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USWF Bank Bot In the Process of Being Made!

Dec 19, 2000, 5:08am
So.... like umm... what will it be able to do? Becuase i don't wnat it to
regualt building but I will build shops and stuff

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Prestons done?

Dec 19, 2000, 5:32am
I'm not a newbie but i still like prestons. There easy to use!

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Anyone havea copy of the Paintball script from AWTeen?

Dec 16, 2000, 5:16am
I've really wanted that script for awawile, and no one seems to have it :(

New bots

Dec 19, 2000, 5:12am
Can anyone say"Hexbot"? It learns but it doesnt move around and stuff.....

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Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 19, 2000, 3:31am
I'm new to all NGs and I have always wanted to make a bot. Is it hard to
learn any of the Prog. Lang.'s? I would really like a response from anyone.

Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 20, 2000, 11:01pm
Shure! I'll be glad to take lesons :) I would really apprecaite it :)

~CrAzY gLuE IL
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Question for ALL prgramers!

Dec 22, 2000, 5:11am
I'm very lost, I know nothing about C++, C, or Javascript. I'm A real newbie
T-gram me
thanks :)

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I'm looking for a coplier or what ever you call them....

Dec 24, 2000, 12:44am
And i haven't found any for the PC not unix or mac or what ever PC(Microsoft
based :o)
Need help
Twist didnt you say that you would teach me as soon as I gota complier?


Jan 14, 2001, 11:09pm
Hey sentax, were you talking to me?

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Jan 15, 2001, 1:33am
STOP THE FUCKING CAPITOLS. Its HARD as hell to read them. WHo do you think
that you are fooling?
It's hard to act like you , becuase everyone is unique, mmk?
L-e-a-r-n how NOT to seam stupid. please.
I act stupid BUT I am NOT stupid.
Learn the differance.

>very annoyed<
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Important Message Very IMPORTANT

Jan 15, 2001, 1:29am
First of all, its hard as hell to read i, becuase of all o the Capitol
Letters. Can someoen say
G-r-a-m-m-e-r ?Please talk sensible. Not all of us are as stupid as you,

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Trivia Liscensing available

Feb 11, 2001, 2:21am
one word "SHUTUP" another word "IDIOT"

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

Hey Lanezeri...I got a bot for you to make....

Feb 22, 2001, 9:15pm
Since your always complaining that you have nothing to do, make this bot for
me. I need a world greeter-helper bot kinda thing, one that is fully
customizable. I mean, make a bot that responds when it is whispered to, and
whispers to the person who comes in about what topics it can help about, if
that's not clear enough, telegram me, or email me at crazyglue3 at
We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.

Hey Lanezeri...I got a bot for you to make....

Feb 25, 2001, 4:36am
Prestons don't work on my machine anymore....and I'm not always in my
world....and I'm to lazy to mess round with this script that I have...mmk
:).....and I wanted to see if Lanzeri would do it, claiming that the is
always bored.

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

Paintball Bot..

Feb 26, 2001, 12:44am
Lane, Brants Paintball bot is not a script, its a bot.

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

message to troop2

Mar 5, 2001, 10:49pm
XelaG, troop2 at is TrekkerX, cit# 322512....glad to help
ya...hehe >:P

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

Well it had to happen sooner or later...

Mar 9, 2001, 9:48pm
I finally decided that I wanted to learn VB, C++, or C, I need links for the
compliers (again)
Twist, If your offer still stands I will gladly accept it!

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.

Well it had to happen sooner or later...

Mar 14, 2001, 8:14pm
Lol cool name!
I'm get a complier and contact you!
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N e w B o t s . .

Mar 16, 2001, 11:34pm
What happened to Factor, i mean, wasn't this spoed to be a monitored NG?
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K my script, all fixed with readme!

Mar 16, 2001, 11:42pm
Just what has boosted you ego so much?
Sure, it's good to have ambition, but your talking BUGLESS!!!
You've got to be kidding me, it's damn near impossible because you can't fix
all of the bug's in the OS, Or AW.

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Maintain proper focus between chat, whisper, and movement

Jan 1, 2001, 4:01am
Not true at ALL.
I use 3.0 and you dont have to click on the box that you use to chat with,
the only thing I use my mouse for is to check my teles, contacts ect. and to
build (right click). I use my key board for everything else. Lets see your
problem, when you are wlaking even with a mouse you still have to pause to
type. Or you can use one hand for the key movement and one for typing. Now I
like to use both for typingand I still move :)(alot).
well hope this helps (probley didnt)
~Johnathon a.k.a. CrAzY gLuE IL

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New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 2:50am
THE EASIEST way to make sure that no one steals your account is to NOT store
your password in your AW browser! I haven't ever been hacked, wanna know
why? Because it is called an "anti-virus" software. That and I only download
and transfer when i know the person good, and the company.

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

New ejection...

Feb 11, 2001, 8:30pm
> afraid of you..<<<<

When have we acted like that>?

user limit

Feb 11, 2001, 8:14pm
true, but some CT's of trails give out their ppw like its nothing, and some
of private worlds too. Do you know how many people would abuse that

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
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ALT & CNTRL running

Feb 11, 2001, 11:27pm
you can strafe by holding shift an pressing the <- and -> arrows. Didn't
you know that? And I thought that you guys have been here longer than me. :}

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
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ALT & CNTRL running

Feb 13, 2001, 8:06pm
Well SORRY, Eep, I didn't see the part where it said that he wanted on
different buttons, and the ..(pause) is supposed to be 3 dots, atleast
that's what my English teacher says (with the masters). Take your own
advice, idiot.

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

ALT & CNTRL running

Feb 15, 2001, 9:11pm
I was, Eep, he said something that you would expect form you, go figure. Are
you related to Lanezeri?

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

Way to make objects under rotate and move commands "rideable"

Feb 15, 2001, 9:16pm
No he said i t would take a new code, or something like that, but its
possible :D

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote]

news group for misc stuff

Feb 22, 2001, 1:38am
I wouldn't mind an off-topic NG, it would probably lighten up the load on
the "community" NG, Eep weren't you a n-e-w-b-i-e once too? I made a
mistake when I fist arrived, but I try my mest to make sense here, just so I
won't get flamed (kinda ironic isn't it?), Just as anansas(andras?) said,
Some learn fast, others don't, and that's why you see so many 16 year olds
in 8th grade, kinda pitiful, maybe it wouldn't hurt for you to stop
insulting everyone and give them a chance (not including AFM). You know,
Eep, not everyone is just like you, it would help if you realized that. Even
if you do, please show it. :)

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
[View Quote] [View Quote] > I strongly disagree. Ppl need forum where they can discuss what is in
their mind. Most of the posters here rarely uses other newsgroups (no pun
intended!) I bet most of them still thinks NG is another way of chat (but a
slower one) which is of course bad but .... What would it cost to set-up an
ng were everyone can talk about anything? For AWCI - as a publicly traded
company (don't start to debate this issue please) has to keep the traffic in
a controlled manner (one of the reason those private groups are not open for
everyone). We can't think they will provide us a group where everyone can
state her/his opinion regardless of the ng owner. Would you like to have
your own ng where you read nothing else but bashing you? I doubt. I agree
with you on the "Keep the posts on topic" agenda but there is no other
opportunity to post something absolutely off topic. people need it! (maybe
you are an exception :) That is the reason I'm an advocate to have such a
group either within AWCI (which I doubt will happen) or on an independent NG
where the rest of the topics are STILL aw related.
> Don't forget - all of us were a beginner once. Some of us learned faster
some didn't :)
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news group for misc stuff

Feb 22, 2001, 7:08pm
Yes but you WERE as NEW as everyone else at one time, and no one will ever
be just like you, silly :P

We all have atleast ONE crazything in us >:]
~Johnathon a.k.a CrAzY gLuE IL
crazyglue3 at
Idiots are plentiful these days, what would we do without them?
Geniuses are rare, but what would it be like without them?
That's is the question.
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