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3.5 SDK

Jan 29, 2004, 9:46pm
What 3.5 SDK? I cant think of anything new :O

- MR

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3.5 SDK

Feb 3, 2004, 11:29pm
They are full on bitmaps... have you seen the size of the things?!

- MR

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Feb 6, 2004, 9:03pm
replace 'aw_' with 'sdk.aw_' case sensative :) majority SDK conversion in
about 1 easy step, hehehe.

- MR

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Feb 6, 2004, 10:52pm
Actually... that is the first thing you might as well do when transfering
code... a case sensative replace... you can eliminate a lot of manual work
by taking common factors between the languages and literally swapping them.

Then do replaces to wipe out certain unneeded characters if your going from
VB to C++.

nResult& = sdk.aw_string_set&(AW_WORLD_EJECT_RIGHT&, szEjectRights$)

Moving from C++ to VB, VB will anihalate all your nice near ( )'s from your
subs, making everything look like shite...

Then just replace 'void' with 'sub' and as long as your code isnt too
complex you can then easily go throwing about type def's.... but if its more
advanced C++ code with void*'s etc then your relitivly screwed, so start
over :)

- Marky R
- Marky R
- Marky R
Took 3 clones to write it

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Feb 17, 2004, 7:52pm


Feb 18, 2004, 7:57pm
*Concedes defeat*

Few Random Classes

Feb 8, 2004, 9:27am
These are something like the common classes brant released ages ago (but to
his own admission, were shite...) anyhowzies...

The classes contain all the avatar information, in publics (no need for
horrible properties) and all the data being contained at once allows for
some brilliant encapsulation.

The classes are straight from one of the bots we run in AWEdu, and
considering they are in VB they are (very) fast. Also, coordinates function,
less code... more action, simple, but thats taken from a older bot.

I would really push everyone to use classes and handle events inside the
relevant classes etc... Cooincidently... anyone who uses avatar name as the
key should be shot, these don't use a key. You get the joy of looping though
each avatar in the collection by yourself.

These contain about 10-15% of the entire code used in the respective classes
used in he bot, so just to let you know they are VERY upgradable.

Cooinkindinkly, almost everything uses the syntax data type keys... dim
appears very rarley (if at all)

Copyright... there is no copyright, use them to your best ability, oh yeah
and no warrenty either... they could cause your computer to hack NORAD and
launch a nuclear strike on Russia... but I doubt that would ever happen...

- Marky R

Few Random Classes

Feb 8, 2004, 9:28am
One thing I forgot to mention, the private sdk... it needs to be set to the
SDK on your form (or memory location, if your being difficult). This was
done as part of a absolutly gigantic function in them that I removed before
I sent them... so you need to add one :)

- Marky R

Coordinates Function

Feb 11, 2004, 5:13pm
NB: If your going to release code.. make sure it works first >_<

- Marky R

VB Tricks

Feb 15, 2004, 8:43am
Yes I found that quite a while ago, it got an award on Planet Source Code as
well if I remember correctly.

Its a very good article, with bots and such I think the main one for people
to pick up will be strings, for comparing chat...

Infact... i think this is faster still...
If Not StrComp(strTest1$, strTest2$, vbTextCompare) Then

kinda like !strcmp(*, *) in C++

- MR

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VB Tricks

Feb 15, 2004, 3:07pm

- Marky R

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Aw Sdk Functions Module

Feb 21, 2004, 11:12pm
*Scratches head* you guys need to create yourself some reusable code suited
to your own style of programming. I know when I start a bot I just import
however many of about 7 key classes (several of which I have posted here
[avatars, coordinates etc]).

You will be suprised how easier it makes your life.

- MR

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Aw Sdk Functions Module

Feb 22, 2004, 7:44am

This is an example of how easy it is to get the root components built int.
While you may not always be able to use all of your classes and files
exactly like you have them from your 'ready to add' archive with a lot you

In the picture:
- Red Items: these are items I can use directly from the word go, a login
function, database ect
- Green Items: These are based on the items that I imported, but contain
specialist code (and they are huge)
- Blue Items: Files that needed to be created from scratch (like most of the

You can easily see how a project can be started off very quickly by adding
what you know to work [If it aint broke... why fix it?] and then working
from there... On the example shown only about 5% to 10% is precreated
code... but that 5-10% saved me literally days of work on this project

- Marky R

"bowen" <newoB at sardna.ten> wrote
> Yup, that's why I created my bot class I released here a while back.

Confirmation on 2x Av Problems

Feb 21, 2004, 11:26pm
Confirmation #1:
Avatars turn north when fading out

Confirmation #2:
The changing of pitch is sharp and unsmothed across the avatars when
observing, even 10 degree's can be seen clearly on larger avatars as the av
snaps to the new position.

#2 is more of an important issue... as unless the av is moving at high speed
and is relaivly huge you won't notice it all that much.

- MR

Confirmation on 2x Av Problems

Feb 22, 2004, 7:26am
what the heck are you doing here post? Get to Beta, NOW!

sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 25, 2004, 7:03pm
Of course they return invalid instance unless your logged in..

- MR

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sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 25, 2004, 7:17pm
char* Long2IP(long wIP, char* lpTemp)
/* our variables we use for each byte */
unsigned char a1, a2, a3, a4 = 0;
/* use bitwise shifting */
a1 = (unsigned char)((wIP) >> 32);
a2 = (unsigned char)((wIP) >> 8);
a3 = (unsigned char)((wIP) >> 16);
a4 = (unsigned char)((wIP) >> 24);
/* display as the byte order */
sprintf( lpTemp, "%i.%i.%i.%i", a1, a2, a3, a4);
/* return the string */
return lpTemp;

The first byte confused me a bit, needed to do a bit of research but it
matches the SDK, and no lib needed (well... C Runtime... hehehe) Do I get
brownie points?

- Mark R

sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 25, 2004, 9:26pm
[View Quote] Im not so sure it would...
> i2hex.exe 389473245
> result:

sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 25, 2004, 11:31pm
Doh, you muppet.

- Mark R

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sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 26, 2004, 5:02pm
Well in that case their operators are screwed up aint they :) Its the coders
job to check that any code that they will use from other people is
compatable with the data that they are putting into it. If people are just
going to copy the function without understanding what the hell it does then
its entirely their own fault.

PS Bowen: The code is the same length... he only put one bit.

- Mark
You just HAD to have a go didnt you?

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sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 26, 2004, 6:56pm
Well considering I knew squat about the actual makeup till about 5 minutes
before I wrote that code (had to whip out the CCNA book) I happen to thing
it was rather good :O Even if it had a single flaw which worked for me
anyhow =P

And KISS isnt my style :)

- MR

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sdk.aw_address conversion code

Feb 26, 2004, 7:50pm
I know what he meant, my business studies teacher / school headteacher uses
the KISS acronym with me a lot because I tend to look too deep into things
and make em overly complicated [in coding, so I can play about more :) ]

But while I would love a kiss off of Andras [haha... no] Appart from that
one line my code was perfecto, so everyone can just get over it and combine
my code and Andras' code!

- Mark R

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browser 498 and bots

Feb 27, 2004, 4:59pm
aw_funky_set(AW_UNIVERSE_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGE, (void)(void*))

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Reason 29 ?¿?

Feb 28, 2004, 7:45am

Reason 29 ?¿?

Mar 1, 2004, 5:06pm

- MR

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Reason 29 ?¿?

Mar 5, 2004, 9:47pm
Ok... I know I kinda started this, but its still the SDK Ng, enough is

- MR

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problem is aw_address

Mar 5, 2004, 5:17pm
aw_address has to query the server due to the information not being sent on
the avatar enter event, as such you need to use the callback function to
recieve the data and check the rc, and session, and compare it. I know it
can be annoying but take a look at some advanced loggers, they first pull up
the information on an av, dispach an aw_address function on callback, and
when they recieve that they then ReverseDNS and WhoIs the information
afterwards, that too using callbacks.

- MR

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Triangulation of .RWX files.

Mar 22, 2004, 11:00pm
[View Quote] Yeah, the DirectX SDK or OpenGL is your best bet... I've just had to spend 4
hours with someone who is going off to study maths and engineering at
Cambridge trying to work out some damned matrix revolutions for a mapping
tool im building into my latest bot. The lesson for you: Unless you actually
want to learn things in their deepest form... don't.... use someone elses

- Mark R

Triangulation of .RWX files.

Mar 22, 2004, 11:20pm
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The left hand MPD contains the map that i've just spent so much time on, its
shown in 2D mode, rotated around Y 180 degrees, it isnt shown so clearly
because the x and z axis lines are straight at that angle, but you get the
idea. The dotted red and green circle is the limiter alert, specifically the
area in which the customs aide will detect you at normal height, you can see
what happens if you cross over it...

The right hand MPD gives me a readout of my current rights in world.

This was a 'I thought you would like a peek at my new bot', brought to you
by Mark R and David H

- Mark R

Triangulation of .RWX files.

Mar 23, 2004, 4:52pm
Timestamp = 0...

King, you are correct.... All objects are created at 1 Jan 1970 12:00 AM VRT
if created using aw_object_load and a zero timestamp.

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