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Re: Hare, version 1.1

Apr 20, 2001, 7:21pm
Worked for me, well seemed to anyways, my internet radio thingy wasn't
skiping anymore when I started to use it, haven't yet to try in AW becuase
it's a BandW hogger and I need to download a 10mb proggie.
Using a AMD Athlon here.
Workled fine :)
WE will see how it stands up with AW
~S p a r K

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Wisconsin AW Users?

Apr 23, 2001, 7:59pm
I go with Wing, where's Wisconsion?
I live in TN, USA. I knwo it's somewhere near here...:}~
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Wisconsin AW Users?

Apr 23, 2001, 11:05pm
Up 'der wit' them danm yanks

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Wisconsin AW Users?

Apr 24, 2001, 6:04pm
damn* : P

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World Leader Needed

Apr 23, 2001, 8:05pm
I should be able to do it :)
But the only expreince i have with modling in sorta knowing how to change
textures :(
I know how to use everything else :). Own a world with the same
theme-sorta-check it out
name= uswf_cc
crazyglue3 at hotmail.com

~S p a r K
P.s email me for my referances.
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Bug? Could someone fwd this to beta?

Apr 24, 2001, 10:32pm
I keep craching, and it's EXTREMELY annoying. here is what it get's from the
window below the error message

AWORLD caused an invalid page fault in
module COMCTL32.DLL at 016f:bfe86b54.
EAX=00000096 CS=016f EIP=bfe86b54 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=005b076c SS=0177 ESP=0076f9b0 EBP=0076f9bc
ECX=00000002 DS=0177 ESI=00000011 FS=1caf
EDX=00000000 ES=0177 EDI=0000000f GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
ff 75 88 ff 15 88 10 e8 bf 85 c0 75 39 ff 45 08
Stack dump:
00000320 005c45f4 005b076c 00000000 005b076c 0000000f 00000011 00000002
00000011 004e57e7 0076fd20 bffb04dd 004f2404 0076f9f4 004f2404 004ea110

Bug? Could someone fwd this to beta?

Apr 25, 2001, 12:36am
It's crashed at random times, many MANY times.
[Win ME, 533 Amd Athon, 120mb, 6mb trident]
that all you need?

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Bug? Could someone fwd this to beta?

Apr 25, 2001, 12:37am
3.1: 375 :)

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Apr 26, 2001, 12:37am
Works diff on diff computers, made it smoother on mine, and alittle faster

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ANyone knwo what files Hare 1.1.1 deleted?

Apr 27, 2001, 7:33pm
So i can unistall it and replace them. Thanks in advance.

ANyone knwo what files Hare 1.1.1 deleted?

Apr 28, 2001, 2:18pm
I'm afraid to uninstall it, lol.

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Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?

Apr 28, 2001, 8:10pm
True True :)
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Chat Forum

Apr 29, 2001, 9:04pm
it's currently down.

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AW Objects on AWCI's site...

Apr 30, 2001, 7:42pm
Are they all updated...like texture lit forshorten?
Beucase I'm tired of having to use one walk and having to texture it...same
with the floors...

I am not posting anymore here for the time being.

May 3, 2001, 7:10pm
Two words: Ignore it!!!
It helps alot, you know.

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Moderator back :) , N/T

May 3, 2001, 7:32pm

Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups: Take 2 (VERY long!)

May 18, 2001, 7:26pm
> crazy glue il/s p a r k - Another of the "kiddies" running loose in the
> NGs, this one seems to have gone into hiding as of late. When he first
> arrived here, he was as green as newbies get. But, thanks to extensive
> and brutal NG training, there's hope for him yet!

HAHAHAH! I'm in NG Refuge where you con't beat me anymore! Muahahaha
Well, I found another Multi-Player program--it's still not as cool as aw--
Because I'm tired of AW with all of it's errors... SO I come in about once a
day to check my telegrams, can anyone inform me what's been happening
lately? Besides all of the spammers?!

Lol. Peace and Glod Bless you all,

S p a r K(y)
P.S Am I out of NG Survivor , it I'm not can someone send me to the correct
place to verify I'm here?

[NC Survivor] Could someone please...

May 22, 2001, 7:18pm
Email me about these things? to much spam in the NG so it's had for me to
keep track of it, and I no longer have that much free time (LOL!) Beucase at
the moment I'm learning programming...

S p a r K
(The helpless, confused one!)

[NC Survivor] Could someone please...

May 24, 2001, 8:24pm
I don't exactly uderstand how to do this anyways...
Kick me if ya want, or tell me how to play...

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[NGS] I'm back and sorta know the rules :)

May 27, 2001, 11:42am
Well, I talked to nornny and he helped me figure more out about this...

So I no longer really want to get kicked off since I sorta understand
I accually have been folloing along, just to much damn spam >_< (I get
enough in my e-mail)

I'm working on differenet things that require my undivided attention (My
site, learning programming) so I haven't posted much, But I'm still here in
a distant land....

crashing problems

May 29, 2001, 8:05pm
Fix mine, tehehe ^_^

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May 29, 2001, 7:56pm
I keep mine at 40-60 vis. and I'm lucky to get 10 FPS per sec.
I also I have a 6mb card from a company that I have never heard o before I
got this comuter...

What would you recomend I get for under 100$
System Specs
533 AMD Athlon
120mb ram (yes 120, 56mb together with a 64 chip)
20 Gig HD.

I think that covers it all... That aI can pull off the top of my head

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May 30, 2001, 7:25pm
Heh, thaks guys :)
::bugs the shiut out of mom to give paret of the money that she owes::

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I encountered a bug lastnight..

May 29, 2001, 7:46pm
I want one of those *get evil grin*
I wonder how mucht hat would cost? Millions? Or just regular old Hunder's of
thousands? Tehehehe

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I encountered a bug lastnight..

May 29, 2001, 8:10pm
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I encountered a bug lastnight..

May 30, 2001, 7:21pm
You can eject people who have Ct, done it many time before, hehe.

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May 30, 2001, 7:14pm
Wise up people! Please!
I was probally the most ignorant person when I came here, people change,
some don't. Change for the better!

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May 31, 2001, 6:49pm
Change= Mature, sorry for the confusion

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No tourist allowed?

May 30, 2001, 9:44pm
HA! What gave you THAT crazy idear?
~S p a r K
Retired Head builder
Current P.I.

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[NG Survivor] Challenge 3

Jun 2, 2001, 2:57am
Wiating for casay, email me when you have, casay.

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