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This would be cool

Jan 2, 2002, 7:11am
lol, no way is roland going to do that for the minority that have those
expensive things...well I guess thats why they call it the *wish*list :)


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Post Number 100!!!

Jun 26, 2001, 7:11pm
Yeah I know...I'm a putz huh?

Well it is General Discuss :o)

*Waits for one of Eep's witty put downs*

Post Number 100!!!

Jun 26, 2001, 7:12pm
Definatley a putz...can't even spell discussuion :)

Expireyed cit renewal?

Jul 1, 2001, 8:21am
Just try to log into your account when its expired and it brings up the
renewal box with everything put in..akll you do is fill out the CCard
details and renew your account :)

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Jul 1, 2001, 8:23am
Dude I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year....being a
teenager isnt easy ;)

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The Computer Dictionary

Jul 5, 2001, 4:02pm
ACORN: Astounding Computers Often Ridiculed Nonetheless

AMIGA: A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction

APPLE: Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity

BASIC: Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control

BIOS: But It's Only Software

CD-ROM: Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months

COBOL: Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language

DEC: Do Expect Cuts

DOS: Defunct Operating System

IBM: I Blame Microsoft

ISDN: It Still Does Nothing

LISP: Lots of Infuriating & Silly Parentheses

MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

MICROSOFT: Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools

MIPS: Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed

OS/2: Obsolete Soon, Too

PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

PENTIUM: Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding of

SCSI: System Can't See It

WINDOWS: Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

WWW: World Wide Wait

486: The average IQ needed to understand a P.C

Computer Chip: Any starchy food stuff consumed in mass quantities while

Keyboard: The standard way to generate computer errors

Mouse: An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate

Floppy: The state of your wallet after purchasing a computer

Hard Drive: The sales technique employed by most computer salesmen

Portable Computer: Device invented to force business men to work at home, on
vacation and business trips

Disk Crash: A typical computer response to any critical deadline

Power User: Anyone who can format a disk from DOS

System Update: A quick method of trashing ALL of your current software

The Computer Dictionary

Jul 6, 2001, 7:46pm taking bets on how long until Nornnies Account is Deleted...2 days?
Nahhh...AWCOM are too lazy to even ban people these days...lets go for 2

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World Hosting

Jul 16, 2001, 9:28am
The best hosting around is they provide world hosting for ANY
size world for just $10 a month...I would like to see another Company/Person
beat that :o)

CY at AW GZ?!

Jul 25, 2001, 8:54am
Its probaly a FP Bot, did'nt AWCOM make a network of bots to collect the
results of games and events all over the universe through these bots and put
it into a database to see who got the most, and won the world or whatever
the prize of the wholee festival was...

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WinXP meets AW

Jul 31, 2001, 8:08am
Simple explanation problem Wing :)
AW and DirectX are both dodgy on Windows 2000 right?

Well unlike 98 and ME that were built from 95, Windows XP was built fro mthe
foundations of Windows 2000. So although its more stable that Win95 and 98,
it has all the incompatabilites that Windows 2000 and more too.

Get that lame-ass preview off your HD now and get good ol' 98 or ME back on

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WinXP meets AW

Jul 31, 2001, 8:09am
> Simple explanation problem Wing :)

Eh? My minds not working, ignore that line, lol.

AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 1, 2001, 3:55pm
*cough* Fraud *cough*

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Trojan warning

Jan 19, 2002, 11:12am
lol! You cna be so ignorant when you want to be Chris.


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Trojan warning

Jan 21, 2002, 2:11pm
Perhaps its just you all hate me or somthing...but your picking through
every damn thing I've ever done and trying to use it against me...gimme a
break...some of you guys done even think about the hours of work I put into
AWTeen every week...helping with events, building...helping people...and
writting bots (that usually dont work, lol...but never contain virus' and
never will). I never asked for someone to abuse my server...and I'll you all
to stop with this Anti-Gamer thread, damnit I'm not Lanezeri....


Re: Trojan warning

Jan 18, 2002, 5:37am
Hey Baron,

Thankyou for alerting me and other about that file. I had no idea that it
existed on my server, many users have access to that server and be assured
I'll be ripping through my logs to find out who it was.

I'll also be changing the password to oriox and giving it out to all except
the person responsible.

I'm sorry to anyone that had problems removing the sub, I'm acutally 15 to
anwser any questions raised in the previous thread and Sub7 isnt my thing.


Re: Trojan warning

Jan 18, 2002, 1:52pm
I (thought I could) fully trust the users of my server. And it is not your
place nor right to comment on how I do so. I am nor juvenile or ignorant to
the possibilities available to the users of it. My host does not limit the
number of users of my server and much like AWCOM will not be looking to take
further action, being my server it is my responsibility to do so and I will.


Re: Trojan warning

Jan 21, 2002, 2:05pm
you know I only just found that actually is an active
domain....oh well, is soo tb e changed to OrioxMUS!C (currently in
contruction at sorry for all who
were offended...

As for knowing my target audience...Oriox is mainly for me and my firends at
school...the main page is rubbish anyway...


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XW Cits (Re: Outrageous!!! - Conclad Thomas)

Jan 18, 2002, 1:58pm
For the safety of all our cits we deleted ALL logs of citizens and if AWC are closing your account then they must have proof of you
advertising it....because they have NO evidense of you being a cit there
(assuming you were), because it was all destroyed.


Ghost Objects in View Window

Jan 19, 2002, 11:15am
I get the same mate, just restart the browser and it goes away....I get it
like...twice a month max...only when I've been on for long periods of time.
I'm using a Radeon VE 64 meg so I guess its a Radeon thing.


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Hey people...

Mar 10, 2001, 8:34pm
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I've been with AW for around 3 years
now. Although, whilst I'm usually around at events, etc. I'm very well
known. I have another cit aswell, although this is my main one now.

I own which is my alternative to Objects
d'activeworlds. It still under construction though :)

I also model objects, but don't get much time these days :)

Just thought I was about time I became an active memeber of the Active
Worlds community, so here I am *waves*

I would particulary like to agree with a post from a week or so ago. Most
english people are on Internet Service Providers that disconnects you every
2 hours (stupid i know) hopefully newer serbices will work on model
inactivity but until then I suffer deaply from discons. I think 3.1 copes
with the problems caused by a discon much better than previous versions but
there are still aparent problems...

Hope to activly take part in future discussions :)


Hey people...

Mar 11, 2001, 3:12pm
Thanx, except I'm not a newbie :) I've been around AW for 3 years. I just
never got round to getting in here :)


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Hey people...

Mar 12, 2001, 5:31am
Wow, I find it hard to believe you get flames in here with such nice people,
thaks all for the nice warm welcome. :)

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Hello NG's

Mar 12, 2001, 5:37am
Hey there Moff, and my fellow newbie (or thats what they call me) I've seen
u round AW, and ur post about community is very true to whats happened to
the many worlds that ive had.

Now my remaining two worlds are dead. Although after ur post I was inspired
to try and get the, going again.

If every world had an active community of firends and builders in everyday.
I think every cit buying a world would get their moneys worth and more
people would try it. And it would inevitably bring more people into AW...

Oh here I go, starting a lecture in whats ment to be a welcome message,
lol...I'll quit while I'm ahead...


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Mar 16, 2001, 5:36am
Man, guys really don't like this dude...what did he do wrong? (hey don't
flame me for askin' just wanna know)


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Mar 16, 2001, 1:56pm
ok, after reading this sring, i agree...

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Heh, sorta interesting...

Mar 15, 2001, 5:37am
maybe, they're up from the interest from the release of 3.1...i've noyaced
the amounts of ppl in aw has risen just lately...

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Heh, sorta interesting...

Mar 15, 2001, 5:37am
*noticed - bad speeler :)

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AW Needs a New GZ, anyone agree?

Mar 16, 2001, 2:08pm
Dosen't anyone think the AW gz is getting a bit old. I mean yeah its nice
and everything but I think it would make a nice change for somthing new. Its
not even like AW GZ is lagless either, on my old ocmp it used to lag me like
hell at times...

I mean look at AWGate GZ; simple yet impressive and AWGate is one of the
busiest worlds in AW...

AWTeen is a good example, with new GZ themes almost monthly and while I
appreiciate that that isnt possible with AW GZ. Maybe a new design is in

I mean AW could even hold a contest for AW's best builds to enter a
competition and design a GZ the winner being used, or somthing like that...

Anyone agree? or disagree?


AW Needs a New GZ, anyone agree?

Mar 16, 2001, 2:09pm
sorry bad typing, its been a longer day over here... :)

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AW Needs a New GZ, anyone agree?

Mar 18, 2001, 9:17am
I agree, and the overhead sign is useless too, I think a few new textures,
maybe some nice zobs that you only see at GZ to keep them special, and less
damned advertisments all over place, its annoying, lol...

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