dion // User Search
dion // User Search
May 12, 2002, 2:31am
lol! Yeh, AWTeen's CA likes to spontaneously eject other bots, even if they
are on the CT ppw :-P
[View Quote]"anduin" <anduin at NOSPAM.centercom.com.au> wrote in message
news:3cddc15b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> We have a CA bot in AWNewbie, can't bring in other bots or the silly thing
> ejects them!
> "kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns920B9CD25CEDEkahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
May 17, 2002, 11:34pm
they suck
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3CE5530D.FDC791DC at andras.net...
> a1cttourist5 wrote:
> Didn't you get the message that "Free" servers are free because ....... ?
> Andras
May 15, 2002, 10:36pm
How could you possible have posted this without using a computer? 0_o
[View Quote]"the messiah" <Agentfoxmulder at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3ce2fc64 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I am The Messiah,here to free you all from this hell that is Internet.
> The Messiah chapter 18 verse 10:Then he said,"Let there be light,Natural
> Light, go outside".
> Do not be tempted by the Internet, for it will steal your soul and
> upon your mind. For the Devil's name is Internet, You must free your mind
> and soul of this spreading evil.
> I am The Messiah,your god.
May 18, 2002, 4:59am
say what? O_O Does that make any sense?
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3CE5DADC.685FA78A at oct31.de...
> Where do you live? The average height of a human depends
> much on your location. Closer to the horizon, people have
> to be way shorter, because the sky comes closer to the
> ground there
> ================= <= sky
> / O
> /o X
> / X X
> ======================= <= ground
> ^
> -- tall person, closer to equator
> ^
> --------- short person, close to horizon
> ^
> ------------ horizon
> just in wrote:
May 21, 2002, 2:32pm
sweet :-D
I hate to sound happy about something that seems so horrible but it looks
good to me, I don't think AWCom could keep it up for much longer and if this
X3D place can do a better job, it'd be great :-) Hopefully they lower the
prices, too :-P hehe.
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <Virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3cea744d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> txt
> http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-845018.html
> It says half of AW was sold.
May 21, 2002, 6:45pm
if you buy more than 50% you own most of the company :-P
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns9215C61CA394Akahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
> news:3cea768b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Won't make any difference, they only bought some stock, you don't
> own a company even though you bought stock in it!
Jun 8, 2002, 11:58pm
What's your problem? :-P
[View Quote]"ren" <ren at scr-recordings.com> wrote in message
news:3d02aae9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Blech... SMTP always works for me fine. Again, with Hamster, I'm having
> trouble getting the POP server to work. Actually, it's the best server
> run into so far, yet I'm still having the problem.
> If there's a solution . . .
> --
> Ren
> --
> "baron" <pk39srt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3d028590 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that comes with source code, great for learning too if you code in Delphi.
> news:3d02746f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> run for personal use, not a web-based account handler like hotmail or
> anything>
Jun 9, 2002, 4:28pm
The textures used on terrain don't work too well. A piece the width of 1
pixel and length of the entire texture is chopped off of one side and put on
the other, making it look pretty bad when the texture is a transition from
grass to dirt and whatnot. Sounds like an easy bug to fix, but I just wanted
to bring it to AWCom's attention so it can be fixed in the next update. :-)
Jun 9, 2002, 9:32pm
Alright, let's hope it's fixed in the next build *crosses fingers* :-D
[View Quote]"milesteg" <MilesTeg at nerim.net> wrote in message
news:3d03d0b2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> HI Dion,
> Andras told me that this bug is known from AW staff and Shamus is working
> it ...
> wait and See :)
> Regards,
> MilesTeg
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 3d039e45 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> on
> wanted
> :-)
Jun 10, 2002, 3:22pm
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3d04c347$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just to let you know, Robbie says that this is indeed a bug and it is
> in version 3.4, which will be released in two to three weeks.
> Hope this helps,
> -Brant
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d03e590$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> working
> 1
> update.
Jun 12, 2002, 4:59am
I find it to be pretty useless and actually quite annoying when I go to run
into something and it slides me all the way through the object. And it makes
it near impossible to make a paintball world without people cheating by
sliding through walls! It's just a pain so far and I see nothing good from
It needs to be fixed or taken out!
Jun 14, 2002, 3:38am
fly through an object? huh?
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d096eae$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
> news:3d07805b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And besides Dion, in a Paintball world, I would want that kind of
> On top of that, even BEFORE 3.3 came out, all one had to do to avoid being
> hit by a paintball would be to simply FLY through an object. Having said
> that, HOW is slide protection any different???
> Patrick
Jun 14, 2002, 6:01pm
uh... you turn it off in world features... that's what you do in paintball
worlds so that it's a bit more... realistic? LOL :-P
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns922DBC551949Ckahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
> news:3d09815c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> I think he means shifting (pass-trough).
Jun 15, 2002, 2:43pm
heh, maybe so.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns922E84AC69E30kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in
> news:3d0a4b93$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> I know that, but maybe Pc Maniak's never been to a pball world? :-))
Jun 14, 2002, 5:29am
so basically, don't be stupid and give out your pw or download stupid
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes I have crossed posted hacker and script kiddie M A T T is back in AW.
> has so far stolen two known cits please read the following grams.This
> conversation took place at the AWGate.
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> i unfortunately know who stole a few cits...including one of urs
> Telegram from Travman, sent 26 minutes ago:
> Aisley: oh my my
> M a t t: YO
> M a t t: WAZZZUP
> Travman: (to M a t t) what
> "AlexBor": u can only wisper if u r a citizen?
> "SexyLady": wow
> M a t t: remember me
> Travman: in here
> Aisley: I'm going to bed too. Night Everyone. Nice to meet you Travman.
> Take care of yourself.
> Travman: theres an option caretakers can change
> Travman: u too, aisley
> Travman: (to M a t t) of course
> "AIexBor": hey lady, wanna cyber :D
> "AlexBor": laila tov
> M a t t: I stole this cit
> M a t t: Stole 2 today
> UsuL 2: good night {{{{{{{{{Aisley}}}}}}}}}
> "AlexBor": jupiter stop it
> Aisley: Lady.. just say no
> Travman: (to M a t t) from who
> Aisley: Night Usul :)
> M a t t: TiffieBooBear
> "SexyLady": maby later Alex
> Aisley: Poor Usul... left to take care of these ummmm friendly folks
> Travman: (to M a t t) why did u do that?
> M a t t: cause I ain't paying shit
> "AIexBor": i'm available now ;P
> Travman: (to M a t t) ur gonna loose the cit though
> M a t t: The other one I stole from MrBruce
> Telegram from Travman, sent 27 minutes ago:
> "AlexBor": sexylady i am not interested
> "SexyLady": i know
> M a t t: I'll just keep stealing them
> "AlexBor": that's that little horny dog jupiter
> "SexyLady": it was a joke
> "AlexBor": or whoever it is
> Aisley: Night Everyone :)
> "Midnight Rider": Is there a certain time limit that this software can be
> run?
> "AlexBor": oh
> "AIexBor": nah, i wasj/k about me not being interested, lady
> Travman: (to M a t t) you need to learn at least a few morals
> "Sheik Yerbuti": Which is the real Alex Bore?
> "AlexBor": i was so scared :-)(
> Travman: (to M a t t) i know mine arent high....but still
> M a t t: alright TPCircuit
> "AIexBor": there is only one alexbor
> Travman: (to M a t t) im not TPCircuit
> "AlexBor": tnx UsUl ...
> Telegram from Travman, sent 28 minutes ago:
> all the ones from M a t t were whispers btw
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.
> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.
> Details are sketchy at this time but M A T T is well known for this type
> activity and he is back. He come into A!!CT world just before my tourist
> loan cit was stolen from its user. When approached he was in America world
> with two citizens AdmiraL Red Dog cit number 348502 and Mike. o cit number
> 338620. I will not post the vulgar chat here as it contains vulgar
> used by both AdmiraL Red Dog and Mike. o
> All three threatend to hack more cits and worlds.
> I post this as a warning, heed it or make fun of it, but the AW hackers
> script kiddies are back, they will use a stolen cit to get it banned from
> every world they can. Please warn people to NOT ACCEPT files in aw or
> from possible AW related sites.
> I personally have had worms sent to me on a junkie PC with virus
> from email web addresses such as COF at activeworlds.com when I sent an email
> back to this address it came back there is no such address.
> World owners and citizens have to be careful what you click on in aw, a
> on a harmless sign in a build can contain hidden scripts and links to
> that can plant or download malicious code or activeX files.
Jun 17, 2002, 2:54am
The e-mail will only be sent if the email address entered matches the e-mail
adrress in the citizen's information.
Also, a 40yo guy could do this just as easily as a kid. If people are going
to be idiots about this, then they are going to lose. I'm not worrying
because I'm not dumb enough to do such a stupid thing.
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d0d6a4a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0a67de at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> cit,
> address,
> people!
> If this is true, then WE ARE ALL DOOMED because all he has to do is simply
> type in the name of ANY cit and get the password (which I give to NO ONE!)
> AS WELL AS the cit. no. emailed to him.
> It all goes back to what I keep saying about parents, their kids, and
> kids online activities. That is that parents MUST ALWAYS monitor what
> kids do on the Internet (not just take their word for it). Until parents
> this society start becoming more responsible (and taking responsibility
> the actions of their kids in situation where the parents are usually held
> accountable), this problem will continue and only GET WORSE.
> Just my $.02 worth....Cheers for now everyone :-)
> PC Hamster
Jun 17, 2002, 1:02pm
first of all, it'd take one heck of a programmer to figure that out. And
even if they did, they'd only have your password that is encoded with sa
bunch of crap. You'd have to know how to decrypt it as well, which includes
lots of other computer information.
Quite frankly, matt is a dumbass and couldn't do any of that if his life
depended on it ;-)
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d0daf17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Also links on signs and chat line can lead to websites that can do damage
> PCs that are not protected. Perhaps java scripts can contain malicious
> codes. Remember once you click a link it brings you outside the safety of
> AW's browser.
> Although I am not a hacker, cracker or script kiddie and do not know alot
> about doing things like that, I know alot of password stealers can be
> on links! Lets get rael here, anything is possible. Although some say
> kids were stupid for doing what they were told, how many of us click links
> in the chat line?
> how about visiting a world ran by password stealers that have a link on
> their welcome message, that leads to such a link?
> As lioness e said a bingo world host gave the password to M A T T thinking
> he was a host!
> M A T T is here for popularity, just like Bin Laden is popular and many
> other villians, that become famous for corrupting soceity.
> Does M A T T really bother me? Nah, in fact the jerk just makes my world
> more popular at his exspense!
> As for him stealing my tourist cits goes, I just call AW and change the
> password! It gives the folks at AW and myself a reason to say hello.:-)
> I only posted the warning here, to warn those that do not take kindly to
> these games. But here it is SUMMERTIME and SCHOOLS OUT! So here comes the
> bored little pee-ons who need something to do with all their sparetime.
> Are they spoiling my fun in AW? Nah they just make it more entertaining!
> Thats my view...what's yours?
> MrBruce A!!CT world owner-have a good day!
> "mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3d099254$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> He
> of
> profanity
> and
> emails
> protection
> link
> sites
Jun 17, 2002, 2:33pm
yeh, unless you are on the same computer, that dun work ;-)
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3d0e0e60 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That doesn't work anymore since Roland implemented machine-based
> -Agent1
> "percipient" <percipient at percipients.com> wrote in message
news:3d0e0c3c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 14, 2002, 5:58pm
ugh, somehow I managed to make a fwe phantom folders, too! I deleted 'em
somehow but I can't remember what I did, LOL :-P
.... I guess this post was sorta useless ;-)
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d0a2a0c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Greetings! (As a good friend would put it)
> Im wondering if someone who is more of a expert than I with folders in XP
> could explain how to deleted 2 phantom folders I have placed on my HD
> "Disk 1" and "Disk 2". They were created when I made small program to read
> all the information off large numbers of Floppy Disks so you didnt have to
> drag and drop all the files between The floppy and the HD.
> In the process it creates various folders in the target folder named Disk
> Disk 2 etc.. Unfortunatly due to the error handler going "wrong" the
> terminated unexpectadly leaving itself in RAM. When I looked at the VB GUI
> saw that it had terminated when creating the 2 folders in c:\.
> However... You cant Open them, Explore them, Copy them, Scan them, or
> them. Because windows says that it cannot read from the source disk. Not
> suprising considering they are 0 bytes long so there is nothing to read...
> but if anyone has any infor that could help me irradicate these folders
> please let me know :)
> -Mark
Jun 14, 2002, 10:52pm
pfft, i won't leave XP cause of phantom folders :-P
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d0a4c79$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not using XP would be the best way to go. It might be a glitch in the
> file system if that's what you happen to be using. Even if it was a
> folder, with no size, you'd be able to delete it since it recognizes it.
> it's a "RAM" object.. restart.
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0a4ae4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> XP
> read
> to
> Disk
> read...
Jun 14, 2002, 11:34pm
FreeBSD and not yet. I'm not about to blow away my only computer :-P
In about 6 - 8 months, I'll have a REALLY nice comp and then this shit one
will go to being a FreeBSD hosting computer for hosting basically anything i
want to host :-D
But I need WinXP, FreeBSD won't run everything I need to run. Besides, XP
isn't all that bad.
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d0a906d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Go to linux :)
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0a8fc4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 'em
> in
> HD
> to
> VB
> or
Jun 15, 2002, 12:31am
lol, im scared i'll get myself stuck in a situation that takes me a week to
get outta :-P
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d0a9c89$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So get linux, linux can run all your windows programs with WINE. And yes,
> most of my windows games and programs do work in linux.
> I'm also pretty sure FreeBSD has a wine package available.
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0a9998$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i
> the
> deleted
> message
> my
> program
> didnt
> them,
> to
Jun 15, 2002, 3:10am
also, i use a lot of cheapie PCI cards that are not well-known so there
probably wouldn't be much support for them and I certainly can't make my own
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d0aa7a5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Nah, not after you get used to it. Just remember, never use root unless
> absolutely have to. Or you're a genius and know exactly what you're
> even that's risky ;)
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0aa71f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> yes,
> in
> was
> folder
> c:\.
> source
Jun 15, 2002, 11:34pm
there's more men than women so it's best to please the majority since you
can't please everyone.
[View Quote]"sheridan" <motleymouse at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:3d0ba183 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whenever a new world is entered 98% of the time the default avatar is
> Normally this wouldn't bother me, however for years now I have scramble
> frantically, sometimes straining to resize my windows, struggling to get
> into a skirt. I say ENOUGH! Women of AW unite! Let the men - those
> persons that spout they are the stronger gender - struggle from now on!
> It's no wonder you find women posing as men in VR. It isn't protection
> against lecherous men as I previously thought, it is because they were
> thrown into male avatars so many times, they began to believe thats what
> they were!!!
> World owners, I urge you to change your default avatars to female!!
> vigorously at the male audience* Let the men feel what it is to be
> at for unknowingly walking around in a skirt!!! *bangs fist on desk* Let
> the men show they have the strength and patience to resize windows to
> the front of those horribly oversized lists full of restricted avatars!!!
> Let the men wear those breasts they are always oggling at! oops...did I
> say breasts? Sorry to those that are offended by seeing breasts in NGs.
> Well....it is just a thought. :)
> Sheridan
Jun 16, 2002, 1:29am
bah, you don't please anyone with that piece of crap :-P
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3d0bf2b9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ummmm...I think this all goes back to the first and only avatar used in AW
> when it first started...guess what it was?:)
> Yup...a Cy avatar...short for Chappy actually....
> Thus the name for The cy Awards....after our founder.....hehehehe!
Jun 17, 2002, 1:06am
yeh, if that graffiti was shipped with the statue of liberty :-P
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
news:3d0d3571$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, I was walking around AW GZ just now and looking at all the overlaps
> and missing pieces, etc. I was thinking to myself, why not touch up the
> We don't need to give it an entirely new look, just make it a little more
> appealing. Take away the overlaps and fill in some of the missing pieces,
> maybe make some new objects to fit in for those pieces that they probably
> needed.
> I see nothing wrong with this at all, it's not like we're removing
> from history. (Think of it as like, cleaning up some Graffiti on say.. the
> Statue of Liberty.)
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
Jun 17, 2002, 3:39am
I remember when it was different :) I liked it better then. But i cant
remember exactly what it was...
[View Quote]"jerme" <JerMe101 at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3d0d754a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This only like the billionth time someone has said we need a new GZ... Has
> AWC ever taken the time to redesign it?
> ... I don't think they're going to anytime soon... In all my 3+ years here
> that GZ has never changed... (except for that one time when Hurricane
> Cryonics struck GZ, we had knee deep water for an hour or so)
> -Jeremy
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker - Owner
> JTech Web Systems
> www.JTechWebSystems.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
> itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
> "bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at 7k2.4mg.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0d3571$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> GZ?
> something
Jun 18, 2002, 4:05am
yeh, it's like mixing heaven and hell into one package :-P
[View Quote]"chickengurl" <ilove at chickensex.com> wrote in message
news:3d0ec894 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> they had so many people at slashdot joking about that, lol
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3d0e3987$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> basicly
> becuase
> in
> but
Jun 25, 2002, 11:05am
lol, the great thing about PC Games is that they update so if you buy it and
it has a bug (especially right after it comes out) there's a good chance the
bug will be fixed within a couple months.
I'd suggest getting WarCraft3. It's not out yet, but I've been playing a
leaked beta (I'm not really a beta tester, jut getting onto a cracked
battle.net server with a warez beta). I'm loving it :-)
What kind of vid card do you have, anyway? I have a Voodoo3 and I know it
has tons of problems with other games cause they made it differently than
most vid cards are and it screws things up.
[View Quote]"eric" <eric at disaxiom.net> wrote in message
news:3d18278b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> My computer doesnt suck. It's most definately not the best thing you can
> have, but its got a nice hard drive, some good ram, and a decent video
> I rarely buy/play new games nowadays, considering that the vast majority
> my net time is taken up by three things: aw, darkages (www.darkages.com),
> and working on my website (which will open one day i promise). Therefore,
> spend most of my time at these things, and don't really buy new games
> anymore. However there comes a time when I see a new game that I
> love, usually before it comes out, and I follow it's progress, and then I
> buy it. This was the way it was for Anarchy Online.. I fell in love with
> on paper, liked it in beta, then was extremely disappointed by it in
> retail.. it just wasnt what I expected.
> However, I remember how frustrating it was buying the game after beta, and
> wanting to tear my hair out because of all the bugs and memory leaks and
> whatnot. Now, It's worse; I just purchased the newly released Neverwinter
> Nights, which I had been looking forward to because of its great DMing and
> level creating capabilities, only to be extremely dissapointed and even
> frustrated by one small little error that prevents any creativity in
> campaign editing (the toolkit access violation error with properties).
> unlike AO, this seems like a great game, but it is just so frustrating how
> whenever I seek to add to my small collective pool of multiplayer
> experiences, it never works anymore. Come to think of it, I havent gotten
> good, stable multiplayer-capable game since Starcraft... and that was a
> time ago. They're have such great promises and potential, but they work
> up and then get you frustrated as hell with bugs and problems.
> I wonder sometimes if its just me and my comp that can't handle this
> or is it just the products coming out, with not enough time put into them
> before release? Only thing I know for sure is that they _always_ end up
> frustrating the hell out of me.. always.
> Frustrated and near giving up hope,
> Eric
Jun 25, 2002, 11:43am
Hmm... I've heard some bad things about Radeon. Some problems with
compatibility with some games and programs.
I don't know how War3 could be a letdown at all. They'd have to really screw
up to fuck it up at this point.
Get the beta :)
[View Quote]"eric" <eric at disaxiom.net> wrote in message
news:3d186e21 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ATI Radeon 32mb.. not a bad card.. definately not the best. As for war3,
> I've been really hyped about that for a while.. but recently it just seems
> that like everything else, its gonna be a bit of a letdown. =/
> -Eric
> *huge war2 and sc fan*
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3d186a9c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and
> the
> can
> (www.darkages.com),
> Therefore,
> I
> with
> and
> Neverwinter
> and
> how
> gotten
> them