trekkerx // User Search
trekkerx // User Search
Jan 30, 2002, 3:11am
I only open to click the link "Unsubscribe"
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3c56fb2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Is there actualy anyone on the planet earth that doesn't delete on sight
> emails with titles like "check this out!" with an attachment or "look at
> these sexy pictures" or "100% real amature" ? If they don't, they
> what they get.
Feb 5, 2002, 1:50am
Little??!?!?? The super bowl is huge in america! lol, a good 80% watch
atleast some of the game, and almost all of them know who won, its also the
top rated tv show in the US. (commercials cost upto a million dollars >:))
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C5EF3AF.4030204 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> It's this little thing we have in America called the "Super Bowl". One
> of the teams playing in it was the "New England Patriots". Since AWC is
> based in Massachusetts (not too far from Foxboro), which is part of New
> England, AWC felt it had to act accordingly when the Pats won said Super
> Bowl.
> This has been your introduction to American Football. GO PATS!!!!!!!!!
> *dances*
> moff piett wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Such a sad thing to not know Football...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Feb 8, 2002, 3:31am
With a good program with a list of non acive cits.. it would only take a
hour... (depending on how big there registry and how fast there comp is)
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3C6357C7.5090005 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I highly doubt this will ever be an issue. <NAC> builds are accounts
> that have already been wiped from the database, so you can't remove NAC
> accounts. As for deleting property, that will never happen unless
> someone requests it to GET. AlphaWorld is still only around %1 full of
> objects, so it's not as if there's a land shortage. Besides, the amount
> of man and bot hours it would take to remove every single <NAC> would be
> a waste of AWC's time and resources. They've got more important things
> to do (like marketing! :P).
> Nothing to worry about! The <NAC>s aren't going anywhere! :)
> duskbat wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Unless, of course, you're the OHTV...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Feb 20, 2002, 11:44pm
My first build was in alpha back in 95... dont know if its still there. But
it was a wall makin a squar and some furniture, took me a few hours. But
ether way I would be angry and sad that they would take it away.
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"lord slucifer" <lordslucifer at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c744793$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I believe Whole-heartedly that if you Deleted Alphaworld It would Affect
> people who have been with aw for a long time as much as it would the
> Newbies. What person is out there That can't remimber there "first build"
> AlphaWorld? I know I can sure it looks like crap compared to what I can
> build now, But it stands to myself as a remimber How much one can
> if one wants to succeed. To me just the thought of Deleteing AlphaWorld is
> BAD abd vbery Sad :-((
Feb 21, 2002, 8:45pm
It may be illegal to go into an apartment without good cause, but into a
world that you pay for a privlage from AWCOM??!?! I may not like it but its
really there software and they can lookinto public worlds as much as they
want. Besides, there public and you let other people come in, why not
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C755143.97611BC7 at oct31.de...
> The right choice would have been :
> Make a web page where world owners can post what
> they want to tell visitors.
> If a world owner sets bot rights only for certain
> people, this is mandatory, not just a proposal.
> The bot rights entry is like the robots.txt file
> on a web site, or the robots meta tag.
> If there is no real and legal reason to break into
> a world, it is illegal, not just bad manners.
> It means, that MrGrimm (like microsoft too often)
> grabs informations in a way he is not supposed to do.
> joeman wrote:
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Feb 21, 2002, 8:48pm
Its not illegal. Like if you have a webpage and they host decides to go
through it... And becides whats stopping MrGrimm from coming into your world
as a person and writing down stuff?
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C7558AB.DD719CDF at oct31.de...
> The Google bot respects bot exclusions.
Feb 21, 2002, 8:49pm
Yeah just like you can do that with a caretaker, and eject them
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3c75706d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> They cant delete the ejection if they are ejected. I have ejected people
> with AWLD rights plenty of times.
> -Joe
> "silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3c756c89$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you're
> awld
> using
> enter
Feb 23, 2002, 3:38am
Backdoor??!?! MrGrimm isnt hackin you, hes just running a bot through a
server, much as your browser would, and hes just loggin a few simple things
and leaving, hes not goin through all your personal files, or e-mails..
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C75D773.D0D667B4 at oct31.de...
> Program driven data mining on a host that explicite denies
> it is not legal in most countries.
> There's not a probem with doing it by writing it down, the
> problem is the usage of a backdoor. I have nothing against
> someone indexing the worlds. The only problem in this case
> is the usage of a backdoor.
> trekkerx wrote:
news:3C7558AB.DD719CDF at oct31.de...
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Feb 23, 2002, 3:47am
In order to do that you have to put aw_delete_all_objects(); So if you put
it there its pretty ovous, otherwise you should of done your weekly backup
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"milesteg" <MilesTeg at nerim.net> wrote in message
news:3c75a715 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a beta test ???
> Is MrGrimm so sure of his work, he uses a beta software on real worlds???
> what would happened if his bot sent an 'aw_delete_all_objects' command?
> sure he is too smart to make such a mistake... BUT he gambles on our works
> would he send an email to worldowners saying 'sorry, i was doing a test'
> ???
> this is not a lack of communication, this is a lack of professionalism.
> or this is no more a beta ... so where is the email saying now they will
> a bot to enter my world without my permission? lack of communication for
> sure ,lack of professionalism too.
> Don t bother us with your sueing actions, legal is not the point, TRUST is
> our main purpose:
> show me a single line in the aw website where it is said Cit 1 has
> unrestricted rights in every world? this could have been easily added to
> help file about rights...I simply can t trust someone that doesn t tell
> the truth.
> sure AWCom can stop my world from running, that s part of our contract if
> misuse their products but in our contract it is said:
> _You will also have full control over user functions like building, public
> speaking, and who may visit your world._
> (see http://www.activeworlds.com/products/worlds.asp ).. well what the
> is doing this bot in my worlds.. i gave no bot right to user 1 !!!
> The last few months have been rude.. they should act very cautiously ,
> doesn t mean Hidden !! , that means clearly in front of us, and saying
> they want to do BEFORE actually doing it!!
> I certainly could give them bot access if they asked for.
> Oh yes , for now his bot just entered and left.. but what will do the next
> bot?
> adding an advertising sign in our world GZ? and what else?
> What will happen if a dumb AWCOM staff member click on the wrong button of
> bot? just because he is using Cit 1Priv, he can delete everything...
> well that is frightening to know that this cit 1 priv is used by every ppl
> working in AWCOM..
> if they need to use 'God' power to do their duty then it shows something
> wrong here...this must not be used on a day to day basis.. because one day
> they will make a mistake, THIS IS HUMAN !! this should be use on only rare
> and very specific occasions, and certainly not a trivial indexing thing.
> Your point is they need to make an index that will be included in the next
> release....
> hey! that their softwares!! , they can change universe and world softwares
> so they can share these informations. This bot using Cit1Priv is not a
> solution, that sounds like an urging patch to get this indexing feature
> available in time....a poor way to do things, very unprofessionnal.
> Certainly a commercial decision, not a programmer decision.
> your google comparison is irrelevant.... If i want a web site to be
> , i use a restricted access and none will be able to enter even googgle
> ...except the ones i selected .Does it sound familiar? well that was
> how a world WAS supposed to work......
> I m really angry about this new stupid action from AWCom , and I say AWCom
> not MrGrimm nor You, Joe.
> Regards,
> MilesTeg
> "joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 3c755af9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> such
> "That's
> wrong.
> news:3C755705.87A0318F at oct31.de...
> that
> the
> databasing
> world
> a
Feb 23, 2002, 3:50am
I saw we all shut up and stop makeing such a big deal out of it, and we go
and stop drinkin so much coffie and leave it alone!
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3c76e529 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ... and so now people know ... and so now people can relax. Everyone knows
> who MrGrimm is - there is only an issue here for people who want to twist
> and MAKE and issue.
> Not sure why I'm contributing to it now ... go figure.
> Grims
> "silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
> news:3c76e2d2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> seconds.
> so
Feb 24, 2002, 1:43am
Finally someone with since
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]"moff piett" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3c782db9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Everything is terrible, awcom is evil, so and so is always complaining,
> can't tell me to shut up because freedom of speech. You don't understand
> freedom of speech because your not as mature as me. Yeah well I'm more
> mature than you because you said "your" instead of "you're" No, I'm more
> mature than you. You're spamming. No I'm not. I'm going to complain
> some super trivial harmless thing like it's a crime against humanity.
> no crime, I hate you. I hate you more. Go to my website. You're website
> a copy of my website. I'm going to sue you. No you can't I'll sue you
> first. You don't know about the law because you're not as smart as me.
> way, I'm smarter than you. Yeah well my aw related service is the best.
> way, mine is better and I'm going to sue you for saying something I didn't
> like. No way you can't sue over that. Hey guys! We just had a
> conversation about sueing, you're a twit idiot for not remembering that.
> Yeah, well you suck.
> I say we just take down the NGs and any time anyone wants to visit they
> read the above a few times. I certainly couldn't tell the difference.
Mar 5, 2002, 4:30am
I would like to say bye to all of thoughs who I talked to and thoughs who
dont like me.
I will no longer be on activeworlds as of today, with exceptions to see how
bad its doing >:)
E-mail: zac at athnex.com
MSN: athnex101 at hotmail.com
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...