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jfk2 // User Search
jfk2 // User SearchY2000 EventsApr 22, 2001, 8:34pm
I actually like the idea of an events forum. A different heading though.
It would take it out of the main stream of traffic here & then people would be more apt to post their events easier. Even me... I have trouble when posting anything here. I had to get the swift kick in the rear by someone called "JUST IN" before i could even bring up the nerve to post anything here. m a r c u s <none at sfsdfsd.come> wrote in <3ae26b1d at>: >I think that is a wonderful thing that you are posting >events here. What do >people think about having an Events forum? > > [View Quote] Out of the LoopApr 20, 2001, 6:41pm
After it's running i use the Help >>> About >>> on top you see
Active Worlds 3.1 and under that is Build [mine says 370] yours will say Build 375. From what i understand of reading AW NG's is that it's a minor world list updat version. The worlds listed stops listing at 750 worlds. There are more worlds than that now but it stops listing them at 750 worlds. So this is the fix for that problem. [I have been circumventing that problem for awhile by NOT listing the Private Worlds. Which for the most part I can't get in]. john viper <jviper at> wrote in <3ae016fd at>: >Hey everyone... > >I have been out of the loop a little while, but I guess I am going to step >back into it (WITH MY NEW DSL CONNECTION1!!!!!!!!!). :-) > >Anyways when I logged into AW this morning, I downloaded build 375... Is >there any way for me to check out what is in this version? > >Thanks :-) > >-John Viper >jviper at HmmmApr 21, 2001, 8:41pm
I was just thinking about something else though...
JFK2's Top 10 Reasons For That Last Message are... 1 - Ahhh..... Booze? 2 - You got something up your nose? You inhaled something strong. 3 - Nerves 4 - Stroke 5 - You let your pet cat have a go on the keyboard for a change. 6 - Baby's first typing lesson. That kid is a fast learner. 7 - after months of over use your keyboard shorted out. 8 - Some kids next door were playing with a rubber ball that crashed through the glass near the pc & the ball bounced all over the keyboard for several minutes until you could catch it. 9 - There was this electrical storm nearby and the lights flickered and made the keyboard type crazy things. AND JFK2's Top #10 Reason Is... [Drum Roll Please....] 10 - You got one good look at Just In [World Owner of Broadway World] and that made you go so NUTS... You had no idea what you were saying. [Just In does that to me as well on many occasions] at at at I'm BAD!!! at at at leaf <Leaf at> wrote in <3ae2049b$1 at>: >This is just a little puzzle for all you folks out there to work out - the >text and meaning of this post are actually a load of junk. >I was bored and I >know many of you are too so here is something to keep you going for a few >minutes > >Leaf HmmmApr 22, 2001, 8:19pm
David Letterman I am not [YET]
Anyways... You should know that i might be a little [So tiny little... Thta i bet you... Just In has never even noticed.] Thta i might be WEIRD. j b e l l <jbell1983 at> wrote in <3ae24442$1 at>: >you did it the wrong way.. lol.. top ten list's are >usually in best to worst order.. best being one >(that's what makes it a top ten >countdown) > >-- >- JBell > > ____________________ >| | >| AWJBell Services | >| | >| news:// | >| | >|____________________| [View Quote] HmmmApr 22, 2001, 8:27pm
There is nothing wrong with me either. I'm a really nice sweetheart
type of person. So kind of a person... THAT is unless i get a tiny bit MAD.... But so far i have never been able to show that. I'm so kind and a sweatheart type of person... NOT even Just In could find me MAD. There is nothing that Just In could ever possibly do to ever get me mad. That is tottaly IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! So this is to show everyone just how much I'm NOT mad at Just In... To Just In... GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rough diamond <joshua_trask at> wrote in <3ae2bd84 at>: >There's nothing wrong with Just In :P For the most part, he's a good >person... unless he's mad, or winds up in the wrong place at the wrong >time... and let's just not bring that up again... >-RD [View Quote] Re: Warning about Hare, version 1.1Apr 21, 2001, 8:06pm
Well... I don't believe in the HARE.. Nor the Easter Bunny
I do believe in Santa Clause [If someday i wain the NewYork State Lottery]... The New York State Santa will deliver it to me. In politicians... Yea... I believe they mess things up alot. [Just In must be a Politician... He messes things up alot] I believe in Adviters Promises... if i can only find the dump where they put all the promises. As for the stork bringing little kiddies... Hmmmmm..... I think OneSummer was having major amounts of problems the day she dropped Just In on his HEAD. and that is why to this very day... just In is a Problem Maker & not a Problem Solver. ananas <vha at> wrote in <3AE1F753.EF922C59 at>: >I wonder how many here believed in hare, easter bunny and >santa clause, in politicians and advertizers promises, >in the stork bringing children ... Re: Warning about Hare, version 1.1Apr 21, 2001, 8:14pm
Looks to me like you got one of those BOMBWARE programs.
BombWare programs are just that. You install it. and it works somewhat ok. You decide not to pay for it & un-install it. OR you upgrade your computer in any way and you have to re-install it BUT you have to purchase another registratiion code key for it. That is one of the STRONG reasons why I support the Cracker Software groups. After they get their hands on such a BOMBWARE thing... They fix it so the author NEVER gets paid for making such sleeze software and you come out in the winning end of it all. wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3ae1fbda at>: >Amen the system damage on uninstall. This is apparently >because it replaces parts of the Windows Kernel with it's own code and >doesn't put it back on uninstall. *thwack* Now I have a >busted comp and a huge gap in my network to fix. > >I have decided to cease all testing of this product on >my equipment due to risk to inevitable damage to my work and/or machinery. >Apparently this is their way of forcing you to purchase it. >Not a healthy buisiness practice. Wisconsin AW Users?Apr 22, 2001, 8:39pm
Just for count... How many AW & OW & VS & all other universe people
are NOT in the same house that that NUT case lives in. That nut case is Just In. If you do not live in his house... Stand up & be counted. m a k a v e l i <tupacisdabest at> wrote in <3ae34799$1 at>: Wisconsin AW Users?Apr 22, 2001, 8:41pm
m a k a v e l i <tupacisdabest at> wrote in
<3ae34859 at>: >Ok, where is EVERYONE from? Normally i'll answer it on the top.. This time... JFK2 = Syracuse, New York [NewYork World] What happened to my postApr 24, 2001, 8:59pm
I don't like some of the MicroCRUD stuff.
Outlook is one of them. So i use a REAL Email program & a REAL Newsgroups Reader. Xnews = Newsgroups reader OR NewsPro = Newsgroups Server software AND good old FOX Email [at least i never have to worry about outlook email problems with this one...] The only MACROS that any of my software will ever know about is whatever I create. Not what some jerk creates. wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3ae54a9c at>: >Outlook deletes posts after a week. Suggestion: >If you don't like it, get a real newsreader [View Quote] another countApr 28, 2001, 3:04am
as everyone knows by now... I'm from syracuse NY = USA Boy and i install
the English stuff. [I can read a little German from my golden oldie Mega Atari-STe days though... and reading that software enough to run it properly took some doing...] gamer <Gamer at> wrote in <3ae9d000 at>: >Put a tick in the UK box for me :) > [View Quote] ANyone knwo what files Hare 1.1.1 deleted?Apr 29, 2001, 9:53am
Maybe all these nice people have only been looking at their aw browsers
a little too long... They don't ever got out into the REAL WORLD like some people i know should... [OK Not naming name here] But this maybe what you are after too... YES there is a program called "HARE" But if you look for it here... You certainly don't want that program running on your pc. To see this program do this 1 = [Virus Info and one of the best in my opinion for virus info] 2 = When you get on that page there is a search box on the top. Enter virus name = HARE and hit enter 3 = the next page that comes up read all of the various forms of HARE and i sure hope that is NOT one of your problems... kah <kah at> wrote in <3aeb1444$1 at>: >WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PPL???????? WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT THE F****** >THING IS???? I ALSO HAVE VB, YOU KNOW!!!!!!! > >KAH > Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?Apr 29, 2001, 10:04am
I know an arch ENEMY = JUST IN.... He is my enemy... he could keep me
interested for days on how to put him through SURVIVOR hell... And i could hope to have him in more HELL than all of AOHELL put together. That sounds real cool there... I VOTE to have Just In = My Arch Enemy put through SURVIVOR HELL at at at at at PS = Ok... so all of you now know how much i LOVE Just In...But I have this funny feeling that Just In loves me just as much or WORSE. brant <awteen at> wrote in <3aeb23af at>: >Sounds great - but we'd need Eep to be one of the contestants like you >suggested - otherwise there would be no arch enemy to keep everyone >interested. WinMe problemsMay 1, 2001, 12:54am
NOW would be a great time for our little word knowledge test...
WinME = ROOT!!!! IT!!! Software from MicroSoft My...My... Just In is going to be in hot demand here for awhile... He's going to have to tell everyone here what the AMERICAN term is for that AUSTRALIAN WORD i used there means.... And if I looked it up right... It means exactly what the American word is with it's full meaning too... So whenever you see WinME = ROOT!!!!! IT!!!!! Software Form MicroSoft. wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3aee0503 at>: >Just upgraded to WinMe across the board (Someone gave me the >upgrade CD cuz they bought full version) and I've found that on one of >my PC's, an AMD K6-2 300/TNT2 Vanta LT that I can no longer >enter res's higher than 800x600 without the screen getting all garbled. >This is with the latest Detonator drivers for Win9x taken from >the same CD that I reinstalled all my other drivers from so driver >corruption isn't possible (I reinstalled the driver after Me just to be sure.) > >I've only seen this once before on an OLD Jaton Trident 2d >accellerator that I just took out of a comp (scrapping the thing because >it has countless problems, including the secondary IDE chain >being fuxed) but that only occured ON 800x600 and going above fixed it My Final Post On This Just In MatterMay 6, 2001, 1:07pm
I'm going to pop this one in here on Chuck's last message...
Somehow I don't think this will be his last message.... All he has to do is read this... AND I'm sure he might want to add something more about this last Just In matter. Several weeks ago I too went off half cocked on Just In... And all of that was AGAINST FriendPA's wishes to Just In. My idea was to BITE JUST IN HARD IN HIS REAR... I did BITE Just In... but not hard enough. I asked him & begged him and even pleaded him to stop his insane revenge with FriendPA and he would not comply to my wishes either. Just In had made up his own mind to not only BOT COPY A WORLD [STEAL SOMEONES PROPERTY] and call it his very own... But to go back and attack the person that made it all possible in the first place so Just In could build & make the world THE VERTUAL REAL NEWYORK WORLD. He attacked her [FRIENDPA] so rentless that a few weeks before i had to enter the hospital for a diabetic foot problem... HE actually drove FriendPA to the ER of her hospital for 1 - EXTREME STRESS 2 - POSSIBLE HEART OR STROKE ATTACK And I'm thankful that she came out of it but that she was suffering from extreme stress brought about by Just In's demands & threats after threats... And I tried to have him not to persue this insane course of actions to FriendPA... He refused to listen... I tgramed him to death... He still refused to listen... AND I too emailed him and he refused to listen... I too have the exact same 6k html file that Chucks Party has... EXACT SAME THING... I showed it to Just In so he knows what it is... And he commented to me... And I have my records to prove it... BUT I told him that I would NEVER use that on him here &/or anywheres IS it truth or fiction i asked him... And his comments were [BLANK TO PROTECT PEOPLE'S LIVES. I AM NOT IN THE HABIT TO DO THE SAME THINGS THAT CHUCK DID] And that is how I still feel about that. I still have his comments on my browser chat logs... But that stays with me & his chat logs only. But what Just In failed to realize is... He and OneSummer have a PK no contact order on me... So I had to protect myself and send them ALL OF MY CHAT LOGS... Including all of Just In's comments about that 6k html file... So now all of AW & PK's know as well as I & Just In know what was said And i sent them all of my 2.2,3.0,3.1 browser chat logs that ever pertained to Just In &/or OneSummer as i have all 3 AW browser installs seperatly and eventually when I download 3.1a... That too will be in it's own directory... That way I can maintain ALL chat logs... ALL FILES... for things like this. And a strange thing happened within the last few nights... I emailed Just In... and he still insists that we follow the PK's no contact order... BUT if Just In has left AW forever... Why would he be concerned about a PK no contact order... STRANGE... Maybe that indicates that he IS NOT LEAVING AW BUT GOING INTO HIDING UNTIL THE HEAT COOLS A LITTLE... Yes I have been BITING Just In in the newsgroups but it has been politely so as not to restart the big wars of the past. and that did no good. Just In persued his insane course of actions. SO i guess that when all else failed... Chucks Party decided that maybe one HUGE BITE OUT OF Just In was a must and he did what he did... While I may agree with Chuck on may things... This was not how I would have liked it to go myself. That is probably why he waited until i was in the hospital to launch this attack on Just In as well... It probably shows... I don't have any little kids at home. I'm single and so will tend to act more mild manered to what Just In [AN ADULT BUT THINKING LIKE A 2 YR OLD BRAT KID] was doing... Maybe Chuck still remembers as most of us do... When a older person tells you to stop doing something bad... And you continue to DISOBEY and then they shout and you keep DISOBEYING... And then eventually they take action that you think is tooo much and you cry & carry on and think that this is the meanest person in the whole wide world... BUT the bottom line is... You are not now disobeying any more... Well... Sad but true... The same had to be dealt to Just In to make him understand that what he was doing was all wrong... It's one thing to BOT COPY a world and say it's yours... BUT it becomes a whole different ballgame when after you BOT COPY SOMEONES WORLD you go back to destroy that person that you just BOT COPIED THEIR WORLD FROM... Now wheather all this will be the final thing in here... NGS... Nope... Many people will comment on this and the thread from this could be quite large and persist for many weeks as did the thread from when Just In BOT COPIED FRIENDPA's WORLD called NEWYORK and called it BROADWAY WORLD. This is to be expected in Newsgroups... But eventually it will die down to dust... And that is where i eventually hope it stays this time forever. chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in <3af54a45 at>: >First of all I am going to apologize to the News Group for this turning into >a flame throwing contest, it was never my intent but that's what it turned >into. >Secondly I think insanity's post was one of the best replies here in their >advice to children in this community and I could not agree more. You never >know who you are dealing with in this place and just because someone can do >great things with 3D objects does not necessarily mean they are someone to >be trusted, don't be fooled by this or be blinded by their abilities in AW >if they are divuldging in illegal activities and have given you that >information even in confidence or you are the subject of their illegal acts, >please do something about it and notify the local authorities. >Thirdly I would like to say that I honestly believe everything FriendPA has >told me and all the information she gave me about Just In. I would have >never come to the NG with this if I did not believe this was 100% true. I am >willing to put this behind me now, I will never forget, and I can never >forgive Just In for all that he has done, but I will get past this and leave >it in the past now. If this has adversely effected Just In's reputation, >maybe he has a clue now how he has tried to destroy FriendPA's reputation >here in AW. FriendPA is a mother, wife and most importantly to me, a very >good friend. I did this against her wishes, she never wanted to release this >information, but I have seen this man slander her name all over the NGs and >she is and has done nothing wrong to Just In. Only in his own mind does he >feel he has somehow been mistreated by her. But remember 1 thing, New York >World belongs to FriendPA and if Just In did not want to give PA the objects >he made to upload to her OP he did not have to do that, no one forced him to >send them to her, ok. >Thankyou for reading this and thankyou all for the information, I think we >as a community are alot smarter now and wiser because of it. God Bless you >all. > > Sincerely, >Chucks Party :) My Final Post On This Just In MatterMay 7, 2001, 1:59am
Just In... I'm glad that i have set myself up with many other
3d platforms too. If not in AW fine... I'm now in Vectorscape, Outerworlds, Dreamland Park Universe, City 4 All and i'm still expanding outward to explore all of them. Sooner or later you will see me Just In... But you will have some comfort to know that there will not be a FriendPA in any of the universes that i'm in [Other than AW] and i have checked... And no Chucks Party in any other universe other than Vectorscape AND AW... Yes i have checked that name too... But I'm there and you might have to put up with me... BUT as long as you don't start any UNIVERSE wars... I sure won't... I'll be very nice and sweet. You might not even notice me there. And if you do happen to see me... It might only be in passing... But the thing you most HATE about me... Guess what... As far as i know... There are no PK's there... YET... and so i don't have defend my rear YET... and anything that you say to me out in the distant universes will remain PRIVATE... Including that same 6km file that Chuck has... But remember this... I'm NOT the one that started all this mess in the first place... YOU started all the hate here in AW... And in a way... I'm glad it's over. I was not hoping it was going to be resolved like it did... But it is resolved. You BOT COPIED A WORLD [Stole Someones Identity and call it YOURS... and then instead of saying OK... I got away with that one and dropping things right there and enjoying what you BOT COPIED... You had to persue the matter farther. You had to attack FriendPA... With your INSANE reasoning you had to attack FriendPA... Had you not done so... You still would have a happy time here in AW... The only person to blame here IS YOU. YOU ARE THE ONLY DUMB STUPID PERSON HERE... and not ME or Chuck & Certainly not FriendPA... We are the innocent victims cought up in your INSANE HATRED TO FRIENDPA... I still rather not have seen it end this way... But it is a way... I had asked you to quit attacking FriendPA, and begged & pleaded... SO ONLY DUMB PERSON = Just In = 6km html file that Chuck displayed to everyone AND I have the same file but DID not display to everyone... If you should visit any worlds in any other universe that I have a gun in/on... You don't have anything to worry... I'm NOT BLASTER BOY CHUCK OUT TO BLAST YOUR SORRY REAR... I only use it if it become drastic... Not until. And so far you have seen how i use my GUN powers in some AW worlds i have gun rights to... You be good & i don't shoot. just in <Justefyde at> wrote in <3af596de at>: >JFK2 - you idiot. You will most likely lose your account for this stupid >post. FriendPA is tougher than you think and her stress was more related to >a loss in her family than anything from me. She was basically ignoring me. >In the end it was you that was provoking things and you that was the source >of all the stress. Count your blessings that I keep my tongue about you. >Chuck I know can wear a few blows to his chin, but you are just a nutter. > >Chuck - I'm glad it will stop. I believe ignoring each other will be a >mutual pleasure. > >FriendPA - I'm sure you will read this... Here is the olive branch.... No >more threats from me, legal or otherwise. Keep the objects and buildings >etc. that I created - you can regard this posting as a permanent licence to >use them. I will arrange a link to NewYork and credit and thankyou to you >close to Broadway GZ.. I trust you will reciprocate. Maybe in time, a >loooong time, I will show my face in AW again. Whatever the case, you won't >receive any further communication from me, but you know where you can reach >me should you feel the need. > >AWComm and PeaceKeepers - you could have and should have prevented all this >with more definative action. Little slaps on the wrist and finger waving >don't fix anything. You have the tools to lock out accounts and provide >censorship when its needed. I call upon you to learn by this experience and >revise your policies. > >Regards, Justin. [NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 9, 2001, 7:46pm
Well... Just In has been posting alot lately... If you put Just In in there...
I'll be happy to join the team... The side of the team to see Just In being put through his paces OF HELL... and I'll be right by his side with another MAD BULL and maybe we can get him pumped so FULL OF BULL he'll burst. LMAO!!!!!! nornny <Nornny1 at> wrote in <3af89122 at>: >Actually, I need only 3, IF Holistic reply ASAP. :) Come on you >guys, we've almost reached 16, I only need 3 of you to sign up. > >To sign up, just to remind me, reply in private to me with your newsgroup >name and the Alphaworld avatar you use. That's all. :) I'll explain the rest >as the game goes on, but it doesn't require much more effort than what >you're giving me now to sign up. Trust me. ;) > >Anyways, hope I can reach that total, then we can start. :)) I'll have the >webpage up asap. You can see what I have so far at > if you like. :) The page >isn't completed yet however. > >Nornny > [View Quote] hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 3:51am
I agree... There is no HATE... I don't HATE Just In... At least
I don't hate him as much as some people might think I do. All i was doing was to BITE him a little. That's not HATE someone. Just In is the type of person that likes to dish out his form of medication to certain individuals... BUT he sure as heck could not take his medication in return... He hated when i did that... BUT I don't HATE Just In... But some people do HATE Just In... And you saw who that is... And that is why in a way I;m happy that that person did it... It had come to the point that someone had to take some STRONG measures to get the message accross to Just In that what he was doing was not right... I just was not all that happy that it turned out the way it did... I would have liked it if Just In had gotten the message earlier and then all of this would have been avoided and he could still be in AW... But sometimes... Thisng have to be worked out the way it did... As much as I don't care for the way it did happen... I am in a way glad it did happen at long last. linn <ironhead at> wrote in <3af74d2d at>: >there is no hate cam going on here >just the truth would help tho dont >cha think?? hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 4:10am
I love having OneSummer STALK me and my friends in Alpha World
and on Nova World with her BOTS. I Love having OneSummer accusing me of STALKING HER when in reality she preaches LOVE & PEACE & HAPPINESS & HARMONY and then goes on to BACKSTAB you with her bots following me & my friends all over the place... I really love that. I'm surprised that OneSummer hasen't cought my poor avatar taking a poop in someoone's build on Alpha World or Nova World yet... But sooner or later that is bound to happen... I LOVE to have my friends tell me that they have SEEN OneSummer using her bots to STALK ME & MY FRIENDS in Alpha World & In Nova World... I love having my friends tell me that certain people who supposedly have had their cits killed off my AW are getting other cits & then resum their stalking ways and telling all to OneSummer... I really enjoy that... It makes me HAPPY... And that is just ONESUMMER... And I haven't even touched all the many happy times that Just In has done to me YET... As a world owner... OneSummer SUX But I'll be the first to say this here and RIGHT now... That although Just In has done many bad things to some people in AW and has done some bad things to me too... He does 1 - EXCELLENT BUILDER 2 - Objects Creations is excellent 3 - World Owner when a GUN is used... He beats out Blaster Boy Chuck in doing it the better way... NOT by EJECT... But by reason and STRONG Tact... 4 - In some small ways [VERY SMALL] He can be caring ======================== BOTTOM LINE... He makes a better World Owner than OneSummer does... She is many times worse than Blaster Boy Chuck ever will be... She loves to PICK a fight for no good reasons... The building to too laggy... But the downtown is laggier still... She will eject you for stupid reasons. You look crosseyes & out you go almost while preaching love & peace & Harmony all the wile doing her stupid things... I know where i would LOVE to shove most of her Love & Peace & Harmony... RIGHT UP HER... [XXX] You fill in that word... Yes... I Really Love OneSummer... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sw chris <chrisw10 at> wrote in <3af750f9 at>: >If you're referring to the kanly Chucks Party and JFK2 were waging against >Just In and One Summer in the name of FriendPA, then I'd say it was just a >bunch of bickering over a relatively minor problem that >could have possibly >been talked out without this sort of recourse. > >If you ask me, the whole damn fool parade reminded me of the Crusades... > > SW Chris > hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 9:48pm
Yes... I can turn MUTE OneSummer...
But try muting the PKers that she has called on me because she likes to harrass me in some wide open field in AW [Alpha World] is not the proper thing to do... BUT then I should LOVE & KISS OneSummer for being so nice to me there... [[[While I'm posting this in AW's NGS... My OTHER Poor Avatar is in Dreamland Park Universe... And I thank my lucky stars thare is no OneSummer here YET]]] Wouldn't mind seeing a Just In here in Dreamland Park Universe though... As what i'm discussing with my friends here border on the verge of a NY & BW world here... lolol... But made better... lolol I guess what I might have to do is another Chucks trick... Create a website and enter all the nasty things that OneSummer has done And called the PK's on me for NO REASON... [Other than she hates me reason] And let everyone read my chat logs & my tgrams... Then watch her get her nervous condition going again... She;ll wind up un the doctors office everyday getting nervous condition medicine to help calm her pooor achy nerves down.... Ohhhhh Booooo hoooo Hoooo Hoooo.... Even this post is making me cry... Ohhhh Boooo Hoooo Hoooo nornny <Nornny1 at> wrote in <3af7ce54$1 at>: >I LOVE hearing these exxagerations and the fact that you can't >mute a bot or >OneSummer... > >I LOVE the fact that you haven't let OneSummer get to you as it would make >you look crazy and spoiled... ;) > >Shall I continue with reasons why you keep your problems out of the >newsgroup and in YOUR life? we're TRYING here to mind our >own business, but >apparently, you just don't respect our decision. > >Nornny > hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 10:12pm
I LOVE You Wing... I won't put you out of your misery...
I'm at least as smart as Chuck... [Ok... Close to his smarts] and I'm not looking to have OneSummer or Just In put me out of my Misery. And I'm sure that neither of them would want to put a Wonderful Kind, Sweet, Gentle, Careing person like me out of my misery... As I have stated so many times before... I LOVE OneSummer & I LOVE Just In.... wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3af842de at>: >Oh great, I inspired a moron. Anyone out there want to put me >out of my misery? [View Quote] hate campaign??May 8, 2001, 10:24pm
But I DO NOT Hate Just In... I Love Just In... [My foot up his
BLANK lit sidewise] AND I Love OneSummer [My foot up her BLANK lit sidewise too] So you see... I Love Both Just In & OneSummer kah <kah at> wrote in <3af7e99d at>: >CAN'T YOU GUYS LEARN TO SHUT UP????????????? YOU GUYS THROW SAND IN EACH >OTHERS EYES, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND????? THE AWCI SHOULD PUT IN AN AUTOMATIC >FILTER ON THIS NG!!!!!!! > >KAH > [View Quote] hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 6:27pm
let me see if i can understand this... LEARN TO UNDERSTAND WHAT PPL
ARE SAYING ok... I'm ppl and I understand that what I'm saying is I Would Love To Put My FOOT Up Just In's BUTT & OneSummer's BUTT Lit Sidewise All The Way Out The The Other End... Some kind of NAZI?... hmmmmm I was born in good old USA... and I belong to the Democratic Party.... hmmmmmm I fail to see what I'm a NAZI.... And feeding off of wars... WHAT war is that? I'm not starting a war... I'm just calmly stating how much I love Just In & OneSummer... And since Just In is no more around AW... Now I I love OneSummer more than I ever did before... My FOOT UP HER BUTT... And then i can see her getting one of her nervous conditions all over again... And she will be proclaiming to LOVE [[[HUGS!!!]]] and [[[KISSESS]]] me every which way while calling the PK's to have me booted... SO i have to be really nice to her... Give her many nice ,tender, love BOOTS in HER BUTT LIT SIDEWISE... And she will tank me with showers of [[[LOVE!!!]]] and [[[PEACE]]] [[[HUGS!!!]]] I hope... kah <kah at> wrote in <3af97e6d at>: >LEARN TO *UNDERSTAND* WHAT PPL ARE SAYING!!!!! I'M SAYING SHUT UP, YOU SAY >THAT YOU LOVE JUST IN AND ONESUMMMER, BUT I DIDN'T SAY YOU HATED THEM, TRY >GETTING THE *POINT*!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF NAZI THAT *FEEDS* OF >WARS?????? > >KAH > [View Quote] hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 6:46pm
You have a right to your 2 cents worth...
But We both saw FriendPA have to go into the ER of the hospital recently for what appeared to be a major heart attack brought about by EXTREME STRESS. And most of that STRESS was caused by Just In's crazy thing of SUEING FriendPA for all the objects he FREELY made for her & Uploaded to her Object Path... And since Just In had been HARRASSING FriendPA for over 6 - 7 months now and that EXTREME STRESS was taking it's toll on her health and her world... Well.. We could not sit idily by and do nothing... We had asked Just In to cool it. Even temporary cool it... He would not. So the time had come to take STRONG MEASURES... And Chuck TOOK EXTREME STRONG MEASURES... In my opinion... Maybe a little TOO strong. But it had possitive effects.. Just In has QUIT HARRASSING & trying to SUE FriendPA now... And has even left AW... And now FriendPA's health is getting better now that a HUGE MAJOR STRESS from Just In is now GONE and hopefully forever. And if everyone in NGS land had known the REAL REASON why Just In was doing this [I knew that reason from chatting with Just In & in Emails] then all of you might have kicked his sorry butt a long time ago... xelag <xelag at> wrote in <3af8a17a$1 at>: >First of all, let me state I am a friend of FriendPA. I was entrusted with >WAR for many months, a world caretaken by her, and her conduct was >exemplary. My participation there was based on trust. So was Just In's in >New York. I provided the bots for WAR, and I spent a lot of time creating >new possibilities for my xelagot there: that is how my Paintball bot script >was made. I could claim full rights on the bot, after Gineric's clan (who >owns and pays for WAR) chucked me out. I did not. > >My attitude was: PA, you provided the opportunity, neither you or I misused >each other's trust, keep using them. > >Just In's attitude was different: when PA needed help, he offered it. He >climbed his way up in NY. He claimed more and more privileges there, and >finally tried to take over the world, even up to the point of trashing >FriendPA's object path. PA rightly removed all his privileges and kicked him >out. > >I have told Just In exactly what I think of his attitude: greed and misuse >of trust. Just In has tried to sue FriendPA for the use of the objects he >freely made for her. That's his business. > >Many of us know this and judge the situation. But some are trying to rage a >crusade. As far as I am concerned (my opinion) I think that the crusade jfk2 >and Chucks Party are waging, so called "in behalf of FriendPA", is crap. >They are just conducting a personal war, which has nothing at all to do with >what happened in New York or anywhere else. As far as I see this, they are >causing a lot of damage to FriendPA, and they could better shut their traps >and go shoot somewhere else. > >My 2 cents, this is my personal opinion. > >XelaG hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 6:59pm
I know Just In is an excellent builder & object creator...
I've seen his builds and they deserve all the CY awards there are BUT i happen to know the real reason why Just In was doing his nasty deeds to FriendPA... And it had nothing to do with the SUEING FriendPA for the objects. But I have chosen NOT to disclose that info for everyione to read as I am indeed trying to HELP Just In in a small way. For me to disclose that REAL REASON... You nice kind people might never allow Just In back into AW ever again. You will only have to guess what that reason is... AS I do not intend to disclose it. The fact that he was SUING FriendPA for stupid reasons is enough to stand on it's own merits without me telling everyone the REAL reason behind his crazy thinking. And what Chuck did... YES maybe a little excessive... Worked. xelag <xelag at> wrote in <3af8ae83$1 at>: >Jerk or no jerk. Just In has in the past done some very good things and >still does, and I'm sure that as a teacher and builder he is excellent. >What happened in NewYork is part of the story about Just In. He has, like >all of us, good and bad parts in him: he showed the worst part of himself in >NewYork. There is no reason for you or anyone to take over, unasked, a >protective role towards FriendPA. I am sure your intentions are excellent, >PA deserves a lot :) But frankly, your attitude and jfk2's have gone beyond >any expected limits. FriendPA is old enough to care for her own business. >The support she may need, like all of us do, is towards her, and not >attacking so called jerks in newsgroups or by email or telegram harassement. >The end does not justify the means. > >XelaG > > [View Quote] hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 7:30pm
[[[[[[[ From chucks Party in response to Just In's post below ]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[ This was part of Chucks Party Response ]]]]]]]] ================================ Just In but you were wrong and I am getting really sick of having to repeat myself. Nobody is listening to you anymore Just In, you have lied so much to everyone now no one in their right mind is going to believe a damned word you say. Good bye Just In, Good bye. ================================ [[[[[[[ From Chucks Party in response to Just In's post below ]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[ This was part of Chucks Party Response ]]]]]]]] That part of NOBODY IS LISTENING... I'm listening to Just In... I'll always listen to Just In... I just might not Always Agree with Just In when he acts a little stupid like he did before... And I'm really happy that he has STOPPED acting stupid... Now i won't have any of my CRAZY REASON TO BITE Just In... And if he had only stopped acting so stupid long ago... I would never have had any CRAZY REASON TO BITE Just In in the first place... and I'm going to give everyone the HINT on how to get a FREE CIT in Dreamland Park Universe... You and a FRIEND go in on Sunday [That is Sunday Eastern USA Time] and see a Mrs. JAZZ [She is on my contact list there and I'm known as JFK2 in Dreamland Park Universe... So anyone that wants to get a cit in Sunday... Just be my friend for the day and I'll get one for you [INCLUDES Just In] just in <Justefyde at> wrote in <3af9855d at>: >Xelag > >You were never denied credit for having created your bot. >You were never denied being able to use the bot in another world. >I never made any suggestions or claims that I owned NewYork world. >I never "trashed" an object path, although I did delete the objects that I >had created from PAs object path, which were subsequently returned from >copies PA had. At that time that I did that, it was already several weeks >after PA had removed my Caretaker, ED, PS, eject, and building rights, and >refused to reconcile. > >Regards, Justin hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 7:35pm
Famous last words of OneSummer before she BACKSTABS YOU with maybe
a few of her PKers friends for good measure... Yea... I'll give peace a chance... SAY BYE BYE TO ONESUMMER & KICK HER SORRY BUTT TOO... Then we will have everlasting peace in the AW kingdom tonight. alphabit phalpha <alphabit2 at> wrote in <3af8d36c$1 at>: >All we are give peace a chance:) hate campaign??May 9, 2001, 10:46pm
Most of the time i'll shorten that down by killing off most of
someone's post... But since my Friend Chuck put that right above mine... I'll leave his post & mine and add... These other famous words... "What Ever You Do... RE: OneSummer... I'll Stand By Your Side With You There... As Soon As OneSummer Has Had Her Sorry Butt Kicked Out Of AW Too.. Then AW Kindgom Will Be The Best Place Ever" chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in <3af9c433$1 at>: >Figures JFK, nothing would surprise me at this point. I don't think they >like me bringing their darkness into the light. The truth and what is right, >will prevail. So help me God. :) > > [View Quote] hate campaign??May 11, 2001, 1:01am
I'm going to take you up on your offer... BUT with one difference...
I'm going to be BOLD & BRAVE and pop it out of the NGS and into email... That way the REAL JUST IN TRUTH MIGHT BE KNOWN.... And I do want to see if JUST IN does have a soul or is he a PAIN IN MY FOOT's SOLE instead. kellee <kellee at> wrote in <3afa5704 at>: >geeeeeezusssss christmas, you guys are loonies!!!!!!!!!!!! Dead issue, over >and done with you goonie birds!!!!!! > >For any one that cant let this rest and wants to know the Fair and Unbiased >story contact me in AW ( i wont *bore* ppl with it otherwise) > >I think Friend Pa is a lovely person and ive been her friend for ages and >any one that says she did the wrong thing will answer to me, including Just >In. > >I also know Just In in real life and contary to popular belief he *has* got >feelings > >so will you leave *both* of them alone ? It has nothing to do with anyone OR >Awld and it dosent need to be muck racked for the benifit of children that >like poking sticks in ants nests > >And before any one takes me up on the offer of "what happened" i am >warning you .... its boring and i wont answer personal questions. > >I would also like to state that i dont want to *have* to discuss this with >any one, i just think the "taking sides" has gone on long enough and im only >offering because i want you to leave two ppl that dont deserve this alone >and perhaps if you find out *how* boring it is when its not being blown out >of porportion by goonies, then that will happen. > >NOW, can we end this and get on with some useful posts? hehehe like > > > HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE >MUMS!!!!!!! > >kellee hate campaign??May 12, 2001, 12:31am
chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in
<3afa0df2 at>: >I'm hearing that violin again. >There is no justification for Chucks Party and JFK2 using illegal acts - >extortion, slander and harrassment to effect a result >Sounds alot like what you did to PA too, especially the extortion part >and I have never slandered you it was not a false statement that ruined >your reputation, it was the truth and according to AW's email they sent >me I have never harassed you :) Sometimes ya gotta fight fire with >fire. So how's it feel getting your ass burned now Just In? > [View Quote] >against >it >demand! ---------------------------------------------------------------- My fault? My fault? Hmmmm geeee.... let me see.... My fault..... Hmmmmmm..... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Just In: no Summer - they do not... OneSummer: I went back three times and talke to them Just In: Chuck and JFK are nice people OneSummer: they did not want to talk this over with me OneSummer: and I don't see them saying sorry to me when I was trying to do my job on a promotion I was working on Just In: LOL... well... from this discussion I can see that JFK has problems chatting... so I don't doubt you had probblems... Just In: and Chuck... jfk2: (to Just In) When women sometimes act like little kids.... It's often very hard to talk OneSummer: I gave them alot of chances that morning to change their mines OneSummer: at least four Just In: well he doesn't stand up for himself... he goes off to sulk... so talking to him was just as bad OneSummer: an followed up with telegrams Just In: Summer - just ignore their faults... Just In: tell them what you want... and try to listen to what they want ----------------------------------------------------------- Awwwwww..... Just In is such a sweetheart there..... I fail to see where he is getting so mad at me.... ----------------------------------------------------------- Just In: so you understand my point? Just In: Summer did the wrong thing jfk2: But many times it seems you are taking HER side Just In: can we please leave this world? I don't want to be here jfk2: we have to say sorry jfk2: She was rude to me jfk2: & chuck Just In: I never said that... and I have not said that I was taking any sides... Just In: at the same time - I do try to remain diplomatic jfk2: I know jfk2: you are superb at that Just In: I hear what you are saying matey... and I will speak to Summer about it... but that doesn't explain this bvackstabbing of you to me? jfk2: do you know someone over here by the name of New Yorker? Just In: In other words... I appreciate and understand your upset with Summer... Just In: but does that justify taking this sort of action? and especially so when it hurts me directly so much? Just In: NewYorker was the account that I built everything here in Netwire: I just want to say that I am sorry for ejecting you, I was just doing as asked. and I should have stayed out of this mess. Just In: its the user account that came with the world jfk2: Ok... how about FriendPa Netwire: Oh snap, this world is not downloading Just In: I so disagree with ejections... there is never a good reason for ejections... unless someone is doing something illegal Just In: what about FriendPA? jfk2: i know.... I have the same thing happening to me now Netwire: *Picks proxy* Netwire: kicks* jfk2: Hello Netwire Just In: what about FriendPA... what is the question? Immigration Officer: You are being joined by Chucks Party. Chucks Party: jfk you there? Just In: he is Netwire: hi jfk2: you said he didn't want to chat with you... Just In: I am waiting on him to reply jfk2: Maybe he does jfk2: want to chat jfk2: Hello Chuck Netwire: Pa is a guy? I thought pa was female Just In: well I would be happy to talk to Chuck jfk2: (to Chucks Party) 12n 0w Just In: PA is female jfk2: (to Netwire) 12n 0w Just In: PA is the state she lives in in USA jfk2: (to Chucks Party) we are at 12n 0w Chucks Party: Justin get lost will ya, i have nothing to say to you. jfk2: (to Netwire) we are at 12n 0w Netwire: I see ya jfk2: (to Just In) Ok... He does not want to say anything jfk2: (to Just In) oops Just In: Chuck.... I just got through telling JFK that as far as I am concerned... Chucks Party: jfk join me please and take this jerk off your contact list Netwire: Well, I guess I am going to go.. nothing is downloading, it did the other day when pa asked me to come.. mabye it is just internet sludge. Just In: a) no-one should ever be ejected from Broadway jfk2: chuck & I both were 2x Just In: b) anyone building in the public building area is free to build what they like how they like, and no-one can be told to do otherwise jfk2: And Borgs4ever is now building here Just In: dammit he is gone Just In: and I'd like to speak to borg aswell Just In: I just can't handle this... Just In: FriendPA is milking off of shit that Summer is creating or promoting... Just In: have you ever heard the saying "the customer is always right"? jfk2: yes jfk2: but i have heard something else Just In: well... that makes you right buddy... and it makes Summer wrong Just In: thats the way it is jfk2: 2 sides to every story Just In: I don't care about stories "LinCoo": whats the story "LinCoo": hi, by the way Netwire: Greetings LinCoo Netwire: Welcome to Newyork Just In: you didn't do anything to sabatage Broadway... so there's no reason to find fault in you Chuck or Borg "LinCoo": not very crowdy for a big city ... Just In: and I can't stay here... just my being here is not okay Netwire: Everyone's at jfk2: (to Just In) Just.... no i would never jfk2: (to Just In) NOT EVER "LinCoo": I see jfk2: (to Just In) i do not care how this ever goes jfk2: (to Just In) NOT EVER Just In: well being in this world hurts Broadway "LinCoo": and you, are you not working? Netwire: Nope, I'm 16 "LinCoo": or are you a student like me Netwire: I am just a little ol' college student Just In: this world is a ripoff of my hard work... I built all of it and all the objects in it... jfk2: (to Just In) that dark speak is to help Borgs build here "LinCoo": are you from the states? jfk2: (to Just In) Borgs has the dark speak too jfk2: (to Just In) as well as chuck Just In: FriendPA is ripping me off... and owes me tens of thousands of dollars for the year plus work I did... jfk2: (to Just In) when i invited you over here Just In: right now she is stealing from me jfk2: (to Just In) I was using another friend's id Netwire: Yes jfk2: (to Just In) One i knew didn't have ps Just In: anyways... its now 1:30AM in australia jfk2: (to Just In) I didn't want to shock you right off "LinCoo": I am from Sweden and studying in Gothenbourg Just In: Chuck has PS in this world... why? Netwire: Neat Just In: what did I do to deserve this attack? jfk2: (to Just In) NewYorker gave Borgs jfk2: (to Just In) me jfk2: (to Just In) & chuck "LinCoo": what part of the states? Just In: NewYorker is FriendPA jfk2: (to Just In) so we can help Borgs build Netwire: I can't help but to love the voice of a forgin person, exspecially ausie's :0) jfk2: (to Just In) Much like Netwire: North Carolina jfk2: (to Just In) BW Helper Just In: well - its all breach of copyright... "LinCoo": I have been there once Just In: and if it continues I will have no choice left other than to take FriendPA to court and have this world shut down... jfk2: (to Just In) But over here it isn't BW Helper Netwire: wow Just In: and I do not want to do that... Just In: but while this world is a threat to Broadway I will not stand for it "LinCoo": my sister was an au pair in Rock Hill (SC) and we went to Charlotte to see Charlotte Hornets :) Netwire: That's sounds fun, did you have a good time? jfk2: (to Just In) Just jfk2: (to Just In) are you downloading now? "LinCoo": oh yes I did Just In: while no one comes to this world I have no reason to cause harm to FriendPA... it will just sit quiet in the background "LinCoo": What do you do when not studying? Just In: there are downloading problems yes Just In: can you please talk to Chuck and Borg and tell them what I told you? jfk2: (to Just In) What you might like to do jfk2: (to Just In) Is use your browser settings under jfk2: (to Just In) advanced jfk2: (to Just In) and set up a path Netwire: Meditate jfk2: (to Just In) c:\active worlds\cache\art\ jfk2: (to Just In) then you don't have too many problems redownloading a world Just In: what for? jfk2: (to Just In) once you've done it once "LinCoo": sounds serious.... never tried it, is that something you recommend? jfk2: (to Just In) If anytime you have server problems Just In: the server on this world is misbehaving... but I am going now anyhows jfk2: (to Just In) at least you can see what is there Netwire: Oh yes, it has helped with stress alot. I am getting ready to start a calss in aw on meditation, mabye you would like to jouin? Netwire: join* Just In: can you please talk to chuck and borg about the things I have said? Just In: and can you please hold off on any participation in NewYork world? jfk2: (to Just In) ok Just In: thanks "LinCoo": of course Just In: bye folks --------------------------------------------------------------- Lets see if i got the above correct... I did something and that is what started all of this? Hmmmmm.... seems to me that Just In was doing this all along without any of my helping the matter along.... --------------------------------------------------------------- Just In: I'm not going to eject you matey OneSummer: no Just In: I don't hold grudges... OneSummer: we feel so sorry for you --------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe Just In should read that little thing there... He holds no GRUDGES TO ME..... Yippie..... he forgives me for anything i might have done.... YIPPIE!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------- Just In: Listen to me... anderstand what I know... jfk2: It was Chuck's idea to use NewYork because that world uses the same objects as bw Just In: I know FriendPA doesn't trust people... and she would have been extra cautious as a result of things that I have done... Just In: you and Chuck work in Broadway with me... then you go to FriendPA and she suddenly trusts tyou? get off the dope -- we don't believe that --------------------------------------------------------------- Lets see.... THINGS JUST IN HAS DONE TO FriendPA... that means he did naughty to her LONG before I or Chuck ever came into this scene... And that means Just In is LIEING SO MUCH..... WOWOWOWOWO!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------- ------ jfk2: how come ny is the same as BW? jfk2: AND here Just In: because I built NewYork Just In: then I decided to move my building to this world jfk2: nothing is here is older than 12/01/2000 jfk2: And things there date back further Just In: I wanted to delete my build in NewYork, but was not allowed to .... FriendPA locked me out and refuses to comply with my request Just In: of course things date back earlier in NewYork jfk2: Like the unfinished building 12n jfk2: it's one of the older stuff Just In: JFK - do you read what I type??????? I just said of course it is older... Just In: I built it last year Just In: then I moved my build to this world jfk2: then why the two exact worlds? jfk2: including the ads Just In: because FriendPA refuses to delete it in NewYork Just In: which part doesn't make sense?? jfk2: I've been told a bunch of thinhs jfk2: so someday jfk2: you & i and whoever Just In: I built Times Square in NewYork world... then I was kicked out of NewYork... jfk2: answer my q's jfk2: not here Just In: so I said delete everything I built there... Just In: FriendPA refused jfk2: anything else jfk2: like you told me last night jfk2: convince me Just In: what do you mean? Just In: convince you of what? jfk2: from friendpa side jfk2: you are the real mean one & one jfk2: & one = OneSummer Just In: you ask FriendPA who built Times Square in NewYork... Just In: she can only answer that I did Just In: I built it, therefore I own it, therefore I can do with it what I chose jfk2: Then what happened that this place was thought about Just In: if I want to delete it in NewYork and rebuild it in Broadway... then that is my choice and no-one can tell me otherwise Just In: what do you mean that this place was thought about? Just In: do you think FriendPA is the only person allowed to have a NewYork theme? Just In: if that were so, then you tell me about the world Manhattan... Just In: or the world Godzilla... Just In: both have new york themes jfk2: GODzilla? Just In: yes jfk2: that doe not sound ny to me Just In: GodZilla world is ALL NewYork jfk2: I've never seen it? jfk2: When i came on-line in 06/2000 jfk2: the only place then was ny Just In: well thats not my fault... but you do understand my point right? FriendPA does not have a monopoly on New York theme just because her world is called New York jfk2: And since i live in that state jfk2: i went there Just In: just like there are 20 "GOR" worlds... Just In: or 10 different Pokeman worlds jfk2: But how come this bitter difference thing Just In: I'm not the bitter one... FriendPA locked me out of my own build over a petty arguement... Just In: she had no right to do that... Just In: so because she refused to reconcile... I built this Just In: now FriendPA refuses to acknowledge that I own the building and the objects and textures... Just In: she refuses to obide by my wish that she delete my buildings ---------------------------------------------------------------- sounds like a very unhappy Just In and so far i have NOTHING AT ALL to do with his hatred & all the nasty things Just In did to NewYork World & /or to FriendPA.... So...... ---------------------------------------------------------------- jfk2: Why do all the hostilities on NY jfk2: why not say good education Just In: what do you mean? jfk2: and a bitter compititopn jfk2: the fights that you and friend have caused jfk2: and you want to sue Just In: I'm not the one causing the trouble... FriendPA is the one trying to duplicate my work without my permission... Just In: so okay... I went and moved on... but she wouldn't let go... Just In: she arranged for Posh and Zero to start a hate campaign in the newsgroups... Just In: when that was over... she then pushes a New Years party in direct opposition to mine... jfk2: I've read some of them Just In: she then sends Chuck and others to spy on me and cause trouble... Just In: and she complains to everyone who listens to tell them how bad I am Just In: if she would just shut up, and not send people to cause trouble - then I'd be happy to leave thibngs be... Just In: but this shit... INCLUDIUNG YOU, is just shit I do not want or need... jfk2: Wasn't the new years party on awteen in opposition to you too? Just In: and it really is putting me on the edge of taking her to court to close down her world... Just In: and make no mistake... the law is clearly in my favour... Just In: I have copyright over my objects,.... and she is commiting a crime by using them without my permission jfk2: I take it that the last several tgrams had to do with what chuck & you chatted about Just In: the party on AWTween was fine... it wasn't running as a competition against me jfk2: he tgrams me too Just In: Chuck is a dirty rotten scoundral... I have no respect for him at all jfk2: Why do you say the one on ny was in against you jfk2: I thought compitition was good jfk2: makes you advertise more Just In: Because PA and others were going around promoting their new years event as the "TRUE and ORIGINAL" Times Square ball drop event Just In: a party is fine... but using my build, my objects, and my work to have a party with the same features as mine... that is not okay jfk2: Have you tried to move her path Just In: even when we put up the advert in AWEC... jfk2: yoyr path jfk2: do you both have a shared ob path Just In: PA copied our promo script... and deliberately created trouble to such a degree that Lucrezia Borgia changed what we wrote and changed the Web page AWnews to totally screw it up Just In: no of course we don't share our object paths jfk2: so you want to go to court Just In: no I dont WANT to... Just In: but PA keeps doing things to cause me and OneSummer grief... Just In: you think I enjoy having to justify my actions to you??? I've already gone through this shit 10 times over... Just In: you think I enjoy it? Well I don't jfk2: Can you believe me jfk2: when i say that i came so close Just In: I'm starting to seriously doubt your motives JFK... jfk2: to using the telepotrt out of that room jfk2: last night Just In: I'm starting to believe that you are backing FriendPA and she sent you to accuse me of wrong doing... jfk2: but why i stayed there Just In: which only makes me angry and wastes my time having to explain the truth all over again jfk2: When i like having a chat Just In: JFK... if you want me to trust you ... you go to FriendPA and tell her she is the one doing wrong... jfk2: it''s not with a bunch of friends Just In: that she is the one causing trouble Just In: she is the one not abiding by my wishes ------------------------------------------------------------ Can you all see this... Just In's HATE of The REAL NewYork World... I had nothing to do here... And so Just In is making me out to be the EXTREME BAD PERSON HERE... He lies so much.... WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Just In: listen to me... jfk2: yes Just In: what emotions you feel and how you feel hurt does not justify supporting FriendPA... Just In: FriendPA , by her actions, is causing large amounts of grief for Broadway Just In: by you going to her is behaving like a 5 year old little kid hell bent on *revenge* Just In: its one thing being upset and going off to somewhere else... the problem is that you chose to go to NEWYORK world Just In: go anywhere else - what would I care?? I wouldn't... but no... you go to FriendPA who is the opposition... Just In: and then come back to us saying NewYork this,... NewYork that... Just In: I don't want to hear it... I'm sick of FriendPA and her stupid games Just In: and I tell you... If she runs one more of her little games again, I will take her to court and get her world shut down jfk2: When i went over there... I had no idea that you and her were in a heated battle --------------------------------------------------------- Can this show you i still had nothing to do with Just In doing his thing to FriendPA... I diid not start all this stuff... Just In did and he had been doing it for a long long long time. --------------------------------------------------------- So.... Just In has been waging his war on FriendPA for longer then I have ever met Just In... That tells me that Just iN IS LIEING THROUGH HIS GRUBBY MOUTH... And if he LIES here... And in a court of law... If someone is found to be lieing just once... Then everything else they say are not to be listened to... MEANING that Just In Is Lieing about everything he is saying from the getgo. SO THERE... I have prooven my case about Me having involvment Just In has been doing this all along to FriendPA... and anythuing else NO MATTER WHAT IT IS is all lies and not to be taken as any fact at all. >still >that >suggest >concern >buildings >you >well |