dion // User Search

dion // User Search

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Jun 17, 2002, 2:33pm
yeh, unless you are on the same computer, that dun work ;-)

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Xelagot 3.304 with terrain sensing

Jun 26, 2002, 5:48pm
I was wondering if you were going to add a simple array to the scripting
language. I find the string lists to be pretty confusing and just a simple
array(1,1) would be really useful since most people can use them with
relative ease and it's much easier to work with.

Just a thought,

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Xelagot 3.304 with terrain sensing

Jun 29, 2002, 2:23am
aww :( Maybe someday.

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Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 3:44am

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3.4 is offically in Beta!

Jun 29, 2002, 2:11am
don't be too kind, now *sarcasm*

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*pic attached 13.6 kb* Help! problem with teleporting from external browser to AW Browser.

Jul 1, 2002, 11:54pm
same here. I remember I had to do some strange crap but i got it working :-P

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Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 2, 2002, 9:02pm

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Jul 4, 2002, 2:03pm
the server has been slower lately. When you click on the newsgroup, keep a
look at the connection activite in the bottom left of your status bar. It
will tell you if it's still connecting or if it's downloading posts or what
so you can be a bit more patient!

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Jul 4, 2002, 3:18pm
tried e-mailing him but his e-mail is wrong (what else is new?)

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Jul 5, 2002, 10:05am
yeah, but if it says connecting forever you can assume there's a problem
somewhere and it's not still trying to connect *laugh* :-P

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AlphaWorld Porperty Search Updated

Jul 5, 2002, 12:28am
by looking at the list, I'd assume it's for the top 100 people with the most

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AlphaWorld Porperty Search Updated

Jul 5, 2002, 1:45am
awesome :-)

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AlphaWorld Porperty Search Updated

Jul 5, 2002, 2:26pm
*blink* say wha?

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Not allowed to add to contacts when changing ppw.

Jul 5, 2002, 4:36pm
exit and re-enter activeworlds. if it doesn't work, reboot. It happens
sometimes to me, too. very strange bug.

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MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 6, 2002, 5:06am
MrBruce is not responsible for those who like his world. If they wish to act
immaturely while representing A!!CT that's most obivously their problem, not

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MrBruce Gives A!!CT another chance

Jul 6, 2002, 6:30pm
> A tourists' biggest turn off is to come to AW and find they can build
> something really cool, the turn off is to find its been deleted! All their
> hard work and imaginations is wiped out by some jealous idiot! To me this
> would piss me off and I would say OK I am not welcomed here and since I am
> not welcomed here I am leaving!

That is how people who think negatively would feel like. Rather than looking
at what they can do to help, they just walk away and just say "screw it".
Personally, if that happened to me I would just say "well then I guess I
need to buy a citizenship". AWCom obviously needs to make money and by
allowing tourists to explore and build (even if it isn't permanant), the
tourists get a taste of what ActiveWorlds is like. The tourist ability isn't
there so that people can become tourists and remain that way forever. AWCom
took tourist access from worlds (unless extra is paid) because they felt the
motivation for tourists to get a citizenship wasn't enough.

But you have a point. Being nice to tourists would give them more reason to
stay, but less reason to become a citizen. On the other hand, being
neglective to tourists would give them less reason stay, but more reason to
become a citizen. There's advantages and disadvantages to each of them.
AWCom's view is the cashflow obviously and so in that sense, being
neglective to tourists would probably bring in more money.

Outer Worlds

Jul 6, 2002, 8:14pm
well then I'm sure it's a lot less likely to meet up with an a**hole

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Survivor updates??????

Jul 20, 2002, 7:40am
It's pretty tough to guarantee noone will get any "sexual gain" by looking
at you naked. :-P

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Survivor updates??????

Jul 21, 2002, 1:21am
I don't think a nude beach is considered public. It's private land that's
used as a nude beach. In order for it to be public, the state or city or
something has to be paying the funds (with tax money I suppose). A park is
public, a library is public, a New York street is public, but a nude beach
is a business.

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Jul 21, 2002, 1:18am
I would think that it would be cheaper to buy a computer and a fast
connection to host people than to pay another organisation.

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Jul 21, 2002, 4:57pm
*cringe* no need to yell

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Jul 21, 2002, 6:18pm
er.. I'm not. :-P I live at least 20 miles away from the nearest city.

And you can still use dual-ISDN for dialup (128k).

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Jul 21, 2002, 6:34pm
I'm pretty sure it's 128k. I had a single ISDN before I got my cable and it
was quite a bit faster than the 56k I had before that.

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 1:35am
For the most part, yes. But there will be a smaller fee you could pay. The
annual fee of $69.95.

Actually, I'm fairly afraid for AWTeen. So many people have already left
because they cannot afford the prices and if the rate doesn't decrease soon,
AWTeen will have little point in existing.

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 2:00am
Blah, if you're older than 16, you shouldn't be complaining :-P

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 4:10am
*smack* It's the only world with some politics (likes politics).

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 4:48am
not positive but I know AW doesn't have politics and AWTeen is the 2nd
largest world (in population and size)

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 6:14pm
lol you could if you cared enough, too. I can find more than that in my
couch cushions.

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 6:15pm
never heard of gor politics. I'm talking about AWTeen's politics. Rather you
wanna call it kiddie or real is up to you.

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Is $6.95 per month tough on kid cits?

Jul 21, 2002, 11:52pm
good god people, get jobs. :-P

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