sw chris // User Search

sw chris // User Search

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 4:54am
Oh lay off it. He let us know, isn't that enough for you? Besides, what
did the bot do? It created a search index. Good grief.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 5:08am
How in the hell do search engines work, ananas?

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 5:12am
You know what? I don't allow spyders to search my website, I payed for it,
and they still do.

AWC, this is madness. I have now gotten a small taste of what it's like to
be in your shoes.

SW Chris

[View Quote] > its
> news:3C755143.97611BC7 at oct31.de...
> of
> bot.
> 02:16
> relevant
> message
> this.

Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 5:46pm
I beg to differ. Go search for Skywalkeronline.net on Google and you'll
find it at the top of the page. I never submitted it to any search engine.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 5:49pm
I said search engines use bots called spiders to go and build their
database. They mine the internet for data, which coincidentally is about
the same as mining world servers for search criteria.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 5:51pm
And I thought I've seen everything. oi vey. Use some sense, Aine. No
company in their right mind would do that.

SW Chris

[View Quote] That's just one example of what could be done with the information contained
in the World Rights box.


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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 5:55pm
How about settling for door #2?

Get over it. *grin*

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 11:18pm
Yes. That's all, Agent1. Nothing more, nothing less.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 11:21pm
So unless they've stopped using spiders like they used four years ago and
web developers have stopped using Meta search tags in their pages, you're
absolutely right. But then why am I, as a web developer, still recommended
to add meta search tags? Maybe I'm not as educated about search engines as
I'd like to think. So perhaps you could explain? Thanks. :)

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 7:56pm
Opinion noted, and respected. Let me point something out though... I don't
think it's not so much wanting to keep everything secret, it is moreso the
necessity of not mentioning it. I heard it mentioned that the original
intention for the secrecy of this matter was to give everyone a pleasant
surprise when they got the 3.3 update installed. Of course I could be
wrong, but that's the impression I got.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 4:28pm
That is just a rumor, and it's not going further than that. Otherwise I
would have heard something more substantial about it by now. :) So fear
not, you have no need to worry. Hopefully.

SW Chris

[View Quote] [View Quote] On the other hand, the rumormill is now talking about AWC charging $30 extra
for that update to 3.3, even though world and 3D Homepage owners are still
required to pay the Tourist Fee, free cits for world owners have been
reduced or eliminated, and citizen prices have been raised.

How much more money do they expect us to pay before we even get a glimpse at
the "promised new features"?

*shakes head*

And they have hopes of selling this browser on a CD?

They just don't get it down there at the home office, do they?


Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 4:31pm
The software is our social future. That is its purpose.

If they ask, a debate would spring up, sure. But each person owning a world
would be individually responsible for allowing or not allowing the world to
be indexed. The debate that would inevitably happen wouldn't matter much at

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 9:48pm
You know... it's debates like these that makes me wonder what would happen
if one side actually won. You people are debating trivialities now, as it's
already been established seven or eight threads up that you're mad that AWC
did not inform you that they were compiling a search database for 3.3.
Nobody besides you two care, so please, let the thread die. :) Everyone's
entitled to their opinion, but trying to change someone else's isn't going
to change a thing.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 9:55pm
Whether or not AWLD - Citizen #1 has all privelages in all worlds is not at
issue here. It is common knowledge that this account does have all privs in
all worlds and for very good reasons. Ananas is correct in his first
assessment that they perhaps should have notified the world owners before
they did this, as it represents a potential security breach that any
resourceful programmer with AWLD privelages could take advantage of. This
would have kept this thread to perhaps five or six entries long, instead of
five or six hundred.

SW Chris

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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 4:10am
It kind of begs the question, why do network administrators have access to
everything on the servers they manage, even private accounts? The same
principle is applied here, and perhaps for the same reasons.

SW Chris

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sale of aw3.3

Feb 23, 2002, 1:15am
You know what... as long as they let me do move, rotate, and terrain
generation in AlphaWorld, I'll pay $30 bucks.

SW Chris

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sale of aw3.3

Feb 25, 2002, 9:56pm
I believe that is AWC's impression as well. ;) But one key difference
between IE and Active Worlds is that full rights in Active Worlds costs

SW Chris

[View Quote] Aine

[View Quote]

Get over it.

Feb 23, 2002, 1:35am
.... I erased my last sentence because it's rather blunt. *puts diplomatic
face on* When it comes to privacy, people are very touchy. When it comes
to AWC, hell, let's try to put a few dents into it and bash the heck out of

I could rant and rave about all these things for a whole day. In fact, my
mood often shifts between sticking up for AWC and sticking up for its
consumers because of some of the utterly ridiculous and stupid stuff people
from _both_ the company and the users have said. And it's mainly the users
of this program who cause most of this crap. We get offended at the tiniest
thing. The whole freaking situation is entirely and royally screwed up.

Good grief, I read some letter posted by Aine in a Yahoo discussion group.
While I understand her frustrations, some of the things she said about AWC
were simply and plainly false, whether she knew it or not.

Come on folks... are you willing to degenerate into some mob mentality?
The pricing plan isn't _that_ bad. 300 percent? If they kept the price
five bucks you'd be complaining. It's over, it's done with. They
compromised with you and went down half price. Half price! Get over it.

And sticking a bot into a world isn't bad at all, especially since MrGrimm's
bot didn't enter any private worlds. Notification of intentions? You've
been living in a politically correct society for far too long. There is
nothing worth notifying if there are no intentions to be had. How many of
you would get seriously mad at someone bringing a bot into your world if
they weren't an AWC staff member? What's your real problem, here? The fact
that MrGrimm belongs to AWC or privacy?

My God, what would the worlds be like if we had to ask permission to chat?
It's about as stupid an issue as people getting offended at chatting out of
turn. And yes... this really happened. Eep I believe was the offended
party. :)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, look at the facts and only the facts. Do
not extrapolate on them. Do not assume. Take the facts for what they are,
and nothing more or nothing less. But that won't happen any time soon. Why
am I even typing something that will fall on deaf eyes? Welcome to the real
world, Chris.

SW Chris

Get over it.

Feb 23, 2002, 5:39pm
Malka, it appears someone is posing as me, because I do not go by the name
DB Digital. :) In that newsgroup I am known as chrisw10 and I haven't
posted any messages to that group yet. I sent Aine a personal reply back
and I hope that she understands that I wasn't attacking her personally, only
using her letter as a reference to this madness. I agree wholeheartedly
with the intent of her letter, but several examples she used I did not agree

SW Chris

[View Quote]

Get over it.

Feb 23, 2002, 11:14pm
Honestly I don't think DBDigital meant anything malicious. Perhaps you've
misconstrued that I am DB Digital? Nothing to worry about though. Cases of
mistaken identity happen all the time.

My domain is skywalkeronline.net, not dbdigitalweb.com. To verify this, you
can do a whois search and my name will be under the contact information for
skywalkeronline.net, and not for dbdigitalweb.com.

SW Chris

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everything is bad

Feb 23, 2002, 11:16pm

SW Chris

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 7:21pm
It certainly would be a shame to say that moff piett is defending anything
and everything AWCom has ever done. What he is doing is pointing out the
stupidity of some of the complaints that have been recently made.

As far as having a duty to complain, if AWLD filtered you, why are you
complaining here? Take it to e-mail. Otherwise, if they aren't filtering
you after all, go right ahead. But ONLY if your complaints are well thought
out and have a suggested solution attached to them.

SW Chris

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 7:23pm
Congratulations, you have just described the 14-17 year old demographic from
40 years ago. And guess where they are now? Running the world! Yup, you
have indeed lived to see the day that you hate so much. Welcome!

SW Chris

[View Quote]

everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 7:31pm
Underestimation is a potent weapon, zeo toxion. :) If bodhitah wishes to
underestimate you, then so be it. All the more advantage for you in a
battle of wits.

SW Chris

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What's wrong with you?

Feb 28, 2002, 6:15am
Yeah... well... my grandma can beat up your shoe!

SW Chris
"We Could be Heroes"

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Went and did it

Feb 25, 2002, 10:01pm
I happen to LIKE star wars rip offs. =P

SW Chris

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Went and did it

Mar 1, 2002, 6:21pm
it sounds italian to me.


SW Chris

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Feb 25, 2002, 10:02pm
Perhaps the person who entered was just wearing a tourist avatar? If they
have greyed out text they're tourists, dark text is citizens.

SW Chris

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Feb 25, 2002, 10:04pm
Why do I get booted when I try to switch to tourist in aw world then?

SW Chris

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Feb 25, 2002, 11:11pm
Oh please, can the sarcasm canuck.

It happens all the time that people mistake citizens in tourist avatars for
tourists. The only way to tell is through the text they type.

SW Chris

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