sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Jul 16, 2003, 9:51pm
Of course I guess shred is right tho. I haven't looked into the matter
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3f15e493$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 1st offense on Cal's part. Sheesh. Ya screw up once and you get a
> :P
> SW Chris
> "shred" <shred at myrealbox.com> wrote in message
> news:3f15af06 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> try getting into private universes hosted by AW. ("All I was doing was
> asking in a rather stern manner "Don't go into private universes" that is
> all.")
> to stop universe-browsing, CD would have been much more willing to comply.
> Instead, Cal grabs the EULA and spews off something that is completely
> to try and enforce his position legally. Could be that Cal was simply
> a bad day (he's usually very polite and responsive), but there's no reason
> to take it out on customers.
> the time
> exactly like this one, then matters might be different. But for a first
> time, this is close to the worst customer relation skill I've ever seen -
> especially for something which isn't clearly expressed in the EULA. My
> is that there's a hidden clause in the EULA that says "By accepting this
> EULA, you hereby agree that AWI or its nominal equivalent may do whatever
> wants, whenever it wants, wherever it wants."
> By closing the thread, you basically proved the point that you were caught
> in the wrong and didn't feel up to taking any criticism over it. Way to
> :P
Jul 23, 2003, 9:53pm
I like you both. But you two are just being silly.
"USENET is antiquated." -Me
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ee2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> bowen wrote:
> I take that back, you most certainly don't think so as long as you're
> the one doing it.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 9:55pm
If it's the Startrek objects, it's the moron who's selling them that's in
copyright infringement. Not the person who bought them. So as long as
Bruce isn't making you pay to use those objects, then he's perfectly legal
in his use until Paramount sends a Cease and Desist order his way.
[View Quote]"kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f1f0d17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I never meant it as a threat... I dont see it as a threat... how could "I
> will report you :))" be a threat? example:
> Guy1: I'm going to sue you
> MrBruce: AHH!!! OMFG THATS A THREAT!!!! AHH!HHAHAJKH!& at #(#*&$# *melts*
> Guy1: Whoa buddy....
Jul 23, 2003, 9:56pm
So if he is charging for the object path... well watch out Mr. Bruce. :)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3f1f207e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If it's the Startrek objects, it's the moron who's selling them that's in
> copyright infringement. Not the person who bought them. So as long as
> Bruce isn't making you pay to use those objects, then he's perfectly legal
> in his use until Paramount sends a Cease and Desist order his way.
> Chris
> "kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3f1f0d17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 23, 2003, 4:33pm
Bowen, your defense is just as bad as his.
Addressing everyone:
Get it through your thick skulls, everyone. This ain't USENET. I'll do any
dang thing I want as long as I don't annoy other people and/or it's against
the newsgroup charter. That's the law in this here town, stranger.
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ecc38 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> goober king wrote:
> I'm wondering why you are then.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 4:37pm
Well if you don't want to get your posts across to those who are reading,
then more power to ya. :)
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns93C18810E6918kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "goober king" <awnews at awnews.org> wrote in news:3f1d98f5
> at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> There's quite a difference between having a spoken conversation and a
> written discussion. It's just not possible to interrupt anyone in written
> like you describe.
> I usually don't use inline posting, but sometimes I do, in long posts or
> posts with included data, etc, to highlight what I'm replying to. It
> confusion, especially in technical newsgroups where there might be chunks
> of included data pertaining to the post (for example the PHP newsgroups
> Bowen mentioned, where you often have to highlight a piece of sourcecode
> with a problem in it).
> I don't see why we are having this discussion here, it's been debated
> countless times on USENET, and the conclusion is obvious; bottom posting
> best, inline posting is fine.
Jul 23, 2003, 4:43pm
Already have one. Why should I do work with my fingers so I can read
something posted by you? That's rather backwards, I think. If you want
people to read, then don't expect them to have to do anything to get to
them. I usually just skip over a post that doesn't have anything at the
top. This is a newsgroup, not a text-book. I'm not inclined, nor do I have
the time, to read everything.
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ed62e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sw chris wrote:
> Invest in a scroll mouse, it'll be the best $20 you ever spent on a
> computer product.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 4:49pm
It's your problem, not mine. That's all I'm saying. If you don't want
everyone to hear what you have to say, that's up to you.
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ed7dc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sw chris wrote:
> Then you're simply not efficient if you cannot use the means available
> to you after you click on a post (and efficently waste energy at
> accomplishing nothing). Stop reading my posts if I'm forcing you to
> burn too many calories or cost you too many pennies for the megawatts
> you use.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 9:41pm
What the hell? Have you even used Outlook Express?
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ed963 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sw chris wrote:
> Well, if your resolution is set at 640x480 (antiquated according to
> me... since bottom posting and USENET are to you) there's going to be
> little chance of you seeing anything of value at first entry into a
> post. Otherwise, most of the time unless you don't run a window
> maximized, you should see everything.
> That is to say, if you don't run your window maximized, it's _your_
> problem you don't see it when you double click.
> Do you write in cursive or do you print?
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 9:45pm
But in my brief defense of top-posters, the charter does not say that one
MUST follow usenet netiquette. You don't see anyone getting banned over
this, do you? Top-posting is too silly an offense to be unenforcable. Your
point is thus irrelevant.
Bowen you're absolutely right. Post at the bottom if you like. But Just In
and I are going to just skip over your posts. Simple as that. Don't like
it, post at the top. We're not changing for you. And you certainly don't
have to change for us. It would be your benefit to change to top posting.
Not ours.
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1f0826$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> andras wrote:
> Oh, low blow by Andras. That was good. ;)
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 44
> Processing time: 36 days, 0 hours.
> (Total hours: 864)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 4:40pm
Let's get one thing straight. We don't know Matt sent out that AWToolkit.
So don't give him more credit than he deserves to bloat his already
overinflated Hutt-corpse of an ego.
"USENET is antiquated." -Me
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:Xns93C0A788A92FERo1124 at
> You need to email AW... I take it you got M a t t's trojan? He used your
> PPW to log bots into "panic central" in AWTeen,,,
> "calhoun" <coen at charter.net> wrote this (news:3f1d5745
> at server1.Activeworlds.com) in community on 22 Jul 2003:
Jul 23, 2003, 9:49pm
> This depends on the type of groups you subscribe to and read on USENET.
Oh, but how it frustrates some people here! Hehehe.
"USENET is antiquated." -Me
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f1f1831$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3f1ed684$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AMEN Chris!!! :-)
> However, OTFS of the token, we don't know if he *didn't* send it either.
> But yes, we shouldn't speculate like this and work on seeing to it that NO
> ONE ELSE becomes infected. Let AWI concern themselves with WHO started it
> and how to deal with it. :-)
> This depends on the type of groups you subscribe to and read on USENET.
> Cheers for now everyone :-)
> PC Hamster
> Mayor - City Of Hamsterville
> Hamster Ground Zero Area - AW 5000N 272E
> pchamster at comcast.net
> Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-))
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 7/18/2003
Jul 23, 2003, 2:22am
Ahem... they have his credit card information from when his citizen was
registered. Er go, they have his address. So why doesn't AW do anything?
Beats me. Perhaps the situation is not as simple as it looks.
[View Quote]"themask" <admin at themask.3dhost.net> wrote in message
news:3f1df180 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I wonder if they have logs of him on his own cit with his computer name,
> they can possibly block that.
Jul 23, 2003, 4:35pm
I'm sure there's a good reason. There usually is. Not always, but in this
case, since it's of somewhat legal importance, there probably is. Just wish
Enzo or Cal would tell us. :)
"USENET is antiquated." - Me.
[View Quote]".duo." <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f1e6c5c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maybe he usd a fake card or something? If he didn't, then this whole thing
> is bull. Making viruses is a serious offense, as well as hacking. I don't
> see why aw couldn't at least sue him or take him to court.
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3f1e0d68$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 23, 2003, 11:04pm
That's getting a bit fantastic for an explaination, dont' you think? :)
[View Quote]".duo." <ncommons at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f1f2ca6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmm... maybe M a t t works for AWI and AWI doesn't want themselves to look
> bad... or maybe M a t t's related to an employee...
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3f1ed58c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this
> wish
> thing
> don't
> was
Jul 30, 2003, 1:08am
If you're going to report it, please report it to AW, not the general
community. Attention is exactly what Matt wants.
[View Quote]"orb" <sharonclarke at adelphia.net> wrote in message
news:3f231e4a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No strike maybe this should just go unoticed you're right.
> strike rapier <strike at Rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3f22f81c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> should
Aug 1, 2003, 2:10am
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f29d364$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:3f29b945$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The way it SHOULD be IMO... :-)
> Cheers for now :-)
> PC Hamster
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 7/20/2003
Aug 1, 2003, 2:10am
That might be fun. I'll try to drop by sometime. Telegram me if I forget.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"paul" <mpbarrow at NOSPAMyahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3f29c4ad at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hello,
> I have new Hobbit Hills for sale in Ganymede. They are not designed based
> on the movie but on my interpretation from reading the books and how I
> picture them. I f you use Terrain you can use you own "grass" and "path"
> in place of the 2 I made. They are one piece 50 x 50 meter models.
> Paul
Aug 1, 2003, 9:59pm
You just describe the two things that I like the most. Vulcans and
Klingons. ;)
Aug 5, 2003, 11:36pm
*Ahem* I suggest you http://www.skywalkeronline.net/files/runaway.jpg
The Other White Geek
[View Quote]"goober king" <awnews at awnews.org> wrote in message
news:3f30252a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame21.html
> bowen wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Flame Warrior
> awnews at awnews.org
Aug 5, 2003, 11:29pm
Feeling a bit... mischievious today, aren't we? :)
[View Quote]"weebo" <weebo at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3f304390$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sorry to have wates your time rofl
Aug 14, 2003, 2:19am
What happens when SW City denizens can actually talk to each other? Chaos,
insanity, and hopefully a darn good show! Each one hour show is packed with
our opinions and analysis on Active Worlds and it's community, not just SW
City. Each show presented in stunning radio-quality MP3 format, compressed
to under ten megabytes in size for your downloading convenience. Sit back,
relax, and enjoy. COB knows this place needs it...
Aug 14, 2003, 10:01pm
Yes. I think it would be great if you put that on your station. Please
e-mail me the details and stuff at chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net and we'll
link to your show from that page. Same goes to anyone else who wants to run
it. Just make sure I know about it first. :)
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:3f3bfab0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3f3be811 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> room
> Well....Either the mic volume on your computer needs adjusted or you need
> back away from your mic because there were times you were on the brink of
> distortion it was so unreadable.
> I know it's not on Chris' end because Gobber sounded just fine (albeit a
> little on the low side) and Mike sounded good too. I don't recall "Sam"
> ever talking though...
> BTW Chris....That TeamSpeak software......Nice software. :-) Downloaded
> client and a server for myself (fo my own live shows) :-)
> Cheers for now :-)
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.507 / Virus Database: 304 - Release Date: 8/4/2003
Aug 14, 2003, 10:02pm
It'll be better next month. And the news is supposed to be quirky. There
may have been a few misunderstandings on that line, but it'll be better next
month. I've got a few funny stories lined up already.
[View Quote]"maki" <multi.forum.274950.maki at awgate.com> wrote in message
news:3f3c17bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> interesting.. long.. very long. at points it was almost like listening to
> CNN webcast, or some sort..considered getting into news casting? ;)
> maki
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3f3b0dcf$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> with
> compressed
Aug 17, 2003, 4:22am
I'd appreciate any feedback at what could be done better. E-mail
chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net. :)
[View Quote]"pineriver" <pineriver_007 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f3d5e58 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Glag I have cool edit to skip over the boaring parts, but other then that
> am impressed
> "maki" <multi.forum.274950.maki at awgate.com> wrote in message
> news:3f3c17bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> Chaos,
> SW
> back,
Aug 17, 2003, 4:16am
"can be just as creative in alpha as any other world blagh blagh denial BS"
Creativity is ideas, not what you're given to work with. :) If people want
to do something other than AW, more power to em, but I find that I can be
just as creative in AW as well as in any other world. The only difference
is just what you're given to work with and the type of creativity involved.
You can make your own creativity by building your own world, and that would
be the next step above AW in my humble opinion. And I think that's what
you're ultimately trying to say. Bravo.
[View Quote]"baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3f3c7a71$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I've always said the reason so many "old timers" are jaded to AW because
> they are no longer 'playing' aw, they become so wrapped up in so many
> little groups, comitties, event teams and so forth that they have no time
> energy to do what aw is ment for. Building.. chatting.. exploring. Yeah
> it's nice to spend a bit of time now and then helping put together a fun
> little event, or maybe writing a little news paper now and again, but
> you become SO wrapped up in such things AW loses its charm.
> I've been here since ooo about late 95 or so, can't remember, not one of
> those people who uses years in AW as an answer to arguments, and every now
> and then I'll lose interest for a month or two, maybe even short of year,
> but I've never had this feeling of impending doom, of death. When I came
> AW I built in alpha, quickly moving onto one of the first batches of
> private worlds I was in awe of what could be done when not limited by a
> static path. I then gave world owning a shot, learnt modeling and have
> been refining that for the last 2 years. I always have a feeling there is
> something new to do, something new to build or model, some new level I
> take my skills of creative impression.
> Never stop creating, its what AW is for. I've noticed the people out
> trying new stuff and growing are the ones optimistic about AW, and the
> wrapped up in silly organisations or have refused to move on from alpha
> world since they first became a citizen are often the nay sayers. I know
> I'm often quite negative and snarky in AW, but ever day when I come in
> I always feel like I'm just scratching the surface, like I'm still
> something new.
> My advise to anyone feeling like goob is, or just bored with aw in
> do the following.
> If you've been building mainly only in Alpha for more than a year or two.
> Move onto a new public build world, and even if they are available, try
> to use any of the alpha world objects you are familiar with. Learn a
> new path! I'd recomend the Beans, an excelent public build world that
> doesn't look like flat shit.
> If you've been mainly building in a public build world other than alpha,
> try moving onto a private build world. There are SO many new creative
> opportunities when the owner will upload new things for your request and
> don't have to worry about object registries and the building inspector.
> If you've done that, get your own world. But do NOT use the alpha world
> path, megapath at the least, or if you can get your own. Once again,
> away from objects you are familiar with. Learn something new.
> If you've got quite a few building sets under your belt and your own
> Learn to model. It takes some time, I strongly recomend knowing how to
> atleast make the basics in notepad, then if you want use a modeling
> program.. but know what is going on "under the hood". Make some of your
> objects to add to your path.
> Once you've got enough experiance, this is when AW gets REALLY creative.
> Wipe your path, and make your own pretty much from scratch. Borrow here
> and there from fellow modelers, the odd free site, but try to avoid any
> public or common objects. Do something new, creative.
> Then what? Do it again! Wipe your path, use your experiance and make an
> even better one! Now maybe learn how to program bots and such. Perhaps
> undertake a small game. Do something creative, not just another
> "paintball" or bland fantasy rpg.
> Next? Keep going! Find something you don't know how to do and refine it!
> Many people I know in AW that have been here for 4-5+ years are still
> on the first step. They complain AW is boring.. dying.. not as exciting
> they used to be, but if anyone sugests they move on from alpha? They
> out saying you can be just as creative in alpha as any other world blagh
> blagh denial BS. No one in Active worlds has the right to nay say and
> about how there's nothing to do and it's boring untill they've been up
> the lader atleast twice. I'm barely at the 2nd from last stage on the
> and every time I log in I'm overwealmed with a feeling of freeshness,
> growth, energy. Maybe so many of you people's problem isn't with AW but
> with doing the same damn thing too long, or being wrapped up in so much
> useless comitee garbage you can't even do stage one!!
> If you are reading this, you have more patience that me.
Aug 17, 2003, 4:24am
Looking forward to actually seeing you "in world" now. :)
[View Quote]"goober king" <awnews at awnews.org> wrote in message
news:3f3c54db$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Two years ago, I wrote an edition of StVMP for AWNews where I described
> my first experience in AW. I described how I was filled with awe as I
> watched scenes download around me, and felt compelled to explore this
> new frontier whenever possible. It was this feeling that drove me to do
> whatever I could to try and help solve AW's problems, so other people
> wouldn't have to worry about them and be as I was: someone cheerfully
> lost in a virtual world.
> I then ended that opinion piece with the following paragraph:
> "There are days where I think of trying to go back to those days of
> wandering: Abandon UTN, abandon AWNews, abandon the hoards of telegrams
> and contacts, leave behind all the rhetoric and flames of the
> newsgroups, get a new account, and simply wander off into the sunset.rwx
> in search of my next big adventure. That, I think, would be a very
> fitting ending indeed..."
> Well, folks, that day has finally arrived. After two years, I've made it
> painfully obvious to myself that there's really nothing I can do to help
> stave off AW's problems. The only person who can do that is Rick Noll,
> and he has made it painfully obvious that he isn't able, or willing, to
> do what it takes to fix said problems.
> As for me, I'm just tired. Tired of feeling forced to help a community
> that apparently has no interest in helping itself. Tired of depending on
> undependable people. Tired of watching people who are more interested in
> destroying each other than helping each other. And most of all, I'm
> tired of myself making empty promises that I know I can't keep.
> And so, today it all ends. Universal Town Network will be dropping off
> the face of the Net as Computerizer (UTN's host) wipes his web space in
> the coming weeks. The HQs will remain open, but will no longer be
> updated. The AWNews.org domain will expire on Sept. 19th, and the AWNews
> webspace will be shut down shortly thereafter. If anyone really wants to
> take on these projects in my place, feel free to contact me in AW (don't
> bother contacting me through the NGs, as I won't be reading them
> anymore), but considering the current demeanor of the community, I doubt
> I will find any serious takers.
> And as for me, I'm going to get back to what I should have been doing
> since I got here way back in 1996: building, exploring, and enjoying
> other people's hard work. After all, I know all too well the toils of a
> thankless job, so it's time I started thanking others for theirs.
> Farewell, AW Community. It was fun while it lasted.
> --
> Goober King
Aug 26, 2003, 5:13pm
I understand you both. I also understand that a lot of bickering can put
pressure on other people who see all of it, like Bit here. And I'm not
quite sure why there is pressure in the first place.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"daphne" <Daphne at notup2par.com> wrote in message
news:3f4b85e6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry if I don't feel "chastised" at all, Momma Bit.. :o) (WB btw...
> *G*)
> Now and then ppl just feel like a little "theraputic blood-letting" and
> that's made evident by those who attack first...
> Well, I'm willing to give as good as I get and that's what I did when
> and ORB both decided they'd jump on me... :o) Anyone that can't take
> flames shouldn't flame someone that will flame back... *G*
> Anyway, Bit, you are about 24 to 48 hours after the fact.. Most of the
> flames stopped when I tired of the "game" on Saturday... LOL Nothing
> like the "fuel" walking out on the fire!!! :o)
> Sorry to hear you aren't going to be prepared to put on a Cy thingy this
> year... Does that mean Cy Month is off too and I don't have to plan an
> event for it now??? It's all that travelling around the country and
> fishing, eh??? No time left to sit down and make major plans and put them
> into action??? I know the feeling there, hon!!! :o)
> "Because the CommunitY was once a group of wonderful people, who spent
> time listening to folks problems, and walking them through the bad
> ect. ect. ect... Bit,,, I don't know where you hang out but many ppl
> still do the things you say were "once" done by the wonderful ppl in AW...
> The AW CommunitY is STILL pretty darn wonderful... Flamewars, bickering,
> snipeing, whether you realize it or not, are often just a "pressure
> valve"... A way of letting off steam occasionally and then getting back
> the business at hand... Anyone that beleieves all they read in the ngs
> just not using their own brains...
> Please don't try to make out that the flames in these particular threads
> the reason you won't be getting the Cys organized this year... The
> is never quite that simple, hon... :o) Go ahead and announce it
> instead of burying it in another thread... People do deserve to know,
> formally... *S*
> Anyway... Enough of the ngs for now... There's other things that need
> doing.. :o)
> *HUGS*
> Daphne
> PS... I ran across a very telling quote the other day and I want to
> share it::::
> We live in a time in which the ability to create deceptive simulations,
> especially for television, has become essential to the exercise of power.
> And the inability to see through these deceptions has become a form of
> powerlessness. Those who let themselves be taken in by the multiple
> deceptions of politics, news, advertising and public relations, are
> like the more gullible members of the radio audience that listened to "War
> of the Worlds" in 1938, to play a role in other people's dramas, while
> mistakenly believing that they are reacting to something genuine. from
> Dorothy Thompson - New York Tribune
> alphabit phalpha <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
> news:3f4aba6b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <snip>
Aug 25, 2003, 3:26pm
You people have no lives. 267 new messages since Friday. *shakes head*
[View Quote]"e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3f44feab at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> :)
> E
Aug 26, 2003, 5:02pm
No problem. :P
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f4a52d6$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sw chris wrote:
> That's roughly 65 message a day. I suggest you not subscribe to an
> active USENET group.
> --
> --Bowen--
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