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er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 26, 2001, 5:08pm
Typos in that, thinks = things, I think should be removed :)

- YP :)

[View Quote]

er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 26, 2001, 10:44pm
Well, the page source did have the META Author set to Roland on many of the
pages, and most of the problems/typos/need change things were fixed that day

[View Quote]

er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 26, 2001, 10:52pm
LOL... Not like I said I was better than you or anything but don't brag
about "Since 1992" because experience doesn't mean much to me :) What you
can acttually do is what matters. I know you can do many things better than
me but you dis Roland's programming all the time, and if I am correct, you
don't know how to, or you are not on Roland's level. Also, AW is not your
program therefore you waste alot of time telling how AW should be. Not
everyone is an Eep and likes everything Eep likes. So maybe you should be
"put in your place". I would put you on Filter but your posts are too funny
and ensures I don't get cancer since its said laughing helps prevent it. :)

- YP

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er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 27, 2001, 12:31am
Read the things after the "#" :)

- YP

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er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 27, 2001, 1:27am
LOL... for some reason I'm not afraid of Eep killing me since he'll end up
killing the wrong person because he doesn't know what I look like or a clue
of where I live in Maryland :)

[View Quote]


Aug 24, 2001, 7:21pm
Well, good free hosts are and if you want a good pay-host, is one of the best, and are both hosted by
it, and both pages load fast for me.
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] [View Quote] > geocities suxx for website specialy if your serving zip files from one
[View Quote] sit up soon

Sep 5, 2001, 11:08pm
child? he's over 16 I believe, he has devoted much time to that, and a lot of people like it, I
think they have like 130 members, covering a fully built massive area, and SW City has won 2 cy
awards, and I find it very rude of you to insult their cool ongoing project.
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] [View Quote] sit up soon

Sep 5, 2001, 11:17pm
oh, well close enough...

[View Quote] But we have won 2 awards for SW City related projects. Hyrule and

SW Chris
p.s. If you want to know what we're really all about, come to our public
town hall meeting this Saturday at 10pm VRT. Just telegram one of us staff
members for the location.

[View Quote]

Aw 3.2

Aug 31, 2001, 7:30pm
Hmmm, that's quite hard, Criterion is a company, with a "guess" of mine, atleast 7-8
programmers, minimum, what do you expect from 1 ? But, maybe AW could try panardvision, I looked
over the API Docs and it looks cool,, take a look at screenshots, keep in
mind the shadows are real, not like Eep's technique, or a trick with trees and a floor ob (not
that its bad, but AW provides no other method currently).

Young Phalpha

[View Quote]
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 2:48am
uhh, you mean the difference of 150-300 milliseconds or so is that much? :)
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 11:59pm
that's odd, I have a 56k, hmmm... :/
Young Phalpha

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Ejected for telling the truth...????

Sep 17, 2001, 8:27pm
lol, I think they should change their welcome message, its currently:

"Welcome To Memorial. Our concerns and prayers go out to the citizens of New York City,
Washington DC and all those affected. Memorials and thoughts can be made and left. Please help
the Red Cross! To donate money: 1800-help-now blood: 1800-give-life"

I would use HTML to underline some parts but "thoughts can be made and left" I think is what is
wrong it it...
Young Phalpha


CPU Problems.

Sep 24, 2001, 6:21pm
I don't know how to fix it, but nice system :)

[View Quote] Here's what I have:
1ghz AMD K7 T-Bird Processor
Sound Blaster LIVE! Audio Card
nVidia eVGA Video Card, 64 MB
640.0 MB Ram. (yes, 640, wasn't a typo)
MSI K7T Turbo Limited Edition Mother Board
20 GB Western Digital 7200 RPM Hard Drive

My Problem:
A) When Launching Active Worlds version 3.1, the mouse cursor becomes hourglass; busy; and
remains that way untill selecting
something at which it returns to normal state, without 3.1 opening. When I Control-Alt-Del, it
shows the program 'Aworld' as
active. I have installed, un-installed, and re-installed it numerous times to no avail. Any
Ideas on a possible problem would be
greatly appreciated, as it would on the problem below.

B) Not AW Related, but I was hoping to get your input. Whenever launching an audio application,
I get an error stating that the
audio driver is already in use, thus not allowing me to have ANY audio. I honestly have no idea
what the problem could be, but I
would be very happy if you all could help me resolve both without having to take the system in,

- J B

*deletes 3.2*

Sep 25, 2001, 10:04pm
Do you have the latest version of Windows Media Player? Its 7.1 I think, also, hardware specs as
well so I might be able to forward this to the beta NG's which Roland reads? Thanks :)

[View Quote]

*deletes 3.2*

Sep 26, 2001, 12:21am
thanks for saving me the typing of that, hehe :)

[View Quote]
[View Quote]

did Roland rush out 3.2?

Sep 27, 2001, 1:02am
When I was beta testing 3.2 the bugs I had found were mostly non-visual, except for a post about
opacity changes I encountered but figured that would only ever happen in a place with lots of
opacity, but otherwise I didn't see any other visual bug. Having latest drivers and DirectX
helps a lot :)

[View Quote] [View Quote]

What did we do to aw to deserve this

Sep 28, 2001, 6:30pm
I have a backup of all my teleports and contacts and telegrams... 3.2 installed fine for me, and
some people are complaining, I myself think there's an adjustment in the FPS throttle that's
undocumented, because I don't go over 25 FPS and my limit is 20, but at "complex" areas frames
are the same :) Anyways, backup things and if your unsure about a version keep it and make a new
dir for the upgrade, like install in C:/Active Worlds 3.2 or something :)

[View Quote] So if u were on my contacts list Please tgram Me

There Is A Wolf In Sheep Clothing Loose In Active Worlds

Oct 4, 2001, 6:07pm
1. Make sure your email is not your ISP, and second, find someone who will host your page
instead of using public services... Just making sure your stuff doesn't go down again :)

[View Quote] Ananas has lied and he has hurt his friend and my wife
Dreamtime he has done awful stuff to protect his pride.

He doesn't seem to mind who he drags into his lies, he
said last night to me (in a gram) that he had permission
from the world owner (his lover Carolann) that he had
permission to delete my build - I have her response to
me in an email at the time of the attack - she was genuinely
as shocked and surprised as I was - as everyone was.

Ananas hasn't the balls to admit even that he acted alone
- he is not man enough, he needs still to hide behind the
skirts of his women. Well Carolann I pity you as much as
I pity him... Hey and I will take the website down - for now
not because I want to but because I know Homesteads
reputation in these matters... It will be back tho...

[View Quote]

Alpha World Ground Zero Incident

Oct 4, 2001, 11:51pm
MrGrimm and 9 9 9 are the same person, and PHP would supposedly be as well, MrGrimm uses that a
lot, but I don't think AW would like 3 PS's at AWGZ, if he gave special rights to people without
AW permission, then that is considered rights abuse and which you should email
cof at or abuse at You CAN NOT be ejected for muting someone in
bold, but if you say something bad they can still eject you, and if you don't get a warning
that's your fault. Nor can you be warned for that :) Anyways, <nice> don't post 147kb messages,
and noone complain at him, I don't want a flame war happening :)

[View Quote] MrGrimm
9 9 9 (Whose citizen number was 999 when I right clicked on his avatar.)

At first I thought they hacked AW, then as you will read towards the end of
this log, 9 9 9 tells me he is an employee demoing AW to some friends and
they got carried away.

I took pictures of the varmits; although, I'm ashamed to admit I did have to
portray a "tart" to get the Santa picture, (which I am still recovering from
((wiping off mouth)), yuck).

It's dirty business but I love it.

What's to be done about it? PK's take care of the immediate problem, I
suppose, but the thing I wonder about is why no explanation from AW, Inc in
regards to this incident. They remain quiet. Maybe they do so because they
are tired of being attacked over the least little thing from citizens. They
sit in their chairs, sad, wishing they could reach out and touch a tree.rwx
or a flower2.rwx, but afraid they'll be hacked and cursed by twisted people
whose only desire is to see their demise. In the end we suffer with random
acts of their eject-o-holism and they suffer from our personal attacks and

What a mess.

AW Explorer



What does it take?

Oct 12, 2001, 5:42pm
The ACLU is for when you are wronged by government judicial systems, not company judicial

[View Quote]

[View Quote] > Hi Everyone,
> Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
> I wanted to correct the inaccuracies in "peace walkers" last post.
> The "Insanity" account was blocked from this newsgroup do it's use in
> posting what I felt was a attack on another user. I removed that post and
> banned the "Insanity" account as I said I would in the thread labeled
> "People value". If I had any intention of trying to censor Insanity's
> original post I would have removed it from this newsgroup. I never had any
> intention of doing so as I felt it was important for the community to hear
> both sides and make up their own minds. In addition if I had wanted to
> censor you I would have banned your "peace walker" account as well.
> On another note, in case you only see the post by "peace walker" I never
> said, "it's SAFE to send your Credit Card via open e-mail". What I did say
> was, "I feel e-mail is safe enough for me and choose to leave it up to the
> customer as to what methods they prefer and trust."
> I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you again for taking the time to
> read this post.
> Sincerely
> Tom Fournier
> Customer Service / Sales Manager
> Inc.
> 95 Parker St.
> Newburyport, MA 01950
[View Quote]

People needed to tear something apart

Oct 12, 2001, 5:46pm
When you set IE's text size to something else when you hover over links that are made bold on
that hover, your tables get a changed size, maybe having it just change to a slightly lighter
color would work alittle better :) Nice otherwise though...

[View Quote] I spent the last few weeks working on the website on and off, and I finished
it last night. Nobody I telegrammed with the preview of the site was able
to find anything wrong (broken links, bad grammar, messed up pictures, etc),
but those people weren't the most knowledgable in HTML either.

The site is located at
I'll publish it to the main server after I see if anyone finds any problems
with it. Feel free to post comments, or more likely, flames.


People needed to tear something apart

Oct 13, 2001, 8:11pm
Well, this is why Dreamweaver is the best, you can edit the tags in split-view :)

[View Quote] Bille

[View Quote] > MS sets the standards in EVERY field, lol, whether we like it or not. I
> looked at some statistics showing that only 5% of the current web users use
> netsape 4.76 anyway, and besides, you can't even set AW to call a netscape
> window - that was removed in build 375. Most of our audience will be
> viewing the site in IE, but I'll look into how I can fix this without having
> to redesign the site using a different editor.
[View Quote]

Help please:)--Fair World Server Pricing?

Oct 20, 2001, 10:11pm
uhhhh, there might be several, not many, but how many of them have proved reliable? How many of
them are just DSL or cable owners who host worlds off their main/only computer? Also this is as
well OP hosting...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Halloween Scavenger Hunt in A'tuin+

Oct 20, 2001, 10:16pm
Ohh they have P50 3D Homepages now? Hmmm, not on the pricing list. Stop your personal attacks,
because your really starting to piss me off about it.

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Nov 14, 2001, 9:57pm
Its undergoing maintenance...

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Jan 14, 2002, 1:33am
HamFon once told me theres something like 300 some bots he runs alot (most likely 24/7)

[View Quote] Now, this number could be off by like, 500 MB, because you don't always have
486 users on at a time, sometimes you have less, sometimes more. It would
be interesting to see someone create a bot that would gauge the bandwidth
coming out of the AW uniserver. Oh, don't forget about 24/7 bots that are
running around AW.

Also, add to the bandwidth world heartbeats, client heartbeats, bot
heartbeats, world license information, citizen logon and registration, etc.
It could get up to a very BIG number.

I could be waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy off with this, but, I don't think I am.


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Feb 6, 2002, 10:17pm
I heard it was 300 million for a 30 second commercial :)

[View Quote] --
Commatron & Athnex
Anti AOL Activist, and some other stuff...
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Alpha World, 1490 meters high at 0n 0e

Feb 8, 2002, 8:38pm
AW's 400 meter limitation on the viewpoint is 3D so you can't see stuff like that :)

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Feb 16, 2002, 5:14am
I'm pressuring DM Mercury to convert DM Aide (in AD&DRPG) to convert to C++ as well... Hopefully
after she finishes the version shes working on she'll make the next version C++ :)

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See ya...

Feb 26, 2002, 12:27am
just because someone announced they wont be posting in the NG's makes you think hes trying to
look special? Grow up...

[View Quote] KAH

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