sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Feb 12, 2002, 7:07pm
My thinking for JP's comments was so that the Garbage Elimination Team could
be a little more lenient when someone wants an object or group of objects
deleted. Before, you couldn't even delete a wall because it had too much
"structure". Now they could possibly have the authority to delete it if
it's just a shabby old shack that someone left behind. Which makes me
happier because I've got a stupid mini-town in the middle of my land in SW
City that I've been wanting deleted for a long time now.
Keep in mind, no confirmation on this yet.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"dmc2u" <Dmc2u at ispchannel.com> wrote in message
news:3c697a88$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mmmm... I'd go for that ... good idea... but not sure if AWCOM would.
> Cheers
> Dmc2u
> "icydee" <docherty-group at panlok.com> wrote in message
> news:3C6948B6.A1383B85 at panlok.com...
> right
> there
> deleted
> disapear
> least.
> dangerous ) *
> would
> be
> came
> a
> some
> than go
> without
Feb 13, 2002, 4:21am
JP, you're on my creeps list if you don't do some explaining here... Flagg,
help! Get his attention or something! :( I know he's busy, but this is
Are you going to do regular wipes of the worlds databases?
If not, then what's this policy for?
If so, how are you going to deal with all the unhappy customers?
Have you realized that most of your customers would like some advance notice
on these decisions so they can have some say in them before they actually go
into effect?
It's my opinion, and a lot of other folks' opinion around here that doing so
will increase consumer confidence in your leadership abilities and perhaps
have a hand in saving the company, should it be in danger (as is the belief
around here). It's a new leadership model that's rather successful. Take
for example Southwest Airlines. The president asked its employees what they
wanted to do. Most volunteered to work for free to keep Southwest on its
feet. So far, they're the only ones making any substantial progress after
Sept. 11.
Why did you say this?
Why did you not go to the community with this, butg talk with the
Peacekeepers about it?
Surely you know word would trickle out from that meeting?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"dmc2u" <Dmc2u at ispchannel.com> wrote in message
news:3c69dc8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> moff piett
> Sad to say ...
> I believe this affects all AWCOM worlds, not just AW ...
> but Mars, Yellow, COF meta, etc etc ...
> "moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3c69c55d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and
Feb 13, 2002, 7:55pm
If I think what I think you're saying, then yes, no deletions period would
be nice, with the exception of greater leniency for the Garbage Elimination
Team. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"lady jude" <LadyJude51 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c6aba7d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Don't want to start a riot, but did anyone find the no delete on NAC a bit
> strange?
> Wonder if that is cause the owners and their friends have NAC property?
> If company is trying to be fair, be fair across the board :o)
> "dmc2u" <Dmc2u at ispchannel.com> wrote in message
> news:3c69a16a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> given
> let
> had
> citizen
> accounts
> objects
> much
> SW
> have
> stunned.
> be
> the
> for
> 1997.
> citizen
> do
Feb 11, 2002, 8:54pm
In my personal opinion, hosting a hacked server with full knowledge that it
was hacked is just as bad as "owning" it.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gavroche" <gav at vrg8.com> wrote in message
news:3c66f17a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> To chickengurl, Derek Rayburn, and everyone,
> I will say this one last time.
> No cracked, hacked, mutilated, bloated, Trojan filled, cloned or otherwise
> universe server, ever left my systems or servers to a 3rd party. (Which
> means *ANYONE*)
> ALL of my servers have an Authenticode in an extended 4 bytes of the EXE
> files. Example: 7F 7F 00 01 etc. followed by the creation date and hashed
> and keyed file CRC .
> You are correct, "X Worlds" was hosted by one of my servers in the past.
> Even though it was hosted by me, I was not the owner and accepted no
> responsibility for it.
> Maybe you should look at other sources for these "hacked" universe
> A good deal of names come up, including yours, because if I remember
> correctly and records will show this, you were also in possession and
> running a cracked universe server.
> Like I said before, email Roland regarding my activities. Not that he
> want to respond to you anyway, you email address is a clear sign of your
> immaturity.
> Maybe one day, someone will get their facts right about me and my
> activities. And like I have said before, how come I still have access to
> the AW universe server, and also have the following citizenships if I
> was the evil hacker and anarchist people make me out to be?
> AWST 03, AWST 04, AWST 05, AWST 06, AWST 07, AWST 08, AWST 09, AWST 10,
> 11, AWST 12, AWST 13, AWST, Gavroche, SP1D3R XOR, AWST, Gavroche, ... L u
> e ...
> Maybe you should be the one who stays out of trouble instead of being in
> cohorts with the likes of Radon and Xero who have clearly caused the
> community damage.
> Oh, and this is for anyone who wants clear facts....
> YES, I have got an unmodified original copy of the Active Worlds Universe
> Servers. Versions: 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 alpha, 3.2 beta.
> YES, I have successfully "hacked" these universe servers to allowed them
> run illegally.
> YES, I have on more than one occasion ran these "hacked" universe servers
> for educational, non profit use with a limit of 5 users and 2 worlds.
> YES, I have successfully written a clone of a 3.1 universe server from
> scratch that is 100% compatible with the Active Worlds protocol and
> encryption systems.
> YES, I have on more than one occasion ran the 3.1 cloned universe server.
> Once such instance was the VRGate universe, which I volunteered to close
> down and ban public access to.
> NO, I have NEVER released a "hacked" universe server or a "cloned"
> server to the public or any other party. Including my closest friends.
> YES, AWST have been using the information gained by these hacks to help
> AWCorp crack down and cure security bugs in the Active Worlds Software.
> such example is the impersonation hack which luckily I have not seen in
> public, but could have easily erased every world in active worlds.
> YES, Active Worlds Corporation asked me to close down my cloned universe
> servers from public access to prevent legal action.
> Anything else you want to know?
> One last thing, I challenge you to find a site that I have created that
> allows people to download any hack that I have created or any invitation
> enter one of my universe servers.
> Good Day,
> Luke Twydell.
> "chickengurl" <ilove at chickensex.com> wrote in message
> news:3c66e67a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 11, 2002, 9:07pm
Let us know how it turns out. This one, should be interesting, if not a bit
ridiculous. In either case, I'm still curious.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gavroche" <gav at vrg8.com> wrote in message
news:3c6787a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I accept your offer to stand in a court of law. Please provide me with
> details and my solicitor will contact you shortly.
> I just cant understand why you continue to make false statements about me,
> you must be a very bitter person for some reason. And as I figure, you
> have two pennies to rub together after holding OW to ransom. anyhow,
> whether you can afford it or not, I will fight you all of the way, even if
> it means I have to loose one or all of my businesses.
> I never denied receiving any universe server from anyone, nor cracking
> As for X Worlds, I do believe it uses a different encryption system to the
> standard AW version, not to mention it was run on a cloned universe server
> designed and written by me for SGI IRIX 6.2. All of my activities on this
> project have been documented and can be used as evidence in a court of
> I wont ask you to retract your comments because I know you are too bitter
> and arrogant to do so. From here on, all communications will be via my
> solicitor.
> I hereby formally request to start legal proceedings on the charge of
> industrial and commercial slander and I will proceed to prosecute you to
> full extent of the law.
> No Regards,
> Luke Twydell.
> Please forward all legal documents to:
> Mr L A Twydell
> HiLine Computer Services LTD
> 13 Rowlands Close
> Foxton
> Cambridgeshire
> CB2 6SQ
> United Kingdom
> Tel: +44 (0)1223 571076
> "punky feople" <derek at cyboria.com> wrote in message
> news:3c674c17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> technology
> can
> distributing
> hack
> Universe
> start
> that
> (Which
> past.
> your
> 10,
> L
> in
> them
> close
> friends.
> help
> Software.
> in
> universe
> that
> invitation
> that
Feb 12, 2002, 2:28am
Oh, I see. But it still was accessable by the Active Worlds browser, right?
If so, it's still questionable, but Trillian is doing something similar, so
there's no definite legal right or wrong about it right now.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gavroche" <gav at vrg8.com> wrote in message
news:3c6850bc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it wasnt a hacked server, it was one written by myself for IRIX. Not AW
> software was used.
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c684bba$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it
> otherwise
> hashed
> to
> u
> Universe
> servers
> server.
> that
Feb 12, 2002, 7:25pm
I never said it was "funny", just interesting and ridiculous. Here you are,
two people, both of questionable nature, going into court. I can't tell for
the life of me who's going to come out on top, or if both of you have to
settle for something. But you're both in the doghouse, and that's all I
will say about that.
Let AWNews know if you supeona Mr Rayburn, and where we can find the details
of the case on the Internet, via news agency or otherwise, if it even gets
posted on the WWW.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"punky feople" <derek at cyboria.com> wrote in message
news:3c696698 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You know this all started by me telling people to stop bitching about AW
> because if they had unanswered complaints then they should do something
> about it, like start a new piece of software. Seems simple to me. That
> statement is actually in AW's defense.
> As for me trying to take OW for everything they had, you obviously have no
> clue what OW was or is or who created it.
> Tried more than once to create my own versions of AW software? Show me
> because for the life of me I can't remember ever programming any of that.
> would love to see something I have done in the past that I dont even
> remember.
> As for court, well that is so funny I wont even go there. If I receive
> notice I Will be there. hehehe
> --
> Thanks,
> Derek Rayburn
> derek at cyboria.com
> "robbie" <robbie at oriox.com> wrote in message
> news:3c694c5f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and
> tried
> a
> about
> anyhow,
> cracking
> to
> on
> of
> my
> of
> you
> how
> He
> Gav
> now
> attempts
> responsible
> browser
> get
> do
> to
> it.
> in
> Microsoft
> a
> making
> then
> to
> don't
> "educational
> a
> or
> party.
> of
> date
> sign
> have
> citizenships
> of
> caused
> Worlds
> protocol
> volunteered
> hacks
> not
> cloned
> in
> what
Feb 11, 2002, 9:09pm
Don't you EVEN begin to suggest THAT!
SW Chris
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c67215c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone
> I hinted on the group list last night that I had an alternative idea to 3D
> Homepages, and after some much needed rest in the wake of my "trip", I'm
> posting my deas here. Feel free to comment on them if you wish.
> I was passing some WONDERFUL (and not-so-wonderful) builds as I raced back
> ON FOOT from about 24,000 N 24,000 W all the way abck to GZ (took me a
> little over 24 hours to do it though), I began to wonder WHY is
> charging for 3D Homeages (which have *very little* #D functionality) when
> fact they could *easily* (and more feasibly) charge for space on
> instead???? I mean, they've only *begun* to fill in the space there!!!
> can they afford to just simply let all that land simply go to waste????
> It's beyond me....
> Now hear me out on this, okay.....
> Granted there are works of art on there and some builds which you wonder
> they even exist at all. However, I believe that some pre-set guidelines
> will cure that.
> Once a person gets the space, they get all the objects and building tools
> currently afforded to 3D Homepage Owners. In addition to that, we would
> have access to the AlphaWorld Building Yard as well as an object compiler
> (to make the moving of duplicated objects easier). We could build on as
> mcuh (or as little) of the space as possible (up to a P-10). Plus, they
> would all be inter-connected via the roadways on Alpha World so one can
> simply go from town to town just like driving out in the country.
> Speaking of driving, see my post script at the end of this message.....
> However though, here are some suggested guidelines.....
> Any bulding MUST be COMPLETELY built (and furnished!). No incomplete
> structures will be allowed or they will be deleted within a certain length
> of time not to exceed 30 calendar days. We would also have 10 calendar
> to AT LEAST begin with construction, though any space left under
> construction for six months would be re-allocated to someone else and all
> objects imported would be deleted.
> We would get all this for the current price of $6.95
> Hypertext links could be changed whereas instead of going to some 3D
> Homepage, surfers are taken to wherever GZ used to be in the 3D Homepage
> (post 3D Homepage applicants wouldn't need to know this though because
> never had a 3D Homepage before).
> Finally, to match all the particular themes out there, I think the current
> AlphaWorld could easily be rendered suitable for all current 3D Homepage
> themes except for Atlantis (these owners would fall into a new Alpha world
> called Aw-Atlantis or something like that). Seperate Alpha worlds can
> be created to better match the theme.
> So guys, have I gone totally beserk or am I on to something????
> Your tuen to comment....Cheers... :-)
> Patrick Cook
> Owner - Hamsterville (as known in the Immigration Officer greeting - Pub
> 102X otherwise)
> pchamster at msn.com
> Denver, Colorado
> P.S.: Is there some reason why there isn't a CAR in the Avatars pull-down
> menu on AlphaWorld???? I mean if AlphaWorld is going to be made into a
> replica of America's fascination with roads, we ought to at least have the
> option of being a car as we drive down the roads. Can AW answer this
> If no one does, I bring it up when I take up some others matters with AW.
> In the meantime Cheers....Patrick :-)
Feb 12, 2002, 7:12pm
> In my opinion AWLD doesn't listen to or care about their users. It's
> been that way for a long time... so I don't expect it to change.
I am thinking that with this compromise over the new prices, it is beginning
to sound like they're listening.
SW Chris
Feb 13, 2002, 4:23am
I hope they listen some more though. Like this NAC policy. What's up with
Airline food, anyone?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c69852b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I am thinking that with this compromise over the new prices, it is
> to sound like they're listening.
> SW Chris
Feb 13, 2002, 4:18pm
Yeah, speak for yourself, Fox. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3c6a62d7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Only problem is that limited building size per cit means limited growth of
> AW ...
> Grims
> "foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6a178f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> size on AW. We're just spoiled because we're used to the
> Anyone could cripple the whole world with sparse objects
> 3c67215c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 3D
> now
> back
> ActiveWorlds
> when in
> AlphaWorld
> How
> why
> tools
> compiler
> just
> length
> days
> all
> they
> current
> world
> later
> pull-down
> near
> the
> one???
> AW.
Feb 13, 2002, 4:33pm
This is just a general call to everyone out there. Is anyone interested in
helping to organize a Virtual Olympics competition for this summer? We need
a few more committee members for the main committee. Can't promise you'll
all get in, I just want to choose the best ones for the job.
Current members are:
SW Chris
We probably need three more, so reply here or e-mail me if you're
interested. And no, I don't know what you'll be doing yet. :) But it
wont' be building. That's the host city's/world's job.
SW Chris
Feb 13, 2002, 7:52pm
The committee will decide that, when it is formed and has a few meetings.
:) First we need to concentrate on Host city applications and a few other
SW Chris
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c6ad183$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6ab196 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
> need
> What are all the sporting events involved???
> Patrick
Feb 15, 2002, 5:28pm
We'll have events that are native only to Active Worlds, and possibly some
off-the wall stuff like hurdles and relays. And if we can think of any
winter-type sports that can be done in AW, we'll do those too. It all
depends on what this planning committee does. Nothing is set in stone yet.
Last call for committee positions. Let me know soon.
SW Chris
Current Members as of 2/15/2002
SW Chris
Lord Fett
Goober King
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3c6d1607 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what about the VR Winter games? ;-)) I think the IRL winter Olympics are
> more fun than the summer Olympics...
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6ab196 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
> need
Feb 15, 2002, 11:15pm
:D You're in.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"darma" <darma at uni.net> wrote in message
news:3c6d6803$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would love to partecipate,
> mainly for aerial sports....
> (jump from mobiles platforms, aerial jimcana, nightflight...)
> Darma
> Dario Massari
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> ha scritto nel messaggio
> news:3c6d6151 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yet.
> interested
> We
> it
Feb 15, 2002, 5:02am
Gnort, Hobgoblin of Success, Knight of Ni, Knight of
Ichi-ichi-ichi-nesheboingummmm, Jedi, Yuuzhan Vong, Bothan, Rodian, Chiss,
Omwati, and um, a glass of milk (to go with that brownie). ;)
May the Force be with you
[View Quote]"billybob" <vbillybob87 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c6c9288 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I am creating a new bot. I will not go into any details about it. But I
> would like to know if anyone knows any good fantasy races. Races like
> Dwarfs, ect....So far I have
> Human,Orc,Elf,Goblin,Troll,Dwarf,Hobit,Ogre,Fairy,Brownie,Ent. Does anyone
> have any to add? I'm trying to get to at least 15 of them.
> Thank You.
Feb 15, 2002, 5:28pm
I've heard of Anzats, but not Avatarians. =P
SW Chris
[View Quote]"moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3c6cdfad at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And don't forget Avatarian, a humanoid race with a -4 against overlap
> attacks.
Feb 15, 2002, 11:42pm
I was just kidding on my post, btw. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"billybob" <vbillybob87 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c6d9086 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thank You all. I will look into the races I don't know and see if I like
> them, and add the ones I forgot to add.
Feb 18, 2002, 8:52pm
That certainly is an interesting phenomenon. *raises eyebrows*
SW Chris
[View Quote]"carolann" <carolannh at charter.net> wrote in message
news:3c7162e8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Please excuse my naivete here-and believe me it doesn't offend me one bit
> who posts his AW related services here, fee based or otherwise-but what is
> the difference as to why this advertizement by alterlinks is accepted here
> in the community area and the unbelievable reaction to Insanity's posts of
> couple weeks ago in "Worldbuilders", which of course was exactly what
> Hosting, objects, etc is related to? This a real question, not an opening
> for any other kind of reaction. Before posting this question I looked at
> both sites and they both seem to be professionally done and attractive
> many options for an AW world owner that need to be mentioned somewhere if
> anyone is ever to be able to take advantage of them.
> "alterlinks" <pasdespamwebmaster at alterlinks.fr> wrote in message
> news:Xns91B9C324AFBA5Alterlinks at
Feb 19, 2002, 8:47pm
That is the perfect solution to this particular, SWE. But who's going to do
that? Right now, someone named GrimReaper is claiming to represent AW and
saying "Pay or we close down AW development and devote most resources to
Netbroadcaster." And that's another problem entirely. One that is at
least being attempted to be solved with the introduction of newer tech in
Version 3.3. But is that enough? Marketability is the last part of the
SW Chris
[View Quote]"swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c72b649 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> u forgetting worlds without SWE worship temples? stop taking the piss lol,
> agree with kellee, think that it should be maybe exchanged for another
> world, with objects similiar to aws, but size is propper, or if someone
> fixes up the bloody avs, and gz, and a few hundred objects! and adds a few
> hundred objects!
> "moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3c72ad9e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> theme,
> no
> an
> another
Feb 19, 2002, 8:48pm
I'm still not sold on the idea that "greed" had anything to do with the
subscription price hike.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
news:3c72b0e6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yeah sure,everything that is not the latest is bad,it sounds a bit like
> goverment in my country;you do not drive a new car you are a crook.We need
> to punish ppl who do not keep up with the development.
> What I would suggest is that Alpha would remain the historical building
> world,where ppl learn to build using their imagination,instead of having
> piece houses and mountains with who any idiot can build a fair looking
> place.Go explore Alpha a bit and you will find things you have to click on
> to figure out how they are done,you will also find places where you go
> I never thought of doing that".Since Activeworlds now have become greedy
> started to charge more for their services ,I think they could offer a new
> large public building world with a lot of objects,the newset and most
> things.Maybe a place where ppl could donate things ,in other words a big
> with a lot to choose from.
> Drac
> kellee <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3c728164 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> believe
> their
> old
> you
> the
> own.
> away
Feb 19, 2002, 8:49pm
That would defeat the purpose of their current marketting strategy. They're
not going to do that. =P
SW Chris
[View Quote]"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
news:3c72cbe1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maybe AWC should just come up with another world similar to Alpha World in
> that there's a LOT of room to build and it's free to build for everyone,
> completely new objects and textures etc. No need to get rid of Alpha
> just make a new one ;-)
> "moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3c72c6f3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> (ie
Feb 22, 2002, 1:38am
Well, certainly Netbroadcaster has everything to do with this. If this new
pricing plan doesn't work out, that's what AWC as a company is going to
concentrate on. Or didn't you read that little chat log between a certain
GrimReaper (with universe rights) and Yosemite? So in all actuality,
Netbroadcaster has everything to do with what AWC's future actions may be.
Yes, I am broadening the subject a bit, but I must say, GrimReaper is an apt
name for that particular discussion. :) I wonder if he purposefully named
it that?
SW Chris
"Porn affiliations be damned. It doesn't matter, it's going to be under new
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c748167$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c72d5f1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> do
> Chris, what does NetBroadcaster have to do with this??? NetBroadcaster
> its own resources. Why would AWCorp want to shut down AlphaWorld and
> the resources it uses where they're *not* needed???
> And BTW...When *I* said the word "replace" in my earlier post on this
> thread, I was referring more specifically to an *upgrade* of the existing
> AlphaWorld, which would probably result in a "propdump"during the upgrade
> process as AlphaWorld would no doubt have to be taken offline during such
> upgrade, but the world name itself wouldn't change. Just the server and
> other resources used for the upgrade. Just figured I should point this
> out... :-)
> Patrick
Feb 22, 2002, 1:42am
Well, AWC isn't your typical American company. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"count dracula" <dracula at netsonic.fi> wrote in message
news:3c74f2f1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Another thing that comes in my mind is the slogan of goverment employed:
> it until it is broken.
> To go back to the actions of AW.inc,I guess I will never understand the
> american way of company management:) .I Europe and especially in
> Scandinavian country companies wants to give the impression that customers
> are a part of the company.It makes the customers feel more important.I
> the Scandinavian way is more "We" and the american "WE and them"
> I doubt that a 3D chat will ever make anyone really rich and attempts will
> probably end up in a total failure.I think the owner of AW should continue
> keeping it alive because of the love towards rwx and get a "haircut and a
> real job" to make profitable business.Maybe follow a bit the Linux
> concept,after all money is not the most important thing in the world
> although some ppl might think so.We only live once (as far as I know) and
> when we die;no matter how much money we own,we still wont be a better dead
> person:)
> Longhaired Fu**ing Treehugging Hippy Drac
> macb <Z at X.Y> kirjoitti viestissä:3C7468AB.5010300 at X.Y...
> must
> keeping
> highers
> before
> a
> is
> baker
Feb 22, 2002, 5:27am
That's an odd tangent to walk out upon. ??
SW Chris
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c75d987 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3c756f6b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> Kellee, the *only* person who has even made mention of these so-called
> "rumours" is *you*. AWcom hasn't brought it up on its site. And if they
> think 3D Homepages are going to replace AlphaWorld, they are only kidding
> themselves because in five years (less than that if they ever get a
> *competant* marketing team with a plan going), they'll have the same
> with 3D Homepages.
> Why???
> Simple. Not very many people I know would want to go through the trouble
> starting their own world the size of oh say....Broadway World [mentioned
> solely for the sake of discussion] (and paying hosting costs to boot) if
> they're going to have is a few people (READ: A small handful). It just
> wouldn't be worth it to a lot of people.
> Add to the fact that AW wants you to pay them $60 to allow tourists, and
> that's yet another incentive. I feel bad because as a 3D Homepage owner,
> would have to pay only $20. All of these examples are just some of the
> reasons why I'm creating an AlphaWorld build which will be linked to my
> existing 3D Homepage instead.
> a
> SW
> that
> *I* would care because one of your builds is an Object Yard, is it not???
> might need stuff from there someday.
> Yes do that, but the question would then become *how* do you *define*
> worth saving and what's not??? Answer - You can't. No one can't. What
> might be an eye sore to you might be a Picasso to someone else. Have you
> thjought about that Kellee??? If not, maybe you should...
> Something to think about...
> Cheers for now everyone :-)
> Patrick
Feb 23, 2002, 1:12am
You need to get out more... Everything you said won't possibly happen.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c76f9e1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c75bd4b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> new
> Even so Chris, I would think that the WORST case scenario would be that
> overall size of AlphaWorld would be shrunk as opposed to deleted outright.
> AlphaWorld is too popular for that. Of course, this would mean that some
> builds (particularly those at the 10,000 mark and beyond in all
> would have to be moved, but I think a lot of people could swallow that a
> *lot* easier than having their build totally deleted. All AWcom would
> to do is ensure that building rights are returned to the rightful owner of
> each build upon completion of the move and the owner is notified.
> The owner could then go to the new location and ensure that everything is
> reasonable order and report any damage and/or missing items.
> What chat log are you referring to Chris???? *perplexed look*
> future actions may be.
> apt
> named
> Even so Chris, GrimReaper will be undoutedly much too busy dealing with a
> mob of angry porn site owners (many of them with lawyers) who will (if
> aren't already) wondering where all their multimedia content is and why
> their members can't access it, to even *think* about looking at AlphaWorld
> (or much of anything else in ActiveWorlds for that matter).
> And even then, the direct impact it will have on ActiveWorlds would be
> minimal at best. Nothing that an army of GK's couldn't handle.
> So if I were you Chris, I wouldn't read too much into it (at least not yet
> nyway). We've got bigger fish to fry and bridges to build. :-)
> Just my $.02 worth...Cheers :-)
> Patrick
Feb 23, 2002, 1:40am
Netbroadcaster apparently sells bandwidth to porn companies. And for some
reason he thinks it's illegal. I'm with him though. Porn isn't right, but
what are you gonna do? You can't sue the company for it, because it is very
legal to do so.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3c770dea at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> WILL be different, dammit!
> Grims
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
> If the object is any different, the build won't be different.
Feb 23, 2002, 5:45pm
But they've been used, so you can't do anything about it.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3c7744b1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> some of the older objects don't deserve to exist ò_
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3c773f6a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 26, 2002, 4:05am
You know what this would do to SW City, don't you? *wimper*
But if something can be worked out so that we can preserve our city and
still be able to add on to it, I would be willing to compromise. Not sure
about the rest of the core staff, but this is my feelings. Kellee, your
feelings are truly on the correct track.
Now we need to get a few others to see this point of view. Saving Active
Worlds, I mean... not moving on.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c7aecc3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "tony m" <fldmshl2013 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c789eab.5280660 at news.activeworlds.com...
> <snipped>
> Tony, I think your on the right track..... hows this for an idea? Open a
> world to public building say " New Alpha " which would contain all the
> and whistles that Alpha can never do. Once thats done , instead of
> preserving the "whole" of the old alpha, it was merely closed to new
> building and the existing builders given a chance to bot any build they
> consider saving, whether it be their own or some one else's ( AWHS can
> finally earn their keep, LOL ) to another world. ( not New Alpha, merely a
> smaller duplicate of the original Alpha)
> That would solve the problem of who considers what worth saving .....It
> would be the decision of the owner or in the case of NACs, it would be "in
> the eye of the beholder" or AWHS. The world that is the recipient of all
> old builds would not need to be any where near the size of "old Alpha"
> most of the junk would be left behind. That would solve the eyesores
> problem.
> After a set time the old Alpha could be buried, and the ppl that want to
> hold on to the old Alpha are happy, as all that is worth saving is saved
> the ppl that want new objects and new atmosphere are happy ( only the new
> will impress the newbies which is what makes AWC happy)
> And it would solve ( hopefully) the problem of the citizens who do not
> their builds deleted. Making everyone completely happy is not an easy
> and I don't envy AWCorp the task of attempting it. One thing we do need to
> remember , compromises need to come from BOTH parties, guys.
Feb 26, 2002, 9:31pm
knee-jerk reaction to kellee's post. Ironically her post wasn't really
about deleting alphaworld at all. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3c7b37af$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what the hell...
> "lord slucifer" <lordslucifer at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c744793$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The
> in
> accomplish