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Powerless PKs

Jun 9, 2003, 11:29am
This is nothing more than cheap entertainment.....LOL
Hows about just rolling with the flow instead of always bucking the system?
You'd be amazed how easy life really is.

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Powerless PKs

Jun 9, 2003, 4:47pm
ME? NASTY? hardly kiddo. I don't get ejected.
oh and here's a warning for you to bank....."your gonna be ejected" sooner or later...i can tell....there are ya happy?

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Powerless PKs

Jun 10, 2003, 12:13pm
ok here as nice as i can say...your a troublemaker.....:) you think swearing is cool just cause you have the right to.
You have very little respect for others but demand respect from others.
Now for the nasty stuff...
Have a nice day twit.
Leo :)

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A!!CT World and myself thanks you all!

Jun 6, 2003, 5:00pm
LOL you DO read these posts right? LOL

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A!!CT World and myself thanks you all!

Jun 6, 2003, 5:25pm
lol 0% comprehension huh?

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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 5:03pm
Date Discovered: 06/04/2003 seems fairly fresh to me. :)

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new virus alert!

Jun 6, 2003, 6:12pm
maybe a strain of this but not this one.

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New Alpha World

Jun 10, 2003, 10:46am
lol hands down ENZO.... NewAW rocks and we are only seeing the surface as it is now.....Brock, if you do not see the potential in this project then you need to change your blinders......little wider angle.....:) Only problem i see is the timeframes involved.

Leo :)

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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 1:29pm
it is NOT our responibility.... Parents hold that job. You must be a rotten parent if this is your MO.
I don';t think you you should think about what your saying before you post.

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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 4:18pm
I don't have kids don't want 'em don't wanna raise them....your not shoving that responsibility off on me just cause i chat in AW are ya? LOL you need to use your head a little more than the keyboard hon.

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AW Forum?

Jun 16, 2003, 12:20pm
I might add....and of course your just like everyone else just like Brock. so your a loser and quit thinking otherwise.
Anything you do will fail.....just like everyone else. LOL

The preceding message was total sarcasm
Leo :)

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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 26, 2003, 11:08am
if that is so , then you/your co-workers are not doing their jobs correctly. Do it correctly , with respec for others and there is nothing gross about that type of job. But if you just don;t care....then you are correct. You need to care more.

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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 26, 2003, 1:40pm
lol that not what he/we were referring to..... and you say that like I've never worked in a kitchen..:)

Leo :)

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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 26, 2003, 3:53pm
lol quite a few actually..:) and it never effected the quality of my dishes either..:)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 26, 2003, 4:42pm
Hey Rick...i think his point was "With proper backup procedures you should NEVER lose ANY posts to your NG" We count on you at least holding up this end of it...we have no control over it...and those posts should be viewed as an ASSET to your company.

Make sense now?
Leo :)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 26, 2003, 4:44pm
thats not what i said.... theres a big difference between deleting posts and LOSING them..:)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 11:02am
SWE this is not a lame chat channel here...this is a NEWSgroup.. ... the old articles were very important information(minus all the squabbling)..... Researching these was a goldmine of usefull information.... it's like burning your library every now and then....what the hell good is that?

When asked a technical question in AW, one of my favorite responses was.."i think i read that in the NG a while ago....go search them" and ususally the fix was in....but now most of that is lost....:(

Leo :(

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 2:35pm
naaa your way off base on this one There are alot more people that read these posts than reply to them....
Why reply when you have to deal with "the lamers in here".....Thats how most people feel. But it's still a good read every now and then.....especially the technical groups.

Leo :)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 4:39pm
I'd much rather go over TZ's "technical and informative" posts than your lame-ass usless replys to everyone. and YES i am fed up with your "i'm so cool" smartass reply's learn do do something constructive maybe.

I don't believe in doing this but keep it up and your going in my killfile....your starting to waste my stress...:)

Leo :)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 5:55pm
wow Rick our point here IS you LOST a lot of posts you should never have lost....there is NO NEED to lose these...
A backup of your DB BEFORE you make mods or delete anything will keep you from losing this data. It's important to have someone that knows what they are doing do things like this for this very reason. DATA is gold in the new world. And your company is losing data/gold with actions like this.

OK Laymans terms....lets say a user just joins AW and finds the newsgroups and decides to learn from them....he can only go back as far as your last modification to the it seems every mod we lose posts. this will do new users absolutly no good.... especially since resent posting is more like a soap opera inhere....;) but the TECH groups all have good usefull information in them....even/especially the old ones.... it's kinda like making a usermanula that only has the LATEST additions to your software in do people learn about the stuff thats been there?

am i making any sense yet? lol

Leo :)

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 6:04pm
Oh that was so sweet of you.

Typical fence post response. Stop telling me how i am supposed to type dipshit. I'm not into doing it according to the "world of Bowen".

Lameass twitT sorry to borrow that Eep. :)

Also fix your reader if you can't read my text...ask your little sister she can help ya i'm sure.

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 6:05pm
<bows head> sowwy i tried...:(

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 27, 2003, 7:21pm
I'm not interested in changing MY style just so you can read it...prefer you not read my posts actually... I waste to much time with you and your twit wit....:)


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Another Special Opportunity

Jun 26, 2003, 11:06am
Thats YOUR opinion Brock and you know what opinions are like?
BTW this point, your opinion is rendered totally useless .

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 10:47am
You sound like a toublemaker to the chat please...:) Sorry to rush to judgement....but i do have a sense for these things...:)

Leo :)

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 12:37pm
I for one do not buy this post...your missing to much GK chatter...:) And i stand by my original assessment..:)

Leo :)

Don't make trouble at the Gate and you won't be in trouble at the Gate..:)

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 1:07pm
If you muted them how the hell can you complain about their behavior? How do you know they did not eject you after trying to communicate with you, and you kept "ignoring" them? Ya know one basic rule at the Gate you seem to over look....The GK's are in charge whether you like it or not. And it has to be that way. WHY? Because we don't want people like YOU in charge. :)

Leo :)

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 1:10pm
You, also, have toublemaking tendencies and should avoid the gate at all do not like authority figures..I've seen you in action at the gate......:)

There you have charge for the assessment.
Leo :)

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 1:31pm
I agree with this assessment .Duo. Want to harass someone about the GK's? Let AWI know how upset you are with the current Staff and give them NAMES. If they see certain names being repeated in a bunch in Emails maybe they will listen huh?
There ARE bad apples in every bushel.....that for sure does not spoil the whole long as you pick out the bad ones now and then......:) Someone DOES need to sit around and watch them for performance.... I've seen some pretty lame GK's that are great people but did not know first thing about "helping" someone with a problem. It's a hard "job" to be friendly...welcoming...supportive.... and still deal with troublemakers.....and the bottom line is they VOLUNTEER for this...:)

It's a neat "club" to be in......but they still need to have a channel for getting rid of the bad apples a little faster. It's amazing how fast they can get rid of a "helpful/knowledgeable" GK when they do not fit in politically or personally with a fellow GK.....but then leave a "rotten apple" on staff for years. and ignore there behavior/lack of service, only cause they are well liked in the "club"....this crap has to go.

My 2 cents
Leo :)

PS; I see a heck of a lot more cit's "Cross the line" than I ever do with the GK's.

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 1:35pm many HOURS a day do you spend at the gate helping people?

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