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Re: Identifying what worlds allow Tourists

Oct 23, 2002, 11:17am

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Re: Identifying what worlds allow Tourists

Oct 23, 2002, 11:19am
With your sharp tongue, you'll be lucky if they don't filter you.
Your a beta tester? speaking of incompetence....:)

Leo :) lol

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Re: Identifying what worlds allow Tourists

Oct 23, 2002, 1:34pm
I said nothng about banning and quite frankly his comments were of no use to the dev team.... actually more "destructive than constructive" comments. My point is if you do not like what they are doing then the beta team is not where you need to be anyhow. And i would'nt be surprised if they'd ban him...who needs to spend time dealing with crap like that anyhow..... they have lots of work to do...:) We're (the beta testers) supposed to be on their team....;)

Leo :)

ps; It's not about the post about them not's the tag line he put in calling them "incompetent".

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Re: build 435

Oct 23, 2002, 7:04pm
Like you have a clue how commercial software is developed....and businesses are run.........sheeesh

Why don't you go check out that Micky-D's job.

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Re: build 435

Oct 23, 2002, 7:37pm
LOL ok 'nuff said...

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Just something to think about...

Nov 1, 2002, 6:58pm
LOL Mark you'd be a lot further ahead if you didn't think

Leo :)

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Advertising and its lack of logic...

Dec 11, 2002, 1:24pm
hey Leave my stash outta this...It's secure, nobody dips in it but me......;)

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How a blonde prints e-mail...

Dec 16, 2002, 7:12pm
or the one about the two "Morons" that were on the on each bank. The first one yells across to the second one...."HEY...HOW DO YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE?!!!".

The second one thinks for a minute then yells back......



Leo :)

How a blonde prints e-mail...

Dec 16, 2002, 8:11pm
hey! leave my Grandma outta this!

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Is the glass half full, or half empty?

Dec 17, 2002, 7:30pm
wow, dude, I want some of what your on....;)

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Signup to project popcorn and get referrals! it rocks!

Dec 17, 2002, 5:09pm
looks like an Email harvesting sheeps clothing...;)

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Signup to project popcorn and get referrals! it rocks!

Dec 17, 2002, 6:37pm
but you can protect yourselves in the NG...... these companys set up these web sites JUST to get email addys....they are what make the money(address lists).....;) ask your "friend" what his motivation is...:)

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Signup to project popcorn and get referrals! it rocks!

Dec 17, 2002, 7:59pm
wow John are you listening here?..... that is a totally different thing....although harvesting could be underneath...and used later as a "revenue generator" .....?

Did you talk to your friend? Is he planning on selling the addresses? Some companys do and some do not. And they usually post their intentions but not "buyer beware" comes to mind..;) If he is not going to use them, then he would do good to post that info..;)

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a must read... ;)

Jan 16, 2003, 2:33pm
LOL good find good to know he's still kicking......someone lol
This link is for all you Cut&Paste disabled users...:)

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a must read... ;)

Jan 28, 2003, 5:44pm
but.....but........but Eep deserves it!

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Maybe E N Z O could answer?

Feb 13, 2003, 4:27pm
I wonder if he does not mean to say "goals" or "gameplan". Just where is it your headed with the system? I't's kinda like.... if ya don't know where your going......then..... how can you figure out how to get there. type thing.

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Feb 20, 2003, 6:34pm
throws MrBruce some "hat tipping respect" :)

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The Cy Awards Restructure

Feb 27, 2003, 12:18pm
WOW This looks pretty good Sidris...... We need to start brainstorming now!
These are all great ideas that CAN be implemented.

Leo :)

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The Cy Awards Restructure

Feb 28, 2003, 11:49am
hmmm Back to what Sidris suggested,..... We could use technology to do most of this...:) the emailing, the moving and submissions of objects/avatars,.... and even some builds. But, I sure can see the problem with the "world" entries...but then again if we use technology for the other stuff...handling the world entries might be a little easier...:)

Leo :)

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 24, 2003, 3:25pm
negative negative negative spam......

It's way to easy this day in age to just sit in your armchair and spout negative politics when none is needed.
Your way too ignorant for "us" to begin listening to your rants.

Where were you when this issue was discussed last fall? "We" are sick of your types ruining the
community atmosphere around here. Knock it off....If you have a better idea, then do
something about it instead of cutting down everyone else when they try. Take your negativity
and start another universe for it...."we" don't want it here.

The only "crock of crap" I see is your very words.

Leo :)

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 24, 2003, 3:40pm
I think your exactly right with this Goober.
Don't give the crybabies a chance to have a say.
If they do not like the CY's then they do not have to
have anything to do with them. They can just ignore them.

Leo :)

ps; Better even..... start their own awards and see how THEY like it when others pitch a fit over THEIR ideas.

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 25, 2003, 11:37am
Of course your twisting my comments but thats ok cause I know exactly what your up to.
Listen ....if you don't like the CY awards make your own don't constantly knock the people that are TRYING to reward others for their work. Remember Sidris it was the CY's last year that accepted the adult content and the COMMUNITY that did what gives? I have no agenda and am associated with any one on these issues... these are my own observations.
I think you are correct in that the CY's are NOT a community event. It's a private event aimed at recognizing the community.

Leo :) aka BinaryBud

Ps; sorry for getting snippy wit ya..... I just get tired of the flat out negativeness.....if your so hot about this subject ...then do something besides criticize everyone that is trying.

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Cy Awards Rules Page

Feb 26, 2003, 12:16pm
yea sorry for the "ignorant" thing....that was uncalled for and quite lame. :(

BTW I totally agree with your points. Just not the way you started out. lol

and Count also has a good point..... here we go again....:)

I think the CY's need to be 100% independant from AWI. In MY Opinion...AWI is the reason for all the "neutering"....It's a "liability issue" If the CY's didnot needthe world for the event I believe they could do whatever they wanted. But since they are using an AWI sponsered world for the event, then they must remain "politically correct".

Leo :)

Again sorry for my "rudeness". I have no excuse for it.

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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 4:30pm
the point most people are missing is that WE DO have evidence, but because it will compromise our intelligence sources, we cannot show this undeniable evidence right now. Someday the WORLD will understand why we have taken this hard stance against Saddam. He NEEDS to go. And for now we are strong enough to take the heat. Bu we must stand strong against Saddam, or his neighbors will ALL pay the price...and we cannot afford to let that happen..

Leo :)

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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 7:38pm
but you did not hear what i said "we have proof of the weapons, but cannot disclose it yet" how do you figure he has no weapons? He's distroying some of the ones that have been "found so far". Just wait and see. This guy is no "nice guy" and don't you dare make it out that way.

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 11:47am
agreed and it works both ways.

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 1:38pm
The only intentional iraqi deaths of women and children will be caused by Saddam himself. The USA does not purposefully kill women and children like you seem to think we avoid that at all costs. (yes EVERYONE can make mistakes those do happen)Thats why we say Saddam, you leave we no come for you.....simple huh? he leaves we don';t even drop a thing on him. Ya know.....we even invented "smart bombs" so we don't have to just blanket bomb the area...we can take out his toilet if we want..:) We(the US) have NO PROBLEMS with the iraqi people, none at all, why would we want to harm them? And don't give me that crap about oil. yes oil IS there on-site....but we only care about the iraqi people and their unfit leader right now... we need to separate them so the people can live better lives without fear. and so thier neighbors do not have to live in fear of Saddam.

I';m not sure why i am even trying to explain this to you.....your already brainwashed into thinking Bush is
But if you decide you wanna actually look into some facts..... well start with what i have said and try and prove me wrong..:) with facts not drivel.

Leo :)

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 2:48pm
exactly, i guess i forgot to say..... Saddam goes, and we are able to confirm the disarming...real simple stuff here.
And stop that's NOT about the weapons he doesn't have idiot. He has quite real and threatening weapons....
Ya know...i wish Saddam was one of YOUR'd love all his none existant weapons sitting in your back yard...all you need to do is close your eyes and POOF they are not there anymore..;)

here just so you don't miss it....... YOUR WELCOME..... 'cause I know you're the type that will never thank the USA for helping clean up YOUR backyard..... 'cause you don't think it's dirty yet.

Leo :)

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 3:13pm
it should be yes but Saddam is hidding everything from them. so i guess THEY are not the ones to deside huh?

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 3:14pm
whoa lets pile it on here.... your just reaching and simply very argumentative with no basis in facts end of discussion with you.
<shakes head in aw>

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