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trekkerx // User SearchSample C++ BotOct 3, 2001, 9:53pm
yea a real complex example. I have no clue what half the commands are in there.
I just want one that dose stuff like respond to people, and stuff, a little bit more that whan the AW ones are. Im having problems with responding in my bot. [View Quote] > but it's still an example.. > > -- > > Lanezeri > Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X > > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron Inc Sample C++ BotOct 4, 2001, 2:31am
Mostly getting the bot to respond to a person. There are some minor other problems to.
[View Quote] > What sorts of problems? > > -Agent1 > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron Inc Open/Close FilesOct 18, 2001, 12:54am
I only rember the Print File commands off the top of my head. Im to lazy to
go and read it from one of my programs. I use C++ now so I dont use VB as much. 'Print to File Public Sub PFile(File as string, message as string) Open File as output as #1 print #1, message Close #1 Exit Sub I hope it works Lanezeri. [View Quote] > VB > > -- > > Lanezeri > Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X > > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron Ultimate Paintball Bot problemsOct 30, 2001, 2:28am
I have the same problem, brant ether dosent get my e-mails or telegrams, or hes
icnoring me... That program has more bugs then microsoft programs... lol [View Quote] > Ask brant, its his bot. I've had the same trouble with it, i think its just > broke and he's too busy/lazy to fix it lol. > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron Bot IdeasNov 17, 2001, 6:16pm
Thats gonna be my next bot. A deer bot thing. Gonna be hard and its gonna
probly not work right but oh well... But Ide like to see a bot that can carry on a conversation and acculay be somewhat intellegent, and notice what people act like and how it should act, also it should learn and be abel to have diffrent personalitys. [View Quote] > one day I'll improve my FoxBot to be like those bots... > > KAH > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron (when its up) Bot IdeasNov 20, 2001, 12:21am
Yeah just ask for the bot all shady like... and then when you get it tell us you
have it and put it up on the web! [View Quote] > who said anything bout taking credit for something he did? it's done obvious > you didn't make the bot. > > Tyberius [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron (when its up) Animal BotNov 25, 2001, 12:06am
Okay, I made a animal bot thats kinda screwy, but it works. Read the
readMe.txt (It explains some stuff) If anyone wants the source e-mail me. (Its probly not a good idea to use it as a learning tool lol, but oh well) I hope it works for yall -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron (when its up) Animal BotNov 25, 2001, 10:08pm
thats what i frogot... lol,
[View Quote] > I assume it's either on or, just too bad the DNS > entry of pointed to an unexisting IP and that > displayed a DNS2Go status page... maybe you should upload it to a dedicated > server? > > KAH > [View Quote] -- TrekkerX - CEO Commatron (when its up) didn't knowDec 3, 2001, 11:37pm
Yes, I use MSVC++ and the only problem I has was not knowing all the
features it has :) But otherwise C++ is very good and I support VC++ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 4, 2001, 12:36am
Whats wrong with C or C++? What language should I learn to be an "accepted
programmer"? Visual Basic??? -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 4, 2001, 3:17am
Look liked you said shouldent use it or something
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 4, 2001, 10:03pm
I haven't had any problems with Microsoft VC++. And I support the products.
Yeah, I want see some evidence that there programs are illegal, or something. The windows C/C++ compiler for MSVC++ is made by Microsoft (The same people that made the Win 9x/ NT/ ME and XP) So they know how the stuff works. There's a lot of documentation, and help on the platform and development and using the software such as VC++ and FoxPro and J++ ect... There software is expecive but if you have a studient ID, and some people that are teachers you can get student/teacher editions wich is basicly cheiper.... Also the debug editions of the compiled exe is way diffrent from the release.... If you want me to explain the diffrences e-mail me :) So if you look at the Debug compaierd to the Release -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 6, 2001, 12:53am
Well... theres been a lot of "supposed" conspericys such as the Illumiti (My
favorite) Aliens... Microsoft taking over the computer world... and so on. Im for some of the Microsoft programs (Im not being paid to do this ether >:) ) And want to see hard evidence that Microsoft is pure evil and all lies... and is bent on taking over the market (But who dont want to run the market?) Maybe if some people took the time to research the facts and look it up and not believe the first thing they hear the world would be a better place. I cant say Microsoft is perfect or anything (No one is, or will be) And have don't some sleazy things. And so have many other companies. Ide like to see some company thats perfict and everyone should be like. . . Also just because you dont like something dosn't make it evil or bad, just means you dont like it. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 6, 2001, 11:17pm
He seems hate companys with a larger than 75% grasp on the market, and
monolpys... He hates them all it seems like. He dont like DishNetwork cuz they own all the satellite companys and there the only ones left. Seemingly Microsoft is a huge company but is not a monolpy... there are thousdands of software develpors out there Many we all know and some we dont. So whats wrong with microsoft??? Maby its because there a big company that makes a lot of money we want... Or maby there just selling things better and other people cant make enought money to compete so they think there evil... -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 7, 2001, 12:50am
Limme explain do your home work next time... Dish Net is the only one
left... TimeWarner dont exist no more, nether Does PrimeStar... DirectTV is still around but Dish Net bought them... so technaly Dishnetwork owns all of them.Also Direct TV Ownd primestar before dish owned them. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 7, 2001, 12:56am
Not as a TV satellite company it dont >:) Stupid AOL
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] didn't knowDec 7, 2001, 1:00am
Not satellite TV enterinment by way of Television
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Goten...stop posting so much or we'll all vote you off (n/t)Dec 6, 2001, 12:54am
I vote him off! Whos with me?
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Animal Bot 1.1Dec 7, 2001, 12:54am
I finished working on a new version of my Animal Bot. Some bugs have been
fixed and the random movement is better. Also you can keep the bot within a certain area now. Download it at -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex Animal Bot 1.1Dec 7, 2001, 2:18am
Nahh... just walks around randomly... you can get Avatars and stuff for it.
You can also change the speed so it can be a fast or slow moving -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Animal Bot 1.1Dec 30, 2001, 7:37pm
What if they dont have one???
Thats pretty smart.. wish I thought of that... -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] is there a bot program out there that.Dec 15, 2001, 1:09am
Xelagot scripting is pretty simple try learning that before starting to
program bots in languages you dont know to much about. HamBot is also another simple one :) -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] testingDec 15, 2001, 4:17am
Finaly :p And I always icnore you >:)
-- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] bot urlsJan 1, 2002, 1:53am has some bots by me :)
-- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Paintball ScriptJan 5, 2002, 6:10pm
All I know is that J B E L L just dissapered one day... maby he did somethin
and is runnin from the law... lol -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Paintball ScriptJan 5, 2002, 6:40pm
Yeah I do have an earler version of it. He modafyed some stuff after I gave
it to him. So I dont have the last one he used. Agent Fox MuLder I know has it. -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Paintball ScriptJan 6, 2002, 6:27am
I might be abel to get Fox to give it to me.. then to you but I cant
garentee -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Paintball ScriptJan 7, 2002, 1:31am
Well he did ask me if I should give it to you... Aperintly he didnt do what
I said. -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] problemJan 16, 2002, 1:30am
Patiants is mandatory for programming, if you dont have much your gonna give
up and never learn it. -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex [View Quote] Offline Bot TestingFeb 27, 2002, 5:01am
Dont know bout the sleep part... you would probly fall over and sleep for 30
hours... -- TrekkerX Commatron & Athnex Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff... [View Quote] |