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Feb 10, 2003, 11:58pm
How true...

Yours Grumblingly..
SW Chris

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Feb 11, 2003, 12:04am
Here here. The electoral college operates on the public will. And in cases
like the 2000 election, where there is less than 1000 votes separating the
winner from the loser, they try to determine public will as best they can.
There was nothing unconstitutional with the election process, even though it
seriously is in need of some retooling to make the popularity vote more


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 11, 2003, 12:22am
Someone's a little unstable... ;) Chill, dude. The newsgroups are hardly
representative of the AW community. If I were you and been through what you
have, then I'd stay away from them.


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 23, 2003, 9:25pm
It was a selfish post. But full of hurt, too. So he's gone. There's
nothing we can do about now.


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You may have noticed...

Feb 10, 2003, 11:42pm
Well, you know what I think. Tourists should be allowed into aw world but
with build rights disabled. :)


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 13, 2003, 4:19am
So they get what they want. So they get banned. >:)


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 16, 2003, 4:01am
Well, let's put it this way. If Trent Lott can't get away with it, nobody
should. :P


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 18, 2003, 1:17am
You're both right from certain points of view. Debate over.


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 20, 2003, 7:33pm

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Feb 13, 2003, 4:15am
Dear Mr. Noll and who it may concern,

First off all, Mr. Noll I want to express my thanks to you for opening this
topic up to discussion. Secondly, I apologize in advance for the length of
this post. There is a lot on my mind and I want to give it my best effort
to present my opinions on this matter with the various facts and evidence to
support them.

It is my personal belief that a healthy balance can be achieved between
Active Worlds Inc., those who want updated features in Alphaword, and those
who don't, with sacrifices made by the latter two parties in the name of

The first thing I want to say is that I urgently encourange not just setting
up a poll on this subject, but an entire survey. There are simply too many
variables to be covered by a generic question. For instance, one could want
Demeter-bot enabled terrain while the same person would not want a skybox.
The results of this survey, every thing else being held constant, should
determine which features are enabled in Alphaworld and which aren't.

Secondly, I would like to talk with you about some of these features and how
they could vastly improve the creativity of those who build in Alphaword,
specifically Move, Rotate, 3d Axis Rotation, and Demeter-enabled terrain.
No cases involving the irresponsible use of Move and Rotate when they were
exploited earlier last year were ever reported to Garbage Elimination Team
or the Peacekeepers. Peacekeeper sources can document this. There has also
been very little trouble, if any, concerning the use of any of these
features in AWTeen. The AWTeen caretakers Chanty and Poseidon can verify
this as well. AWTeen's situation could very well be considered a test for
Alphaword. Mr Noll, I must say that this test was successful. The time
that these features have been in use in AWTeen and were exploited by a bug
in Alphaworld was quite considerable, and the damage done by vandals is
still very low. This is saying something very positive about the
responsibility of Active Worlds users.

In addition, we must also work with the Peacekeepers and Garbage Elimination
Team and see if they are willing and prepared to take on the added duty of
policing these new features, and 3D axis rotation. Based on the cases cited
above, the end result of Move, Rotate, 3D axis rotation, and Demeter-bot
enabled terrain being enabled in Alphaworld will be that very little trouble
will rear its head at those organizations and to AWI.

Thirdly, I want to make sure you are aware of a possible fix to the
Demeter-bot enabled terrain encroachment problem. It could possibly be fixed
by simply fixing the encroachment boundries on Demeter's terrain.rwx object.
If you recall, you had similar issues with Alphaworld's X Objects
encroaching until they were "fixed". As I'm sure you are aware, the
terrain.rwx contains the properties for that cell's terrain. Brant must
verify that this is a solution to the problem, and I have telegrammed him to
see if it is. I am currently awaiting a response. The bottom line is that
the Demeter system would keep the classic look of Active Worlds in
historical areas and create an entirely new set of creative challenges for
those builders wanting to use terrain. Demeter is a win-win for everyone.

Now, I do realize that you are having problems running the mapper utility
and may have problems backing up Alphaworld in the future. Adding this
extra data to all of the pre-existing objects would certainly speed up the
process. I respectfully request some more information on your backup
processes. Memory storage capacities are growing exponentially. It seems
to me that with hard drives currently up from 120 gigabytes seven months ago
to 250+ gigabytes today, that backups would not be a problem once the price
of such drives comes down. And therefore, the issue of AW becoming
unmanagable would be moot. But as I said, I'm not familiar with your backup
practices to know any better.

The last thing I want to say to you, Mr. Noll, is that enabling any of these
features for us to use in Alphaworld will foster the creativity of its
builders and encourage others, possibly even those who currently to not use
Active Worlds, to build there as well. The community (not the just the
vocal one) can only benefit. I am a firm believer that all sides must be
heard, and if you are seriously considering the question of enabling these
features, I am sure that Active Worlds Inc will consider all sides and
answer the question in a way that is fair to everyone. Thank you for taking
the time to read this very long letter, and thank you for hearing us out.

Christopher Walker

SW Chris

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Feb 14, 2003, 12:40am
I would agree with the tourism issue, but only if tourists don't have
building rights in that world. That way they can see what they could do
with a paid citizenship. However, this isn't a discussion for tourism. It
is a discussion for features. I'll leave that statement as ambiguous as
possible because I am not sure what I feel about bringing tourists into the
equation at this state of... for lack of a better term.. negotiations.

SW Chris

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Feb 14, 2003, 12:45am
All I have to say on this is a resounding ^_^ YAY! I'm glad you're
considering what it will mean.

SW Chris

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Feb 14, 2003, 12:49am
I have had similar problems regarding #2 of SEQS locking up. This happens
randomly to me it seems, and only started after 3.3 was released. What
build of 3.3 I do not know. I cannot pin down why or when it happens, but
I'll be sure to pay more attention in the future. Flushing the cache fixes
this problem.

OS: Windows ME
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce Ti4200
RAM: 256MB
Processor: AMD Athlon 1800+

Anything I left out?


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Feb 14, 2003, 1:02am
Hmm... the COMMUNITY is a double-edged sword. And it as a word gets thrown
around a lot. Catch it wrong and it'll cut you. But look at the word in
the right way and you won't get hurt. You're aware of this of course. The
vocal minority often claims it is speaking for the community.

But I don't think adopting a pure nonprogressive policy on Alphaworld is a
way to combat this. Nobody benefits, because soon you get people
complaining that there aren't enough new features being used in Alphaworld.
Put these things to popular vote, then make decisions based on the results
of that vote, and what AWI is able to do and is limited by. I am not
talking about encroachment issues. That can be handled by the Peacekeepers
and GET if they are willing. They have to be willing, however. Popular
vote is simply the most obvious and fair way to do this sort of thing, in my
humble opinion. It guarantees that your company finds out what its users
want, not what the vocal minority wants, and then AWI can act accordingly.

Respectfully submitted,
SW Chris
This sounds like another Talking Points memo...
chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net

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Talk About Active worlds

Feb 14, 2003, 7:17am
Just the kiddies playing around... :)


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Talk About Active worlds

Feb 16, 2003, 4:03am
It's okay, Syn. He's read them. But... I am thinking that I would like a
response. Someday... ;)


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Talk About Active worlds

Mar 1, 2003, 3:52am
I think you'd be pulling your hair out if you had to read incessant pidgeon
english e-mails, even if they are gosh-darn cute. :)


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Freedom City

Feb 14, 2003, 7:21am
Unlike the real world, there are inhibitions which aren't prohibited. And
we all have to learn to tolerate stupid behavior. I am not saying I
appreciate or condone "EMALE"'s behavior, but gosh darn it, it's one of
those ridiculous things that don't even need to have attention drawn to it.
Morons are morons. People do stupid things. In this case, it's not like
complaining about it will change people's behavior. I mean, you can't
exactly make a rule against stupid behavior. It's a free country. :)


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Goodbye PK57

Feb 18, 2003, 1:14am
Congrats on you're retirement, MIKsam. You will be missed! And I'm sure
your fellow PKs will miss you as well! :)


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We have lost another wonderfully very loved citizen in AW:(

Feb 23, 2003, 9:27pm
Wow... who'da thunk? -_-


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Feb 25, 2003, 8:34pm
This is the official testing thread. Test away. ^_^


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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 25, 2003, 8:55pm
Thank you Enzo for wanting to appease us on this issue. :)

As you were probably aware, SW City was not represented in Las Vegas, and we
are easily one of the largest groups that build primarily in Alphaworld.
Most of us are very much in favor of implementing new features, as we see no

I understand your problems with terrain. If terrain cannot be worked out,
do you think that perhaps a more modular set of terrain objects could be the
next best option? The 66 and 33 degree inclinations of the land#.rwx set
can be limiting when trying to build gradually rolling hill terrain.



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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 1:50am
LOL Comit. You dragged Lara out of her hidee hole. ^_^ Welcome back Lara!


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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 1:52am
Hear hear. You guys are right on with our sentiments.


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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Mar 1, 2003, 12:24am
I dunno... that orange fog lent a particularly nice feel to my dataDyne
Installation. :)

But just don't use orange. It's just too retro. :P


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Maybe E N Z O Post here?

Mar 1, 2003, 3:44am
Perhaps some info on where they announce these openings would be great.
Because I'd like to build up my "beta resume" before I reapply for the
Galaxies beta. :)


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Maybe E N Z O Post here?

Mar 3, 2003, 7:37pm
Ah. All the ones that have no bearing on me. LOL. Guess I'll have to
subscribe to them.


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The-World Bingo world

Mar 1, 2003, 3:53am
Well, I got a nice Spiderman DVD from them, so I'm not complaining. Well..
it was full screen and I ordered Wide Screen, but I'm still greatful. :) I
believe they can be trusted.

SW Chris

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Clee o is back home and ready to see his get well site...

Mar 3, 2003, 7:40pm
Ok, sooooo how did it go! I just saw this message.


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Alpha Prime aka AW, objects and textures

Mar 3, 2003, 7:44pm
Where do I start?

C'hala Tree,
Coruscant object set
Jedi Temple object set
Starship object set
Starfighter object set
Artoo and C3P0 avatars
Moisture Farmer Object set
Millenium Falcon
Star Destroyer/Imperial Object Set. >:D


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