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Anyone have a script that can..

Mar 14, 2001, 11:23pm
I can make a bot that says the cat line and when, but dont thinck i can make
one update a sign... that would be kinda hard

[View Quote] > Put the people who are in the world, the newest said line in chat, and vrt
> time on a sign? I know preston can do this but my preston doesn't seem to
> keep it going for to long..freezes or stops. I am wondering if anyone has a
> script that does something similar for Xelagot. If anyone has one maybe I
> can trade and host a bot for you or something..thanks..

Shield script, download here!

Mar 16, 2001, 1:03am
I would give mine out but... Theres tomany things to give away, it has AvTeleport, Can keep track of Kills, and Deaths, and dose shield. I can give
u it, if u e-maile me troop2 at And tell me what ur using it for, and put a sig up in ur world saying i made it, or something

[View Quote] > /Shield Name
> /Ok takes of shield
> Stats shows your stats
> Status name shows some1s stats
> [Head]
> Type=Script
> Version=2.0
> [Settings]
> Origin=0.000n 0.000w 12.25a 0.0
> Run
> [Script]
> ###################################
> # The PaintBall Bot #
> # a Xelagot script #
> # (c) 1999 Alex Grigny de Castro #
> # #
> # Edited by Stuff-X, Inc. #
> # for Cyberwar World #
> # #
> ###################################
> # This is a paintball bot
> # which is trained to eject on left mouse click
> # outside the GZ zone, within a certain range
> # it will eject for 5 seconds
> # but will not eject other bots, nor the Caretaker
> # define in Sub Settings the safe zone (GZ)
> # by entering the NW and SE coords of GZ
> # and the other parameters as necessary
> # if you wish it to put an object (e.g.) a skull
> # where the victim was hit
> # (in worlds without registry only, it must have Build rights)
> # define the $Model, otherwise leave it blank
> $owner = "JohnF"
> var $Error
> var %Avatar, at Pos, at Center, at Seat, at LimitA, at LimitB
> var at gz_NW, at gz_SE
> var at InGZ, %InGZ
> var %maxd
> var &Hunter, &Victim, %Session
> var ~mem, $Model
> var $rules
> var /t_Ejected
> var /s_mydata, $file, %s, %r, %q, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $u, $v, $w, $x, $y, $z, %a, %b, %c
> $file = "Test_script_save.txt"
> slistload /s_mydata $file
> OnChatEvent Chat
> OnWorldReconnectEvent Reconnect
> $Error = ""
> Stop
> GetLocation at Pos
> Gosub Settings
> # WarpLocal at Seat
> OnAvatarClickEvent Click1
> Say Ready to shoot...
> Stop
> # RandomMove
> Label MainLoop
> Goto MainLoop
> Label End
> IfString $Error <> "" Say $Error
> End
> Sub Settings
> # bot's avatar
> %Avatar = 254
> # maximum shooting range in meters
> %maxd = 60
> Concat $rules "Rules: 1. not in GZ 2. target within " %maxd "m"
> # select a model for the bot to dump where he hits the victim
> # if $Model left blank, no object will be dumped
> # otherwise, define it as for example
> # $Model = "flame1.rwx"
> $Model = "flame1.rwx"
> GetModel ~mem $Model
> at Center = 0n 0w 0a 0
> # GZ WAR: North-West and South-East coordinates of GZ area
> at gz_NW = 2.050n 1.560w 0a 0
> at gz_SE = 0.950s 1.460e 0a 0
> # coords of where bot remains, and of area covered by bot
> at Seat = at Center
> at LimitA = 20n 20w 0a
> at LimitB = 20s 20e 0a
> # set Random motion parameters, and avatar
> # RandomCentre at Seat
> # RandomHRadius 10
> # RandomHStep 2
> # RandomHShift 20
> # RandomHAngle 30
> # RandomVHeight 3
> # RandomVStep 1
> # RandomWait 0
> Avatar %Avatar
> EndSub
> Event Chat
> Getchatperson &p
> Getchatline $L
> Getname $p &p
> goto Stats
> Label Stats
> Ifstring "Stats" isin $L goto stat
> Else ifstring "Change file to" isin $L goto Clear2
> Else ifstring "Status" isin $L goto status
> Else ifstring "/Shield " isin $L goto Jsh
> Else ifstring "/Shield Me" isin $L goto Jsm
> Else ifstring "/Ok" isin $L goto done
> Else Endevent
> Label Jsh
> %a=1
> If $owner isnotin $L endevent
> else
> Split $a $b $L "/Shield "
> Slistsetfield /s_mydata $b 4 %a
> Slistsave /s_mydata $file
> Whisperconcat $b "You have been shielded by " $p ", say /Ok when you are done with using this shield!"
> Whisperconcat $p "You have shielded " $b " say /ok " $b " to stop shielding " $b "!"
> Goto end2
> Label Done
> If $owner isin $p goto Owner
> else
> Slistgetfield /s_mydata $p 4 %a
> ifint %a = 0 whisperconcat $p "You do not have a shield " $p "!"
> ifint %a = 1 goto nope
> goto end2
> Label nope
> Slistsetfield /s_mydata $p 4 0
> slistsave /s_mydata $file
> Whisper $p "You no longer have a shield!"
> Goto end2
> Label owner
> Ifstring "/Ok " isnotin $L goto nn
> else
> Split $a $b $L "/Ok "
> Slistsetfield /s_mydata $b 4 0
> Slistsave /s_mydata $file
> Whisperconcat $owner "We have taken " $b "'s shield away!"
> Whisper $b "You no longer have a shield! My boss took it away from you!"
> goto end2
> Label nn
> Slistsetfield /s_mydata $p 4 0
> Slistsave /s_mydata $file
> Whisper $p "I have taken your shield!"
> goto end2
> Label Jsm
> %a=1
> Slistsetfield /s_mydata $p 4 %a
> Slistsave /s_mydata $file
> Whisper $p "You are shielded master!"
> goto end2
> label clear2
> If $owner isnotin $p endevent
> else
> Split $ra $file $L "Change file to "
> Goto end2
> EndEvent
> label stat
> $t = 1
> SListGetField /s_mydata $p 1 %s
> SListGetField /s_mydata $p 2 %r
> wait 1
> Whisperconcat $p "Your score is " %s ". You have died " %r " times!"
> %s = 0
> goto end2
> Endevent
> label status
> Split $r $q $L "Status "
> $t = 1
> SListGetField /s_mydata $q 1 %s
> SListGetField /s_mydata $q 2 %r
> wait 1
> Whisperconcat $p $q "'s score is " %s ", they have died " %r " times!"
> %s = 0
> goto end2
> Endevent
> Label End2
> EndEvent
> Event Click1
> # remove click detection
> OnAvatarClickEvent
> # get ejector data
> GetSourcePerson &Hunter
> # get target (= victim) data
> GetTargetPerson &Victim
> # check source is in own area
> IfLoc &Hunter IsInSquare at LimitA at LimitB # carry on LOL
> Else Goto Click1End
> # Victim's session to check eject timeout
> GetSession %Session &Victim
> # if target <> bot, gosub...
> IfPerson &Victim IsNotBot Gosub CheckEject
> Label Click1End
> # enable click detection
> OnAvatarClickEvent Click1
> EndEvent
> Sub CheckEject
> # check if just ejected
> %t = 0
> TItemGetTimeout /t_Ejected %Session %t
> IfInt %t = 0 Goto CheckDistance
> EndSub
> Label CheckDistance
> # check distance
> Distance %d &Hunter &Victim
> IfInt %d <= %maxd Goto DistanceOK
> Gosub SayRules
> EndSub
> Label DistanceOK
> # check ejector is outside gz
> at InGZ = &Hunter
> %InGZ = -1.5
> Gosub DetermineInGZ
> %i = %InGz
> # check victim is out of GZ
> at InGZ = &Victim
> %InGZ = -1.5
> Gosub DetermineInGZ
> %j = %InGz
> IfInt %i = 0 IfInt %j = 0 Gosub Eject
> Else Gosub SayRules
> EndSub
> Sub DetermineInGZ
> IfLoc at InGZ IsInSquare at gz_NW at gz_SE %InGZ = 1.5
> Else %InGZ = 0
> EndSub
> Sub SayRules
> Whisper &Hunter $rules
> EndSub
> Sub Eject
> Getname $h &hunter
> Getname $v &Victim
> Slistgetfield /s_mydata $h 4 %a
> Slistgetfield /s_mydata $v 4 %b
> Ifint %a = 0 goto hk
> ifint %b = 0 goto vk
> ifint %a = 1 goto hs
> ifint %b = 1 goto vs
> Label hk
> Ifint %b = 1 goto vs
> ifint %b = 0 goto ej
> Label vk
> ifint %a = 1 goto hs
> ifint %a = 0 goto ej
> Label vs
> Whisper $h Your chosen victim is shielded!
> goto endr
> Label hs
> Whisper $h You are shielded! Say /ok to stop being shielded!
> goto endr
> Label ej
> SListGetField /s_mydata $v 2 %r
> %t = 1
> Add %r %s %t
> %s = %r
> SListSetField /s_mydata $v 2 %r
> slistsave /s_mydata $file
> SListGetField /s_mydata $h 1 %s
> %t = 1
> Add %r %s %t
> %s = %r
> SListSetField /s_mydata $h 1 %s
> slistsave /s_mydata $file
> # warp to target
> at v = &Victim
> LocTurn at v 180
> Stop
> #WarpLocal at v
> # warn target
> GetName $n &Hunter
> concat $a $n " killed you! You have died " %r " times!"
> Whisper &Victim $a
> # warn ejector
> GetName $v &Victim
> GetName $h &Hunter
> Concat $a "You killed " $v ". Your score is " %s "!"
> Whisper &Hunter $a
> # eject 5 seconds
> Eject &Victim 5
> IfString $Model = "" Goto Eject_end
> TItemSet /t_Ejected %Session "" 5
> Concat $d $v " ejected by " $h
> GetDescription ~mem $d
> GetAction ~mem "create solid off"
> GetLocation ~mem &Victim
> ObjectAdd ~mem
> Label Eject_end
> Stop
> # RandomMove
> Label Endr
> EndSub
> Event Reconnect
> # reload and run the script after disconnection
> Say Disconnected...
> Run
> EndEvent

N e w B o t s . .

Mar 16, 2001, 4:27pm
If you leave... I will have a Party, at a at pball!!!

[View Quote] > did you ever reply to the reply you replied to?
[View Quote]

N e w B o t s . .

Mar 17, 2001, 12:20am
Maby his cit expired... lol...

a at pball

-=[ T r e k k e r X]=-

[View Quote] > What happened to Factor, i mean, wasn't this spoed to be a monitored NG?
> -Spark
[View Quote]

N e w B o t s . .

Mar 18, 2001, 4:45pm
Rd, didnt you say something about an AI bot??? Cuz if you did i would liek
to see that bot, it might be cool...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

K my script, all fixed with readme!

Mar 17, 2001, 12:16am
My Scipt is bugless... Looks like mine is way ahead of your sory script

a at pball

-=[ T r e k k e r X]=-

[View Quote] > Why not do this.. make it bugless.. then give it out!
> --
> - = [ T e c h n o ] = -
> - = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

K my script, all fixed with readme!

Mar 17, 2001, 12:18am
Okay, check out my bot, and go buy thouse Tickets!!!

-=[ T r e k k e r X ]=-

[View Quote] > Why not do this... Shut your mouth or see what it's like having some
> experience in the programming field as opposed to learning what you can in
> less than a month and acting like you know as much as Ima-Fuckin-Genius?
> (::cough:: erm... sorry bout that) My point is... Not even Microsoft or
> ImaBots releases bugless, and if you can make a paintball bot that I can't
> find a single bug in.... I'll buy you a trip to Disney World.
> -RD
[View Quote]

K my script, all fixed with readme!

Mar 17, 2001, 4:51pm
If you wanna see, it I would be happy to show you... Come down to my place and
look around, try it out, find out that it acculay works...

a at pball

[View Quote] > Hey RD.. I have seen his script.. something that tells me I have died in GZ,
> and that I died 65 times when I JUST got there makes it suck.. I have my
> reasons.. I mean.. I give him credit.. he at least works on it..
> but.. it is like Brant's bot.. I like that thing.. it works.. it is pretty
> much bugless.. I have found some small problems but nuthing like score or GZ
> problems.. just little things.. and people say it sucks.. that is when I
> have to step in.. they can't prove the bot sucks.. they just say it.. I can
> prove John's script sucks.. just ask Sniper V or Tark.. they have seen it
> and hate it too..
> --
> - = [ T e c h n o ] = -
> - = [ S t u f f - X ] = -

Any one know how to make the av99bot play midis?

Mar 17, 2001, 6:35pm
Dose anyone know how to make the av99bot play midis? cuz Ive been
reading the help pages on it, and they dont relly help, so if you can
tell me. Thanxs

Pball Bot script for Xelagots

Mar 18, 2001, 1:40am
Since some people have been bugging me in AW to give them my script here
it is...
It dose everythign execp the shield command, once i get the powerups
Download it at...

-=[ T r e k k e r X ]=-

Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freeware

Mar 18, 2001, 4:46pm
I made the bot in survivor....Just to let you know...

[View Quote] > YAY FOR SURVIVOR! Sorry, I'm not usually like this; I don't usually even
> play paintball, but I was on vacation for a *long* time, and wound up taking
> a break in what I found to be the best paintball world I could find,
> survivor. Sorry... Say JBELL, if you want, after you test, we can work out a
> custom bot... Perhaps...
> -RD
[View Quote]

Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freeware

Mar 19, 2001, 12:47am
Sooooo.... When will it be out??? I would love to see how it preforms... Ohhh
yea.... The bot in a at pball kinda dose Powerups.. But its screws up the math when
it adds you score... lol....

[View Quote] > Well, when I did beta test your first version, before you got the CY, you
> stated it was for public release. I was rather disappointed when it
> wasn't... When you got the CY, I also thought you had made it available, but
> that was not the case... I was surprised because I thought the the category
> Technical Innovation was reserved for freely available programs. This is why
> I am pleased now that you have finally made up your mind to make it
> available to the community.
> Keep up the good work :)
> XelaG

Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freeware

Mar 19, 2001, 12:55am
Ohh yea... Can you use the phone bot thing... liek you did with WAR and AWteen,
where they could communicate with the same bot?

[View Quote] > Well, when I did beta test your first version, before you got the CY, you
> stated it was for public release. I was rather disappointed when it
> wasn't... When you got the CY, I also thought you had made it available, but
> that was not the case... I was surprised because I thought the the category
> Technical Innovation was reserved for freely available programs. This is why
> I am pleased now that you have finally made up your mind to make it
> available to the community.
> Keep up the good work :)
> XelaG

Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freeware

Mar 23, 2001, 3:13am
hey Brant, Why dont u relce the one in WAR, cuz the ones your having people
Beta Test, is kinda a waist of time No Offence, but half the things on the bot
dont work on my computer. I was wondering if the one In WAR like has less
bugs??? LoL, Ive found a ton of bugs on the version i have...

[View Quote] > oh just to let you own a world (A'Dude) and im not just some guy
> that wants to see it :)
[View Quote]

VRPet Bot Version One

Mar 25, 2001, 10:37pm
Put me up for testing!!!

[View Quote] > Just released for Beta Testing is the VRPet Version 1. Its using a Preston
> Script at the moment but I need peopel to test it out and leave some
> comments for it. The site with all the help commands and stuff should be up
> soon, i`ll post a message when its up. If you want to test it out just leave
> a messgae on this post.
> Leaf
> The Commonwealth

Bouncer Bot

Mar 26, 2001, 12:07am
Also wach out for words like "Hello" Cuz it says Hell, in it and Glass, and stuff
like that

[View Quote] > At least 2 commands to check occurance :
> - strstr() checks the occurance within a string. The returned pointer is
> NULL if it isn't there. There is no case insensitive version of strstr()
> so you need to upper- or lowercase both strings before you compare.
> - strtok() can break a sentence into words that you can check separate
> with stricmp() or the CString method CompareNoCase().
> The next two are MFC classes and might not exist in other C++ compilers,
> I don't have too much experience in ++ yet :
> Dynamic arrays are implemented in the MFC class CObArray and the
> subclass CStringArray (other subclasses exist too).
> Optional you can use the MFC class CStringList - check which one has
> better methods for your purpose.
[View Quote]

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 1, 2001, 8:27pm
Dose anyone know how to make a bot respond to someting a person says in
VB? Cuz i just made one and it just sits there doing nothing... Cuz i
want to add like, when u say the bots name to make it say version, Oh
yea, can someone make a example of aa bot that u can fill out info on
where it is and stuff? and make it into a script and post it?

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 2, 2001, 11:10pm
Thanxs, but it dosnt work. It just sits there... doing nothing... thats all...
Same with when a person enters, i have

Private Sub sdk_EventAvatarAdd()
Sdk.AwWhisper Sdk.AwAvatarSession, "Hello " & Sdk.AwAvatarName
message "[" & txtBotName.Text & "] : (whisper to " & Sdk.AwAvatarName & _
") Hello " & Sdk.AwAvatarName

Ive been told thats right, but it wont work. It just sits there... doing

[View Quote] > Actually it doesn't matter the case so long as the letters spell the key
> word
[View Quote]

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 2, 2001, 11:10pm
Thanxs, but it dosnt work. It just sits there... doing nothing... thats all...
Same with when a person enters, i have

Private Sub sdk_EventAvatarAdd()
Sdk.AwWhisper Sdk.AwAvatarSession, "Hello " & Sdk.AwAvatarName
message "[" & txtBotName.Text & "] : (whisper to " & Sdk.AwAvatarName & _
") Hello " & Sdk.AwAvatarName

Ive been told thats right, but it wont work. It just sits there... doing

[View Quote] > Actually it doesn't matter the case so long as the letters spell the key
> word
[View Quote]

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 3, 2001, 9:12pm
And it wont be Case Sentive?

[View Quote] > Make it like this Trekker:
> Private Sub sdk_EventChat()
> Message = LCase(sdk.AwChatMessage)
> If Message = "hello" Then
> sdk.AwSay "Hello " & sdk.AwAvatarName
> End If
> End Sub
> Also, does anyone know what the interval on a timer needs to be multiplied
> by to equal 1 second?

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 5, 2001, 8:30pm
Still wouldent that make it case sentive cuz thats what it dose on mine, and
the Lcase(something) makes it so it has to be lowercase to work, isnt there a
way to do it without it?

[View Quote] > Nope, because it changes all the characters to lowercase and then judges,
> but you cant say
> If Message = "HELLO" Then
> because it throws off the whole purpose, it has to be
> If Message = "hello" then
> : )
[View Quote]

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 5, 2001, 9:32pm
What about the people that use correct grammer, and use Upper case
words? It excludes them

[View Quote] > You missed the point.
> Message = LCase(sdk.AwChatMessage)
> that makes what the person said lowercase
> If Message = "whatever" Then
> That checks to see if the lowercased message is the same.

Anyone know how to make a bot respond in VB?

Apr 5, 2001, 10:37pm
I see, it takes the message and makes it lowercase, okay i get it, thanxs

[View Quote] > Oh my! Listen, say I was in your world and I said "HeLlO AlL"
> and your bot is set to do the following:
> Message = LCase(Sdk.AwChatMessage)
> If Message = "hello all" Then
> It would take "HeLlO AlL" and make it "hello all" and Message is "hello all"
> then whatever code you have under the If statement is what the bot would do.


Apr 4, 2001, 11:17pm
The new ZeeBot (wich is the one ive been working on) is releced it dosnt
do much but I want people to try it out, and stuff, its Beta so report
any bugs to me TrekkerX

[ T r e k k e r X ]

can anyone ansew this ?

Apr 5, 2001, 8:27pm
The bots screweing up your computer, what kind are you using? I know the
X1.exe (xelagot) screwes up mine a lot n/o XelaG

[View Quote] > my aworld keeps crashing when i run bots dose anyone know how???
> please telegram me thanks.

Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 5, 2001, 10:37pm
Lol, sounds cool, how would you do that?

[View Quote] > I am bored as usual, and since no one seems to care if my Bank Bot gets
> finished or not I plan to start a bot that lets you play slots :)

Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 6, 2001, 1:06am
It would be cool, if you had like objects, and it would like have textures, and
it would swich them according to numbers, and stuff liek that so it looks like
it spins, lol and have it keep score, and have prizes

[View Quote] > Well, I plan it let people join the playing activity, and leave it, and then
> it will call three random numbers, then it will define them. Very simple
> really lol.

Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 7, 2001, 6:43pm
Its nice to be part of history, lol

[View Quote] > Imagine in a couple of hundred years... they might rediscover our bots
> somewhere in an old html page, find the old code... and rebuild the whole AW
> environement just to revive them...
> The people and bots watching this hologram will be nodding apreciatively and
> whispering in awe: these were our ancestors
> :)

Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 7, 2001, 10:15pm
My parents always says (and im shure everyone elses parents say it to) If you dont have anythign postive to say DONT SAY IT

[View Quote] > RD, I don't believe you're right about the initial impact of a bot & all...
> For example, jey said in this thread that there had already been a slot bot released sometime ago but it's long forgotten now...
> Besides, if the bot really had such impact and everyone used it, it would mean it was still pretty cool, and makaveli would be proud
> of having his bot used by all, so I don't see why he would want to try and avoid that...
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "rough diamond" <joshua_trask at> a écrit dans le message news: 3acf47db$1 at

Slot Bot (hehe, I like the name)

Apr 8, 2001, 10:25pm
*crys* Thats a touching speech, and i mean it man, im not very good at making
bots, and the one i have is not the best but i dont like it when a "troll" yells
at me and says bots suck and stuff like that

[View Quote] > RD,
> Sure you are welcom with me to make your recommendations, I'm not the king
> of the realm :)
> The dilemma for me is that since bots made their appearence in aw, the
> attitude has been very negative towards bot-makers. Not negative, but *very*
> negative. It is maybe history to you, it is full present to me. The help
> files of the aw browser had an extreme negative warning against bots (that
> has changed in the last versions), warning world owners about the dangers...
> we fought this image, all botmakers, small and big. Bot makers are
> confronted with the limitations of Windows (the bot sdk only works in this
> crappy system), the port of the C code to various other development
> languages (with for at least a year or so an active disaproval and
> demeanouring attitude of C coders, including Roland Vilett, that has now
> changed), and the limitations of the aw.dll SDK code itself. Bot makers are
> not born but made. It takes patience, ingenuity and a lot of love and
> dedication. Sure, if someone paid me millions or a bit less to learn how to
> make bots, it might take slightly less time, and I could throw the love and
> dedication to another level. But that is not the case. There are many
> reasons why you want to make a bot. I myself was inspired by Hamfon's
> bots... they filled my first four months in aw with satisfaction! When
> Atlantis decided (the owner Cryonics I guess) to ban bots (I still damn that
> day) I got the hell outta there. I still have 'property' there... Then
> came the mixture of helpfull and demeaning attitudes of the *superior* C bot
> programmers... any bug we found was attributed to our programming language
> in those days.
> Bots seem to many like to belong here, and for me they do. But the priority
> of AW has always been directed towards browser browser browser. This is of
> course not strange... if your rendering engine doesnt work it doesnt work:
> agreed.
> Still, in more and more cases, it is patent that extra aw-browser activities
> can shape your world. This is not a priority... They have failed in their
> attempts to create a viable e-commerce ( at mart is an patent example). Their
> Educational Universe is ruled by bannings and prescritions: world owners,
> who possible pay quite a lot, at least as much as we do here, are imposed a
> Cutoms Aide bot from the universe owner - Lucerzia Borgia. Tourists, even
> welcome ones by the world owner, are ejected by that bot, and some owners
> dont even know about it.
> But bots can enhance a lot, in worlds and universes.... Brant once sent me
> a telegram, when he got his Cy award, saying that he owed it to me and my
> xelagots: that is how he shaped his idea for his award winning bot... and I,
> I shaped my xelagot idea on Hamfon's bots...
> Every bot maker, small or big, beginner or experienced, should be welcomed.
> To create something, whether it is a script for an existing bot, or a source
> coded bot... that is for me like re-shaping the world.
> An insect bite in this process was the constant interference of one well
> known troll, insulting us as much as he could. I wish all those who attempt
> to create a bot, whether it be one that allready exists or a totally
> different one, the best of luck, strength and inspiration... kill the
> trolls, don't let them put you down :).
> So you see, RD, lots of waters have flown under the bot bridge :)
> XelaG
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