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source code

Mar 14, 2002, 12:52pm
I find that is the funnest and easiest way to learn a programming language

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 4:23pm

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 5:56pm
It's already moved and I didn't notice it down? 0_o That's not normal, LOL

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:37pm
Does AW host many user-owned worlds?

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 6:56pm
Yeh, I don't see why they would go down. Only reason other worlds are going
down is because hosting has to stop while transferring to the new server.

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how do i convert time to VRT?

Mar 22, 2002, 11:42am
On most Windows systems, they ask for your timezone. I'm sure that a VB
program could get that information on what timezone that person lives in. I
know that VRT is +3 from EST timezone. That would mean it's -2 from the UK
timezone. If you can find out the information on the person's timezone that
is running the program, you will need to find out what timezone they're in
and change the time according to that. Check out some Visual Basic sites.
Infact, I'm sure microsoft has a whole library full of those commands and
you could just search up timezone :-P

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how do i convert time to VRT?

Mar 22, 2002, 11:49am

There's a better way there. You can just simply tell it you want the
timezone -2 from GMT (i think it's -2....) and that'll automatically figure
the scale for you ;-)

Any extra info can be found pretty easily at
They have a nice library of VB stuff for developers. Just put your things in
the search ;-)

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Apr 4, 2002, 11:49pm
just use the comments in the code to help you out. Then screw around with it
until you added your own edits and modifications into it. It's the best way
to learn :)

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Technical Question

Jun 1, 2002, 6:16am
ejected + 64? What's with the 'ejected' thing? Forgive me for asking such an
idiotic question :-P

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Technical Question

Jun 1, 2002, 3:01pm
*nod* kewl :-P

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Technical Question

Jun 2, 2002, 1:54pm
that's why you go download themes

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Rich Text Box Margin

Jul 1, 2002, 11:47pm
How do i make a margin for the chat messages? I am using spaces now so it's
not very good. It's all a little off. A margin would work a lot better so
the amount of space the characters in the name take up doesn't effect how
well lined up all the chat messages are. LOL, that was confusing.

I am trying to make a Rich Text Box act the way the chatbox in ActiveWorlds
behaves. Everything is pretty simple except for the large space inbetween
the name and the message. I'll show you what I've got and you tell me how to
fix it. How's that? ;-)

Private Sub SDK_EventChat()
AwChat.SelBold = False
AwChat.SelItalic = False
AwChat.SelColor = vbBlack
AwChat.SelText = SDK.AwAvatarName & ":"
For X = 1 To 17 - Len(SDK.AwAvatarName)
AwChat.SelText = " "
Next X
AwChat.SelText = SDK.AwChatMessage & vbCrLf
End Sub

Rich Text Box Margin

Jul 2, 2002, 2:35am
Alright, I guess that worked. LOL, I dunno why I didn't think of that :-P
The only thing else I needed to add was to put one tab for names with more
than 10 characters and two for names with less than 10 characters. :-)

Thanks :)

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Jul 2, 2002, 7:06pm
My VB bot can't tell the difference between public chat and whisper. How can
it determine the difference?


Jul 2, 2002, 8:18pm
thanks :-)

[View Quote]


Jul 2, 2002, 8:53pm
lol, i always look, but i can never find the right stuff. I don't know the
name of it so it's not so easy to find and I guess i just went over it when
I went down the list... I dunno. LOL

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Using coords for teleport

Jul 2, 2002, 9:00pm
Sorry for all of these. :-P I'm workin on my first bot so I've got tons of

I'm trying to turn something like '0n 0w' that you use to teleport using the
activeworlds browser, to integers X and Z that can be used to teleport the
bot. This is what I tried and uh.. it's teleporting me to 0n 0w so I did
something wrong. Since I get ejected for 5minutes everytime I try something
new uh... it's pretty hard to do. LOL, I should start testing my bot in my
world :-D

I know the code is messy, I'm new with VB and I wasn't exactly trying to
make neat code :-P Anyway, give me your tips, advice, and if you can, some
working code!

"Private Sub TportButt_Click()
Dim teleport As String
Dim NS As String
Dim EW As String
Dim intX As Integer
Dim intZ As Integer
Dim intStart

'turn coords into meters the bot can use to tport
teleport = Coords.Text

intX = InStr(1, teleport, "N")
If intX = 0 Then
NS = "S"
NS = "N"
End If

intZ = InStr(1, teleport, "E")
If intX = 0 Then
EW = "W"
EW = "E"
End If

For X = 2 To 35
intX = Val(Left(teleport, X))
If Mid(Str(intX), X, 1) = "N" Or Mid(Str(intX), X, 1) = "S" Then
Str(intX) = Left(teleport, X - 1)
If NS = "S" Then intX = intX * (-1000)
If NS = "N" Then intX = intX * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

For X = 2 To 35
intX = Val(Left(teleport, X))
If Mid(Str(intZ), X, 1) = " " Then intStart = X
If Mid(Str(intZ), X, 1) = "E" Or Mid(Str(intZ), X, 1) = "W" Then
Str(intZ) = Mid(teleport, intStart + 1, X - 1)
If EW = "E" Then intZ = intZ * (-1000)
If EW = "W" Then intZ = intZ * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwEnter(World.Text)
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If

ChatForm.SDK.AwMyX = intX
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyY = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyZ = intZ
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyYaw = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyType = 0

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwStateChange
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub"

Using coords for teleport

Jul 2, 2002, 11:38pm
I don't normally compile until I have finished. I thought the way it was run
through visual basic was how it would run after compiled.

[View Quote]

Using coords for teleport

Jul 3, 2002, 12:27am
I finally got it anyway. What you mentioned was a problem but not the only
one. There were lots of em :-P And a few piece of unnecessary crap :-P

Anyway, for anyone interested, here's the code:

Private Sub TportButt_Click()
Dim teleport As String
Dim intX As Long
Dim intZ As Long
Dim intStart As Integer

'turn coords into meters the bot can use to tport
teleport = Coords.Text

For X = 2 To 35
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "N" Or Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "S" Then
intX = Val(Left(teleport, X - 1))
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "N" Then intX = intX * (-1000)
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "S" Then intX = intX * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

For X = 2 To 35
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = " " Then intStart = X
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "E" Or Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "W" Then
intZ = Val(Mid(teleport, intStart + 1, X - 1))
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "E" Then intZ = intZ * (-1000)
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = "W" Then intZ = intZ * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwEnter(World.Text)
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If

ChatForm.SDK.AwMyX = intZ
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyY = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyZ = intX
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyYaw = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyType = 0

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwStateChange
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

[View Quote] > cooords. If you really want to progress with this, there are ways to do
> obviously, but I imagine this isn't the most important part of the app
> there's an easier alternative available.
> Grims
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Quirky Event Delivery

Jul 3, 2002, 6:52am
ooo, nice place for a quote:
"Does anyone read the documentation anymore?"

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Simple ChatBot - not a copy of the one in bots

Jul 4, 2002, 4:28pm
very nice :-) Simple yet effective. I like it :-)

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Converting a Co-ord String to API Usable

Jul 18, 2002, 10:52am
I did the very same thing with VisualBasic a few weeks back. This might help
you to figure it out.

Private Sub TportButt_Click()
Dim teleport As String
Dim intX As Long
Dim intZ As Long
Dim intStart As Integer

'turn coords into meters the bot can use to tport
teleport = Coords.Text

For X = 2 To 35
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "N" Or UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "S"
intX = Val(Left(teleport, X - 1))
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "S" Then intX = intX * (-1000)
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "N" Then intX = intX * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

For X = 2 To 35
If Mid(teleport, X, 1) = " " Then intStart = X
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "E" Or UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "W"
intZ = Val(Mid(teleport, intStart + 1, X - 1))
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "E" Then intZ = intZ * (-1000)
If UCase(Mid(teleport, X, 1)) = "W" Then intZ = intZ * 1000
Exit For
End If
Next X

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwEnter(World.Text)
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If

ChatForm.SDK.AwMyX = intZ
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyY = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyZ = intX
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyYaw = 0
ChatForm.SDK.AwMyType = 0

rc = ChatForm.SDK.AwStateChange
If rc Then
ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbRed
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "Error! Reason " & rc & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If

ChatForm.AwChat.SelColor = vbBlue
ChatForm.AwChat.SelBold = True
ChatForm.AwChat.SelItalic = False
ChatForm.AwChat.SelText = "[" & LogInForm.BotName & "] has been
successfully teleported to " & teleport & "." & vbCrLf
TportForm.Visible = False
End Sub

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VB Bot Crisis (pressed enter)

Jul 30, 2002, 12:29pm
The variables suck, it's a crazy hell just trying to read the code! :-P

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VB Bot Crisis (pressed enter)

Jul 30, 2002, 2:23pm
lol, excuse my language in that post. I was just joking... dry joke I guess.

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[VB SDK] EventTelegram

Aug 1, 2002, 7:42am
You can't find it because it doesn't exist? *laugh*

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Oct 31, 2002, 1:32am
Almost as bad as complaining about complaining :-P

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Oct 31, 2002, 5:25pm
not my bandwidth :-P

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Apr 10, 2003, 10:12pm
Where'd it go? What's going on?




Apr 10, 2003, 11:55pm
Obviously it went down. LOL, I was hoping for some more of a reason and/or
when it will be back up but thanks, that's what I needed. :-)


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Active Worlds Programmers Club

Apr 18, 2003, 12:35am
you can help people directly without offering source code.


[View Quote] [View Quote] Then how does not requiring open source code help?


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