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Reunion Idea?

Jul 1, 2001, 8:18am
I like that idea...England is a long way from Australia to walk home when
your pissed ;)

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AWTeen Renaissance Faire!

Jul 5, 2001, 6:38pm
Hey Guys..I guess this is community news :)

AWTeen is holding a Renaissance Faire and they've asked me to put some
Avvies together...With the help of the almighty Kitiara to help articulate
my buggy UV scrambled Meshs I should be able tog et some nice work done...

The Avatars for the Renaissance Faire are going to be passworded on the OP
however and after the fare I'm going to be selling 1 or 2 of them (and
prolly splitting it with Kitiara if she helps out) and giving few to the
bingo worlds as prizes...the avs will be prolly a Jester, a clown and maybe
a knight on a horse (no promises on that one) but if all goes well I'll be
posting them somewhere on for sale, if your interested feel free
to e-mail me: robbie at

Until then I hope you enjoy the Renaissance Faire and come to checkout my
work :o)



Jul 8, 2001, 12:30pm
Yep...project was frozen..Poseidon is *Still* trying to get it back in the
running again...don't count on it though..

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More flaming idiots

Jul 9, 2001, 4:29am
Yur, U'm Nurt un morom...I onleh lost mu cutizenship twuce....

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[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity Challenge

Jul 10, 2001, 2:59pm
DAMMIT...*throws ball at AlphaBit Phalpha*

Sorry Hun...your the only person I know that is good enough to catch one of
my poor throws ;)

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The New World(s)...

Jul 15, 2001, 12:09am
Well we got teased with a few nice pics a week or so ago. Those roads and
houses looked pretty sweet. Certainly a mark up on the AW Objects.

I've spoken to quite a few people and it seems AW have already finish the OP
an GZ and everything and are just waiting now. What for I'm not quite sure
of :)

Anyone else got any information? Perhaps anything they would like to see in
the new worlds.

I personally would like to see plenty of sectional building peices. Less of
all this 'Full House' Peices and stuff. Becuase otherwise we're just going
to end up with a world full of builds that look exactly the same.

Some of the older people amongst AW will remember back in mid-1998 when
there were only a handfull of worlds. Remember 1 particular day walking
alond a road in Alpha near GZ and seeing about 5 people...each with 4x4 lots
building a terris style build..they're buildings all contected
together...chatting hapily as they build up they're little pads in AW.

I think it would be nice if we could get that again. When WildAW first
started it was a little bit like that. But the feedom given by AW soon get
to people and the Pentograms, and Satanic Churches soon popped up. WildAW is
lucky to scrape more than 2 or 3 users these days.

If yor gunna guve us a new world to play with AW...make a good job of
it...give us some nice obs and plenty of room. And if the world *is* ready
now...then what are you waiting for? :o)

What does everyone else think? We could do with some intellegent
conversation around here. :o)


The New World(s)...

Jul 16, 2001, 9:25am
Basically AWCOM are working on a new world, nice OP...probaly a public build
world. Lets hope we get it this side of 2002 :o)

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World Hosting

Jul 16, 2001, 9:28am
The best hosting around is they provide world hosting for ANY
size world for just $10 a month...I would like to see another Company/Person
beat that :o)


Jul 16, 2001, 9:38am
Hey Xel. II'm sure you'll do fine here. Ya'll just need to learn how to sift
through the nedless newbie posts and menial disputes. Then you can find the
decent dsicussion that is the only thing holding this place together. :o)



Jul 17, 2001, 9:05am
Hey your god Fact in General.Discussion :o)

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To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 3:14pm
I completely Agree...

Robbie Lewis
"Gamer" (317291)

-Been in AW for over a year now...Long enough to see what AWCOM is doing

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Jul 20, 2001, 3:07pm
Ummm..dide no-one tell you about simple mode in AW 3.2 Methus? :o)

You should go read the AW Help pages...

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 3:12pm
Not so much a rule more, more a request...

Why don't you ask the other members of AWCOM to read the NGs?
If Rick, JP, Roland and the rest read the NGs more often, even daily...just
for 10 minutes...they could keep up to date on community issues...
It would also show some of the people round here that doubt it, that AWCOM
does care, and that they do list to cits...I'm say I belive that...but I
might if you guys showed up a lil' around and about :)


Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 3:14pm
Gah....I can't spell

Corrected for those that don't speak fluent Typonese:

Not so much a rule more, more a request...

Why don't you ask the other members of AWCOM to read the NGs?
If Rick, JP, Roland and the rest read the NGs more often, even daily...just
for 10 minutes...they could keep up to date on community issues...
It would also show some of the people round here that doubt it, that AWCOM
does care, and that they do listen to cits...I'm not saying I believe
that...but I
might if you guys showed up a lil' around and about :)


Problem with Riched20.dll

Jul 21, 2001, 8:42pm
Hello Harry,

It looks like your DLL File for the Microsoft Rich Edit control is

Someone else here in the NGs will know more about this...but I would
encourage you to search the internet for a replacment DLL....

you might be able to find a suitable download from

Hope that helps,



Jul 21, 2001, 8:44pm
Hey Rip,

Save yourself a few hundred Flames and read the Newsgroup Charter (I'm sure
someone will post it again for your benefit). I'll save about 20 other
people posting and tell you to please post test messages and other
non-community related posts in General.Dsicussion :o)

Welcome to the AW NGs..


[NG Survivor] Newbie Defense Results!

Jul 21, 2001, 11:36pm
Don't ask me..and don't you dare quest that authenticality...I spent 5 1/2
hours getting good at that game :o)

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[NG Survivor] Newbie Defense Results!

Jul 23, 2001, 1:14pm
oooh, Thanks Just In...thats the Philosophical look at it...
Or Maybe the program was just too lazy? LOL

[NG Survivor] Newbie Defense Results!

Jul 23, 2001, 1:15pm

Have I ever witten a post without any typos? lol

New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 21, 2001, 11:45pm
typical newbie lets watch the flames flood in...

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New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 23, 2001, 2:16pm
> They know I am looking at ways to improve things, but I am also on a
> the 1st deadline for doing the enw website.

Really? A new design? Can we get any more details? Plz?

New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 23, 2001, 2:20pm
And Rick and JP Dont?

The difference is that they do the work you don't see...

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New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 23, 2001, 4:43pm
Your not paying them the serveral thousend dollars the people they do listen
to are :o)

Facter is the peoples person..thats why 95% of people like him...

And thats why he moderates the NGs, helps people and basically anything else
that involves user/company interaction...whether he would make a owner
or..well I dunno, I wouldnt want to speculate :)

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In the absense of a leader we turn to a goob....

Jul 23, 2001, 1:13pm
He can't post, He's too busy finishing the design, right Goob? ;)

[NG Survivor] The 10th to go...

Jul 23, 2001, 8:07pm
Wow, I can't belive I've made it this Epic encounters with Leaf and
his Ledi forces are now over, I need a new gimic! Hmmm...or do I? How about
I just be me..and, Diary, I'll be quite honest with you :o)

I wan't to win...not just becuase I get to be 'The Newsgroup Survivor' and a
few WTG posts from the crew...I wan't to win becuase I want that AW T-Shirt
soooo bad, I will do anything for it...I have made good firends among the
group, and I dont think my absence of diary entries has damaged my
I try now to remain neutral in the game...I dont want to dispute with other
people, nor make them look bad in an attempt to win...I'll just keep posting
and playing my best for Immunity, and hope that the Jury..and NGS Onlookers
like me enough to vote for me to win :o)

Today I telegrammed Nornny and offered a citizrnship for first place...he
said 'No Second Place...add it to the main prize or make your own special
subchallenge'...I think thats what I'll do!

Right, I'm going to go think up a good challenge, the prize? A Brand new
citizrnship bought just a day ago...*scampers off*


Jul 23, 2001, 8:20pm
Ok Guys! I've got a Bonus Challenge Here...

The Prize for winning this Challenge is a Brand New Citizenship!!

Heres the Challenge:

You have 3 days (till 10pm VRT Thusday!) to find me the CHEAPEST place on
the Internet where I can purchase a GeForce 2 MMX 400 Video Card! Search
every Online Shop you can find to find the cheapest possible price in US
Dollars! The Website MUST Accept Credit Cards and cant just be some little
fake webiste you put up to for a free cit...

The reason for this Challenge? I NEED A NEW VIDEO CARD! lololol

So I will be purchasing the Card from the cheapest site, and giving the
winner his/her account...

Please post the Cheap Price you have found and the URL directly to the page
with the Product Information, or with instructions on how to get to the

Good Luck!



Jul 24, 2001, 9:44am
Adras is Currently winning with the page she submitted with a Geforece 2 MX
400 (as requested) for $70!!!!

$14.95 shipping so thats....


C'mon people! you can beat that :o)


Jul 24, 2001, 9:45am
*Andras! opps sorry, lol

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Jul 24, 2001, 2:17pm
And Casay takes the lead with $57.99!

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Jul 25, 2001, 8:46am
No, If I counted Ebay, Lanezeri would of won since theres 1 for sale that is
currently on $1

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