dion // User Search
dion // User Search
Apr 22, 2003, 8:58pm
I want to make a bot for my PocketPC but the SDK won't work on it. How do I
make a bot?! I know it's possible cause Hamfon's site mentioned that he had
done it but upon e-mailing him, I got nothing helpful at all. *grunt*
May 2, 2003, 6:12pm
It's a little slow but I'm certainly not going to complain. This will be
real helpful. Thanks! :-D
[View Quote]"r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:3eb2ce8d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
I have started on a visual basic com wrapper documentation since so many ppl
are complaining that grimmsoft is down or the dont understand the c++
examples or they dont know how to use the com wrapper. I will be adding the
Functions and Events in the next few days but for now check out
Jul 16, 2004, 5:02pm
Okay... it just won't create an instance. GRR! It gives me error code 429
It's probably something really simple.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rc As Long
rc = sdk.aw_init(AW_BUILD)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to initialize the API (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
rc = sdk.aw_create(0, 0)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to login (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
sdk.AW_LOGIN_NAME = DoomBot
sdk.AW_LOGIN_OWNER = 287096
rc = sdk.AwLogin
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to login (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
bot_login.Visible = False
End Sub
Jul 16, 2004, 5:02pm
Okay... it just won't create an instance. GRR! It gives me error code 429
It's probably something really simple.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rc As Long
rc = sdk.aw_init(AW_BUILD)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to initialize the API (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
rc = sdk.aw_create(0, 0)
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to login (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
sdk.AW_LOGIN_NAME = DoomBot
sdk.AW_LOGIN_OWNER = 287096
rc = sdk.AwLogin
If rc Then
MsgBox "Unable to login (reason " & rc & ")"
GoTo bottom
End If
bot_login.Visible = False
End Sub
Jul 17, 2004, 1:24am
UGH! The documentation is totally old or some crap. I have the newest VB
sdk. Just what on earth am I supposed to do to login? I just need an
example. This is 100x more difficult than it should be.
[View Quote]"r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:40f86287$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> errr what???
> Its either Sdk.AwLoginOwner for the Ocx SDK
> or sdk.aw_int_set AW_LOGIN_OWNER,Citnum
Feb 22, 2002, 7:16pm
You would be right ;-)
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c768cad$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Internet Relay Chat I believe.
> -Silenced
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3c768c17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> has
> to
> the
Feb 16, 2002, 6:12am
Everyone knows that Xelagot scripts can get rather slow as they get larger
and larger. Does anyone know any ways to make the script move faster?
and XelaG, is there any way that you could make the scripts work faster for
the next version? (if you make a next version - i hope you do!)
Feb 16, 2002, 6:23pm
To create a bot that ran on a citizenship rather than on your ppw like a
regular bot. I guess I'm just interested, wondering if it's possible,
although I know nothing about bot programming, hehe. :-) It'd be cool to
have a bot that didn't use those brackets, though :)
Feb 16, 2002, 7:17pm
well, the tgrams are why it would be awesome :) Maybe AW should add an SDK
thing to let bots reciev tgrams. :-D
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c6ec666 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Probably a different version of the SDK. I don't think AW will do that..
> could lead to some spam problems. (would be flaged as a citizen and would
> be allowed at GZ.. could also use Tgrams I'd assume)
> -silenced
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6ebfda$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 16, 2002, 8:53pm
Or maybe a whole different way of allowing bots to interract with others
outside of their range. Like an extended whisper that requires someone to
send a msg first so that the bot cannot send out the extended whisper
without first getting one from that person.
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c6ecda5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmm, but what if a company bought a citizenship and used a both like
> interface for that and started spamming it's website to you every 2
> And the 3.3 issue of blocking it.. what if they buy a lot of citizenships
> and rotate them? It would be a pain :) I'd just rather use a bot to do
> tasks for me, if people want to chat with me without the graphics, they
> download all those little clients :D.
> On the other hand if they could just recieve them, that'd be cool.
> -silenced
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6ecc77$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that..
> would
> a
> to
Feb 16, 2002, 11:30pm
You would make it so that the bot has it's own tgram inbox. Like it would be
x-y X being your name and Y being the bots name and tgrams could only be
recieved while the bot was online.
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C6EED91.AA671F59 at oct31.de...
> Bots don't need the citizen password for login. That
> would mean, that a ppw. would be sufficient to read
> someone elses telegrams. I don't think that this is
> really a good idea.
> silenced wrote:
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Feb 18, 2002, 2:14am
well technically the bot is just like a cit using your ppw and a cit using
your ppw wouldnt recieve your tgrams. But anyway, if it let bots recieve and
send grams, that would probably be the best way to do it, give the bots a
different tgram inbox so that people can send directly to the bot.
[View Quote]"lord slucifer" <lordslucifer at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c70712d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I mean if you are the bot why wouldn't the grams be coming to you and not
> the bot, you make it sound as if the bot is another person....
Feb 19, 2002, 8:48pm
I find it extremely annoying when I get disconnected from my ISP (stupid
ISP! GRR) and then I cannot test my bot scripts (from xelagot). Is there any
way that I can fool it into working on the standalone of AW with me?
Feb 26, 2002, 11:44am
Yeh, but if I make one typo or something... and Xelagot scripting is kinda
funky so sometimes it doesn't do what i expect it to :-)
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3c7b37ad$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if you really know the code you should be able to just read throught it
> know what's wrong..
> ..hell.. i can write a vb compileable program with notepad..
> with one hand tied behind my back..
> with a blindfold on
> with my legs tied together
> with no sleep for three months..
> ...in under 30 seconds..
> .....skillz.......
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c72d646$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> any
Mar 5, 2002, 4:47pm
Actually, it's a lot easier than it looks. It's really simple.
[View Quote]"jernau" <jernau.gurgeh at reimari.net> wrote in message
news:3C755AD6.153EC0DA at reimari.net...
> Hi there,
> Can anyone help me ? I need a simple script for a specific task but i
> have no
> experience of scripting. Is there anyone who would mind helping me with
> writing a script ? email me (jernau.gurgeh at reimari.net) or gram me in
> AW (Jernau)
Feb 26, 2002, 11:43am
well make sure the world is set in the login screen and make sure (if it's a
public world) that the bot enters at least 30coords out or it will be
[View Quote]"trista" <caronley at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c7b5480$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi. Just got Xelagots X1 and can't get it to enter Alpha World where the
> land I got is located. It comes into AW Universe fine. Any idea what I'm
> doin' wrong? (go ahead an' laff, but plz help? :))
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.325 / Virus Database: 182 - Release Date: 2/19/02
Mar 7, 2002, 10:04pm
missing an ocx?
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c87eacd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lol, sorry, forgot this...
> adone.exe (24.0KB)
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3c87ea5f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 8, 2002, 7:14pm
But I'm running windows XP so maybe that's a problem in itself? :-P
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c8900a8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmmm, which OCX would that be? Its only a bunch of string controls, only
> core control RTP textbox and textbox is needed.
> - SR
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c880013$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> of
> easy
Mar 8, 2002, 9:57pm
Wtf? I installed every XP thing from windows update. There's nothing else to
update it with! LOL :-P stupidass computer
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c894da5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> nope, its part of the common controls, hundreds and hundreds of
> use that OCX, anything VB with color formatted text I think.. anyway, the
> OCX should be available on Downloads.com :) or in the XP service pack, but
> chances are yours has been deleted, as all mine were on at installation.
> - Mark
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c8929be$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> commands
> every
Mar 8, 2002, 7:31pm
I use a dedicated Windows 98 computer. 150mhz 250mb HDD
That computer is not used for anything other than being the gateway for the
Local Area Network in my home and a few other uses. I host a world on there
and it is up 24/7 no problem. The computer crashes maybe once or twice a
month but automatically reboots and the world server opens up and everything
gets connected on its own. It takes literally about 25-30seconds to reboot.
So make a 25second downtime once a month. That's pretty good, especially
considering it's a windows 98 with 150mhz! :-P
But anyway, even with some shitty dedicated machine you can host a bot on
easily. If the bot is a paintball bot or RPG or some sort it might be better
not to put it on a slow computer thought. But if it's just some regular bot,
you can bring up some old shitty computer from your basement just as long as
it has enough room for windows and can connect to the internet (or LAN).
[View Quote]"scifair" <ohk2 at cornell.edu> wrote in message
news:3c891874$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi,
> Has anyone here ever set up their bot to always be running? Ie, you have a
> world and you need your bot on always...
> I'm working on the Windows platform. Now sometimes my bot will die for
> whatever reason. This is somewhat outside the scope of bot programming,
> does anyone have a strategy they've been using which keeps their bots
> ie after crash, the bot is restarted immediately... I can think of a few
> ways, but I was wondering if someone already has an implementation that's
> been effective in practice.
> Thanks,
> Omar
Mar 8, 2002, 9:56pm
I said that cause RPG and paintball bots would be very laggy on a 150mhz
machine :-P
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c894e21 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Xelagot should return even after a windows crash, allthough if it is on
> taskbar your going to have 1 hell of a hard time getting acess to teh user
> interface.
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c892db1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> there
> everything
> reboot.
> better
> bot,
> as
> a
> that's
Mar 9, 2002, 7:07pm
java? bah! Who uses java?
[View Quote]"aasmund1" <gamlesat at stud.ntnu.no> wrote in message
news:3C8A5559.8030805 at stud.ntnu.no...
> According to the SDK FAQ on activeworlds.com, there is a java interface
> beeing developed for the sdk. I'm having trouble connecting to the ftp
> site they've linked, without a username/password.
> Anyone know where I can get it? Or if anyone has it, please e-mail it to
> me at: gamlesat at stud.ntnu.no.
> aasmund1
Mar 10, 2002, 3:46pm
lol, i know the difference between java and javascript. But java is... yuck!
Can Flash use java commands?
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3c8b5a7d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Java is good, it's a fullfledged programming language, JavaScript !==
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c8a7978$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 20, 2002, 4:23pm
[View Quote]"calpantera" <bill at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c989243$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The universes will only be down for a short period on Friday, other worlds
> besides AW will not have the building shut down, they will just go off
> over the next few days. Some of the larger worlds such as AWteen will be
> offline longer than others.
> Bill
> "the joker ss o" <the_joker_ss at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c97cdb1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> will
> next
> while
> Once
> to
Mar 20, 2002, 5:56pm
It's already moved and I didn't notice it down? 0_o That's not normal, LOL
[View Quote]"calpantera" <bill at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c98d55d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Don't be sad Dion, AWteen has already been moved and it didn't hurt a bit.
> :)
> Bill
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c98d3a0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> worlds
> building
> server.
Mar 20, 2002, 6:37pm
Does AW host many user-owned worlds?
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c98ef62 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks for the info on the move. Now AWGate and AWTeen will have alot of
> peeps. lol. About user owned worlds do they immediatly get moved without
> being noticed?
> --
> Come to news://kahnews.cjb.net/misc.NG3000
> To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
> And CarLBanks owns the NG.
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c98e97c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> bit.
> off
> will
> take
> sometime
> the
> you
> detailed
Mar 20, 2002, 6:56pm
Yeh, I don't see why they would go down. Only reason other worlds are going
down is because hosting has to stop while transferring to the new server.
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c98f54c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No I mean will our user hosted worlds stay up?
> --
> Come to news://kahnews.cjb.net/misc.NG3000
> To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
> And CarLBanks owns the NG.
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c98f30e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> go
> will
> backup
> go
> will
> in
> if
Mar 23, 2002, 1:14am
and if you were going to do it... you should have at the very least
compressed the graphic better jeesh! :-P
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <cozmo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c9bee6b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i dont want to keep repeating what everyone else says but dont use html
> text-only questions. Your one question took about 20k when that with just
> text would only have taken about 1k. That 19k graphic and font information
> is useless and just takes longer to download.
> "absolute monarch" <ultramew at ozemail.com.au at ozemail.com.au> wrote in
> news:3c9bcd50 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Does Any1 know where i can get a bingo bot? if so plz t-gram me on AW
> (Cit:Absolute Monarch Cit #:338508).
> I would much appreciate your help! btw the bot is for my new city Sapphire
> Estates!
> Yours Faithfully,
> Absolute Monarch (338508)
Mar 23, 2002, 3:28am
I think it would be relatively simple to create one with Xelagot except
you'd have to use pictures instead of chips. the pictures would show B1 or
something and when you clicked it, the Xelagot would automatically check to
see if it was used and if it was, it'd change that picture to one that shows
B1 with a chip on it.
[View Quote]"absolute monarch" <ultramew at ozemail.com.au at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3c9c1055 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Heehee.....whoops! :P sry........heehee. I'm Sorry! But does any1 have
> answer for my question?
> dion <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c9bf32e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> just
> information
> Sapphire
Mar 27, 2002, 11:31pm
I can't seem to get them to work. I just want to put 13 signs into variables
but I cannot get it to work! :-( What is going on!?