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Jul 31, 2003, 11:08am
nope the facts stand on their own..... sorry if I point them out to you too much.

Leo :)

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Jul 31, 2003, 12:46pm
LOL kewl

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Aug 1, 2003, 6:00pm
Act like what? what the hell is your problem? i laughed at his response and said "kewl" cause he actually has a name for me...i find it quite cute..:)
And guess what? You annoy the hell outta me too with your ignorant, backwoods attitude towards americans...:)
Ok SWE i'm taking suggestions how do i "act my age" toward Bowen? you tell me?
oh and what IS my real age anyhow? you tell me? :)

Keeping in mind i do not care what YOUR age is.... I respect others when they in turn give respect(and that does not mean giving respect to me even)... that is the way the world works..:) When i see people that do not give any, or very little respect to OTHERS then i have a very hard time with that type of person. You and Bowen fall into this category for me....sorry. I do not count either of you out cause i will always engage you both.....but it's how you talk to and treat others that effect my responses to you..:) you change and i change real easy..:)

Leo :)

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Aug 1, 2003, 6:02pm
BTW,..... hehehe I've had this beard longer than you've had hair...LOL :)

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Aug 1, 2003, 6:42pm
that just not true Bowen and you know it.

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Aug 1, 2003, 6:45pm
LOL you have no idea how thick my beard is WHY are you pretending you do? what difference does it make? lol
Why do you ask such lame questions?

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Aug 4, 2003, 12:12am
I don't care what you think what I DO care about is you making shit up and
typing it as fact...and yes that pic is over 10 years old...and i could'nt
care less if you can grow a beard Bowen Must make you feel like a man or
something hehehehe LOL

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Aug 5, 2003, 11:02am
LOL you can't see the forest through the trees......heheheheh
FYI Michael only made a small protion of the money the middle men did....
Poor Michael will be broke soon..heheheh......But the Record Co's will march on.
I wouldn't have a problem PAYING for mp3's if i knew more of the money went to the artist and not the middlemen.

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Aug 5, 2003, 12:21pm


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Aug 5, 2003, 5:32pm
agreed hehehe

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Re: A!!CT

Aug 7, 2003, 11:22am
FYI I, myself would not trust the "Kol" account because it is not secure.....which means i will not trust an account that has more than one user.....if you cannot keep your bro from using your account then you are not trusted. period.
How on earth is ANYONE to know who is really typeing on that end of the "Kol" name?

my 2 cents
Leo :)

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Citizenship Disabled

Aug 8, 2003, 12:26pm
this is all i needed to hear your punishment was warranted.......sheeesh you gotta learn someday.

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Citizenship Disabled (the true reason that i've found)

Aug 8, 2003, 4:48pm
You have to deal with AWI they are the "VR parents" need to go through them to get what you want.
Talking about it in here gets nothing acomplished. Except pissing off the "VR parents"

Leo :)

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Citizenship Disabled (the true reason that i've found)

Aug 8, 2003, 5:14pm
*flick* ......go pester someone else on this. I couldn't care less if Bill has had to scold you or not.
You guys need to learn to conform to other peoples rules, whether you like them or not.
There comes a time in your life when you will understand this.
Sometimes you CAN stand up for what you believe in(and make changes) and sometimes it's better off left alone.... this is the "left alone" type.

Leo :)

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Usage of Disabled Citizen

Aug 11, 2003, 6:06pm
hey joeman,
How's come the text for the telegrams has a different "white" background than that of the rest of the text? just curious.

Leo :)

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Usage of Disabled Citizen

Aug 11, 2003, 6:32pm

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Aug 14, 2003, 3:56pm
throws Bowen a fresh "d" :)

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God damn

Aug 15, 2003, 12:59pm
yes.....makes ya wish you worked for(or have stock in) one of those companys that make small power generators huh? :)

Leo :)

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To All Things... An Ending

Aug 15, 2003, 6:02pm
BB raises his hand....I still got my wirewrap tool...:) though I much prefer my current breadboard...:)

Leo :)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 5:50pm
just don't burn MY steaks....:)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 5:54pm
Life is a party....haven't you heard? :)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 6:33pm
I never know when to go home....:)

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How to Prove It

Aug 29, 2003, 12:41am
agreed,..... Gibson rulez :)

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Sep 5, 2003, 3:37pm
which all relates back to who is running the program....or not running it as it were...AWI has way to much of a "hands off" policy with these "volunteer groups"...... they let someone they think is responsible take control of people that have their hearts in it not their EGO's It makes for a lot of frustraitions.

And since when is typeing anything with a .exe on it at the gate "unacceptable language"? sheeesh get your shit together AWI. I am really tired of half assed solutions to real problems. Get some people working there that have brains and do actually use them. If your gonna eject someone for putting .exe in the post at least tell them god how lame. All i did was suggest a user go and find "fixblast.exe and fixsobig.exe and poof ejected for unacceptable language....I can deal with it cause I know your fucked up but a new user might not understand your lameness and leave for good.

SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT Rick and JP. Run this for the people not for yourselves it's much bigger than YOUR PLAY TOY anymore.

thanx for letting me "vent"
Leo :)

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Sep 8, 2003, 11:59am
I do not ever blame the GK's for a BOT policy...:) I know very well how this is all done and the lamers in charge need to pay attention to it. It has always amazed me how easy it is for the controlling people in a company to just "forget" about parts of that business, and think the problems will just go away. This part of the business is call "PR", Public Relations.

my 2 cents
Leo :)

BTW I gave NO URL to an exe just the name of the EXE.... go figure.....

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Sep 12, 2003, 11:38am
Stuff it John...listen what Mr Bruce has suggested is an excellent idea and should be heeded.... Fact is changing your password should be a regular thing. By you posting this statement shows that your only in this NG to argue with Mr. Bruce. You do not have OUR best interest at heart, soooooo, I say STUFF your remarks where the sun don't shine and just blow off if you have nothing to say to help people.

Leo :)

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Sep 12, 2003, 12:49pm
NO! i don't do drugs, and WE could care less that you dislike A!!CT. and I was simply stating that the advice Mr Bruce gave was good and sound advice and did not need to have you interject and make an show of his posting... It's NOT a "dumb idea" as you stated.

Leo :)

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Sep 12, 2003, 1:33pm
FACT is changing passwords often is a good thing....period. no matter what you kids think.

Leo :)

Get off my back bowen. I don't remember asking what you think of me and i don;'t remember caring a damn bit either..:)

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Sep 12, 2003, 1:43pm
OK, SWE. I'm calling you on this.....I want you to explain am I "acting like an idiot"? Come on motor mouth....Let us all know about your feelings toward authority figures.

Leo :)

Hell even Bowen misunderstood your last post....LOL

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Sep 12, 2003, 1:53pm
ok Bowen, I'm calling your motor mouth too, show me please the post where John "acknowledges" anything about password changing. Right....spew on doughboy.

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