anduin lothar // User Search

anduin lothar // User Search

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bot hosting

Oct 30, 2000, 9:14pm
muhahahhaaha I have ISDN now also!!!
And yeah I use the Data connection but it's a pitty my ISP is kind and
generous enough to tranfer it to Date Over Voice (FOV) so my Data call is
still only classified as a voice call at a flat rate of 19cents.
Sorta called working around phone companies lol.


[View Quote]

Need a Programmer

Nov 3, 2000, 2:12am
I'm looking for someone who would be interested in making a VR Banking
Network of bots... I don't know if anyone will so I am asking you...

First of all what these bots would do is connect through network, and
clients could use a seperate client bot and login using their citizen number
and a pin number. They would be able to check their available balance,
transfer money to someone else "LIVE", change their pin number and so on. If
the bot can automatically create them an account by recognizing their
citizen number (meaning no cheating) they would only be able to create one
account for citizen number. When accounts are created they get credited
That's the User Client Bot...

Then there's the Adminstration Client where adminstrators can log in and
edit the accounts, checking everyone's balance, pin numbers and being able
to change all the details in the database...

The Server would be even more seperate, It would get hosted 24/7 and would
include the database and store every single bit of information.

Now, lets just say someone doesn't want to download the software... We
supply worlds and towns joined up with a seperate client bot which logs into
the world and responds to commands and does basically the same thing but in
chat and in the world/town...

Preferable the User Client, Admin should have GUI and the server should run
in the background of Windows.

So what do you think... It would be for the USWF mostly.. Don't really want
the whole of AW starting to use it really, but if it has to be done that way
then I guess it just has to.. But the USWF is the main VR Banking World and
it is an idea which I propose, hoping that you can help out.

Yours Sincerely,
Anduin Lothar

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

begin 666 Anduin Lothar.vcf
M.D%N9'5I;B!,;W1H87(-"D]21SI5+E,N5RY&.TAE860 at 475A<G1E<G,-"E1)
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M8V]M+W1I;G!A;B]D<G5M;65R+S0P, at T*55),.G=W=RYG96]C:71I97,N8V]M
M+W5S=V9?:&5A9 T*0D1!63HR,# Q,# at P- at T*2T59.U at U,#D[14Y#3T1)3D<]
M0D%3138T. at T*(" at ($U)24,Q1$-#06HR9T%W24)!9TE$03)4=$U!,$=#4W%'
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J+F-O;2YA=0T*4D56.C(P,# Q,3 R5#$U-#<U-UH-"D5.1#I60T%21 T*

Need a Programmer

Nov 3, 2000, 2:13am
I'm looking for someone who would be interested in making a VR Banking
Network of bots... I don't know if anyone will so I am asking you...

First of all what these bots would do is connect through network, and
clients could use a seperate client bot and login using their citizen number
and a pin number. They would be able to check their available balance,
transfer money to someone else "LIVE", change their pin number and so on. If
the bot can automatically create them an account by recognizing their
citizen number (meaning no cheating) they would only be able to create one
account for citizen number. When accounts are created they get credited
That's the User Client Bot...

Then there's the Adminstration Client where adminstrators can log in and
edit the accounts, checking everyone's balance, pin numbers and being able
to change all the details in the database...

The Server would be even more seperate, It would get hosted 24/7 and would
include the database and store every single bit of information.

Now, lets just say someone doesn't want to download the software... We
supply worlds and towns joined up with a seperate client bot which logs into
the world and responds to commands and does basically the same thing but in
chat and in the world/town...

Preferable the User Client, Admin should have GUI and the server should run
in the background of Windows.

So what do you think... It would be for the USWF mostly.. Don't really want
the whole of AW starting to use it really, but if it has to be done that way
then I guess it just has to.. But the USWF is the main VR Banking World and
it is an idea which I propose, hoping that you can help out.

Yours Sincerely,
Anduin Lothar

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

begin 666 Anduin Lothar.vcf
M.D%N9'5I;B!,;W1H87(-"D]21SI5+E,N5RY&.TAE860 at 475A<G1E<G,-"E1)
M97( at ;V8 at =&AE(%535T8 at ;65A;FEN9R!5;FET960 at 4W1A=&5S(%=O<FQD($9E
M9&5R871I;VX^/CX],$0],$%5;FET960 at (" at *#T-"E5N:71E*3TP1#TP05-T
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M54]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E=A=6)R82P at 5FEC=&]R:6$ at ,S,U,CTP1#TP04%U
M8V]M+W1I;G!A;B]D<G5M;65R+S0P, at T*55),.G=W=RYG96]C:71I97,N8V]M
M+W5S=V9?:&5A9 T*0D1!63HR,# Q,# at P- at T*2T59.U at U,#D[14Y#3T1)3D<]
M0D%3138T. at T*(" at ($U)24,Q1$-#06HR9T%W24)!9TE$03)4=$U!,$=#4W%'
M4TEB,T1114)"055!34E'54U1<W=#45E$5E%11T5W2F%15$5634)-1PT*(" at
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M07A-9E5'5GEC,CEU65=W9PT*(" at (%)N2FQ:5S%H85=W9U5L3D))1$4U3U1K
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M03%59$1W14(O=U%%07=)1&E$05)"9VQG:&MG0FAV:$-!445%#0H at (" at 0D%-
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M0D%504$T1T)!1UIM#0H at (" at 9S!Y5U,T5V)H3TYP=W-9-SEU9&4K=&=B635R
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J+F-O;2YA=0T*4D56.C(P,# Q,3 R5#$U-# at S,%H-"D5.1#I60T%21 T*

Xelagot script to eject when ppl swear

Nov 9, 2000, 8:02pm
Kah, first of all don't use a bot to eject people when saying a certain
swear word. The bot only picks up the swear words and not the content of
what is actually said...
For example if someone decides to say, God Damn, it's a Nice day today....
Shit, this world is nice! It would eject them, how rude!

Some country's don't have the same meaning for swear words, EG: DAMN in US
is a swear word which doesn't mean a thing in Australia. In Australia we use
DAMN all the time for anything, doesn't mean a thing.

It is different however if someone is cussing at a particular person and
putting them down by going off their heads and swearing at them and abusing
them. That's a different matter. But unfortunately bots have no way of doing
that what so ever... That would explain why world owners would rather have
actual citizens as staff to monitor chat than using bots like AWGate does
which is really bad.

Anyway think about it before using these type of bots.

Anduin Lothar

"kah" Wrote: --==>
> I need a Xelagot script that can eject ppl if the say certain words (a
> little like the wordlist, but instead of playing a sound, it ejects the
> person). This is to get rid of ppl swearing at GZ. If you sometime have
> "shit" on AWGate GZ, you know what I mean. Or if there is no script like
> this, how do I make one?

Xelagot script to eject when ppl swear

Nov 10, 2000, 10:58am
Actually good idea... Get an Xelagot or any bot at all to log a specific
word. Not just one word but the acctual full sentence of what the person
said which included that swear word. So you can read the log and see for
yourself if it's just a usual swear word or he/she cussing at somsone else
and abusing them, and if thewre is actually someone else in the world.
When you have read the log you can see their name and maybe even citnumber
if a citizen... That way you can speak with them later on or ban them if
needed.. Be sure to let them know what they did wrong first of course.
Anyway you could get any bot to watch over the world, doesn't even have to
be suspiscious... IE: Get a BLIMP avatar and do advertisements like I'm
currently doing with my copies of Xelagot and making it do the blimp
movement and telling people to send over advertisements for the blimp. As
well as it logging everything everyone says (Besides whispers).

Anduin Lothar

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at
[View Quote] --
- Tony56 (aka Chandler56)
"Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"

On-Line Owner Privilege Rights

Nov 11, 2000, 12:04pm
Yes, as a world owner you have every right possible (CareTaker). You can
Public Speaker (Bold)
Eminent Domain (Able to delete anyone's property including with a bot using
your privilege)
Build Rights and so on

You are also able to give these type of rights to citizens you wish by
entering their citizen ID number in the world rights section...

Try using an Xelagot also :) Very useful, especially if you are using the v
3.0 World Server which will allow you to see and delete world ejections,
warp and teleport people using bots also!

Anduin Lothar

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

[View Quote]

To anyone and everyone

Nov 20, 2000, 7:50pm
Grrr, I am insulted to think one of my staff from USWF_PBL "Lanezeri" could
dare act like that to you.
I don't know what to say, but ask you what I should do about this act.

Best Regards,
Anduin Lothar (Samuel Lison)

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

My Song Picks for the Month (If I like em, you gotta get em!):
[The Artful Dodger] - Re-Rewind The Crowd Say Bo Selecta
[Paul Van Dyk] - Another Way
[Delerium] - Heaven's Earth
[Armin] - Communication
[View Quote]

My Wish for Active Worlds

Jul 25, 2000, 6:58pm
I wouldn't actually mind if Active Worlds could support MP3 Format for music
background. I know this may be big files but maybe have a little seperate
box in a corner specifically made for MP3 forman songs and you can press
play and it downloads the songs playing. Not playing it like winamp does
live but actually downloading them in good quality.
This can be good for people with cable connection or higher (wouldn't bother
them at all)
People using slower connections would of course not bother...
I don't know it's just a thought cause midi's get really annoying.

Anduin Lothar

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[THE USWF]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The United States of World Federation!
Come visit our web-page at:
Join our great 3d and friendly community by downloading the
program from and going to the great
world called LoRD!

I wish for...

Sep 27, 2000, 8:30am
Well don't we all. May your wish come true if you have the money to spend.

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]

Advertising Wish

Oct 1, 2000, 9:20am
I'm agreeing with you guys also. I never thought AW existed and I don't even
remember where I heard of it. It would be great if it were advertised. I'm
all the way in Australia, could even get it mentioned in a PC Magazine,
gaming magazine, internet magazine and lots more! There's lots of
advertising opportunity's if you want to go that one step further. And I
know that one step will bring Active Worlds flying up high with a boom of
heaps of users trying it out.

Anduin Lothar
[View Quote]

Re: More AlphaWorld objects

Oct 1, 2000, 9:17am
Actually it's not so much objects but better textures to add to panels and
walls would help quiet a bit... Textures really change your builds....


[View Quote]

Wishes for next AW version

Oct 3, 2000, 12:09am
I don't think so, I say stick with aw 2.2 or make aw 2.2 run more of what aw
3.0 can... If you want upgrades to be done I think it should be on a totally
different universe to AW as lots of peoples works have been put to ruins..
So just start a new universe and see what happens to the good ole AW...

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]

Wishes for next AW version

Oct 3, 2000, 7:13pm
I mean that AW should make a new universe directly for the newer versions of
AW which use 3d hardware acceleration.


[View Quote]


Nov 2, 2000, 3:11am
Actually people, you can just as easily use a Preston bot hosted 24/7 and
add them to the automatic ejection setting, both citnumbers and
citizen/tourist names are accepted, so it's not that much of a hassle


[View Quote]


Nov 3, 2000, 2:14am
Well with a small world I would see why you would have local teleports
turned on then ;o)

[View Quote]


Nov 3, 2000, 7:34pm
I was talking about a small world.


[View Quote]

--==Azeroth Grand Opening==--

May 18, 2000, 11:10am
Ever heard of currency worlds?
Well our world is part of this system and MORE! We have decided to join the
Currency worlds and get our own money which is at at at not $$$. When you join up
you will recieve at 10,000 and you can buy land, play in our Casino on the
SLOT Machines and lots more!
We have a bankbot set up to keep track of accounts and more!
But that's not all! We have also set up our own government with laws and
other worlds have joined up with us to do the same thing and make it

The grand opening will be held on Saturday the 20th at 9PM VRT so be there
or miss out, it will be in:
AW: 26548.3N 6540.0W 0.0a 162

While you're waiting come and visit LoRD which is one of the great worlds
which are part of it!

Cyas all there,
Anduin Lothar

The worlds of Azeroth! Join them or just miss out!
E-mail: anduin_lothar at

--==USW Web-Site==--

Oct 21, 2000, 8:19pm
First of all, please everyone keep posting your complaints and comments.
Because after all, you need complaints and suggestions to get something
better than it is.
So it's not offending me in any way that people are complaining, it's
actually helping out as I will post these to the webmaster so hopefully they
may be fixed soon.
Everything that we fix I will further post to let you know of the changes

Best Regards,
Anduin Lothar

--==USW Web-Site==--

Oct 21, 2000, 8:22pm
Chandler, I don't need a new webmaster. mj is great at his work, we'll just
take all these complaints to fix the problems.

[View Quote] --
- Chandler56
"Use your free will to the ULTIMATE advantage: Assassinate the Government!"
[View Quote] I'l assume that you don't actually 'wish' to exclude Netscape users... This
being the case you may wish to talk to whoever is responsible for coding the
page... I'm a Netscape user... I'l not be going any further into the Site...
I figure if the Home Page can't be read without being forced to switch to
another Browser then there's likely not much for me further on down (in the
Site...) I don't switch Browser unless 'I' want to... I certainly don't do
it because a Site tells me to...
Maybe look into less 'bells and whistles'. Like who needs JAVAScript and
Frames on an info Site... If I wanted to be impressed I'd go elsewhere... IF
I were to use your Site it would be for INFO...
What this says to me (and maybe only me) is if 'they' aren't even able to
get the code right for all Browsers then of what value is the Info within...
I'l just go elsewhere (someplace that 'can' code for all Browsers...)
My 2 cents...
[View Quote]

--==USW Web-Site==--

Oct 23, 2000, 12:46pm
I don't even recall you being a member of the USWF. All I remember is
you "applying" to join your just made town when you barely had anything
built yet and only really wanted a copy of the bot. (Plus you have less than
5 residents in your town).
The USWF requires a Town to have a minimum of 5 residents when joining
because for towns the USWF is a subnetwork for the UTN!

Also Dennis13, I remember you keeping on begging for bots and all this.
Please also do not start harassing about our website and webmaster, other's
have put complaints but have not actually "insulted" the people that have
been hard at work with it, whilst you stupidly start picking on the
webmaster about spelling.
Saying a website is crappy is just plain stupid. It would have been better
to say it needs some work. But saying somrething is crappy is plain
insulting to some people.


Anduin Lothar
[View Quote]

--==USW Web-Site==--

Oct 26, 2000, 4:27am
Hi all,
Thanks to all the complaints and suggestions the USWF will now be
undergoing new site design, We will be remaking the website to support all
browsers and features. If you don't like frames we can also link to a
frameless alternative and so on.

Thanks Again,
Anduin Lothar

EverQuest: 300,000 registered players - AW's future

Oct 6, 2000, 10:46am
I don't think AW is interested about these things. They are more interested
in selling educational universe's to university's and schools all around the
world for educational use not so much what we think.

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]

Halloween World now open

Oct 7, 2000, 6:16pm
Lol YEAH lolol go check out War's new look! Pathetic but it is halloween
themed now...

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]

Re: Testing my Digital ID

Oct 9, 2000, 9:03am
Oh here we go again, SHUT UP!

anduin at
The USWF, No Better Place!
[View Quote]

Re: Testing my Digital ID

Oct 9, 2000, 9:04am
Oh by the way eep, you're the only "TWIT" around here would you hurry up and
filter me, it would make me more than bloody happy! I could finally get some
sleep around here...


anduin at
The USWF, No Better Place!
[View Quote]

Re: Testing my Digital ID

Oct 9, 2000, 5:55pm
It's not that which I was complaining about. I'm just complaining about him
just calling everyone a twit it's like a favourite word or something.
Anyway that's over with.


[View Quote]


Oct 11, 2000, 8:44pm
Ahh Twit Off all you Twits! lol

I'm sick and tired of all this twitting twits!


Oct 12, 2000, 4:22am
By the time these twitting votes are over and done with we'll all be
filtered and eep wont have a newsgroup to come to because he would have
filtered us twits out and he couldn't see the twits helping him out on his
twtting questions...
Too bad TWIT


Re: moving jpgs

Nov 8, 2000, 9:21am
Well as you see in the picture from Internet Explorer at
all it is is one picture split into frames. All of them have to be exactly
the same size and underneath each other. They can be totally different
pictures, but must be the same pixel height.

They work fine in AW ;o)

Anduin Lothar

[View Quote]

AWComreg Monthly Article (Horizon City)

Nov 11, 2000, 8:46pm
Hi All,
I'd just like to let everyone know that this month's Article has been
released by AWComreg just today. This month's article is about Horizon City.
Please visit our website at: to view this
wonderful article.

If you have a town, world or society and you would like one of the
journalists to write an article about it, be sure to contact me and I'll get
someone to write one up for you 8^D

Anyway have fun everyone.

Best Regards,
Anduin Lothar (Samuel Lison)

The USWF, There's No Better Place!
Contact: uswf at

Favourite Song of the Month:
[The Artful Dodger] - Re-Rewind The Crowd Say Bo Selecta

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