and half way between noth and west is half way between 0 and 90 which is 45.. its the same if you were one big flat protractor avatatr.. LOL AlexTheMartian [View Quote] Condemnation of AW CitizensAug 23, 2003, 1:58am
im not directing this at you.. just it reminded me..
i hate people that cover so much land and say the town is the biggest.. i judge size by the ammount of actual building and not cover.. lol i can put 1 house and cover 500 coords (yeah im exagerating) and call it the biggest town.. in real life you cant put one building and make the city limits the size of half a state and call it the biggest city... again im not directing this at anyone.. just think that it should not happen anymore. [View Quote] Hosted WorldsAug 28, 2003, 2:44am
you dont need money.. just download the world host program and do it
yourself for free. [View Quote] awcampSep 3, 2003, 9:01pm
Help Needed!Sep 13, 2003, 4:59am
how it work? if i become a teacher when do i teach? how often do i have
to?.. i would like to do it but im a little busy with school since its my last year of high school and im getting prepared for college and all [View Quote] kellee with a dotOct 15, 2003, 9:02pm
Goodnight everybody :)Oct 24, 2003, 10:52pm
Effects I'd like to get ahold of...Nov 1, 2003, 11:21pm
i have a clock on the front top of a building at AWTeen 531s 500w 180
im not sure if the rotation is exactly the same as thegate, but at least it works good. [View Quote] Effects I'd like to get ahold of...Nov 1, 2003, 11:23pm
also when you right click you notice that some poles are 3d-rotated
diffrently.. i did this becuase i didnt know how to change the numbers to make them work right.. but the way they are positioned make the time correct [View Quote] d1rTciTyNov 19, 2003, 3:20am
i was in DirtCity on one of the days durring the week the new Matrix sequal
came out (like a few days befor or after.. cant remember.).. i think the welcome message still said d1rTciTy durring that time.. so far i was able to go into DirtCity every day or so untill the day they added that Pixel Brighters to the uni message. [View Quote] URGENT NEWS BULITEN FOR ENTIRE ACTIVE WORLDS COMMUNITYNov 22, 2003, 3:06am
well since you mentioned Messenger.. i just want to ask if it look like
this: if so then it is.. i dont fell like explaining, ill just quote a website i found: "Messenger Service Popup Advertising The latest trend is using the messenger service to send pop up advertising spam to unprotected computers. It's important to note that these messages have no relation to MSN or Microsoft Messenger. Messenger service is used via the 'net send' command to send messages between networked computers. If you don't have network access or use the 'net send' command it's easy to disable the messenger service and eliminate the popup activity. ---------- Disable Messenger Service Click Start > Run and type "services.msc" (no quotes) in the Open: line and click OK In the right pane, scroll down to Messenger. Double click Messenger and click the General tab. Under Service Status: click the Stop button. In the Startup Type: drop down box, select Disable. Click Apply and OK. ---------- Another method to rid your system of this annoyance is to block NetBIOS ports 135, 137, 138. and 139 through the firewall. Each firewall uses a different method of blocking ports. Consult the firewall documentation or website for information on the proper procedure" --quoted directly from [View Quote] AWNews: Relaunch date announcedNov 24, 2003, 2:45am
where have all the towns gone?Nov 27, 2003, 6:50am
first UTN dies and now AWComReg too... and aw is packed with ghost towns... :( A post of gratitude and appreciationDec 2, 2003, 3:37am
thank god for the holidays, or else all those dumb flames will be still
going.. lets brighten up the ngs and post more positive things like that :) happy holidays [View Quote] AW 3.5?Dec 5, 2003, 10:12pm
i say just a 'major' change in the browser.. i think when they added
terrain and skyboxes it should have then jumped to 4.0. maybe that wasnt a big enough of a change? [View Quote] > Why are there so many versions of AW 3.x? us used to be 2.0 2.1 then 3.0 3.1 > 3.2 3.3 3.4 and now 3.5? What type of update will make active worlds worthy > of being called "4.0"? > > DOGHOUSE~!Dec 20, 2003, 3:07am
awesome dude. cool design.. you should be an architect :). every single
of your starbilds is inspiring. [View Quote] > Thank you for your comments Barbara,. very nice, no actually Im a 20 year > old guy, I came clean about a month ago among friends and I provoked some > friends to bring it out in here to give me the guts to say it out loud, but > yeah Im good now, and no more lies, and Im here to have fun now, so lets > have fun and enjoy my Christmas present aka doghouse. > > is it Active Worlds or ActiveWorlds?Dec 21, 2003, 2:03am
why sometimes you see the space (like the browser titlebar) and
sometimes there is no space, like on some websites and sometimes when chating/posting about it? whats the right way? and if there is only one right way.. then why do people say it without a space? too lazy to press keyboard, and if that is the case why dont they just use 'AW'? Notice of name change.Dec 21, 2003, 7:21am
my cit name: created from my real name merged with my favorite avatar,
marvin the martian, in worlds that have it, like awteen and a1ct. well it used to be marvinthemartian but i got tired of being called marvin when that was not my real name. oh and before i was blink 182 anyone else want to share the history of their name? [View Quote] > I like mine because it is nice and short and the year I graduated, I went > thru about 5 different names before deciding on this one [View Quote] Happy HolidaysDec 22, 2003, 7:21pm
happy holidays from Los Angeles, CA!!!! too bad we got no hail anymore :-P
[View Quote] > Wishing you all a Happy Holiday to you and your families from, Las Vegas, > NV. > > Happy HolidaysDec 22, 2003, 10:42pm
Merry Cristmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy.. Boxing day..?,
and a very Happy New Years! i just wanted everone not to feel left out :) |