j b e l l // User Search
j b e l l // User Search
Nov 15, 2002, 3:38pm
Yes, what sort of team would upload and check hundreds of daily requests in
a timely manner..?
[View Quote]"ingiebee" <ingiebee at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3dcf718f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I was also thinking there could be an Avatar approval group, who would
> the AV, and if it is rated R, then it could only be used in R and up type
> worlds, if G then, it could go anywhere. I mean, we don't need to have
> limited.
> "bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
> news:3dcd3c43 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> let you
Nov 15, 2002, 3:33pm
This would require one feature that I could see needing, and a great feature
that I have yet to think of: objects with actions that create you to have a
certain gesture.. (not neccessarily on the avitars.dat too, so it could be
used only when appropriate and not ahve a person sitting in mid air or
pedaling as they walk)
there could be a "sitting" gesture that the action code of the couch calls
the avatar to do.. hmm.. think i'll put this as a seperate post as well..
seems interesting to me :-)
[View Quote]"ingiebee" <ingiebee at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3dcf7325$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Could you make it so that if you touch a couch, or chair, you use it? I
> mean, you sit down? or a bed, you lay down, sitting in AW would help the
> realism alot. It really would be great if an object could be created with
> an interaction ability, and when "used" it would call up a seq which would
> make the AV sit, until "unused"
> Is this impossible to implement? I mean, we don't even have that many
> actions available to us, nor the ability to sit (on the floor) like you
> in almost every RPG game. Is AW cornered by it's architecture in some
> Just wondering, thanks, Ingie
> Oh, and how can I get a copy of the beta 3.4? Is it available for all to
> beta test? Thanks again, Love Ingie
Nov 15, 2002, 3:34pm
oh, lol, yup.. there ya go... should have read more of the replies before
posting my own :-) sorry.. hehe
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3DCFEB55.EB3588FE at oct31.de...
> It should be possible to implement something like :
> bump seq 5 (or activate)
> or so - but that would require to have this sequence on
> the same position for all avatars.
> When the beta isn't beta anymore, a bot could do it with
> aw_avatar_set()
> ingiebee wrote:
Nov 15, 2002, 3:30pm
keep in mind information is broadcasted/recieved bit by bit. :-)
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dd17faf at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ive noticed allot of the time that the browser, sdk, servers etc depend
allot on the aw protocal, which while cute, requires allot of updating for
each feature.
> Id like to see a DataString command incorporated into the main AW system
that would allow a large ammount of data to be set, sent, or recieved about
a world, avatar etc in a single string.
> For example, Custom Avatars...
> You have a standard rick avatar with its textures applied onto its models.
> '[<cAv(shirt=av_skin9.jpg,trousers=psy2.jpg)><msg(message='A security
guard with flashy trousers')>]
> The browser can take this single string, and then interprit its data
directly saying that the avatar has a av_skin9.jpg texture for its body, and
psy2.jpg for its trousers, while if you mouve your move over this Av it
could say "A security guard with flashy trousers"...
> Seems a decent idea, possable or not.. im unsure? The basic idea is for
the string to be transfered, the clients at either end interprit it saving a
tonne of protocal updates for every single feature.
> - Mark
Nov 15, 2002, 3:29pm
Excluding people on the world right's list has been a feature asked for for
ages: but if you recall on the "feature vote" aw has up, custom AVs have
defeated this one overwhelmingly, so I guess people like us will have to
hold off until more people realize what an amazing feature this would be.
[View Quote]"sir holden" <nrholden at myrealbox.com> wrote in message
news:3dd1839a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bowen informed me that the following is not currently possidble, so i'd
> really like to see this
> (__/\/¤~~~~-=Sir Holden=-~~~~¤\/\__)
> ======================
> Nick Holden
> nrholden at myrealbox.com
> ======================
> If YoU wRiTe LiKe ThIs, DoNt BoThEr RePlyInG
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "sir holden" <nrholden at myrealbox.com>
> Newsgroups: worldbuilders
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 5:16 PM
> Subject: Excluding Builders
> example,
> my
Nov 15, 2002, 3:27pm
A) That was originally one of the major things differentiating the user
levels of tourist and citizen
B) Tourists can not run bots - if they could; keep in mind they all share
citnumber 0, i'm sure the botlimit would fill very fast.. and which one of
these grey's would determine the ppw? ;-)
[View Quote]"sgeo" <oegs at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3dd29380$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It would be nice if tourists could run bots to protect their cities. :-)
Nov 15, 2002, 3:26pm
These are stored on the server, not in the compromisable cache of AW, and
therefor not available in standalone mode.. (thank goodness, I wouldn't want
someone altering their cache after the world DLs to give themself whatever
rights they please, lol, even if they don't hold world-wide.. it would just
be an easier way for an amatuer to do a makeshift "awhack"
[View Quote]"sgeo" <oegs at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3dd29e7d$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Would it be possible to have Object Selection in any world in standalone
> mode? Also, it would be nice if I could look at the World Features dialog
> Standalone mode.
Nov 15, 2002, 3:24pm
Aye - Bless AW for their ability to allow such flexibility with bots :-)
they are amazing..
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3dd2b419 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "sir holden" <nrholden at myrealbox.com> wrote in message
> news:3dd2b2c0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Only a caretaker bot can do it. If you set up a bot that checks if a user
is allowed
> to send a console message, then I'm sure you could be fine with a bot
managing a
> console message system.
> --Bowen--
Nov 15, 2002, 3:23pm
AW is *NOT* written in vb.. and also note that ; breaks the action into a
seperate tag all together, follow your actions with a ; and type your
comments and they will not effect the action whatsoever..
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dd2d69e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A little space to store extra info about an object would be very very much
apreciated. Call it Tag or something such as on Objects in Visual Basic 6,
..NET etc...
> That way we dont have to risk having it show up when people put their
mouse over the object (if we use the description) or mess up the action (if
we use the action command box).
> Just 50 bytes or something that can be used to give objects more
interaction with bots, such as searching like...
> if(aw_string(AW_OBJECT_TAG)=="GZ Base"){
> /* This would identify the object as having GZ base on it
> this feature could be very very very usefull if it could be used as
> a name tag for the object as well as the standard create name.
> */
> }
> - Mark
Nov 15, 2002, 3:21pm
I think I've ran across a bot that did this once.. but I could have been
hallucinating it..
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3dd4d2a6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> More of a "I could find a use for ..." that an "I'd like ..." but now that
> contacts are managed on the server, how about the ability for SDK
> applications logged in using Universe Administrator privs being able to
> retrieve a citizens contact list and receiving citizen focussed contact
> state events (as well as new events for adding/deleting contacts)? And the
> ability to manage citizen's contact lists remotely.
> I know I could use that, as well as telegram sending capabilities (again,
> under universe admin privs) but that one has been discussed to death a
> number of times.
> Grims
Nov 15, 2002, 3:34pm
How about.. objects with actions that create you to have a certain gesture..
(not neccessarily on the avitars.dat too, so it could be used only when
appropriate and not ahve a person sitting in mid air or pedaling as they
there could be a "sitting" gesture that the action code of the couch calls
the avatar to do.. or a pedaling gesture linked from an excersize bikes so
your avatar appears to ride the excersize bike :-)
Nov 29, 2002, 9:51pm
Yeah, when cits were $20 a year you could add 3 more bots for $20 (virtually
buying another cit) I'de assume that now though that the 3 bot limit
increase costs the same as Cits do now..
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns92D4E876E5CDEkahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in
> news:Xns92D4DEF3FAF82petrossa at
> I think you can buy a bot limit extension for $20/year? At least I think
> this was possible under the old pricing scheme. Ask sales at activeworlds.com
Nov 30, 2002, 6:39pm
Thanksgiving Weekend.
[View Quote]"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in message
news:Xns92D667CFA9D10petrossa at
> "tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at sneakemail.com> wrote in
> news:pbnguuou3oacvrn1d0os16fbtq85lkuq26 at 4ax.com:
> i emailed sales at activeworlds.com 4 days ago, still no reply
Dec 2, 2002, 1:46am
Ya know you can do what in AW with bots.. :-)
[View Quote]"chiklit" <chiklit at funetwork.net> wrote in message
news:3de99851$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this is kinda like what they have in MSN where you can browse the web with
> friend.
> --
> OS: Windows 2000 Prof.
> Processor: AMD Athlon, 1.2GHz
> Memory: 256MB RAM
> DirectX Version: DirectX 8.1 (
> Card: ATI Radeon 7000/VE 32MB (Driver Recent As of 10-14-02)
> Video Mode: DX7 (w/o T&L)
> Version: 3.4 Beta Build 446
> "sk8man1" <greg at greggage.com> wrote in message
> news:3de93ae5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
Jan 30, 2003, 7:16am
i wish i could remember what I was just about to add to the wishlist...
Jan 30, 2003, 7:17am
Now I remember!!
I wish AW would get rid of simple mode - they just added it as request of
their past-business parter Juno, to me it's just another hurdle for tourists
to have to cross, they don't even get to see most the features of AW with
simple mode on...
and quite frankly, i'm sickened by it..
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell at kmfdm.com> wrote in message
news:3e38ed68$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i wish i could remember what I was just about to add to the wishlist...
> phuey...
Apr 13, 2003, 11:52pm
you know.. you can create & manage your own banner exchange network for
[View Quote]"tengel" <tengel at fna.no> wrote in message
news:3e99864f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, not all use yahoo including me, but the idea is not about
> at company page, but at users web page, and more your banner will show, or
> be used, then more points you get at Activeworlds inc. banner service.
> Tengel
> "goddess innie" <ami at chazdesigns.com> wrote in message
> news:3e9977ec$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> bad
> I
> way...
> to
> all
> AW's
> an
> server,
Apr 16, 2003, 9:08am
If your using a regular scale as a base to generate a random number; it is
not random... because it is based on something static on nature...
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e9b5bdc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "agent1" <agent1 at shatteredplatters.com.nospam> wrote in message
> news:3e9b243c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> numbers should cover most of the possible values, but it's also possible
> unlikely) that a truely-random source could generate 5 zeros in a row.
> Well, theoretically the turely random numbers are impossible is silly. If
> using something like seconds from the epoch and a formula that's constant
you'd be
> getting something truely random based on it. Sortof? I just don't
understand the
> theory behind non-true random since it's not a brain trying to go "Well I
picked a
> low one last time, let's go high this time."
> --Bowen--
Apr 16, 2003, 9:06am
Bots in AW 3.4 with the 3.4 world server can customly format the color and
style of a users text...
...other then that there really isn't anything else you can do...
[View Quote]"ryan" <ryan_jacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e9ccb6b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would like to be able to change the chat color for regular chat (or even
> the other messages) from black to white in order to see better since I
> installed a dark-colored theme...I am not sure if it is possible or not
> so I'm posting this to wishlist as something I'd like to see implemented.
> Ryan
Apr 16, 2003, 9:05am
that would be very difficult seeing as how the browser knows no differance
between a street.rwx and a couch.rwx ..however it could be done perhaps if
modelers were to enter a pre-defined comment line or something that AW could
search for, and if found in the object, align you as you wish by the
however i'm not sure there is much of a need or desire for this option,
since it really makes no difference where in the road you walk, heh...
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3e9d1256$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> I'm BAAACK after a LONG hiatus.....Missed everyone...
> Just downloaded AW 3.4 Beta (albeit in a different directory than where
> is installed, though I may just go ahead and replace it with the beta
> upgrade anyways :-)) and was exploring around AlphaWorld (Going down that
> MAZE of a road better known as Abbey Road which FierceFerrette recently
> down) and was wondering just how much effort would it take to make Perfect
> Road Alignment For Avatars possible.
> What do I mean by "Perfect Road Alignment For Avatars" you say??
> Well....picture this. Most of us who go down a road which uses
> like to use the lane in which normal cars would travel down first, right
> (Right lane in the U.S., left lane in the UK and other parts of the
> Of course we do. However, given the fact that making a CLEAN turn around
> corner is EXTREMELY hard, but possible, I was wondering just how much more
> work would it take to make Perfect Road Alignment For Avatars an option
> whereas the browser can put the user in a position where they can down
> straight down the road simply by pointing with your avatar the direction
> wish to travel.
> The user can then slide over a little if the alignment is too close to the
> middle of the road if needed simply by using the SHIFT+ARROW (or SHIFT+4
> 6 for those who like to use the keypad).
> Take a piece of street1.rwx, mentally split it down the middle and give it
> some thought. The responses on this should be interesting... :-)
> Nice to be back.... :-)
> Cheers for now :-)
> Patrick Cook
> Mayor - City of Hamsterville
> pchamster at attbi.com
> Denver, Colorado
Jul 16, 2001, 5:11pm
mind did untill at&t flew a bitch fit..
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message news:3b52cfd5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: The best hosting around is ImaTowns.com they provide world hosting for ANY
: size world for just $10 a month...I would like to see another Company/Person
: beat that :o)
Aug 2, 2001, 6:10pm
I wish more people would read the help files.. there is a lot of information in them that is asked about constantly in the NGs, if
people would have read them to begin with they wouldn't have wasted anyones time...
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3B693C7E.D4D76F48 at yahoo.com...
: You will have the option to do this in AW 3.2. See
: http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw32/web_settings.html for more
: information.
: Builderz
: Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
: http://aw.stuff-x.com/
: PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
: > simba1 wrote:
: >
: > Greatings ,
: >
: > I think we should have an option to set where we want URL's to be
: > opened.
: >
: > When I click on a URL or link in activeworlds I dont really like the
: > way that it takes up halve of my screen.
: >
: > I would much rather see it open in my internet explorer window or have
: > the option to set where my browser is located.
: >
: > Would be nice to have the choice of using the internal browser or an
: > external one.
Aug 11, 2001, 6:39am
That is so, however since the world has a prefix of AW it does somewhat represent them, perhaps they should pay more caution to whom
they allow to caretake their world's..
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message news:3b6e0682$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: AWSome is an AWC-affiliated world, similar to AWTeen, I believe. :) It's not
: AWC controlled as in Alphaworld or Mars, so it's the caretaker of the
: world's contradiction, not AWC's. :)
: Nornny
: "lanezeri" <Lanezeri at yahoo.com> wrote in message
: news:3b6e057e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: > AWSome the new world from AW (at least to me it's new) "Must be 18 or
: under
: > to enter" yet you have to be 18 to be an AK.. meaning the AK's can't
: enter..
: > AW contradicted themselves in their own welcome message..
: >
: >
Aug 9, 2001, 12:47pm
I Disagree..
I had a sony laptop & a horrible experience. The thing crashed more then my desktop comp, and when it broke, getting it fixed was a
bitch. The hinges where the monitor folds over snapped off for no apparent reason, when giving it to sears they sent it to wyoming
or someplace like that, It was returned with, yes, the hinges fixed, but the latch & touchpad both broken. We talked to Sears and
both them & Sony deny ever doing work on it, and niether would take responsibility and fix their work. I have decided to go against
sony & sears if at all possible and think that if this is the way they are going to treat people, then others should as well.
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3B728DC8.4BF2B417 at yahoo.com...
: Although it may not meet all of your requirements, I believe it is at
: least worthy of a look. Check out the Sony Picturebook at
: http://www.sonystyle.com/vaio/picturebook/index.html, Wing. It is the
: smallest laptop I've found and I've seen it being sold on eBay for much
: less than the retail price. All the info and specs are on the site.
: Builderz
: Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
: http://aw.stuff-x.com/
: PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
: wing wrote:
: >
: > Now that I've recieved word that the high school truly IS going to allow laptop computers to any student who wishes to use one,
: > interested in shopping for one. Since it's too short notice to build a full ATX PC into a breifcase (plus that'd be kinda heavy
: > lug around) I guess I'm going to look into buying one. I've decided that I don't need anything particularly fancy, just a 13+
: > screen, a CD, floppy and at least 10 gigs of HDD. An A/C adapter is also neccessary (Hah, knowing me the battery would die in
: > middle of somthing important). At least 800MHz of Pentium 3 (Or any AMD mobile CPU) is neccessary. The OS should be Win2k, but
: > it's cheap enough I'll settle for ME or XP.
: > 3d graphics a neccessity, doesn't matter what brand so long as it'll do some 3d rendering. A 10/100 ethernet adapter would be
: > as well, or at least some way to connect it directly to any normal PC (Can you do null modem via USB?) Modem not neccessary.
: >
: > Carrying weight doesn't matter, but price does. Preferably less than $2000 when all is said and done. If anyone can point me in
: > general direction of a few companies (I don't care if they're big name so long as they do good work) it would be much
: >
: > BTW, I'm also looking at iBooks, but they're just too fruity in color, so don't tell me about that
Aug 10, 2001, 8:27pm
And I agree.. however I felt it necessary to share my experience as to enlighten others of possible issues, if they read that and
are disheartened, then find another company which no one has every had complaints about (yeah right, but you get the point) then
they will ultimateley recieve a better product. I personally liked going to Sears, and am satisfied with my other Sony products,
but based on principle will not purchase either untill they have resolved their communication problems. I am more then willing to
by a sony television at a different appliance store, or by something other then sony at sears, however the combination of sony at
sears will never happen from me again. I actually haven't been to sears since nor bought a sony product because of my mom's all-out
boycott of both. I was just sharing an experience so others could perhaps learn from it, or at least be aware. Awareness is a
higher point of intelligance, and I think that if I can help the others be aware of certain things, then we are all that much better
Thanks- J B E L L
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3B72A70B.4A1A5788 at yahoo.com...
: Well, that's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. I don't
: own many Sony products nor a Sony laptop, but let me just mention that
: my Sony DCR-PC100 still photo/DV camcorder has never failed me for two
: years and that I believe it is a quality built product. However, if you
: need replacement parts for it such as a new lens cap, Sony isn't very
: good in that regard. Most of the items in Sony's on-line store for the
: camera were in "backorder hell" the last time I checked. I will admit
: that Sony is cheap when it comes to packaging and shipping. When I was
: doing some research for a new monitor, I heard countless stories of this
: particular Sony monitor (I forget the exact model) that was shipped with
: only a tiny bit of foam packaging to protect it. Many customers had
: received their monitors in a damaged state. There will always be
: customers who have an issue(s) with a product from a company and there
: will also be customers who have no issue(s) at all. It ultimately comes
: down to each individual's experience with the company.
: Builderz
: Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
: http://aw.stuff-x.com/
: PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
: j b e l l wrote:
: >
: > I Disagree..
: >
: > I had a sony laptop & a horrible experience. The thing crashed more then my desktop comp, and when it broke, getting it fixed
was a
: > bitch. The hinges where the monitor folds over snapped off for no apparent reason, when giving it to sears they sent it to
: > or someplace like that, It was returned with, yes, the hinges fixed, but the latch & touchpad both broken. We talked to Sears
: > both them & Sony deny ever doing work on it, and niether would take responsibility and fix their work. I have decided to go
: > sony & sears if at all possible and think that if this is the way they are going to treat people, then others should as well.
Aug 10, 2001, 10:28pm
I am not fully for the use of Custom Avatars because I feel it can be abused rather be by size, or obscene use of textures/seqs.
Therefore I have come up with an Idea that I feel might make us all happy, wheather you be for 100% Custom AVs, or None at all.
A World owner would be able to have one of three choices in regards to Custom AVs in their world.
Option A) Allow All Custom Avatars
-Will allow ANY custom avatar that a visitor would like to use.
Option B) Limited Custom Avatars
-AW will have an "av maker" in which a world owner can specify what textures/objects or "bodies" and sequences that can be used. A
small dialog box within AW will show these options and create the avatar as per the users request. This way the world owner can
"censor" and limit the custom avatars people use, to prevent them from being too big, too small, or obscene.
Option C) No Custom Avatars
-No users will be allowed Custom Avatars in that world.
I think that having these three options is a good compromise for people who are for/against custom AVs and the reasons why. Let me
know what you think..
Aug 13, 2001, 4:29pm
...and you think it's different when you insult me.. just like you claim of enzo, i too don't give a damn what you say
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <Lanezeri at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3b76f06b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: The following are an example of my topic:
: Wing, SW Comit, Captain Mad Mike, Chucks Party, and Ryan.
: E N Z O makes a (off-topic) post and you all bitch down like punk ass
: bitches.. get a clue.. E N Z O doesn't care about any of you.. he doesn't
: try to make AW better for anyone.. Roland (somewhat) tries.. but E N Z O's
: "perfect" staff don't know a needed feature from a pointless one.. just
: thought it was funny that you idiots punk out when "the big one" posts
: something..
Aug 15, 2001, 7:40pm
Reply posted are-specific below..
: Ok, it's about 3 am in the morning and I can't sleep, so I'm just going to
: write down my beliefs and hopefully this will get me back to sleep.
Sleep's over rated ;-)
: I understand a lot of you Americans out there are going to reply to this
: message with all your bible terms, I understand most of you probably go to
: church every Sunday morning...
It will be the death of us...
Anyway, I don't have any religion, and you
: would NEVER see me walking into some church, they were never there at the
: beginning, it was never intended for us to 'worship' someone...
Amen.. as far as i'm concerned the "Beginning" is something that happened and is over with.. maybe we don't know how.. maybe we do..
but false idealogy and using brainwashing technieques for guilt-free conformity and in-grown roots of discrimination in such a *free
loving* religon is absurd and will lead to the demise of our great people..
: Don't question my beliefs though, I'm not trying to get all of you to
: understand or agree with me in any of this.
Unlike your religous counterparts you show a large amount of respect in simply stating your beliefs and letting people interpert
what they won't rather then feeding it into your brains like i'm sure many of the responses you recieve will attempt to do..
: Anyway, to get this started;
: I believe in re-incarnation, and I believe in what people so call 'heaven'
: happens to be Earth, this is MY thought, and my thought only, at least this
: use to be a better place to live in before technology ruined it all for us,
: including destroying nature, re-producing to the state that some countries
: can't even support its people anymore. Earth itself seems more like hell
: because of it, some people don't want to live in it anymore, walking down
: the streets and getting their heads kicked in over a t-shirt. We, ruined it
: all for ourselves...
The great "advancing technology" has left some behind.. even many of our own minds, hearts and soul... we cheat evolution in a way
that will some day lead to a massacre of "natural" (non disease or 3rd party) deaths of an outstanding caliber. We've almost got
ourselves killed hundreds of time in history because of our false pride and wonderfull "technology" but I don't care what anyone
says our "pride" and "technology" and intelligance, no matter how limited it may be will lead us to suicide in a false sense of
security and personal- belonging which we will all discover is just that we are all the same.. more people marching down the
assembly line as our society spoon-feed's us it's conforming authoritarian beliefs, no matter your form of govornment they are all
the same..
: Another thing, a brain does not store your knowledge, a brain only stores
: memory, and is also used to control the body you happen to be in right now.
: This would explain, when you have already lived once and start a new life
: that you happen to be smarter than others, because you bring your knowledge
: with you in the next life, of course, without you knowing about this
: knowledge, it comes back without you really knowing... Why don't you know
: this? Because the brain held the 'memory', so you can't 'remember' your past
: life and your past knowledge in the new one... If that makes any sense?
Yes, your mind stores your memory.. and your thought process converts these memories and experiences into knowledge, you will find
your self several times relating in your mind things to memories of similar experiences of your past... as far as reincarnation I
often wonder if when you die "you" (not the physical you, but your soul, i hate to say soul because of how it has been defined, but
i mean the mental make-up of your mind, not the matter itself) can re-start life again.. your conciense being the preceding life
trying to guide you based on it's experiences.. but the purpose for any of this is unkown.. need there be one?
: This explains the geniuses. However, people like me who have no main
: knowledge of anything, besides what I have learnt in-time by experience and
: teaching myself are new souls... With so much re-production, there isn't
: enough souls to go into the bodies. So... who creates the soul? God?
How do we know it's created, or transfered, perhaps the majority of society are mindless sheeple (sheep + people) who lack any of
their own thought process and just follow around the "majority" denieing all insecurities untill their death.
: So where is hell to me? Although Earth is starting to look more and more
: like a hell hole, I still enjoy living life to its fullest and am not afraid
: of death and to continue on with a new life, until the end of this Earth. I
: don't think anything we can do can fix what has become of Earth today...
: Anyway, back to this 'hell' subject, to me it's a soul that has been
: banished, a soul that does not deserve another chance, one that is to remain
: in this 'spirit' form and stay in an area, not able to leave it. This
: explains your haunted places, ghosts and spirits that are angry, that move
: things around the place, sometimes even try to 'KILL' you or scare you to
: death... Why are they angry? Imagine not being able to leave an area, not
: able to manipulate and touch things, to communicate and socialize, not able
: to take part in life and get somewhere... Yes, that is hell to me...
: But what about those normal ghosts, the 'good' ghosts? They don't stay there
: for ever, they are lost, they have something to finish before continuing on
: with life, something is missing...
Why does there have to be a hell? why does there have to be a heaven? both are meer novelty ideas used to "threaten" people into
conforming with certain beliefs and lifestyles.. why must their be something when it's all over? why must their always be a
"purpose" or "meaning" ..it is just shows how we are product's of our surroundings, we know thing "technologically" inside the box,
what is "possible" and "reality," one of which who's limits have yet been tested..
: Now, this is the part that is most definitely going to get me some flames
: and some miss-treating...
: I believe in the bible being created to control man, man created it and
: spread it to control.
: And this part is even worse, but yes, I ripped up my bible to threads 10
: years ago...
I don't necessarily like sharing a lot of my view's because I feel that I am in a "public" position by leading AWDebate and feel
that in many aspects and debate's I should remain neutral as not to show a bias towards certain things and people's.. you may not
believe me because you don't see it often.. but I am truly (for many aspects, when you question my values and morals on which I live
I tend to sling mud) a open minded person willing to listen to people's ideas no matter what they are, and feel that this sharing of
knowledge is the basis of which communication was formed, to inform other life forms of experiences you incurred, so that they do
not have to endure the "torture" as far as the bible, and any organized religon for that matter. It is defineteley a tool created
by man to control the masses. For everything you see and do there is a series of events that "evidently" prove the action's
existance, however if you look hard there is also just as much proof that it did not, however none of this, either way, matters if
you have preconcieved notions flowing through your mind of certain things. Most religons were created (i feel) by an ancient
"ruling power" who created a diverse series of "religons" with the same basic principles, this way the ruler can not only capture
the mind but also the people's faith, because faith can push people to new extremes, but being able to locate and manipulate this
faith can lead towards any person to do virtually anything, based on this faith. It is easy to write a story that answers
everyone's questions. When you can clear confusion from the human mind you can maintain ultimate trust and respect from those
people. If you can answer the questions that plague their minds for ages, logically, they won't second-guess near anything you tell
them. If you can answer these questions and capture the deepest part of thier mind and heart you have ultimate control. It seems
to me that people who are religonless see this, but those who are "Trained" thier religons fail to see the similarities and
clearness of my accusations, easily fending them off with what they feel is "simple logic" but to me is ever-contradicting
idealogy.. obviously these people fall victim to brainwashing and control in conformity but are also so far into it that they don't
even know it happened. Whoever created this has discovered the key to manipulating large masses of people to willfully submiss to
your commands & requests, preachings.
: I don't care what your beliefs are, you keep believing them, I will keep
: believing mine :)
That is the open-minded ness I spoke of before, people who are "out of the loop" share these beliefs however religous people will
"disagree" not by voice, but by action, they will pressure you and form their eternal morals based on the "teachings" of these
beliefs, these "religons" which are to unite are creating stigma and worsening discrimination among minorities and even in some
cases a majority.
: But I post this, because this is my true beliefs and I was also bored off my
: nut, and had to write something which may start a huge debate...
I'm sure you started something which you will ultimateley wish you hadn't.. I can guarantee you that many people will gain knowledge
from the upcoming debate on this topic, and some may even question their own beliefs and "place in life." What I have to say to you
is that you can believe as you choose, if you wish to be a christian, you can believe those beliefs, the key to living happily is
understanding the control of your thoughts, people can take the clothes you wear and the food you eat, but the thoughts and beliefs
inside your mind are something that can not be revoked by even the largest army. If some beliefs make it that much easier for you
to get through life, then I urge you to continue practicing those beliefs, however keep in mind that I also have a right to my
beliefs, and others there's.. and "pushing" weather it be from stigma or simple "comments" about certain people's actions and quotes
is taking it a step too far. When you try to weave your ideals into anothers mind you are creating a question in that person's
mind, perhaps a question of their own beliefs.. times in which you question your belief's is time wasted, sure everyone "questions"
the main beliefs on which they live several times thoughtout their life, but swaying them one way or another is taking a small piece
of that little pie called freedom we all bestow in our minds. Let me have my freedom, don't try to make me "conform." That's all I
ask of you, respect, and freedom from what I believe are ultimateley "false truths." Beliefs and thoughts, "evident truths" which
are none but the opposite. Freedom from lies is the ultimate freedom, the same freedom that you base your life on, your beliefs
views and morals. Have a nice day and keep in mind that no matter what happens to you in your "life" how "little" you may have
means nothing.. because you need nothing to drown in a pool of your own thought.
: Faithfully,
: Anduin Lothario
Aug 15, 2001, 7:44pm
I don't mean to "put down" your belief's ..but how do you know these lessons, or guidance, is right for you individually?
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message news:3b79a6c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: I look at it more as a way of giving ppl hints to what's good for you or
: not... many aspects of it grow out of health situations and so on, but as a
: christian I also believe in God, Jesus, and all that...
: PS. Anduin, I don't see the point of posting that... and I think something
: about something concrete, like cars would've been a bit more appropriate
: ;-))
: "jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
: news:Xns90FDB2AB7945Cjfk2jfkmusiccom at
: > Everyone has their beliefs in something and thus i'm NOT flaming here.
: > But you wrote your beliefs... And it's time that you may hear mine...
: > The bible to my beliefs was created by man WITH GOD's INSPIRATION to
: > control man & women.
: >
: > But if you should look upn the bible as i do.... You would see that it
: > is really a adult version of a storybook. When man & women create
: > storybooks to control the kids.... You will find stories in there.
: > Some with a moral to the story & others just plain fun to read & some
: > that are stupid stories... BUT stories nonetheless.
: >
: > My look at the bible is a storybook for the reason that GOD is my
: > supreme being. He allways was & is & forever will be. At least for
: > any of my lifetime or lifetimes if that should ever happen.
: >
: > But GOD is the true adult. As he is all knowing as well. He created
: > the heaven & earth & all living things on the earth and in the
: > heavens.... And because god is the true adult has has a rather long
: > lifespan... HIS storybooks result in being his kids books. His kids
: > are us people living on one of his creations called Earth.
: >
: > And if you or anyone reads this kiddie book called BIBLE... you will
: > see that it contains all the ellements that are contained in our books
: > we make to entertain and enlighten & teach our kids. The Morals to the
: > story. The what if's you do something to someone and the results. All
: > the be nice to others as you would love them to be as nice to you stuff
: > is there....
: >
: > BUT that is my belief in what the BIBLE means to me and what GOD or the
: > superior being that i call GOD means to me.
: >
: > You see.... No flames from me here.... Just an added insight to my
: > beliefs as well. and what MY verson of GOD is. And my version of what
: > the BIBLE means to me.
: >
: >
: > "anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in
: > news:3b796036 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
: >
: > > Ok, it's about 3 am in the morning and I can't sleep, so I'm just
: > > going to write down my beliefs and hopefully this will get me back to
: > > sleep.
: > >
: > > I understand a lot of you Americans out there are going to reply to
: > > this message with all your bible terms, I understand most of you
: > > probably go to church every Sunday morning... Anyway, I don't have
: > > any religion, and you would NEVER see me walking into some church,
: > > they were never there at the beginning, it was never intended for us
: > > to 'worship' someone...
: > >
: > > Don't question my beliefs though, I'm not trying to get all of you to
: > > understand or agree with me in any of this.
: > >
: > > Anyway, to get this started;
: > > I believe in re-incarnation, and I believe in what people so call
: > > 'heaven' happens to be Earth, this is MY thought, and my thought
: > > only, at least this use to be a better place to live in before
: > > technology ruined it all for us, including destroying nature,
: > > re-producing to the state that some countries can't even support its
: > > people anymore. Earth itself seems more like hell because of it, some
: > > people don't want to live in it anymore, walking down the streets and
: > > getting their heads kicked in over a t-shirt. We, ruined it all for
: > > ourselves...
: > >
: > > Another thing, a brain does not store your knowledge, a brain only
: > > stores memory, and is also used to control the body you happen to be
: > > in right now. This would explain, when you have already lived once
: > > and start a new life that you happen to be smarter than others,
: > > because you bring your knowledge with you in the next life, of
: > > course, without you knowing about this knowledge, it comes back
: > > without you really knowing... Why don't you know this? Because the
: > > brain held the 'memory', so you can't 'remember' your past life and
: > > your past knowledge in the new one... If that makes any sense?
: > >
: > > This explains the geniuses. However, people like me who have no main
: > > knowledge of anything, besides what I have learnt in-time by
: > > experience and teaching myself are new souls... With so much
: > > re-production, there isn't enough souls to go into the bodies. So...
: > > who creates the soul? God?
: > >
: > > So where is hell to me? Although Earth is starting to look more and
: > > more like a hell hole, I still enjoy living life to its fullest and
: > > am not afraid of death and to continue on with a new life, until the
: > > end of this Earth. I don't think anything we can do can fix what has
: > > become of Earth today... Anyway, back to this 'hell' subject, to me
: > > it's a soul that has been banished, a soul that does not deserve
: > > another chance, one that is to remain in this 'spirit' form and stay
: > > in an area, not able to leave it. This explains your haunted places,
: > > ghosts and spirits that are angry, that move things around the place,
: > > sometimes even try to 'KILL' you or scare you to death... Why are
: > > they angry? Imagine not being able to leave an area, not able to
: > > manipulate and touch things, to communicate and socialize, not able
: > > to take part in life and get somewhere... Yes, that is hell to me...
: > > But what about those normal ghosts, the 'good' ghosts? They don't
: > > stay there for ever, they are lost, they have something to finish
: > > before continuing on with life, something is missing...
: > >
: > > Now, this is the part that is most definitely going to get me some
: > > flames and some miss-treating...
: > > I believe in the bible being created to control man, man created it
: > > and spread it to control.
: > > And this part is even worse, but yes, I ripped up my bible to threads
: > > 10 years ago...
: > >
: > > I don't care what your beliefs are, you keep believing them, I will
: > > keep believing mine :)
: > >
: > > But I post this, because this is my true beliefs and I was also bored
: > > off my nut, and had to write something which may start a huge
: > > debate...
: > >
: > >
: > > Faithfully,
: > > Anduin Lothario
Aug 15, 2001, 7:58pm
But by controling disease and dissorder, and by buying our air conditioner's and canned food we are slowing the evolution of our
kind, if not bringing it to a hault. The rest of the world is moving in it's natural course which we do not understand and take
blame for, but yet we still sit in our air conditioned house, eating our canned beans and taking our medication, all of which is
leading to our own death. By stalling evolution in such a matter we are dangering ourselves with a great disaster. In 20, 30, 40,
100 years from now when the earth's thousand year cycle has reached it's heat point again (before reverting back to an "ice age"
where it all begins again) we are still alive, the same as we were 20, 40, 100 years before... but just then.. we run out of canned
beans, our electricity supply burned by the blazing heat of the sun and our diseas evolve beyond our medication. What do we do
then? When if we had let nature take it's course we would have evolved with it and not set ourself up for crisis. I honestly
believe we are over-developing our land and resources, and when we realize this it will be too late. If you believe in such a
thing; what we are doing now is destroying the next generation of the "human race" and destroying the natural cycle of evolution and
change. The earth's cycles begin with an "ice age" and evolve in to creatures able to meet the needs of the changing environment..
the world slowly heats up untill all the ice has melted and it sits a giant puddle, after which the sun and earth resume their
cycles, much larger then modern science is aware of and the world slowly dips into darkness and cold, at which it freezes, then the
sun slowly comes closer to our planet once again as the orbit continues, the planet heating and the few remaining ice-creatures
evolving.. into water based life forms which survive in the amazing amount of liquid coating the planet.. it is dried and evaportes
into an "upper atmosphere" of "clouds" which co-exist far beyond our scape, awaiting to rain.. freeze where it is frozen and flow
into rivers and oceans for our consumption and re-enterance into the "cycle" that we are presently aware of. When these sea
creatures evolve into humans again, because of the amount of resources we consumed they will be set far back, and doubtfully survive
long enough to evolve to the changing planet, thereby ending animal life on earth. Plant life will soon follow as the bodies of the
dead can no longer fertilize the soil for them to grow, and control their population from simply destroying eachother. The earth
becoming yet another desolate wasteland that people in other galaxies will come to "debate" if there was ever live on such a baren
planet. This may sound outlandish.. but it makes perfect sense to me..
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message news:3B79DD6E.40708 at jtsoft.net...
: Yes, I am American, and Christian (but in a much different sense than
: most people consider to be "christian" but thats a different story) but
: this has nothing to do with your beliefs. I believe what I believe to
: br the only truth. I accept it to be real and believe in it. However,
: I respect others' beliefs as well, and will not contest them unless they
: ask me to do so.
: However, I can still attempt to spice up the discussion scientifically.
: As a Christian, I believe that in the beginning God created the
: heavens and the Earth, and the whole 7 days thing and all that.
: However, I also take a great interest in science. Most people say that
: science and religion can never mix, because if you trace time in the
: Bible, Earth is only about 7000 years old, rather than 4,600,000,000
: years old. From what data I have collected from scholars who study the
: original languages of the Bible as opposed to the heavily distorted
: english versions that we have today, as well as data that I have
: collected from the scientific world, I have found that science and
: religion actually fit hand-in-hand, almost perfectly. But I am veering
: off topic here, and perhaps reserve this for another discussion.
: First off, your environmental views:
: > ...at least this
: > use to be a better place to live in before technology ruined it all for us,
: > including destroying nature,...
: I will admit that the human race in general has affected the environment
: of the Earth, but nowhere near as badly as most people assume. I do not
: know if it is a government conspiracy or if environmentalists just want
: attention, but there is not that bad of an environmental problem with
: the Earth. By the time kids in America are in their 4th grade of
: school, environmentalists have taught them that they will die within
: their lifetime because human beings will just ruin the whole place.
: This is pure bull shit. When Industry came around, lots of people found
: that they could make money very quickly by exploiting natural resources.
: However, this really does not happen anymore. There are codes that
: have to be followed by every industry that causes pollution, and in most
: parts of the world, the emissions of motor vehicles have to be tested
: regularly. Technology has been developed that will control pollution
: very well. It is actually safer to drink water that has been through a
: nuclear power plant than to drink water that has been filtered with
: conventional measures, mainly because water coming out of a nuclear
: power plant is absolutely pure. The slightest bit of radiation or other
: kinds of pollution, and the power plant WILL be shut down until the
: problem can be repaired.
: You know, I could really go on and on, but I feel that I am getting
: boring here. The point I am trying to make is that technology has in
: many ways helped us out. So many human and nonhuman life exists because
: of it. Because of technology, we have dialisis machines, artificial
: hearts, artificial lungs, prostetic devices, and thanks to President
: Bush's funding, we will finally be able to explore REAL solutions to
: problems with cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers, spinal cord damage, etc. We are
: on the very edge of making fuel cells economical, to the point that your
: car's intake is hydrogen, and its exhaust is PURE WATER. Fusion power
: is coming about quickly, which, instead of producing depleted uranium
: and toxic waste, will produce helium. (Imagine the profit balloon
: companies will make! ;-))
: > ...re-producing to the state that some countries
: > can't even support its people anymore.
: You want to talk about overpopulation? Every time an area of the planet
: has become overpopulated (and it has been going on since the first
: civilizations), we simply find somewhere else to put our excess
: population. When these areas become overpopulated, we move on to other
: areas. Once, the entire Eurasian continent, Africa, and Australia were
: full to the brim. Then, one day, a man named Chris accidentally bumped
: into America. Well, the Earth is filling up again, and wow, look at
: Popular Science a few months back... scientists have already developed
: an ion pulse drive! Powered with zenon ions, this thing could not lift
: a person off the ground, but once in space, could move an entire space
: ship filled with people to Mars in under a month. Hell, it was like a 6
: month journey just to get from Europe to America! This is no different!
: We are making better time than the early explorers, and we are going
: to a whole different planet!! Once we either set up colonies on the
: place or terraform it (a very feasible probability), we won't have to
: worry about overpopulation for awhile.
: Ok, need to hit the stop button there again. Moving right along...
: > Earth itself seems more like hell
: > because of it, some people don't want to live in it anymore, walking down
: > the streets and getting their heads kicked in over a t-shirt. We, ruined it
: > all for ourselves...
: No, I did not cause things like this to happen, and I certainly hope
: that neither did you. Unfortunately there are folks who are mean like
: this, but they made themselves that way, and will certainly be worse off
: for it. You mention later on where you believe heaven is and where hell
: is... well hey *shrug* you already know you got it better than them.
: <snip due to no comment>
: > Now, this is the part that is most definitely going to get me some flames
: > and some miss-treating...
: > I believe in the bible being created to control man, man created it and
: > spread it to control.
: > And this part is even worse, but yes, I ripped up my bible to threads 10
: > years ago...
: No flames here. You are free to believe what you want to believe. If
: ripping your bible to shreds made you happy, then so be it. Just keep
: your destructive little hands off of mine ;-)
: > I don't care what your beliefs are, you keep believing them, I will keep
: > believing mine :)
: Exactly!
: > But I post this, because this is my true beliefs and I was also bored off my
: > nut, and had to write something which may start a huge debate...
: lol! Well good luck on the debate. Damn, I gotta do homework.
: -JV
: --
: John Viper (#296714)
: jviper at jtsoft.net
: http://www.jtsoft.net
: "Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
: the sun..." -anonymous