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donna // User Search

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this

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Aug 25, 2001, 6:24am
I agree with some of what is written here BUT, I would be VERY upset
if anything was EVER changes at aw GZ, so what if some are
mismatched, I love aw GZ just the way it is! Huggz Donna
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<no subject>

Aug 25, 2001, 6:31am
If there was one thing I could request for our beloved AW, I would
ask for voice to be added, it would be so nice to chat without typing. I do
not mean the ear, I have that, and I love it, especially in bingo. I mean
voice where 2 or 3 people can talk and hear one another.
Donna from world Edonna

<no subject>

Aug 31, 2001, 4:56pm
ty ananas, i will telegram her to ask her for the urls huggz donna
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Proposal: Being able to stand on moving objects (bandwidth-miserly algorithm)

Aug 31, 2001, 5:22pm
how interesting mark! I have avs that move on my boats in edonna, I just
gave them the same command that i gave the object ie moving jet ski with a
person on it. the problem though is that on the return trip they are going
backwards lol. Do you know of a way to make them go in the reverse
direction without going backwards? Donna :)
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Caretaker Only Avvies

Aug 31, 2001, 5:12pm
I would like to have av's that only i could use in my world, never thought
of that though, until i read this post!!! Donna
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New GZ for AW~ gif file?

Aug 31, 2001, 5:45pm
I am very new to the news groups, so I am still pretty clumsy in here,
I was clicking on stuff and I saw that someone had apparently done something
wrong by adding a link to a GIF file. I did not access this file myself
(thankfully), but I am left wondering if this news group thing is safe? I
mean if that person can post a file and force my browser go to their
website, couldn't that also make me my PC receive a virus? Is there a
precaution I should be using? About the changing of GZ, I can only say
please don't do that! Aw GZ, In spiteof its poorly built structures near
GZ, is like home to me.
If anything needs to be changed at all I would ask that Jenna gets a new
shirt! I mean animal prints are simply NOT in style anymore!, and maybe
add a few more of the cool dance seqs (ie cywards had some great new ones)
to the dat file. <smiles> Donna

New GZ for AW~ gif file?

Sep 1, 2001, 7:29am
thankyou kah, that was very informative Huggz Donna
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna

[View Quote]

Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this

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<no subject>

Sep 6, 2001, 4:14pm
Hello Everyone!
I need a wav file of animal sounds, like an elephant monkey, lion, and
any type of wav file suitable for a circus theme. I hope i am posting this
in the correct group
Thankyou Donna

fireworks in aw on new years

Jan 11, 2002, 12:23am
Does anyone know how they made the fireworks in aw on new years, I
really want to do something like that in my world Donna :)

<no subject>

Jan 20, 2002, 7:27am
I wish we had more activities in aw. I enjoy bingo on weds, yet Sunday
bingo is gone . sure hope to see it back soon.... Donna

My Beliefs (I'm bored)

Aug 17, 2001, 4:45pm

I am American, I am christian, I totally believe in God and Jesus, I
dont condemn anyone for how they choose to live their lives. I hope you
will read my web page I wrote on my feelings about religion. Donna
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blurry till close

Aug 16, 2001, 7:21pm
Hi, I have a question regarding viewing AW thru windows....
When I go to AW on my new PC all textures are VERY blurry until I am
very close, When I ran AW on my old PC, all looked clear and crisp.
I ran AW 3.0 on both PC's
New PC(Compaq 5000) , it has windows ME, my old PC (now my grandsons,
Compaq 7470) has windows 98,
Is there perhaps a setting I need to change?

blurry till close

Sep 5, 2001, 1:04am
yes it is newer
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blurry till close

Sep 5, 2001, 1:08am
funti have no idea what the heck you are talking baout a line? whatever
eep! lol
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blurry till close

Sep 5, 2001, 1:10am
i did this kah, and it is soooooo perfect now, TY very much !
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Stupid Schools...

Aug 17, 2001, 4:27pm
Hi Mike, I just couldnt stop chuckling..... have a great year at
school!!!!!!! Donna
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Modem Problems

Sep 5, 2001, 1:58am
i had that prob a few years ago, it was my mother board
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna

[View Quote]

Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:37pm
ananas at the risk of sounding really dumb here, I don't quite get it. to
reply to a post, what i am doing is clicking reply group. Is this the
incorrect way? NG is still confusing to me, has anyone writted a tuitorial
for it yet? if so i would love to see it. Huggz Donna
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:55pm
If you are allowed to talk like you do, then I will interpret what
I believe your meaning is in your choice of words. Poor EEP, you just has
no people skills at all :( so sad .. what a huge handicap for you.But I
really do like to help people out so this is how I interpret your meaning to
"hello new people, I am irritated by your not knowing how to work this NG,
please get someone to help you out" <shrugs> Donna (AKA now as
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 1, 2001, 9:57pm
Hi KAH, what field are you referring to please. Where do I find it at
please? Huggz Donna
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 2, 2001, 12:07am
<Shrug> your opinion, eep is of no importance to me. I see it this
way myself, You may know a lot more about AW than most people do, but how
valuable are you really? What is your true worth to our community? . you
said "I have "people skills" with people I deem WORTHY" My opinion is that
you and a few others that are like you are keep new people from immigrating
into our community with the rudeness you use by making fun of people when
you see a weakness in them. so what is your worth to the community EEP?
Minimal at best! EEp i look forward to the day that a NICE person with
brains joins our community, or better yet, maybe rick (who I have always
called Jeff for some reason), and JP will realize just what your true worth
is and put a stop to your constant badgering and tormenting of the
tourist's and new people!!!! EEp i ask you to please please leave the
kids alone at least, a 11 or 12 year old does not have the maturity to deal
with your demeaning, senseless chat.
respectfully (as i can possibly feel at
this moment) Donna
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Sorry everyone...

Sep 2, 2001, 12:15am
I got it now ananas, The dereck (a future genius) and wing helped me
and i see the box. there are so just so darn many boxes to deal with lol ,
slowly but surely, I find myself understanding the NG better
< smiles warmly> Donna
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