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Aug 15, 2002, 8:15pm
Hehe, im annoyed at trying to get Poseidon to wake up :P and John is a general pain in the back side anyhow

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 3:27pm
Sorry :P Im just wound up and stressed due to trying to do 50 differnt things at once each requiring 24/7 attension and I havent slept for 3 days. If I insult anyone during this time who isnt obviously being a idiot please take my biggest apologies, that includes people who I get annoyed with who say something I dont apreciate, but does not include Spammers, Idiots, Fools, AWTeen CT's or for that matter, anyone who should be marked with a big "irritation" sticker on them.

- Mark

Now im off to do 6 hours of C++, then fix up 3 other programs and while im at it try to visit my dads house for the first time in ages and catch up some sleep while im there.


Aug 16, 2002, 3:31pm
Tho are forgiven oh Goober the great.

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 4:36pm
Im only 16, I cant drive.

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Aug 16, 2002, 4:41pm
Your concern is touching.

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Aug 16, 2002, 5:36pm
Yeah, tarmac costs a fortune now :P


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Aug 16, 2002, 5:51pm
But then u will have to pay for parking elsewhere? >_<

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 7:55pm
Ahh, thats that then

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Nov 3, 2002, 1:07pm
Check the dates of your posts your replying to...
- Mark
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a website

Aug 16, 2002, 7:49pm
I havent, sounds like some American crap :P

(No offence to americans, but its probably a crap film, and its probably from america, lol)

- Mark

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a website

Aug 17, 2002, 8:50am
Ahhh ha! Tx for info

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Remind You of Anyone?

Aug 19, 2002, 1:54am

Is defiantly me, or maybe Admin...

- Mark
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Re: Bug in security update?

Aug 17, 2002, 6:36am
Eeek, that was a bit of a bad 1 wasn't it. It was 2 keys out! Not just 1!! Well, thats what you get when your using 2 computers at once and attempting to eat a tuna and cucumber sandwhich at the same time. >:-D

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Re: Bug in security update?

Aug 17, 2002, 6:36am
pu b[o'g mt r[yfe p b[o'g .d;t ui][f 'p;t tntyi miut = It could be worse, i could make a type every byte

Just use the key 2 to the right of the key to encode :P

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 7:50am
Pokemon and DragonBall DOES sell allot of merchandise though dosent it (I know that what you said), but if its anime, its got products, hell you can get the Sailor Moon bath foam, pitty you cant actually buy real senzu beans, would wipe out world ill health.

- Me
- Useless post, sorry

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 7:56am
Anime is based on visual bangs, flashes and Music rather than detail, Hell look at Sailor Moon, it had a best selling album out of all the music thats never been beat (Cartoon wise). My MP3 collection contains about 20 of the tracks from Digimon series 1 to 3 as well, as well as about 120 MB of the SM CDs (I really should clear them out anyway) but the idea is to create a flash and get people existed with the battle scenes as you can see from this picture there are also other "pre-resiquites" to anime characters appart from the noses and the tear drops to show worriedness, fright, sarcasm etc.

-And no before you ask that image on my site is only an example

Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 8:49am
Dont forget long purple / blue hair and large purple swords.


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Odd Bugs

Aug 17, 2002, 11:52am
But we already knew that.. and it wasnt a bug at all that, it bugged us, but it was intensional... did you intend to inform of another incident like this?


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Odd Bugs

Aug 17, 2002, 12:31pm
*LOL* 10 points for Wizard :D


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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 17, 2002, 3:52pm
Exactly, there is everything from Cartoon shows though to sex and final thuogh to educational shows, its just the Japanisee way and like we have our cartoons like we have them, so do they.

- Mark

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 18, 2002, 4:09pm
Gotta love Cardcaptors, and the musics quite good 2. :P

- Mark

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 18, 2002, 11:17pm
Sadly were only human but its true, but apparently they do em where they are old 2 to stop the laws on child protection etc o.o i wouldent know, ive only watched a few anime cartoons, nothign like THAT.

Eep: if you don't think little girls in short skirts is sexy, you're a fag.

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 19, 2002, 1:50am
Sakuras only 12? I thought she was 13, well ya learn something every day dont ya?
as for violence, what would Digimon be without Gizomon biomerging into Galletmon and kicking purple slimy bottom? or Pikachu if his battery is flat? Or hell, combine em both, The sailor scouts, Girls in very short skirts beating the hell outta evil women (carefull not to drool again Eep. :P) and they are some of the most popular cartoon people on Earth.

- Mark
- I just think Goobers interested in the 'cute' clothes Sakura wears

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Psst...New Search Engine

Aug 20, 2002, 5:18pm
Google 0wnz The search engine world :P

- Mark

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Psst...New Search Engine

Aug 20, 2002, 7:06pm
I was merly backing up your standpoint :)

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 4:05pm
Goober, sorry to have to beak this to you but YES, about 99% of the male population would kill to be with a Real-Life version of that image I posted further up, and I do think their intensions with her would be to to go upto her and go "Ah, the force is strong in this 1" it would be for sex. Also, There are all the girls who go running around in short skirts, Sakura, Usagi (Sailor Moon), and Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the outer senshi thrown in for fun (carefull what you think about the outer Senshi, you could be in for a bit of a suprise if you mised their into) yarda yarda yarda, now I make it clear im not accusing anyone of being slightly insane and freakish, but hell, youve got to find that "slightly" sexual. Then again you are probably the 1%...

Violence violence, sex and violence go well together dont they, while I was thinking about this last night I realised why its aimed at lads and men so much as well as the girls (even on sailor moon), and even as sick as this is (Flagg, nuke this post if you feel the need) is that, as sad as it is *Cringe* it comes from the part that Men + Lads would just love to be dominated by someone *cringe again* now mix that with the reasons in the first paragraph and there you have it for Sex, and the Union of Sex and violence.

Now for voilence on its own, its kinda of differnt from the violence of hitting someone around the head with a metal bar, because its things like Energy Attacks (Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, Usagi Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, etc...) because IRL you cant actually fire Kahmehamehhar's (DBZ's "Ultimate Distuction Wave / Beam" in English) would be great if you could, so for things like that, its Violence, but violence derived from A desire to be able to do all these energy beams etc, Hell if I were Goku IRL id be laughing (just think, id never have to get a car, could just use instant translocation to get to work), so anyway...

Allot of sex, Allot of sex + Violence, but a strange sue of violence on its own (cause we all want to see the evil person get creamed dont we? :) )

- Mark

Goober King Wrote:

> And apparently, this whole argument depends on your definition of "sex
> and violence". If you think kids running around in skirts constitutes
> "sex" and cute little monsters duking it out in battle equals
> "violence", then you really need to get out more. :P
> I will readily admit that there's sex and violence in a lot anime, but
> you have to remember where it comes from. Violence was practically a way
> of life for the Japanese culture until very recently (within the past
> 50-75 years) and they aren't as uptight about sex as we Americans; they
> just see it as another aspect of life.
> But again, just because a lot of it may have varying degrees of sex
> and/or violence doesn't make it a necessary component for being anime.
> One could also make the argument that Hollywood is all about sex and
> violence, but that wouldn't be anymore true than anime. It all depends
> on what you watch and how you interpret it, really.
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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 4:05pm
BTW, if it was a galaxy far far away, at the speed of light it would take over a million years to send a signal to the internet, not to mension the fact it would need a hundred times the power of an supermassive black hole.

- Mark

Anudin and Talisan said:
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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 4:05pm
Disnt we say further up that most anime characters (exspecially the girls) are not drawn asian? :P

- Mark

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 4:06pm
Sorry :P I was tired.

btw, I meant Graphical sex.

- Mark

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Re: Anime (was Re: AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night)

Aug 20, 2002, 5:19pm
Fox kids actually, but not as much as their used to be unfortunatly. >_<

- Mark
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