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Programing Eroor c++

Oct 3, 2001, 11:01am
[View Quote] I think you need version 6 of MS C++


What would you like to see?

Nov 23, 2001, 5:33pm
[View Quote] It should be possible, actually not very difficult. First you need to move
your bot around, and who is the "rider" (its session number). As it change
its position and yaw, it sends teleport messages to the "rider" with the
same coordinates.

I guess it can't move in too long steps, so the rider dosn't fall off :)


The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 4:38am
Roland, thank you for all the brilliant work, patience, attitude towards
users and for being such a great friend of the mixed bag of people using
this software :)

Whatever you do now, I wish you luck with your next job or project!


[View Quote]

VB, query and disconnects

Sep 26, 2001, 5:38am
Hello, I've just started looking at bot programming and since I already had
VB started using the GrimmSoft wrapper.

My bot will listen to object clicks, and based on whats stated on the
description field will change other objects. This is an example of how it
works: A "target" objects will have in its description field:
"targer:lamp1". A "trigger" object will have "command(lamp1)create light".
When a user clicks the command object the bot update the action field of the
target object(s) with "create light".

The purpose is, of course, to have these kind of events be seen by all
avatars present.

When the object is first started is does a aw_query and store this
information in an array for later comparison. To handle updates I have
handles for object add and delete. The code is based on the query example on
GrimmSofts page. All this works great, except when the bot have a
disconnect, then it won't receive object add events anymore. Browsing
through this NG it seems people have solved this, but not really saying
how:) Anyone knows how this can be done? How do I for instance force a

Any help is appreciated.


VB, query and disconnects

Sep 26, 2001, 3:44pm
Thanks grimble, I found it easier to follow the "brute force" route and
re-query the whole sector. Once I've read your reply I knew it would be
possible, but its not documented anywhere I've seen _how_ to do this. After
messing with it awhile I discovered resetting all the Sequence-array numbers
to 0, I could query everything again.

Thanks again, the poor hardworking bot is working now :)


PS I agree a more elegant method is prefered, but I don't trust my sdk
skills yet to try it..hehe DS

The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 4:38am
Roland, thank you for all the brilliant work, patience, attitude towards
users and for being such a great friend of the mixed bag of people using
this software :)

Whatever you do now, I wish you luck with your next job or project!


[View Quote]

A few old ideas

Jul 1, 1998, 8:21am
To me it looks like 3 things have to be changed to allow object rotation
around x or z axis:

1. Browser funtionality. Easy.

2. A new server version and upgrading the world databases since more
information must be stored for each object. Also easy but is it desireable?

3. Object encroatchment is based in a registry file which holds the outer
dimensions of each object in a world. This dimensions will change if the
object is rotated around x or z axis.... So either the footprint of the
object must be calculated in each case/angle (by the server?) or use a more
complex registry file. Harder and solutions must be found.

I don't see how rendering speed would be affected since Renderware have to
deal with all the angles anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong here..


grover <steve at synergycorp.com> wrote in article
<35996B9F.5D8789D at synergycorp.com>...
> Renderware is simply a rendering library- it draws, in 3D what it is
> told to. AW currently only has the user-interface to rotate objects
> about the y-axis. btw, has anyone who's complaining about the lack of
> an ability to rotate about the x or z axis actually tried doing it
> manually in rwx? it never lines up!! if aw would let us rotate, no piece
> would ever line up- there would be 3cm cracks every-freaking-where :(
> grover
[View Quote]


Apr 26, 1998, 5:29am
With 2.0 worlds you can turn off "shift" (walking through objects) and
teleports. I propose an additional feature; a solid off keyword. A owner of
a house could actually have a door which only would allow through people
knowing this keyword. Pricacy in aw!

Also it would open up the possibility to create mazes/games where you had to
find clues etc. to reach the next level.



Apr 26, 1998, 10:17am
[View Quote]
ahh.. but not see what kind of pictures they have on the walls:)


[View Quote]


Apr 26, 1998, 12:55pm
Did I mention porn?

Anyway, back to the subject.. this feature could help add something AW
sorely need; interactive content.


[View Quote]

Security Hole

Aug 10, 1998, 1:18pm
I thing we will end up listing all HD brands here.. I've had my horror story
with a Seagate Medalist drive (mechanical failure, totally lost drive).


[View Quote]

Security Hole

Aug 11, 1998, 5:21pm
[View Quote]
On that note.. did I mention WD always been good to me?:)


Re: Worlds not showing on list

Mar 5, 2001, 8:17pm
The system today just isn't up to the number of worlds running now. Whether
the world list is broken or not I find rather academic, but world owner feel
cheated by their worlds not showing on the list. Now its not such a big deal
since its empty and closed worlds which are dropped from the list (and you
can still teleport to them). But sooner or later this won't be enough and
more and more worlds will go into involuntary "stealth mode". A much more
interesting discussion would be how to solve this.

Personally I find the world list much too long, I would prefer a list of my
own choice (like the Contacts list). A full list of all worlds could then be
there in addition, but updated much slower to to lessen the burden on the
universe server. Maybe this isn't practical either, but giving ideas to the
developers may help them in finding workable solution or spark other ideas.


Re: plagarism (was Re: saving cell data)

Sep 25, 2001, 5:01am
[View Quote] ....or else? LOL

Hi binarybud, long time no see!

HenrikG, another oldie gathering dust

Object box size

Jan 29, 2003, 5:10am
I'm posting this for Sidris who is unable to post to the wishlist newsgroup
for some reason:

I don't know if this has been suggested but I think the object properties
box is too big. Since the release of 3.3 I find I spent an enormous amount
of time moving the box around so I can see what I'm doing. It would be
great if the box could be made so it can be re-sized or, even more radical,
if it could be redesigned a la the tools in Photoshop which is slender and
very sexy in a geeky sort of way.


Re: Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 21, 2001, 7:38pm
> I would like to conduct a quick survey on the use of Mipmaps in AW. Some
> claim it looks much better and others claim it looks horrible.

First time I turned om mipsmaps I did _not_ like it.. it felt like I needed
glasses. Things very near looked blurred. But after a while I got used to
it and now I always have mipmaps on. IMHO, things just look more smooth
and real.


Snowman avatar

Dec 14, 2001, 7:42am
Back in 1997, I made a very simple snowman avatar, my first (except for s
simple robot to learn how to make the hierarchy in Truespace) and last
avatar :)

Its nothing fancy, but it works with sequences, and might be of use for
those building winter and xmas worlds:)

Here it is for free:



National ID System

Feb 13, 2002, 5:58am
[View Quote] Which country do you live in? I live in Europe too (Norway), and we don't
have a national ID card, and we are not required to show one "at any time".
I think the same goes for all of scandinavia and most other european


National ID System

Feb 13, 2002, 4:07pm
[View Quote] LOL, well I'm glad I don't have to carry one "at all times". But in
practice we do anyway, as most people have a drivers licence, ID on the back
of the VISA card etc etc...

Actually I don't have a car anymore, do I need a pedestrian license? :)

On a serious note: I have to agree with another poster; having a national ID
is just a false sense of security. When you deal with determined, well
organised and funded terrorists, getting fake IDs will be one of their
smaller tasks.



May 25, 2000, 1:10pm
[View Quote]
Get well soon NXS :)


Formal Accutrans Statement

Oct 29, 2000, 9:19am
Judging by the language used to to slander a person, this company can't be
terribly serious. Their points 1 and 2 show a lack of professionalism one
doesn't expect from a software distributor.

The one person promoting and supporting Accutrans in the AW environment has
been Casay, and she has done this in a enthusiastic, fair and galant manner.


[View Quote]


Feb 16, 2001, 1:41pm
[View Quote] > if anyone knows of a utility that converts
> a bunch of files that have caps in them to lower case, this will be made
> ALOT quicker...hard to change several thousand bloomin file names...takes
> way too much time by hand...but, public building is available in there...

I use something called lucasrename.zip (also great for mass
search-and-replace within a bunch of files too).



Feb 16, 2001, 1:47pm
[View Quote] wops, correction: the "great for mass search-and-replace-utility is
something called Win Easy (search for the file we_current.zip).

lucasrename is still a neat utility dor mass renaming of files though:)
Just click a button and all the files in a folder is turned into lower case.


Facter, your mission if you choose to accept it

Mar 8, 2001, 3:18pm
[View Quote] Ever heard of lunch breaks? hehe

btw, at work I have no choice at all, the OS is NT and thats not something
each employee can change.

But for me its no big deal, I just use aw to keep in touch with people with
telegrams, letting aw (2.2) run somewhere hidden under Word, Excel or other
dead boring applications :)


[View Quote]

Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Mar 30, 2001, 5:34pm
> I didn't really DO an RW site, however I did do the initial AW docs about
it which I believe have not changed much, in fact I don't see where anything
much at all has changed since I stopped doing things for AW.
> I used to do the whole AW website. I taught people to model, cleaned up
all the AW models, created a bunch of them, made a model cleanup/preview
program that sucked IMO but it's still in wide use. Did ya know that before
I did the initial docs and got the Titans and other started, NOBODY was
making any custom artwork except Danny and Lynn? Hadda teach myself pretty
much too altho Danny helped some. There's a whole lotta stuff I did bucko,
and what have you done? A WEB PAGE? ROFLMAO Oh yah I
> forgot, you HARASS people. :)

In the early days, when the few of use grabbed the last copies of Ferraros
book about RWX, Dataman was our only source of information, and a damned
good one too:) Without him, which inspired, nurtured and helped the first
wave of model creators, I doubt very much we would have the numbers of model
and avatar creators.

Phew, long sentence.. what I'm saying is: if you want rwx information now
you can find in lots of places. Back in the pioneering days (when we had
fun!) a crappy, rudimentary web page and a simple rwx utility was a
treasure, it was all we had (plus the ever helpful and patient Dataman of
course:) )


PS. I'm still using rwxmod, beats the shit out of any promiseware:) DS

more info on above post

May 19, 2001, 8:36pm
[View Quote] yep, powwow was good. I still have ICQ but use it less and less.. its become
really bloated and full of ads (shudder). It probably won't make it to the
next computer (whenever I get one).


Old review

May 19, 2001, 2:25pm
[View Quote] The text seems to be from good old Strouds site, its how I found Alphaworld
back in September 95 :)


Some good news =)

Jul 31, 2001, 5:44am
First off all, stop posting in html when your just posting text! It makes
it a nightmare to reply to!

[View Quote] The registry is _always_ in the world server folder.

> and the op is usually on another >computer with a webserver (unless you
host both >yourself)

What a previous poster meant by the need to have the OP local was for using
a registry generator. I believe Andras have one (I havn't used it myself).
Also, if you want to use RWXmod to generate a registry you need to unzip all
the objects and have all the textures in bmp available. As far as I know
(correct me anyone), with Andras's registry generator you don't need to
unzip the models and you don't need the textures. In addition it read cobs
as well (Truespace objects).

Back to the question about the "danger" of registry file. This file is no
secret, it just contains the name and dimensions (sorta) of the models the
world server will recognise as valid (and also check for encroachment of
course). Making it public is harmless.


The "Oldies" (was RE: Plagiarism) from the worldbuilders ng)

Sep 26, 2001, 5:20am
[View Quote] Hi Lara, nice to see you around:) I bet your not gathering dust:)


The "Oldies" (was RE: Plagiarism) from the worldbuilders ng)

Sep 26, 2001, 5:25am
[View Quote] I have a theory that an AW generation is 3 months. If I drop in at AW gz
every 3 months (sometimes that has happened) I'll see mostly new names, and
they think they are so cool to be the first to discover this:)


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