donna // User Search
donna // User Search
Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Aug 25, 2001, 6:24am
I agree with some of what is written here BUT, I would be VERY upset
if anything was EVER changes at aw GZ, so what if some are
mismatched, I love aw GZ just the way it is! Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"sw comit" <sam64 at jps.net> wrote in message
news:3b69b688 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Roland. I've prepared a list of critical changes that AW needs. I've
> also sent this letter to community at activeworlds.com and through the
> suggestion box and at the NG wishlist. These could be things to talk
> tomorrow at tech talk =)
> Privacy mode - just like ICQ invisible mode, you won't be seen as online
> anyone.
> Telegram sent history - so we know what people are replying to.
> Privilege Password Security - this is the biggest feature needed. I just
> cannot understand why it hasn't been added. We need to able to kick
> off our privilege password in case they start causing trouble. Also, it
> would be nice to know who is on our ppw at the time. I've been building
> AW everyday for 2 and half years now. I really trust my friends with my
> but what if we got in a fight? I can't say that it'll never happen...
> Telegram mute - just like chat mute.
> Citnumber mute - mutes their citnumber rather than their citname, because
> they change their name they can talk to you again.
> Bot mute - This is the second most important feature that needs to be
> Please listen to this...I've tried to run events in the past in
> and I usually get around 15 people to come. Then some loser comes around
> and brings in a bot that greets EVERYONE. Thereby, the chat gets flooded
> with greetings. Muting does no good because all you gotta do is restart
> bot and the mute is cancelled. I cannot run my events when people do that
> and it's a real shame because I put in countless hours preparing these
> events. By the time I time I get a PK there it's too late and people are
> too frustrated and leave =(
> G.E.T. - The people working at Garbage Elimination Team do their best, but
> there just isn't enough people there. Whenever you request help, it takes
> 2-3 weeks to get it removed...I just don't see why it would take that
> long...
> AWGZ fixup - The most popular world in Alphaworld has one of the crummiest
> GZs in the universe. Sorry if this offends anyone, but ask around. You
> overlapping objects, mismatching textures, and it just isn't that easy on
> the eye. There are many talented builders out there, perhaps you should
> some examples from them. Oh yea, also, all those teleports in the NE go
> abandoned and old and even ugly places. This is practically AWs first
> impression (besides AWGate)! Something needs to be done.
> Tourist ID - Tourists can get away with nearly anything because they have
> ID. If you want to vandalize, you do it in tourist mode and you'll
> get away with it. If you wanna run a muck at an event, once again you do
> in tourist mode. Tourists should get accounts just like citizens, except
> they are free and have the same rights that tourists have now.
> of the account would be sent through email.
> Word blocker - just like how ICQ can replace "bad words" with *
Aug 25, 2001, 6:31am
If there was one thing I could request for our beloved AW, I would
ask for voice to be added, it would be so nice to chat without typing. I do
not mean the ear, I have that, and I love it, especially in bingo. I mean
voice where 2 or 3 people can talk and hear one another.
Donna from world Edonna
Aug 31, 2001, 4:56pm
ty ananas, i will telegram her to ask her for the urls huggz donna
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3B87672E.E2AD860D at oct31.de...
> Voice chat does not necessarily have to be integrated into
> AW in order to work together with it. You can start any voice
> chat that allows something like rooms.
> CarolAnn had one once in MoonBeam, maybe she still has the links.
> donna wrote:
I do
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Aug 31, 2001, 5:22pm
how interesting mark! I have avs that move on my boats in edonna, I just
gave them the same command that i gave the object ie moving jet ski with a
person on it. the problem though is that on the return trip they are going
backwards lol. Do you know of a way to make them go in the reverse
direction without going backwards? Donna :)
[View Quote]"mark rejhon" <newsreplies at marky.com> wrote in message
news:3b8a8a9c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Suggestion: Avatars being able to move with moving objects!
> I know you get this suggestion a lot, but forward this to the programmers
> anyway because I am including some novel suggestions on how to make it
> possible.
> I am a computer programmer too, so I am going to make this suggestion
> by suggesting an algorithm to make it possible without increasing data
> traffic. I know you get this suggestion a lot, but a possible programming
> algorithm could be the following:
> Avatar movement is currently recorded using world coordinates and vector
> movement. My suggested solution is to instead make coordinates relative
> the object you're standing on, and leave it to the PC's responsibility to
> keep the avatar attached to the object at 30 frames per second (even if
> position updates only occur every 1 second)
> (1) Whenever an avatar steps onto a moving object (rotating or sliding),
> avatar is "flagged" as being attached to that object. The avatar's XYZ
> co-ordinates and vector motion would be locked to the object.
> (2) No frequent avatar position updates would be required. Once the
> broadcasts the avatar's new "attachment" to a moving object, it would just
> transmit one set of coordinates RELATIVE to the moving object itself (not
> the world).
> (3) It would be the personal computer's responsibility to keep the
> position continually updated in realtime, based on the last time the
> broadcast an avatars' attachment to a specific object, and the position
> co-ordinates relative to origin of object. Thinking of it another way,
> it's as if the object would have its own set of "world coordinates". That
> way, the server does not have to constantly retransmit co-ordinates of
> avatars everytime the avatar is moving along with the object.
> (4) This would only work with synchronous moving objects, for obvious
> reasons (since everybody must be seeing the same object in the same
> position)
> (5) Server will just periodically rebroadcast avatar position, vector
> movement data would be relative to the origin and orietniation of the
> object. The position broadcasting can be just as infrequent as 0.5 to 1
> second, as it currently does now. This does not increase data traffic at
> all!
> (6) Avatar affilation with a moving object will only occur with gravity
> contact (that is, firmly standing on the moving object - not contacting
> side of a moving object, or bumping into it while flying)
> (7) Server will broadcast when the avatar steps on the moving object, or
> steps off the moving object.
> (8) Since moving objects can consist of multiple synchronized moving
> objects, stepping from one moving object to another can be tricky. I
> this exercise to your own discretion, but you could simply just recommend
> world builders to make one moving object into a single model, for
> simplicity.
> Imagine it...! Moving buses, trolleys, boats, monorails. Even cruise
> with 100 people on them, perfectly stationary on its deck with
> movements. As if a cruse ship was a separate world in itself, i.e. a
> world (boat) within a stationary world (water).
> Thanks,
> Mark Rejhon
> Citizen #6831
> http://www.marky.com
> marky at ottawa.com
Aug 31, 2001, 5:12pm
I would like to have av's that only i could use in my world, never thought
of that though, until i read this post!!! Donna
[View Quote]"cozmo" <brandon at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b8ed0cb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well theres a such thing as special avs for Public Speakers. Well why not
> Caretaker only avs? escpecially my invisible avatar and when i get avs
> i want only to be able to be used by me. It comes really handy.
> --
> - Cozmo (Brandon)
> Of Cozmo-X
> (website coming soon)
> World: A'Dude
> Co-owned world: Safira
Aug 31, 2001, 5:45pm
I am very new to the news groups, so I am still pretty clumsy in here,
I was clicking on stuff and I saw that someone had apparently done something
wrong by adding a link to a GIF file. I did not access this file myself
(thankfully), but I am left wondering if this news group thing is safe? I
mean if that person can post a file and force my browser go to their
website, couldn't that also make me my PC receive a virus? Is there a
precaution I should be using? About the changing of GZ, I can only say
please don't do that! Aw GZ, In spiteof its poorly built structures near
GZ, is like home to me.
If anything needs to be changed at all I would ask that Jenna gets a new
shirt! I mean animal prints are simply NOT in style anymore!, and maybe
add a few more of the cool dance seqs (ie cywards had some great new ones)
to the dat file. <smiles> Donna
Sep 1, 2001, 7:29am
thankyou kah, that was very informative Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b900a74 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> please do note that these newsgroups are not affiliated with the forums on
> AWNews.com and polygon.imatowns.com. yes, in some way ppl could do that,
> they can anyway, not harder than redirecting or putting some sort of
> download (dead easy with IE, you can just embed an ActiveX control and
> autodownload, no easyer way of getting ppl to download stuff... Do like
> use Netscape (v 6.1 just ROCKS!), and you'll be a lot easyer than with IE
> (maybe it's code for Internet Evil?)
> PS. the security levels stuff in IE is BS, they don't protect in any way.
> "donna" <awedonna at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8fe964 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> here,
> something
> new
> ones)
Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 6, 2001, 4:14pm
Hello Everyone!
I need a wav file of animal sounds, like an elephant monkey, lion, and
any type of wav file suitable for a circus theme. I hope i am posting this
in the correct group
Thankyou Donna
Jan 11, 2002, 12:23am
Does anyone know how they made the fireworks in aw on new years, I
really want to do something like that in my world Donna :)
Jan 20, 2002, 7:27am
I wish we had more activities in aw. I enjoy bingo on weds, yet Sunday
bingo is gone . sure hope to see it back soon.... Donna
Aug 17, 2001, 4:45pm
I am American, I am christian, I totally believe in God and Jesus, I
dont condemn anyone for how they choose to live their lives. I hope you
will read my web page I wrote on my feelings about religion. Donna
[View Quote]"anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
news:3b796036 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, it's about 3 am in the morning and I can't sleep, so I'm just going to
> write down my beliefs and hopefully this will get me back to sleep.
> I understand a lot of you Americans out there are going to reply to this
> message with all your bible terms, I understand most of you probably go to
> church every Sunday morning... Anyway, I don't have any religion, and you
> would NEVER see me walking into some church, they were never there at the
> beginning, it was never intended for us to 'worship' someone...
> Don't question my beliefs though, I'm not trying to get all of you to
> understand or agree with me in any of this.
> Anyway, to get this started;
> I believe in re-incarnation, and I believe in what people so call 'heaven'
> happens to be Earth, this is MY thought, and my thought only, at least
> use to be a better place to live in before technology ruined it all for
> including destroying nature, re-producing to the state that some countries
> can't even support its people anymore. Earth itself seems more like hell
> because of it, some people don't want to live in it anymore, walking down
> the streets and getting their heads kicked in over a t-shirt. We, ruined
> all for ourselves...
> Another thing, a brain does not store your knowledge, a brain only stores
> memory, and is also used to control the body you happen to be in right
> This would explain, when you have already lived once and start a new life
> that you happen to be smarter than others, because you bring your
> with you in the next life, of course, without you knowing about this
> knowledge, it comes back without you really knowing... Why don't you know
> this? Because the brain held the 'memory', so you can't 'remember' your
> life and your past knowledge in the new one... If that makes any sense?
> This explains the geniuses. However, people like me who have no main
> knowledge of anything, besides what I have learnt in-time by experience
> teaching myself are new souls... With so much re-production, there isn't
> enough souls to go into the bodies. So... who creates the soul? God?
> So where is hell to me? Although Earth is starting to look more and more
> like a hell hole, I still enjoy living life to its fullest and am not
> of death and to continue on with a new life, until the end of this Earth.
> don't think anything we can do can fix what has become of Earth today...
> Anyway, back to this 'hell' subject, to me it's a soul that has been
> banished, a soul that does not deserve another chance, one that is to
> in this 'spirit' form and stay in an area, not able to leave it. This
> explains your haunted places, ghosts and spirits that are angry, that move
> things around the place, sometimes even try to 'KILL' you or scare you to
> death... Why are they angry? Imagine not being able to leave an area, not
> able to manipulate and touch things, to communicate and socialize, not
> to take part in life and get somewhere... Yes, that is hell to me...
> But what about those normal ghosts, the 'good' ghosts? They don't stay
> for ever, they are lost, they have something to finish before continuing
> with life, something is missing...
> Now, this is the part that is most definitely going to get me some flames
> and some miss-treating...
> I believe in the bible being created to control man, man created it and
> spread it to control.
> And this part is even worse, but yes, I ripped up my bible to threads 10
> years ago...
> I don't care what your beliefs are, you keep believing them, I will keep
> believing mine :)
> But I post this, because this is my true beliefs and I was also bored off
> nut, and had to write something which may start a huge debate...
> Faithfully,
> Anduin Lothario
Aug 16, 2001, 7:21pm
Hi, I have a question regarding viewing AW thru windows....
When I go to AW on my new PC all textures are VERY blurry until I am
very close, When I ran AW on my old PC, all looked clear and crisp.
I ran AW 3.0 on both PC's
New PC(Compaq 5000) , it has windows ME, my old PC (now my grandsons,
Compaq 7470) has windows 98,
Is there perhaps a setting I need to change?
Sep 5, 2001, 1:04am
yes it is newer
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b7c41f7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> o_O Compaq reverse numbers their "computers" now? The 5000 is newer than
the 7470?
> "donna" <awedonna at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b7c3969 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 5, 2001, 1:08am
funti have no idea what the heck you are talking baout a line? whatever
eep! lol
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B7C4CFE.D860777E at tnlc.com...
> Who cares? They're still crap...Compcrap!
> Is it so hard for you to put a blank line between your reply text and
quoted text??
> wing wrote:
the 7470?
news:3b7c3969 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 5, 2001, 1:10am
i did this kah, and it is soooooo perfect now, TY very much !
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b7c3fdc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this is because that looks more real,like Goober said, it's called texture
> mipmapping, it's possible to turn it off, but it isn't as pretty then...
> even though being able to adjust the distance would be nice as the current
> distance is too short...
> "donna" <awedonna at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b7c3969 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 17, 2001, 4:27pm
Hi Mike, I just couldnt stop chuckling..... have a great year at
school!!!!!!! Donna
[View Quote]"mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b7ca339 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I just got my Freshman Agenda book today with all the school rules in it.
> Here are a couple I find "interesting".
> "There will be a $1.00 fee for changing a locker combination." Yet, most
> the lockers don't even need to have a combo to open them...
> "The lost and found department is in the school store." Store? Odd.
> "4. Line jumping in the hot lunch line is not allowed. It is
> discourteous, since the next student is just as hungry as you." Not if the
> next person is a anorexic...
> "15. Throwing or shooting any objects where injury could result is not
> allowed." So, if no one else is in the room, can I throw a computer
> across the room?
> "16. Fighting is prohibited by city ordinance. Parents and Police will
> contacted when fist fighting occurs." So, what if we never used our fists?
> On the last page there is a multiplication table. If you need that, why
> you in High School?
> I was bored tonight and was reading my useless book and decided to let you
> all in on my School's stupidity. This is just the beginning, wait until
> school starts! >:-D
Sep 5, 2001, 1:58am
i had that prob a few years ago, it was my mother board
[View Quote]"bcg" <Aquisclone at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3b8d4a04 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello,
> I am not a computer hardware person, I just use them. I have an old
> ( HP 233mhz Intel) that seems to be working fine, until I try to use a
> modem. The computer crashed about 6 months ago, so I just bought a new
> machine then. I have been working on it about three weeks now. I had
> it to someone who was not a technician, but knows a lot about computers --
> he also had a short temper. I got the machine back (which is when I
> the new one) and left it lying around. I tried to boot it and I found out
> the fan was somehow not connected and got that fixed. It now boots up
> and when I went to test the modem the computer was unable to connect with
> it. I opened the computer to make sure that nothing was unplugged, which
> nothing was. I then bought two separate 56K modems by different
> and tried them in all of the slots I had open, and the computer wouldn't
> recognize or communicate with either of them.
> I called tech support, and they told me that my motherboard may be fried.
> Does anyone else think this is the case here? Thanks.
Sep 1, 2001, 7:26am
personally i feel an appology like this shows such maturity!!! I am
soooooo proud of you!!!! and I dont even know you!
a wise woman told me today.... "No bad guys in AW.. just good folks who
sometimes do bad things" i will add that maybe sometimes people are fast to
judge others without stopping to ask the person why they do things.
personally I feel sorry for you, now knowing you didnt know the rules on
html. but chin up sweetie, tomorrow's sun will bring us all a new day
Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 7:47pm
Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this
[View Quote]"r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Message to EVERYONE...
> I'm really sorry if i have been a menace in the news-groups...
> The first time i posted everyone went crazy at me... i didnt know the
> that you cant post in HTML,and im sorry about that...
> Im just sorry for being a Mennace in the newsgroups...
> I Just want people to actely listen to my posts...
> (((((((((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))))))))
> And Sorry
> From R y a n
Sep 1, 2001, 9:37pm
ananas at the risk of sounding really dumb here, I don't quite get it. to
reply to a post, what i am doing is clicking reply group. Is this the
incorrect way? NG is still confusing to me, has anyone writted a tuitorial
for it yet? if so i would love to see it. Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3B9166B9.B7AF5B3C at oct31.de...
> Crossposting is placing one message into several groups.
> You did it by replying to a message that is crossposted,
> in this case to all 6 open groups on this server.
> Your reply appeared in all newsgroups, I removed 4 of them
> from the address list so this reply will only appear in 2
> groups.
> Crossposting is annoying in most cases but if you do not
> check the list for each message you reply to it will occur
> sometimes although you don't wanted to do it.
> In most cases browser recognize crossposted messages and
> will mark them "read" in all groups once you have read
> it in one of them.
> Most people crosspost to "Bots" and "SDK" because they
> cannot decide which of them would be the best place for
> their message. This can be useful in few cases and is
> done by adding a second (third ...) group name to the
> receipient list.
> donna wrote:
talked to
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Sep 1, 2001, 9:55pm
If you are allowed to talk like you do, then I will interpret what
I believe your meaning is in your choice of words. Poor EEP, you just has
no people skills at all :( so sad .. what a huge handicap for you.But I
really do like to help people out so this is how I interpret your meaning to
"hello new people, I am irritated by your not knowing how to work this NG,
please get someone to help you out" <shrugs> Donna (AKA now as
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B915630.4FB5966B at tnlc.com...
> Fucking newbies...
> donna wrote:
talked to
Sep 1, 2001, 9:57pm
Hi KAH, what field are you referring to please. Where do I find it at
please? Huggz Donna
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b915824 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> crossposting means posting the same post to several NGs at the time. right
> now you did it as well... generally, you don't crosspost in NGs where the
> post is off-topic, and crossposting in general can be regarded as bad...
> when replying to a crossposted post, remove the additional NGs in the
> "Newsgroups"/"To" field. :-))
> "donna" <awedonna at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b915758 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> child
> were
> being)
Sep 2, 2001, 12:07am
<Shrug> your opinion, eep is of no importance to me. I see it this
way myself, You may know a lot more about AW than most people do, but how
valuable are you really? What is your true worth to our community? . you
said "I have "people skills" with people I deem WORTHY" My opinion is that
you and a few others that are like you are keep new people from immigrating
into our community with the rudeness you use by making fun of people when
you see a weakness in them. so what is your worth to the community EEP?
Minimal at best! EEp i look forward to the day that a NICE person with
brains joins our community, or better yet, maybe rick (who I have always
called Jeff for some reason), and JP will realize just what your true worth
is and put a stop to your constant badgering and tormenting of the
tourist's and new people!!!! EEp i ask you to please please leave the
kids alone at least, a 11 or 12 year old does not have the maturity to deal
with your demeaning, senseless chat.
respectfully (as i can possibly feel at
this moment) Donna
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B917F01.BAD57C42 at tnlc.com...
> <chuckle> I have "people skills" with people I deem WORTHY enough to have
people skills with, Donna. If you act like an incompetent twit, well, I have
no patience for you. <shrug> Evolve and perhaps I'll think you're worth
relating to.
> donna wrote:
meaning to
Sep 2, 2001, 12:15am
I got it now ananas, The dereck (a future genius) and wing helped me
and i see the box. there are so just so darn many boxes to deal with lol ,
slowly but surely, I find myself understanding the NG better
< smiles warmly> Donna
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3B917130.DE654B4C at oct31.de...
> I have no idea how it works in Outlook. In most news readers
> you have a header area with some receipient fields, these are
> already filled if you hit "reply".
> Check these fields if they contain more than one receipient -
> or more than one group name - and edit the line(s) if needed.
> donna wrote:
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_