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strike rapier // User Search
strike rapier // User SearchAW Flight Mode - How to get it before they think to introduce it in AW 5.9 or something...Nov 17, 2002, 12:14pm
Notice to AW Beta users: You will find that due to the increased turning speed you will zip around 180 degrees and more very fast (due to AW forgetting to include reverse reverse compatability to slow it down) so carefull :)
[View Quote] [Discussion] Word of Mouth Advertising + AWINov 17, 2002, 7:19pm
Ive just been browsing though looking for information on DirectX and I was surprised at how many of the comments actually spoke of Active Worlds, there are tonnes of them. But for all this we don't see as many new people in Active Worlds as we used to, is there a reason anyone can think of this despite the price rise and that silly 'credit card details for trial but be aware we will try to charge you for the first month if you don't cancel before your times up' system that's scaring people away? I know for sure that on there has been allot of negative advertising regarding Active Worlds after the price rise and ill tell you, I think its the very first time such a action by a company has resulted in personal 'tsk tsk' statements against the company name by its actual users using their screen / real names.
I think its about time Active Worlds Inc took a leap and decided to do some other advertising and attempt to get some more outside businesses in, a while ago I posted about the advertising abilities of Active Worlds with regards to the file formats that they sued, but now I would like to talk about the advertising capabilities themselves. I visit the website and find out how much it is to advertise in Active Worlds, an amazing $500, and I thought to myself "I wonder if AWI actually does have a market for this" so I visited AW GZ, where any adverts would be displayed, to my amusement I found only 1 advertising Truespace 3D which is not displayed all the time, just rotated every so often. I thought to myself, Why are outside businesses not taking up the opportunity for this advertising, I think it can be put down to several reasons. At the moment the pricing is too over ambition, its okay to be confident and believing people will pay for your product but not putting the prices up to an extent that your prospective consumer base will just ignore you because they can see your inexperienced with handling pricing and advertising, and hence will think that you run a weak business. The possible situation is that there is a lack of interest in advertising globally, while this is true it also means that advertisers are looking for more interesting places to advertise in so that they get maximum exposure and can ride out the advertising providers huge price hikes as they try to stay afloat. But I can think of many types of businesses that may be interested to have advertisement packages in Active Worlds if only they knew about them and various other conditions were met. By various other conditions I obviously refer to the price of things and the availability of the products and the advertising space allowed. I think that it would be a good incentive to drastically cut advertising prices to somewhere and offer a better package so that they receive something like this. Advertising Package 1 - $150 a month --------------------------------------- # A picture in AlphaWorld GZ and AWGate GZ with an activate URL attached and a bot in the vicinity in the region to monitor how many people click the sign to create statistics. # A plot in ! at Mart and a monthly based citizenship for which to create and build a shop in it. # A tagline on their advert object --------------------------------------- I think this would work better than a flat out $500 a month system that currently receives only 1 (to my knowledge) advertiser on it. Anyhow on with the post, id like to talk about how Active Worlds Inc actually advertises itself because to the best of my knowledge it doesn't advertise anywhere but in the occasional trade fair which I haven't seen it do for quite some time. I think that now AWI is getting better profits then should devote some of this money into external advertising so that it can further boost its revenues by getting more people into active worlds which will serve 2 tasks, 1 of which is to prop up the community that is slowly failing (don't flame me but we have seen allot of good people leave over the last several months) and 2, it would bring in more citizens and hence more money. Efforts should be made to please the citizens enough to get them to come back to AW and for them to remove their negative publicity of AW from things such as's comments system. Next on the list, the Beta, I too think that its about time that it was released, I think we have most of the bugs worked out of it now after hundreds of crashes we now very rarely get any in the Beta team which is a good thing, if you keep developing a product and saying it will be out soon but it never is because your adding new features people will eventually get board of this (Unless they're on the Beta team) and will start ignoring everything that the company says which is a very very bad thing in my opinion as some of the information that the company gives out about the browser is important enough for us all to know about. Forwards on onwards, I don't think anything needs saying about the state of the newsgroups, I think that that's all been sorted. EMail! AW is packing GB's/S of transfer power and Ghz of processing power, would it be that hard to give everyone in AW an at e-mail address, I know it would be initially hard to work out such as some people change their names allot, so it may have to work on citnums (as long as I get mark at ^_^) It would be a nice thankyou to the community that has just pulled AWC out of certain oblivion. POP3/4 please E N Z O :) AW Promotional CDs, we all know that AOL likes sending them though our homes, but why not attempt to start up pilot schemes where Active Worlds CDS could be bought in shops and them have the following on... - Separate AW installer for off the CD - The entire megapath, AW object path, AWGate object path contained locally on the CD that the installer will copy to the hard drive for the people to use, nothing is worse than downloading 1.6 MB on a 56k modem and then having to wait for 15 min for this supposedly great 3D world to load. - Bots (with the permission of the copyright owners) so they don't have to download them as well Just make em enough to cover the price of making the CD's and distribution, £5 / $10 maybe? Anyway, enough of this very long post... Maths test tomorrow - Mark [Discussion] Word of Mouth Advertising + AWINov 19, 2002, 4:58pm
Yes, but the idea is to develop on existing concepts to create new ones, I dare say giving a school a free world, browser installation package and about 3 citizenships for free to use in their school would be well worth a few thousand students seing it.
- Mark [Discussion] Word of Mouth Advertising + AWINov 19, 2002, 8:01pm
[Discussion] Word of Mouth Advertising + AWINov 20, 2002, 7:30pm
I asked E N Z O about this aggggessss ago and he said he liked the idea, but implimentation would be very very hard.
- Mark [View Quote] Joke of the WeekNov 23, 2002, 11:20pm
J B E L L: Please keep in mind the AWDebate Debate Proxy: + means that you agree, - means you disagree. Type # if you would like to be added to the queue to make a comment, -# to be removed from the queue. THIS RULE IS >ENFORCED<
In a world with 17 people, 8 talking... and chat scrolling faster at 0n 0w 200a in AW... Just couldent resist :) I find it amusing. Felt like we were in a ruddy VB listbox. - Mark Joke of the WeekNov 24, 2002, 12:25am
Took place in AWTeen tonight....
Demeter: Terrain features are ONLINE Santa Clause: Ho Ho Ho...merry christmas Strike Rapier: um... Santa Clause: I see you naughty boys and girls "fil": Hi Santa Strike Rapier: really.. I see u to... and ur IP and network port.. Santa Clause: Strike is a very very naughty boy Strike Rapier: Strikes your worst nightmare come true... Calm Spirit: isn't it a little early santa? Santa Clause: and you will be getting coal for christmas Calm Spirit: heh Strike Rapier: I wont be getting coal, my house has a gas fire and the coal would be up in flames before u got down the chimnet Strike Rapier: *chimney Calm Spirit: lol Santa Clause: never to early to find out whoz being naughty and who is being nice Strike Rapier: Failing that ill shoot you out the air with a Stinger missile and steal all your presents Santa Clause: Ha Ha Ha ! Santa Clause: young have much too learn Calm Spirit: dont you mean Ho Ho Ho? Strike Rapier: And failing that ill take you out the air with a damned nuke if i have to [Echlon]: Target solution lost Calm Spirit: *gasp* Santa never puts someone down like that Strike Rapier: is that true Santa? Whats 27x10-1 to the cube root Santa Clause: I do when they tend to be foolish Calm Spirit: i know this Strike Rapier: I am so tempted to go on PS right now, LOL Santa Clause: well it's good to see some of you boys and girls do know how to behave Calm Spirit: lol [Echlon]: Reaquired Strike Rapier: Maybe I should change the IO to say Santa is fake.. lol Calm Spirit: you may hurt all the young ones feelings Santa Clause: your days are numbered young man...the demons will take you swiftly in the night Strike Rapier: Ive used a pulse doplar radar before and I sure as hell havent seen a Santa Claus ..Zidane.: Hey Calm Spirit: lol, he'll send his imps after you Strike Calm Spirit: hey Zidane Strike Rapier: Well good luck to them because even I have a problem altering solid matter to get me out of my room, so they better have a PHD in physics and and a partical beam handy Santa Clause: remember boys and not act like Strike Rapier Santa Clause: he is far from the ideal person to follow Strike Rapier: *whistles and brings Echlon into GZ and presses the arm button* Calm Spirit: heh Santa Clause: be good boys and girls for Santa is watching you Strike Rapier: im 16, technicly im not a boy so I dont give a proverbial toot :P Strike Rapier: Lets get an IP trace on this idiot.. lol Calm Spirit: santa must of went back to the north pole Strike Rapier: Actually he went back to Amigos3 Calm Spirit: lol And now my childhood dreams are gone... 'Santa Claus is not accepting telegrams from you at this time' - Mark Joke of the WeekNov 24, 2002, 9:49am
Master local Object PathNov 24, 2002, 5:21pm
Is there any way to set up a master local object path on your home computer, so that you do not need to mess about setting it up for differnt hosts, but you could put something like...
d:\localOP\master\ And have it search for objects in that before searching for the actual object path... but for that same path to be searched for ALL hosts? - Mark Is Flagg Alive?Dec 1, 2002, 11:56am
Dont ya just love how things work between citizens and AWI? Whole differnt situation to a normal company granted by the software itself. In a normal company if something is not satisfactory you stage a small protest or something aganist it, maybe 5 or 6 people will learn about it, you think something isnt satisfactory in AW and the entire customer base knows about it in hours. *LOL*
- Mark [View Quote] A fun little thing to do in VStudios for christmas.Dec 3, 2002, 8:21pm
*bangs head* Did you have to post it to multiple newsgroups, despite it making no sence?
- Mark [View Quote] THE ULTIMATE AW LIST OF THINGSDec 6, 2002, 10:53pm
Citnum #1Dec 7, 2002, 3:13pm
Black Box Around descriptions...Dec 7, 2002, 4:44pm
Since I reinstalled my computer I seem to have this problem again, but I no
longer have the link that was posted on here about the fix for it. If anyone has it handy could you please inform me of it :) - Mark Black Box Around descriptions...Dec 7, 2002, 5:30pm
Advertising and its lack of logic...Dec 10, 2002, 5:17pm
"Did you know that 1 in every 5 computers is infected with a virus? Don't
become a statistic! Click here to find out how easy it is to help protect your PC with " - From Hotmail file scan download. If thats true.. then are you not still a statistic if you dont have a virus? "The 1 in 5 who does not" - Mark Silly Microsoft Advertising and its lack of logic...Dec 10, 2002, 8:14pm
Advertising and its lack of logic...Dec 10, 2002, 9:10pm
Most Bacteria don't immediately attempt to get to your brain and wipe your
long term memory and hog your thought processes. As opposed to virus's which Wipe your HD and hog your RAM / Processor. - Mark [View Quote] How a blonde prints e-mail...Dec 15, 2002, 10:17am
Politically correct holiday greeting (repost, I believe)Dec 16, 2002, 8:19pm
AWTeen GZ Closed due to Health WarningDec 21, 2002, 1:47am
Please note AWTeen GZ is now closed to all except complete nutters due to
several reported incidents of people slipping and smashing their faces on 5 or so ice pools Phalaphe has littered around, (now I know what the red stains on the ice are!). Although you are free to visit, AWTeen can take no responsibility for any damage caused to your facial area or posterior during this time as your feet slip from under you sending you hurtling forwards or smashing their back sides. Also please note there is also increased risk due to you being distracted by some quite decent views there. We hope this does not cause any inconvenience. If it does.. I sell life insurance >:D - Mark Randall - Director of Virtual Safety Incredimail.. scum of the universe...Dec 21, 2002, 1:58am
Every god forsaken, idiotic, intellectually challanged moron who uses
Incredimail should be put up against a wall and shot until theyre nothing more than quarks (fundamental particaly) because theyre bandwidth wasting, memory hogging, network grinding, packet sizing sods! Anyone else feel that Incredimail is 1 of the worlds worst invensions, its an IE clone, Incredimail.. scum of the universe...Dec 21, 2002, 2:02am
[View Quote]
And "Strike Rapier" continued to write because he was messing about with
SendKeys2("R%"): Its exactly like OE appart from it DELIBERATLY wastes bandwidth and everything else, christ my inbox has been grinding to a halt with all the crap I get from people taking up 50 times the normal size of an email. Anyone else here think that this "program" is a waste of space and the very bits its source is made from should be hacked up, crushed, sliced into tiny pieces and then scattered to the winds? - Mark - A serious conversation, Incendimail is scum - PS: Feel free to delete this if anyone takes offence E N Z O. But I have confidence the enlightened soles of this newsgroup may agree. |