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ananas // User Search
ananas // User Searchgeneral.discussion?Dec 22, 2003, 7:43pm
It still shows up in the subscribe list for me,
maybe it's just closed for some cleaning. Too much crap has been posted by this password thief lately. [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 22, 2003, 9:45pm
hm - I can press "refresh" and it still shows.
Might be a bug in Mozilla or OE decides to hide non-public groups. I wonder what would happen if I unsubscribed and then would try to refresh the list ... [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 23, 2003, 11:13am
I unsubscribed and it's gone from the newsreader
subscribe list now (using Mozilla 5.0 - 1.3.1). So it was like Andras said, a Mozilla bug. [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 24, 2003, 6:40am
well, it's OK if it keeps it in the list of groups
to look at but should not still offer to subscript to it. [View Quote] Happy HolidaysDec 23, 2003, 11:17am
Frohe Weihnachten und ein schönes neues Jahr
wünscht Euch allen aus Göttingen (Südniedersachsen) Volker [View Quote] VRT time should change with daylight savingsApr 4, 2004, 7:19am
Time zones do not change, just the _local_ time differs
from their own timezone by one hour. As VRT is a virtual time zone, one should leave it alone like all other time zones. Smart server admins leave their servers alone too, just the _representation_ of the time is not TZ for a while but TZ-1 - but the time zone itself doesn't change. Nowadays DST doesn't make sense anymore at all anyway, it causes more costs and needs more energy than just leaving time alone. [View Quote] VRT time should change with daylight savingsApr 6, 2004, 3:13pm
Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?Apr 3, 2004, 5:19pm
Lara / Strike Rapier, Chanty E-CardsApr 4, 2004, 6:09am
My theory would be :
- the person sent out the first cards to make people angry - he sent the second card to make people think that Strike Rapier uses Hallmark and that he must have sent out the first one too If this is correct, it must be someone who does not like Strike Rapier and it must be a very naive and/or stupid person. Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,Apr 9, 2004, 2:12pm
I already sent an email to abuse at, maybe
they can identify the user from the time and IP in their logs. So far I only received an automatic teply mail though. [View Quote] Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,Apr 9, 2004, 5:57pm
the problem with those server side virus blockers is that they are often very badly configured. They send an information about the virus "back" to the address that the virus faked as the sender - but the sender is just a random entry from the address book of the infected PC too and probably receives the same virus mails. So those stupid ISP idiots just increase the traffic for those people who already get enough traffic from the infected PCs. Not using any antivirus program is the best protection. The AV programs make people careless. If they do not feel too secure they will probably not click on everything clickable anymore. An AV program is never up to date anyway, there's always one virus newer than the latest AV program. AV companies even need to be a bit behind so the virus gets a chance to spread. It would be very bad for their business if viruses would get caught too soon. I guess we can count Mauz as one receiver from the list too btw., I got several mails with her email address as sender already - faked of course, she doesn't live in Phittsbhourgh. Volker [View Quote] Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,Apr 9, 2004, 6:00pm
The "helo=" tag is faked too btw., I already got some with
"", "helo=ananas" and "" so the "helo=Dude" might not be the real network name either. [View Quote] Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,Apr 10, 2004, 8:50pm
Doesn't go through - but I guess it's even my own
firewall that blocks it, sometimes I will check the settings [View Quote] Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,Apr 11, 2004, 8:11pm
Maybe ping floods would help crash this idiots connection ...
Might only be OK for a few minutes after receiving the virus mail though as it's dialup. [View Quote] Is this possible?Apr 11, 2004, 7:19pm
A definition in MFC - especially there - is not a proof
(or is it "proove"?) for any standard. Defining TRUE as 1 might work on some systems, some others use _all_ bits set for the TRUE value (on CPU level). So this definition would meet the standards a little better : #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE (!FALSE) A better version that is totally independant from the CPU : #define FALSE (1 == 2) #define TRUE (!FALSE) One thing that is always bad is a comparison with TRUE or FALSE, I go with the K&R standards there : if (value == TRUE) should always be replaced with if (value) if (value == FALSE) should always be replaced with if (! value) so actually there's no need for any TRUE/FALSE definition, just drop them. Of course this decision should influence the naming conventions for "boolean" variables in your program. "Good" names are like this : HasLegalValue IsLoggedOn PasswordIsChecked If you have them like this, the if() construct with or without NOT even becomes human readable, e.g. : if (! IsLoggedOn) PerformLogon(); Please do not check all my sources now - I am experienced so I don't need to follow those rules ;-) I do follow them in all sources that I have written for commercial customers though. [View Quote] Is this possible?Apr 11, 2004, 8:09pm
> I don't use MFC/VC++. It worked in gcc... it may just be a compiler
> only thing. It's a style thing ;-) is this a virusApr 12, 2004, 5:21am
Very likely that this virus (in Pittsburgh?) just uses
your email. So this mail was either an attempt of the virus to infect your PC or it was a bad or badly configured virus protection on a mail server. Some virus scanners used by ISPs send infected mail back to the address they find in the "Received from" entry and fall into the tricks of the virus. Some even help spreading the virus by _not_ removing the virus attachment. They send the virus "back" to the person that never sent it. Those AV companies are very good at their business :-/ [View Quote] is this a virusApr 12, 2004, 5:21pm
I got some with faked antivirus signature too from
our .pitt address. I will forward a few headers to security at everyday now, maybe if we spam them they will try to track the virus "owner" [View Quote] warning virusApr 16, 2004, 4:45pm
JavaScript != Java, this virus uses the scripting engine.
Although the has the name JS.something, the description explains it more like a VBScript thing. Outlook is the best platform for those malicious scripts, changing Java doesn't help, the scripts still might gain access to the MSOffice object model. Getting rid of Outlook and switching any scripting off for mail and news is the best protection. [View Quote] CPU & AWApr 18, 2004, 7:25pm
Mine should be quite compareable, it's a dual MP2600+ with
Radeon 9500Pro and 1,5GB RAM. AW does not run on 2 CPUs so your system should perform better. My second CPU allows me to run any kind of other stuff withous slowing down AW. I can even visit Denmark with 200m visibility and 60fps most of the time :-) [View Quote] CPU & AWApr 19, 2004, 5:39am
Maybe you're running in software rendering mode, use an
OpenGL software emulator or measured with a Pre3.3 version? I have one P3/550 (Slot1/Katmai) with a Radeon9000 and it still runs quite smooth and Count Dracula has a P3s/1133 (Tualatin) with the same Radeon9000 and it's fine too. (The Tualatin is 3x faster than the Katmai) The biggest difference between the P3s/1133 and the P3/550 is when complex models come into range, the first render takes much longer pn the 550. Once it's there, the framerate is still acceptable. The dual MP2600+ is not much better than the P3s/1133 if you run only AW3.3+. Just all background activity is nearly stopped on the 550MHz one while AW runs, although 3.3+ leaves way more CPU time for background tasks than 2.2/3.2. I think, AW runs better with faster CPUs up to a certain CPU speed. Everything on top doesn't help AW anymore, from that point only faster video cards increase speed. [View Quote] CPU & AWApr 19, 2004, 7:39pm
I think it's a good combination - well, the WinXP -
I prefer Win2k but you can switch XP into optimized performance - _looks_ like Win2k then with just one mouseclick :-) If it's still too slow, you can increase the FSB and - if the CPU is unlocked - decrease the multiplier (so you can increase FSB even more ;-). I have a couple of NForce2 boards running Seti at Home, most of them with an XP1800+ (Thoroughbread) running at 200x10 up to 200x11,5 or 210x10 - depending on their prime stability. VCore 1,65V - 1,7V. I do not use them for AW so I cannot tell how they would perform - they have only older video cards too and usually no monitor attached. Some do not even a case. Needs good cooling though and in summer I will have to reduce - too hot now already :-/ [View Quote] Help on file extensionApr 22, 2004, 8:58pm
Best Firewall?Apr 27, 2004, 4:42am
The best firewall is one that does not run on your PC.
With all those security holes, it is never a good idea to connect a cable from a windows PC to the WWW. Some virii attack ports before a software firewall can get hold of those. A small Pentium1 or PII running Linux between your PC and the web is the best insurance and it should not be too expencive. It doesn't need much, not even a HD. Google for "Linux on a floppy" and you'll find firewall projects with very low hardware ressource needs :-) [View Quote] Best Firewall?Apr 28, 2004, 4:39am
You would not need the whole system, if you can plug the
monitor to it just sometimes (during boot or installation). While it runs, it doesn't need a monitor. You will need to keep the keyboard though, some PCs do not really like it if you unplug the keyboard while they run. But of course you can put the keyboard under the desk most of the time as you will not need it while the firewall PC just routes your network traffic. A mouse is not needed for this system. For the firewall stuff, this link should be the right one : If you kept Win98, this would still not be secure as it has a good "virus compatibility" to your XP so if a virus would manage to sneak into your Win98 it would infect your XP too. There are not that many virii for Linux running wild and even if you would catch one, it is very unlikely that it could infect your XP to. An option is always a hardware router of course, like Andras said, I have one too - but the Linux/Minix solution is worth a try I think. [View Quote] MyActiveworldsApr 27, 2004, 4:43am
World NamesApr 30, 2004, 1:58pm
depends much on the idea and intention that the world owners had. I do not think that it is really a problem, I had choosen a name for my world too that had already been taken - Andras helped out and found a matching _very_ similar name for it that matched the idea (Labirint) and was still available. As long as the world names are limited to only a few characters, one sometimes has not so many choices. Same for citizen names btw., several people are confused about Andras and me but I think it is not really a problem, just funny sometimes *g It would be a problem though if someone copies or tries to copy the world contents, steals layout or models. Maybe the owners of the worlds in question could even crosslink their worlds and make them sister worlds :-) Just my 2 cents ... Volker [View Quote] Future CommandsMay 5, 2004, 5:38pm
Some nice motion commands for RWX would be fine.
RWXes should have something like "animate" that goes through predefined movement or sequence stages or switch complete clumps on / off. ClumpBegin StageBegin 1 ... StageEnd StageBegin 2 ... StageEnd StageBegin 3 StageEnd StageBegin 4 ... StageEnd ClumpEnd ..... bump stage me 10 1 3 3 2 4 would switch through the following stage numbers with 10ms duration for each stage. Some systems even implement avatars with this technique but it is not as smooth as AW avatar movement of course. It's more versatile for some things though, especially when the detail level of a model changes. Hidden parts would just not exist (and thus create no lag) when not needed. [View Quote] |