tony m // User Search

tony m // User Search

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No early april joke

Mar 22, 2001, 11:48pm :)

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Fresh from the rumormill.

Mar 24, 2001, 3:58am
They cant GPL browser source; it uses RenderWare and Criterion won't let
them do it like that unless they take out the RW stuff.
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Free citizenships in AW?

Mar 24, 2001, 3:59am
This happened to me several times in the past.. I think even in the 2.2

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Filtering out crEepS

Apr 2, 2001, 7:55pm
We had the chance to kick him out, but many of us thought it was wrong

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Filtering out crEepS

Apr 3, 2001, 7:29pm
Eep has a twisted sense of humor I guess...

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Re: Settings Dialog, tab Advanced, build 372

Mar 31, 2001, 2:10am
no it isn't the firewall beta. Read the beta notes :)

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Re: Recurring crash (build 373)

Mar 31, 2001, 11:55pm
bah heh.. Win98 SE. Intel Celeron 433.

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Re: Recurring crash (build 373)

Mar 31, 2001, 11:57pm
Device Manager is being a dork.. it refuses to list anything by type.
My video card is built-in though... made by Intel.
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Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 2, 2001, 8:07pm
Why did I ever vote to keep you in..
Facter, where are you? Aren't you supposed to be moderating?

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Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 2, 2001, 11:08pm
oh yeah.. that. heh if it only were more appropriately arranged...

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Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 3, 2001, 7:33pm
Facter was offended by Eep, and he held this stupid vote-- "me or him"
*ALOT* of the AW population voted for Eep to stay.

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World Server Big problem

Apr 3, 2001, 10:43pm
Only the beta testers may post in "Beta".....
You can read the messages in Beta, just not post.

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AWJBell tools...

Apr 5, 2001, 8:31pm
How is JBELL a jerk? I've never seen the "jerk" side of him.
And I don't believe any "Concept Toolz" were cloned. I know JBELL
wouldn't do that kind of thing.. I think anyways heh.

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AWJBell tools...

Apr 7, 2001, 5:50pm
You fail to answer the 2nd question: Why is JBELL a "jerk"?

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
[View Quote]


Apr 3, 2001, 10:44pm
Hi goten :-)
Welcome to the newsgroups; Here's your metal shield, helmet and
flamethrower. You'll need these items to survive in here ;)

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Letter from Lanezeri. . . He is still watching us!

Apr 5, 2001, 8:32pm
A childish remark..

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Why is AWTeen down often anymore?

Apr 4, 2001, 8:26pm
some Pseudo translation code for ya, Alex [in Pascal/Delphi] :)

function MakeEnglish(str: String): String;
var Eng: TEnglish;
Eng := SparkToEnglish(str);
Result := Eng;

"Because someone deleted the object path (again) and the welcome
"said that it would be down periodically because of OP problems? Don't
you read?"


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Builderz this is going OTT

Apr 4, 2001, 8:31pm
WHY is this in a different thread!?
They ARE the same, same layout!
Copyrights are copyrights, and StuffX/Stuff-X is legally registered. My
best advice to you is change quick or prepare for a lawsuit from
Builderz.. as he already stated.

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Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 4, 2001, 8:16pm
Why are you replying to me?

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Apr 4, 2001, 8:36pm
a) The contact list max issue has been raised, debated and defeated.
It's enough to have the browser querying 100 users, do you want the
Uniserver to lag if abusive person has 1,000 users on his contacts?

b) Tourists don't have a contact list because it is used to encourage
immigration. The same with avatar limits. Why should we let them have
these things if it is to only discourage immigration? Next you'll be
saying they should have worlds.

c) The email thing is a good idea :)

d) You're going to get heavy anti-censorship critics. Perhaps make the
censor an option, off by default?

e) The user search would introduce a kind of "personal profile", which I
think is a good idea.

f) Your grammar and spelling was... tolerable :-)

- Tony M.

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AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 7, 2001, 5:53pm
This nit-picking is not to be taken out-loud, it is surely meant for
telegrams and email.
And for gods sakes, we're only human. It's dumb to nit-pick a spelling
error without either smiling or something.

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
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AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 8, 2001, 1:11am
*extremely* well and fully stated, Nornny.

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
[View Quote]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 8, 2001, 7:05pm

1) This has nothing to do with this thread.
2) at Home does not allow any type of server to run, as Builderz pointed

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
[View Quote]


Apr 7, 2001, 5:56pm
Are you on a LAN (Local Area Network, i.e. is your computer on a
network)? If you are using Zone Alarm, make sure that both Local
Security and Internet Security are set to Medium.

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
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A thought...

Apr 8, 2001, 7:09pm
Umm, the *worlds list* is maxed out at 750 (which is fixed now in beta
build 373)
You must be having some other problem.

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
[View Quote]

... testing netscape :)

Apr 10, 2001, 10:38pm
don't mind me... i'm just seeing if Netscape 6's Mail/News thing works
with the AW servers :)
- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress
the opposite of Progress?"

Possible bug?!

Apr 13, 2001, 12:13am
Not really bug, in my opinion. This has been around since 2.2, maybe
even earlier!

Just use ".1a"

[View Quote] > I was in a world that was real laggy, and normaly I just go to about 100a,
> so i went to the teleports tab, and clicked to, entered 0n 0e 100a, instead
> of sending me to 100a its sent me to 1000a! I asked someone else about this,
> told them to, same problem. The I put activate teleport to 3.8n 1w 1a, it
> sent them to 3.8n 1w 10a!
> COuld someone forward this to the beta newsgroup?
> I'm not sure if it's a bug, but i think that it is.
> ~S p a r K
> crazyglue3 at

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress
the opposite of Progress?"

4th Annual EggHunt in Storage world!

Apr 13, 2001, 9:50pm
do we get to eject the Epp (or Eep) if we find it?

[View Quote] > EppHunt?
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- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress
the opposite of Progress?"

Bug? Could someone fwd this to beta?

Apr 24, 2001, 10:56pm
incomplete bug report..

1) what were you doing before it crashed?
2) what are your system specs? (OS, processor, etc)

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
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Who's up for Newsgroup Survivor?

Apr 28, 2001, 8:02pm
I think he took a shuttle back to Andromeda galaxy.

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