trekkerx // User Search

trekkerx // User Search

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New topic...

Jan 10, 2002, 3:27am
And lay off the coffie!!!

Commatron & Athnex
[View Quote]

New topic...

Jan 12, 2002, 3:14am
I cant spell ether, so don't yell at me for mis spelling coffee. But some of
the simple words you should spell without error.

Commatron & Athnex
[View Quote]

Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 8, 2002, 12:16am
then they could just make there own OP >:) think my friend, think

Commatron & Athnex
[View Quote]

Dreamlatd park and Other uni's

Jan 8, 2002, 12:18am
AWCOM dont have the money to hire a laywer >:) thats why there jackin up cit

Commatron & Athnex
[View Quote]

Graphic Artist Needed (not related to aw, so don't read it if you don't care about anything other then)

Jan 26, 2002, 7:22pm

Commatron & Athnex
[View Quote]

A Bit of fun in The Sims :o)

Jan 28, 2002, 2:50am
Whats fun is to get a famaily of like 5 or more people, and make a big house
with lots of couchs and fire places, get a person to light all the
fireplaces (put couches next to fire places) and then burn the house down! A
cop will later come by and give you a ticket for being to loud, and then
call the firemen when the house is almost burnt down

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

A Bit of fun in The Sims :o)

Jan 30, 2002, 3:19am
Lol.. its a good tribute to the long lost.. and maby never again seen

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

Old AW Splash Jpgs

Jan 29, 2002, 2:09am
I have 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 browsers.... and splases (with install)

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

Old AW Splash Jpgs

Jan 29, 2002, 3:27am
lol... at one point I had 1.2... back when it was new... then my dad got a
new computer...

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Jan 31, 2002, 12:53am

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 1, 2002, 3:20am
but the moose... :((... what about a low poly moose... like block moose...
with just cubes.. and maby a celender for the neck and antlers....

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 2, 2002, 8:16pm

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

Active Worlds

Feb 5, 2002, 2:00am
Im gonna let tourest enter my wolrd! (I love the one abundent tourest, im
gonna keep one for a pet :))

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

Website Promotion

Feb 11, 2002, 3:09am
Never PUT UP ADDS!!! Its just freken annoying and its advertising!!! Mass
Advertising like that is BAD and annoying!! look at aol.. who hates them
commercials.. and cds always commin in the mail?!?? I know I do

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote] - Register with all the major search engines. Don't pay to do this, there
are ways of doing it for free.
- If you don't mind banner ads, join a link exchange program. Do thorough
research before you actually join any.
- Join webrings that are relevant to your site's purpose and audience.
- Join in and participate in newsgroups and mailing lists that are related
to your site's content.
- Make an email signature file that promotes your website with a link in it.
Every outgoing email then becomes site promotion (but don't overdo this,
only make it a two line signature - MAX.)
- Include interactivity on your site so users will keep returning to your
site. Some examples - polls, message boards, mailing lists, contests,
awards, etc.
- Include some freebies. Some examples - downloadable fonts, screensavers,
mp3s, Flash movies, website graphics/backgrounds/clipart/desktop wallpaper,
etc. You are only limited by your imagination here, and always be the legal
copyright holder of anything you give away so that you don't have legal
issues to deal with.
- Keep your content fresh. Watch your site statistics. Example - if your
users come there searching for lyrics, you might want to consider adding
lyrics to your site.


[View Quote]

National ID System

Feb 14, 2002, 3:38am
I can go buy all your personal infomation.. history, credet, criminal, tax,
history, and where you have lived since birth, and more stuff, for about 80

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]


Feb 23, 2002, 4:44am
Just out of couriocity how many of us have talked to eachother in
activeworlds or somewhere else?!?! (Not e-mail) Cuz ive only talked to a few
people in here in AW

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...

ngs on a mac?

Feb 27, 2002, 5:04am
IE and Outlook look better on a mac >:)

Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
[View Quote]

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 11, 2001, 7:04pm
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Well i read ur crap, now i have nothign agenst gays, i just font like
what soem do to me. otherwise thay can do what they want, i didnt eject

[View Quote] > (I know I cross posted this on worldbuilders, but this topic needs to
> get more exposure to the rest of the community. It's an important
> issue) Everyday, I come across world owners who play God and eject
> people who don't fit in with the rest. Just today, my friend was
> ejected from not one, but three worlds for simply stating that he was
> gay. What is shocking is that these were all AWLD owned worlds, not
> just privately owned worlds. Here is what my friend who happens to be
> a tourist and gay in real life sent me in an e-mail this morning.
> (Note: In the first convo, my friend's name is "I love Craig", and the
> GK who ejected him was named flynn 1.) "I am use to just staying in
> private worlds all the time because a majority of AW doesn't like gays
> and don't think too highly upon them. I decided that it was time to
> come out of hiding and visit some public AW worlds. I started off by
> asking if gays were allowed to be there, because usually if someone
> finds out I am gay they will eject me or torment me for it. Here is my
> first visit to awgate... (note: I had to cut short some of the
> comments made by other people not affiliated with the situation to
> save you time on reading it) Immigration Officer: Welcome to the
> Gateway to Active Worlds!"x plorer": h
> "x plorer": e
> "x plorer": l
> "x plorer": l
> "x plorer": o
> flynn 1: x plorer, be careful hon, the bot dont like ppl to scroll :)
> "x plorer": okay flynn sorry
> flynn 1: no prob x plorer, i'd hate you to get booted :)
> "I love Craig": hello
> flynn 1: hi i love craig :)
> "CYBORG": Hi
> "x plorer": You love Craig!!!!!
> "I love Craig": hi flynn
> flynn 1: no i dont!!!!
> Anonymizer: Privacy Is Our Right !
> Zerena: Does anyone know why an imigration officer would eject
> someone?
> "I love Craig": I am just wondering, but are gay people allowed here?
> "I love Craig": because usually I get ejected if someone finds out I
> am gay
> flynn 1: hope you are not gonna bring yer bugs to my party :(
> flynn 1: we have children here i love craig, we dont have that talk
> here ok?
> Zerena: Do you know why imigration would eject someone?
> "I love Craig": I am just asking
> "I love Craig": no reason for an attitude
> flynn 1: I love craig, please stop this now
> "I love Craig": I do not deserve to be treated this way
> flynn 1: oh be quiet you fool, cant you see that it isnt suitable chat
> for a place with kids?
> "I love Craig": I do not respect you calling me a fool, flynn
> "I love Craig": you are the fool here sir
> dUNcE: u are being treated the way gays should be
> flynn 1: & i dont care!
> "I love Craig": thats exactly the attitude that I dont respect
> "I love Craig": "you just don't care" about things
> flynn 1: so, report me if you have to. I don't care
> "I love Craig": Very well, I will see to it that your status gets
> revoked as gatekeeper
> Lady TeaL: This is a place to have fun, not to be tormented by
> homosexuals
> "CYBORG": Go ahead eject him
> dUNcE: Craig...u can do all the reporting u want..we will all stick up
> 4 flynn
> flynn 1: tx ppl
> "CYBORG": Homophobe
> "I love Craig": well you are just gonna protect flynn whenever he gets
> in trouble
> "I love Craig": and then he is just gonna do it again after this
> flynn 1: craig, now i'm asking you to stop or leave
> "I love Craig": stop what exactly?
> "CYBORG": Flyynn needs a big gay man to givr him a lap dance
> "I love Craig": I have done nothing wrong
> "I love Craig": except being gay...which in your mind is wrong
> dUNcE: flynn is a woman u divvocks
> Sea Swallow: flynn is not saying its wrong .... just not a subject for
> the gate
> "CYBORG": Do you want a lap dance too?
> "I love Craig": what is the subject again...refresh my memory
> flynn 1: stop this now or I will have to remove you
> UsuL 2: Cyborg , you need to keep your comments G -rated too
> "CYBORG": You need one
> "CYBORG": A lap dance on your laptop
> flynn 1: gay people aren't suitable for children in the gate
> flynn 1: If someone offends you in any way, remember you can mute them
> by right clicking on their avatar & selecting mute........Wonderful
> feature!
> "I love Craig": I don't mean to be rude...but there are children of
> the homosexual decent
> UsuL 2: lap dances are hardly G-rated
> flynn 1: If you are unsure of the few rules we have here, please type
> "world ruIes" you will be shown our guidelines... thank you!
> "I love Craig": world rules
> "CYBORG": Howq do you know what a lap dance is? Ms. G-rated
> "I love Craig": I don't mean to stir an arguement
> "I love Craig": but I just want to remain in the gate for being myself
> and nothing else
> dUNcE: wtf has flynn done anyway Craig?
> "I love Craig": flynn has been wanting to eject me because I am gay
> Luggage: Is there a GK on duty ?
> "I love Craig": and my name isn't craig
> SMOKE JUMPER1: thats your freedom of choice but i dont want too see it
> "I love Craig": it's who I love, not my real name
> Lady TeaL: Craig leave it alone She is just doing her Job She isn't
> against anyone
> "I love Craig": but she is doing her job wrong. she is clearly against
> gays
> "MentalyDisturbed": no GKs on duty!!! to good to be true
> "CYBORG": You can[t help who you love -- yoou
> "CYBORG": you're just gay
> "I love Craig": and where does it say in her job descirption that you
> eject homosexual people?
> "I love Craig": homosexuals are people too, you know
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate
> After I was ejected for simply being who I am, I wanted to see if I
> would be ejected from other worlds for being gay too. I headed on over
> to AWTeen, and the rest explains itself.
> Also note what CYBORG has said through the entire convo. He
> continually expresses offensive comments, yet the GK's only go as far
> as warning him and CYBORG still doesn't stop. Obviously the GK's don't
> really care as much about offensive comments than they do about gay
> people.
> Immigration Officer: Welcome to AWTeen! Be sure to attend the Date
> That Geek competition today at 7PM VRT! More information can be found
> at! A public meeting will be held
> today at 5PM at 19s 3e with XelNaga, Elana87, and MoonBeam!
> [Customs Aide]: Welcome, "I love Craig". For the Conduct Guidelines
> please say World Rules or see
> [Chess Bot]: Welcome to AWTeen, "I love Craig"! Come to the AWTeen
> Game Center South of GZ to play a game of chess or tic-tac-toe! More
> games will be added soon!
> "I love Craig": hello
> "I love Craig": are gay people allowed in this world or no?
> TrekkerX: yes unfortunaly
> "I love Craig": unfortunately?
> "I love Craig": why is being gay a bad thing?
> TrekkerX: goto theworld Gay for gays you gay
> "I love Craig": no I will stay here
> TrekkerX: i dont like gays
> "I love Craig": well that is your problem
> TrekkerX: they do werd things to me
> Nornny: who even does like gays these days?
> "I love Craig": but please dont start an arugment with me about being
> gay
> Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awteen
> This one was a lot shorter than the first. I wasn't even given a
> warning for "being gay".
> As you can see, I am deeply hurt by all this. The combined immaturity
> and the lack of respect for other people make your little GK "helping
> hand" program a disgrace. You should enforce better screenings, and
> mandatory monitoring of all GK and PK related activity. And violation
> should result to a punishment that equal to the guideline broken. If
> someone applies to be a GK or a PK, they should first become a Junior
> PK or GK or something of the same equivalency. They will be monitored
> and tested at random times without them knowing to see how they
> handle certain situations. Maybe you should even go as far as policing
> your own police. Right now you have the GKs and PKs policing the
> community, yet no one policing them. Setting up an internal or
> external affairs unit would resolve all conflicts between GKs & PKs
> and the community. They should stop playing God, because there not
> good at it. Please do something...
> My people have spoken"
> This kind of stuff shouldn't be happening and it is a disgrace that
> not only is it happening in the real world, but also online. You all
> should be ashamed of yourselves for depriving someone of there fun on
> the internet simply because of who they are.

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Well i read ur crap, now i have nothign agenst gays, i just font like what
soem do to me. otherwise thay can do what they want, i didnt eject anyone
[View Quote] --------------13A67EC03209620483611168--

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 12, 2001, 4:58am
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Nothing Illegal but some have touched me need my waist and i didnt like
it stuff like that

[View Quote] > What gays do to you? What do they do?
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
Nothing Illegal but some have touched me need my waist and i didnt like
it stuff like that
[View Quote] </body>


Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 12, 2001, 5:00am
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Dont make fun of Star Trek!!!!

[View Quote] > HIPPOCRITE ALERT!!!!!!! brrrring brrrring Take her out of Warp, Mr. Data,
> and settle into orbit around the planet!
> -John Viper
[View Quote]

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 12, 2001, 5:08am
I would liek to ride a broom. And whats wwrong with being a certian relogon?? huh
im Gothic and no one relly cares cuz its America the land of the Free!!! (see
first Admendemt) And i have no problem with being a wich or goren or Gothic or a
Aniarchest (wich is beeing accused of being a bad thing) or anything else i can
thinck of. So relly why dose anyone care it gets boring reading ppl cuss out
eachother about riding broom sticks and stuff

[View Quote] > umm, there are quite a few of us in AW and no I don't ride a broom
> around in AW or anyplace else. None of my objects have anything to do
> with being a witch. If you purchased any of my objects and feel like
> maybe they have some sort of spell on them invading your brain and
> making you do things you really do not want to do, well, just delete
> them and I'm sure everything will be back to normal with you. hahaha
> geeze, your eyes must be about a half an inch apart with such a narrow
> mind behind them.... btw, I'm going to a Full Moon Ritual tonight in
> all my ritual attire (robe, athame, etc) and if you want, I'll look in
> on you and make sure you are safe... I wouldn't want any thing bad to
> happen to you...
[View Quote]

Homosexuals being ejected from AWLD worlds...

Feb 14, 2001, 8:58pm
I know i cant spell, im 13, i relly dont care how i spell, i could make it look
better if i used spell check, but it dont wat to

[View Quote] > Gothic isn't a religion...
> Moron isn't either, but you seem to practice it quite well. :P How old are
> you? Your spelling is atrocious.
> -Myrth
[View Quote]

I just...

Feb 28, 2001, 4:58am
Pks Suck, if one enters my world i eject em, lol. I just dont like pks, thats

[View Quote] > When I become a full-fledged PK, I won't have any jurisdiction in this NG,
> but I can make suggestions. ;)
> Shoving facts in his face only makes the situation worse. It hurts the
> person on the other end, and let's not forget that. Several people have
> done this, and not just Lane.
> Next time Lanezeri comes at someone with a searing remark, don't hit back,
> and vice-versa. It'll make the NGs a lot better place, I think.
> :)
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

GOTO news://

Feb 28, 2001, 3:57am
Got to news:// for AFMs newsgroup, no one is there, so go
there and make it a good one, it has everything from AW to Saturnight
TVshows and stuff on it.


Apr 4, 2001, 11:17pm
The new ZeeBot (wich is the one ive been working on) is releced it dosnt
do much but I want people to try it out, and stuff, its Beta so report
any bugs to me TrekkerX

[ T r e k k e r X ]


Apr 18, 2001, 10:45pm
Why are they doing that????????? Stupid internet serves dont want you to be making money, just liek AOL, lol

[View Quote] > number got pulled, i guess you could say.. got an e-mail from at Home.. telling me i can't host anything.. I understand not
> hosting for people.. but I'm trying to convince them to at least let me host my own.. i've spent so much time and money on my worlds
> and object path.. maybe i'm out of line by requesting you all e-mail them in my support.. but it's hard to see something you've
> worked so hard on, so long on, and spent so much on, just go off into the sunset.. I understand with them i'm not supposed to host
> anything.. but it's just so hard.. it's tooken seven months to get survivor where it is today.. and to see it all gone is just a
> hearbreak for me.. so.. please.. if you have the time.. just send them a little notice that you would like to see Vernon Bell's
> at Home account ( ( remain open.. maybe you don't like me, or my world.. you don't have to
> do it for me or for my world.. but at least do it for my dream.... thanks..
> :.-(
> Sadly, yet sincerely, yours,
> John Bell
> Here is the e-mail i got today that ruined a lot more then my attitude..
> You are in violation of the at Home Acceptable Use Policy, available at
> at Home network residential customers may not resell, share, or otherwise
> distribute the Services or any portion thereof to any third party without
> the written consent of at Home. For example, you cannot provide Internet
> access to others through a dial up connection, host shell accounts over the
> Internet, provide email or news service, or send a news feed.
> You may not run a server in connection with the at Home residential service,
> nor may you provide network services to others via the at Home residential
> service. The at Home residential service includes personal Webspace accounts
> for publishing personal Web pages. Examples of prohibited uses include, but
> are not limited to, running servers for mail, http, ftp, irc, and dhcp, and
> multi-user interactive forums. For information about at Work products for
> commercial or network services purposes, including commercial-grade remote
> LAN access, please see <>.
> Prohibited activities include... disseminating material which violates the
> copyright or other intellectual property rights of others. You assume all
> risks regarding the determination of whether material is in the public
> domain.
> Action Required: Remove all servers/copyrighted materials immediately.
> Failure to comply will result in the termination of your service. Reply to
> this warning acknowledging you have received and understand the
> violation(s).
> Cory Altheide
> Internet Security Coordinator
> AT&T Broadband Legal Demands Center
> abuse at
> (800)871-6298
> Message-ID: <3A8849A4.109 at>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:37:56 -0600
> From: K y l e <shred at>
> ***
> ... a new news server to get the 'ole keyboards rattlin'. Hey JBell, what
> kinda connection is this hosted on?
> From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>
> ***
> cable.. it might seem slow to run a news server on.. but connections are so
> inoften, when you think about it.. they are only connected to DL messages,
> and to send messages.. all the time reading is not connected.. so really it
> doesn't take much at all... a lot less bandwidth then hosting a world,
> which i do three of, and they work fine.. hehe
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> Message-ID: <3A888341.5060002 at>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:43:45 -0600
> From: K y l e <shred at>
> ***
> Cable will probably do well as long as you don't get too much traffic. Just
> make sure your visitors don't post huge files or in HTML.
> --
> K y l e
> Triton Dynamics, Inc.
> "Through cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
> From: "JBell" <jbell1983 at>
> ***
> html posts suck... they take longer to DL and on my side-more space.. not
> that posts take much space to begin with.. but still!
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> [cba at securityscan cba]$ scann
> Tue Apr 17 17:40:00 EDT 2001
> Starting nmap V. 2.53 by fyodor at <mailto:fyodor at> (
> <> )
> Interesting ports on (
> (The 1516 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
> Port State Service
> 21/tcp open ftp
> 80/tcp open http
> 81/tcp open hosts2-ns
> 119/tcp open nntp
> 135/tcp open loc-srv
> 137/tcp filtered netbios-ns
> 138/tcp filtered netbios-dgm
> 139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
> 641/tcp open unknown
> 653/tcp open unknown
> 1080/tcp filtered socks
> TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
> Difficulty=18613 (Worthy challenge)
> Remote operating system guess: Windows 2000 RC1 through final release
> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 70 seconds


Apr 19, 2001, 2:05am
No duh Builderz, of corse they want more money for people that are running servers,
but still even if they are using more bandwith why should they be doing that, its the same
if someone has cabel and leaves napster on 24/7 its basicaly the same thing. Bet they dont get napster users
about that >:-) You people act like I dont know anything. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU especaly the people
from StuffX and there stuff you guys have problems, one question How many of "your" bots do you sell
Or how about how many worlds do you host? Do you even sell anything?
Who would bother? Cuz I know me and J B E L L would never use your stuff
cuz it sucks.

~ TrekkerX

[View Quote] > The reason at Home sent J B E L L a warning e-mail is because hosting ANY
> type of server is against at Home's Terms of Service agreement. J B E L L
> doesn't want to have his entire cable modem access revoked, so he is
> complying with at Home and shutting down his servers. at Home probably wants
> their users to sign up for their at Work service (in which you CAN host
> servers), designed for businesses. The at Work service is more expensive
> per month, so in turn, at Home (the company) makes more money. This isn't
> entirely how it works, but it a simplified explanation.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 10:39pm
Yea.. liek J B E L L is gonna spend lots of money and move a long ways just so he can pay less for cabel... real
smart.... lol... Just get DSL if ya can (Sometiems its faster)

[View Quote] > Very intelligent suggestion... "Yeah, why don't you move then?"
> I wouldn't use anything associated with Time Warner for Internet connectivity as they now effectively ARE AOL...
> -Agent1
[View Quote]

WHo here dosnt liek Lanezeri?

Aug 2, 2001, 4:33pm
I dont like him!!!


Aug 2, 2001, 11:09pm
ZeeBot Version 1.0.0 Beta, is now available for download, on an Open
Beta Program.


If you encounter any errors, e-mail me at zac at, and I will
try and fix them.

Thank you ~ TrekkerX

(e-mail from Lanerzi, will be ignored, and deleted)

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