grimble // User Search
grimble // User Search
Feb 11, 2002, 9:07am
Below ...
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c67215c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I began to wonder WHY is ActiveWorlds
> charging for 3D Homeages (which have *very little* #D functionality) ...
Not sure how you work this out. 3D Homepages are just as much 3D as the rest
of activeworlds - all the functionality is permitted (unlike AlphaWorld),
you have total control over lighting and skyboxes, can set the rights for
individual users and can use your own Object Path. Its a World - an
environment you can control and have privacy in. What more do you want than
*everything* that's on offer? The fact is that a 10x10 3D Homepage is
cheapest way to use that set of services as provided by AW. I think you're
obviously missing the point of having you're own world.
> ... when in
> fact they could *easily* (and more feasibly) charge for space on
> instead????
They do charge for space in AW - its now a monthly fee of $6.95 and you can
have as much as you like, as long as you're happy with the limitations
enforced on us to stop simple-minded people sabotaging your builds. The
right to build in AW is part of what you are paying your citizenship for.
> I mean, they've only *begun* to fill in the space there!!! How
> can they afford to just simply let all that land simply go to waste????
> It's beyond me....
"Land" in the AW environment can hardly be wasted. Its more that its not
using up storage space.
> Now hear me out on this, okay.....
> Granted there are works of art on there and some builds which you wonder
> they even exist at all. However, I believe that some pre-set guidelines
> will cure that.
> Once a person gets the space, they get all the objects and building tools
> currently afforded to 3D Homepage Owners. In addition to that, we would
> have access to the AlphaWorld Building Yard as well as an object compiler
> (to make the moving of duplicated objects easier). We could build on as
> mcuh (or as little) of the space as possible (up to a P-10). Plus, they
> would all be inter-connected via the roadways on Alpha World so one can
> simply go from town to town just like driving out in the country.
> Speaking of driving, see my post script at the end of this message.....
> However though, here are some suggested guidelines.....
> Any bulding MUST be COMPLETELY built (and furnished!). No incomplete
> structures will be allowed or they will be deleted within a certain length
> of time not to exceed 30 calendar days. We would also have 10 calendar
> to AT LEAST begin with construction, though any space left under
> construction for six months would be re-allocated to someone else and all
> objects imported would be deleted.
> We would get all this for the current price of $6.95
As I said ... you already get this. If you don't want your own world and
just want to build in AlphaWorld, you can do that now. Since you're focussed
on the "suburban" theme in the 3D Homepages, you already have at least the
vast majority of those objects now available for building in AlphaWorld.
What you're suggesting seems to represent features of the subscription being
taken away from citizens by applying some very odd restrictions on people
that are paying for the right to enjoy themselves in AW. No more learning AW
by trial and error ... you now have to complete your homework assignment by
the end of the month or it'll be discarded - whether you know you're doing
or not ;o)
Sorry ... can't see any benefits in it.
<snip the rest>
Feb 11, 2002, 9:17am
Not what you said ...
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c6789b9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You misread what I was saying, you build at your own leisure BUT you would
> have to START building within the 30 days.
Feb 13, 2002, 10:57am
Only problem is that limited building size per cit means limited growth of
AW ...
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3c6a178f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I totally agree with your idea that there should be a limited building
size on AW. We're just spoiled because we're used to the
> freedom we've had, but it was just a stupid decision, or lack thereof.
Anyone could cripple the whole world with sparse objects
> everywhere using a bot...
> We just don't need that much room.
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3c67215c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
when in
Feb 23, 2002, 1:33am
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c76f9e1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> Even so Chris, I would think that the WORST case scenario would be that
> overall size of AlphaWorld would be shrunk as opposed to deleted outright.
> AlphaWorld is too popular for that. Of course, this would mean that some
> builds (particularly those at the 10,000 mark and beyond in all
> would have to be moved, but I think a lot of people could swallow that a
> *lot* easier than having their build totally deleted. All AWcom would
> to do is ensure that building rights are returned to the rightful owner of
> each build upon completion of the move and the owner is notified.
> The owner could then go to the new location and ensure that everything is
> reasonable order and report any damage and/or missing items.
I'm sure this has been said to you before, but empty "space" in AW is not an
issue ... There aren't resources dedicated to every cell in AW just waiting
for someone to come along and put some objects in it. Either AlphaWorld
stays or it goes ... not third option. It can't be transferred to new sets
of objects without pi$$ing a hell of a lot of people off, since the builds
have been made using the objects that exist in AlphaWorld. If the object is
any different, the build won't be different.
> Even so Chris, GrimReaper will be undoutedly much too busy dealing with a
> mob of angry porn site owners (many of them with lawyers) who will (if
> aren't already) wondering where all their multimedia content is and why
> their members can't access it, to even *think* about looking at AlphaWorld
> (or much of anything else in ActiveWorlds for that matter).
You say some wierd stuff sometimes, but this one is a corker! What's with
the porn references??
Feb 23, 2002, 1:35am
WILL be different, dammit!
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
If the object is any different, the build won't be different.
Feb 23, 2002, 1:51am
What's the point in judging a product you don't use *shrug*
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c770f3d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Netbroadcaster apparently sells bandwidth to porn companies. And for some
> reason he thinks it's illegal. I'm with him though. Porn isn't right,
> what are you gonna do? You can't sue the company for it, because it is
> legal to do so.
> SW Chris
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
> news:3c770dea at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 23, 2002, 5:06am
But isn't that pretty much where we are now, except that you're actually
taking the existing objects away?
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3c773b6c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, they could upgrade alphaworld to an all new object set, and keep the
old objects on the object server, so the old builds still work, but have
only the new object set in the registry, so all new builds use the new
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3c770dea at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 22, 2002, 10:14pm
Oooohh Ananas ... Look what you've done!! What the hell happened here?
Has it occurred to anyone that if the intention was to read/steal any
information from within a world, they would have found a much more inventive
way of doing it that sticking a damned bot in the world for a few seconds. I
can't believe so many people are taking offense at this ... is it just part
of the "Bash AW at any opportunity" mentaility or are people seriously so
uptight that this is a major issue for them?
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3C74974A.DF5201FC at oct31.de...
> Someone without world bot rights is using a bot in several
> worlds. I checked the logs of several unrelated worlds that
> have no bot rights entry in common, and all showed
> Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 -1 CONNECTED
> Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname -1 ENTER 30929
> Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname -1 IDENTIFIED
'[Search Spider]' 0 1
> Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname 1 EVENT MASK
> Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname 1 DISCONNECTED
> It seems to have gone through the world list in alphabetical
> order and stayed in each world only for seconds.
> No "Not welcome" message, traceroute reveals nothing.
> Any ideas?
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_
Feb 22, 2002, 10:41pm
.... and so now people know ... and so now people can relax. Everyone knows
who MrGrimm is - there is only an issue here for people who want to twist it
and MAKE and issue.
Not sure why I'm contributing to it now ... go figure.
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c76e2d2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Nah, just would've been nice if we were informed of their intention at the
> get go instead of oops, that's my bot, don't fret, I didn't do anything.
> -Silenced
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
> news:3c76decd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> here?
> inventive
> I
> part
> news:3C74974A.DF5201FC at oct31.de...
> 30929
Feb 23, 2002, 3:50pm
Oh man ... How did so many people manage to get themselves so wound up that
this is now such an emotive issue? If this is the biggest thing to be
getting excited about right now, then there is a serious inbalance in
outlook here. Perhaps there's a bug in AW's Perspective Projection
transformation matrix??
Oh, and BTW ... attack?? ... suspicion?? Where did this come from?? Passing
over the initial "Attack? WTF??" reaction, the only way to link any
so-called "attack" with the workings or activities of the bot in question
would be if MrGrimm went on a slagging rampage. From what I can see, MrGrimm
has simply provided information on what the bot was up to. See what I mean?
Twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist.
[View Quote]"bobhetherington" <nobby at nobcol.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c773daa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> An apology would have been nice for such a beach of netiquette
> and an assurance that world owners will be informed of any future
> by this or similar bots. Attacking respected citizens like Ananas &
> only increases the suspicion that the bot might not be as innocent as it
> claimed to be.
> "grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
> news:3c76e529 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it
> the
Feb 23, 2002, 4:06pm
Goober's key point is about how such a big deal has been made out of
something totally innocuous. Ananas posted the original here, wondering what
the deal was - fair enough - and MrGrimm explained. Since MrGrimm works for
AW, as 99.9% of people are surely away, that should reasonably have been the
end of it, but no ... heaven forbid that that could POSSIBLY be the case in
here! Its the Community Newgroup's unwritten rule ... "Whatever the subject,
a fight must ensue".
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c77d30b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why don't you get common sese if I'm an idiot? Do I need to point out
> world builders and world hosters are two *entirely* different group of
> people? It's not that it's to argue, it's that our privacy was violated.
> Why are you complaining anyways? If you don't want to read it, DON'T. No
> one is forcing you to be here, no one is forcing you to read it.
> No one said you had to post in this thread either, you have free will
> buddy.
> -Silenced
Feb 23, 2002, 4:18pm
I don't necessarily agree with every word of Goober's post, or the way in
which he expressed it - that's his choice ... I just pulled out what I saw
as the relevant information - a practive that some other people here would
do well to follow.
I bet if an AW representative came in here and apologised to placate the
people that have a problem with this, then that woud STILL bnot be the end
of it ...
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c77db28$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What can I say, it makes life interesting. Seems like his key point is to
> continue the bickering as well. Why else would he continue arguing that
> it's offtopic (when it's not.. people just are sensitive to privacy) and
> call me an idiot?
> -Silenced
Feb 23, 2002, 8:56pm
Total paranoia ... P E R S P E C T I V E !!! Geesh!
[View Quote]"aine" <Aine at DeDanaan.com> wrote in message
news:3c7809b0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Couldn't have said it better myself, Chris.
A lot of what's gone on the past month has seemed absolutely ludicrous.
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3c77f2cd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And I thought I've seen everything. oi vey. Use some sense, Aine. No
> company in their right mind would do that.
> SW Chris
> "aine" <Aine at DeDanaan.com> wrote in message
> news:3c77e36e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A bot like that can not only grab the world title, welcome message, and
> keywords, it can also grab the builder's list and then it's database can
> used to identify which world cit#123456 has builder's rights in, and once
> knows that, it can be programmed to systematically go from one world to
> next destroying cit#123456's builds while leaving the rest of those worlds
> intact.
> That's just one example of what could be done with the information
> in the World Rights box.
> Aine
Feb 23, 2002, 1:23am
According to the letter initially announcing the price rise, the additional
income was required to fund the development for v3.3. You can't charge $30
for a minor release of a niche (basically hobbyist) product. This is
probably the "off the shelf" price, with 3 months citizenship included or
something similar.
[View Quote]"dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
news:3c766be5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> My brother told me that a gatekeeper told him it was going to cost $30 to
> updated to 3.3's features. That definately doesn't sound right, afterall,
> they're already raising the annual prices.
> "wizard myrddin" <wiz at rdescape.com> wrote in message
> news:3c764420$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 22, 2002, 10:36pm
Kah, what's got into you tonight? What with this thread, the *bizarre* "Spy
Bot" one and numerous others recently it seems that people are just angling
for a fight - desperately trying to find something offensive in the actions
of others. Is this really what it has all degenerated into?
If you look at the first two responses to Agent 1's post, it kinda makes
his point. For the record, I have no problem with anything Agent 1 said in
his post, so be angry with me too. No big deal.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3c76bfc7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *BIG* deal! people come and go in these NGs all the time, why should *YOU*
> be so much more special than any others?
> "agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3c76ab64 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> reading
> these
> him.
> doesn't
> answered
Feb 24, 2002, 5:52pm
I missed this AWN article ... any links available?
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3c792036 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if he had left a few months ago, I would've missed him. But recently the
> level of intelligence of his posts have gradually decreased (no, that
> comment about my article on AWN is not the only stupid comment he's
> much in the way of some other people who had a history of being nice who
> suddently went crazy...
> "pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
> news:3c78b0dc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *YOU*
> few
Feb 23, 2002, 1:19am
I believe Dion was talking about advertising FOR AW, not IN AW.
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3c7700ec$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> Dion, on paper (and in an ideal physical world), this would work, however,
> there is no such thing as an ideal physical world as it's been proven that
> Affiliate Programs aren't the gold mines everyone *thought* they were when
> the idea was first conceived. Add to the fact that many Dot Coms are
> out of business COMPLETELY and that just merely compunds things.
> But, I do agree with you to this end. Half a loaf is better than *no*
> at all. I think Aw *should* set up an Affiliates program as it would help
> defray at least *some* of their day to day costs. But I wouldn't stop at
> just 2D Homepages. I think AWcom should include an object yard full of
> which can be easily created on 3D Homepages and AW builds alike. In fact,
> AWcom could stratigically sprinkle these signs along roadways in
> much like you would see an advertisement for "Joe's Garage" out on a
> road somewhere out in the middle of the open plains.
> Would it pay off??? If enough signs were there, yet it would. Would it
> a gold mine??? No. But it would help to pay some of the bills AWcom has
> pay on a daily basis though.
> Anyone else care to comment??/ Throw knives, darts and/or cast iron
> skillets??? Hurl flames??? Go right ahead. It's your turn. :-)
> Patrick
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c76ba56$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> is
> in
> off
> did
> the
Feb 23, 2002, 4:07pm
My thoughts exactly.
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3c77d10a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Does everyone else need to know that? :) I'm sure he'll find out about it
> when he next checks his mail.
> -Agent1
> "aine" <Aine at DeDanaan.com> wrote in message
> news:3c77cd3e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I've contacted you by email.
Feb 23, 2002, 9:31pm
Well, since we're volunteering personal opinions on people we really have no
experience of, I think you have a lot more to be worried about than
"mud-slinging little petty nit-pickers" as you put it!
Personally, I am tired of this whole "AW are the Anti-Christ" crap, the
complete and utter paranoia that is displayed in here over AW's intentions
and the apparent view that everyone else knows better about how to run AW
than those with substantial material vested interests in its success and
those responsible for the operation of the company. I am tired all the
free-loaders who want something for nothing and clearly view the AW
products/services that they use and participate in with little or no value.
I am tired of seeing people going off on bizarre crusades, concentrating on
their own interests and being overly defensive when their views are
questioned (and that includes impetuous accusations against people!). I am
tired of seeing the same names throwing up endless "AW don't care about the
users" threads and those same names flanning the flames with scaremongering.
Basically I am tired of reading posts from people who are apparently totally
unable to demonstrate that any form of level-headedness, common-sense and
perspective. The should rename this newsgroup to "Nothing better to do than
winge" ... because there's very little of the "Community" left because, in
my view, of the type of people mentioned above.
"Ever hear of freedom of speech?" - Geesh ... like that little concept isn't
shoved down our throats on every contentious subject. If you feel the need,
you just go and hide behind that ideal ... if there's any room left back
[View Quote]"malka" <pagancities at pagancities.com> wrote in message
news:3c781914$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yea? Well why don't you two take your own advise and get over it?!
> Ever hear of freedom of speech? Ever think perhaps the lady was just
> polite and leaving a message? I am so tired of you mud slinging little
> petty nit-pickers I could scream! GET A LIFE!
Feb 24, 2002, 5:43pm
Don't get carried away eh?
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c78e241$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I can't post with Bowen, duh. Your point is proven with your ignorance,
> thank you. It's the "old man" theorum.
> -Silenced
Mar 3, 2002, 1:34am
The problem is, with the manner in which you went about "defending
yourself", you have managed to alienate yourself from a large proportion of
the posters in here - the very people that (originally at least) came here
to exchange views/news on activeworlds. Once you've separated yourself so
stubbornly from the group, it begs the question of what you hope to achieve
here now.
You've seen for yourself the mindset in here at the moment ... and there's
always someone that will post a reply. Unfortunately, by your reckoning,
that means you're going to flame them back AGAIN - ad infinitum.
Your arrival into the newsgroup consisted of petty script-kiddie-esque
comments and obtuse insults, and your latest post seems to be scraping the
barrel for comebacks - prime examples being "** Yawn **", "oooh please i'm
shaking" and "how would being deaf when SEEING not hearing is what you do
when you talk via a newsgroup" (which is probably the pettiest repost I've
seen for some time, which is pretty impressive considering recent history).
You're clearly not helping yourself here and surely, if you look back,
you'll admit your own contribution to these threads have been less than
As for the original subject of SunBot, port-scanning is invasive and people
deserved to know about it. It was pointed out that port-scanning, although a
typical hacking activity, is not necessarily a sign that anything untoward
is going on. However, you have to be pretty dumb not to be wary in this day
and age. As BinaryBud said, you have no business port-scanning your
visitors, especially unannounced. You certainly have managed to make a
reputation for yourself in a very short space of time. Its probably safe to
say that you've already managed to make a sigificant number of killfiles.
99% of the poeple here don't care how good you or BinaryBud believe you are
(essentially the original problem), so that's purely between you two and not
relevant in the newsgroup. It was your initial reply - with that silly
posting of half of your telegram conversation - that raised the temperature
on the subject. The whole thread(s) would have taken a completely different
shape had you started off by simply explaining what it was actually doing,
but you chose to go the other way. You caused it, so live with it. For
someone who claims to be 28 years old, there's a lot of playground mentality
in your posts.
BTW ... this "lots of love and kisses" crap is starting to disturb me since
its clearly not the joke I thought it was (unless it is but you've spent too
long in school to realise that its not funny after the first couple of
[View Quote]"sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c8112f2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lots of love and kisses
> kris[Sun.Of.Solaris.]
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mar 5, 2002, 10:51am
So, in summary, you're saying that the community newsgroup is boring, crap
and not worth the effort of posting in (over the past 4-5 days at least)?
If so .... I totally agree.
[View Quote]"lioness e" <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
news:3c84b577 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Right on hon!! Before anyone reads any further, I want to make it clear
> that this is NOT directed at any particular person. It's getting to be a
> flame fest in here anymore. I sit here and read all this and wonder to
> myself, ...Are all these people that unhappy that they feel the need to
> criticize each other "every" time someone makes a post? It makes me sad to
> think of all the hatred in the world today and there seems to be not only
> impatience here on the AW ngs, but in almost all the ngs I read these
> Doesn't anybody have any tolerance for humanity anymore? To me, there is
> difference tween a ng and a message board. When someone would post in here
> about how unhappy they were with the AW price changes/tourist changes,
> were yelled at cus a few people on here were tired of reading about it.
> people make innocent mistakes and its posted in here, there are a few
> who waste no time jumping down their throats and virtually "hang them".
> Since we've all pretty much given up on discussing the AW price changes,
> everything posted in here seems to be about what someone did or didn't do.
> Ok, if the guy is innocent, I think an apology is in order in public to
> clear his name. Not necessarily from any particular person either. Look at
> what happened with Gavroche for example. A concerned guy heard that
> he respected was killed and felt the loss emotionally. He felt loss in his
> heart. He thought others should know and reacted by posting on here to
> notify anybody else who might care. But what did some people do?? They
> yelled at him. Called him a liar. Dragged him over the coals for not
> more proof. If one of my online buddies were seriously injured or possibly
> killed, I would have no real way of finding out either. I don't have the
> phone number or address of any of my online friends. (I don't want to
> that kind of request on them. Nowadays its risky to give out that kind of
> information). I would have no way of verifying the information I heard.
> that wouldn't stop my emotions from upsetting me. AW is an emotional place
> and so are the ngs. There are many ways of looking at things. All I'm
> is, think before you (anyone on here) react to a posting. Some people
> innocently get misleading information and react to it. And then they are
> criticized by other people for misspelling, expressing their own views, or
> pointing out something that should be brought to the AW community's
> attention, (which is what this ng should be about anyway). Nobody should
> made to feel that they are unwelcome to this ng. This ng is not for the
> of a small group of people, it belongs to the AW community at large
> that person is new to ng's or not. It should not be a place for belittling
> or bickering. That should be done either in AW, another chat program, or
> personal emails. I have read all the posts in this ng going back to early
> last year, even though I didn't begin this ng till Jan 02. It "used to be"
> great place to get updates on all kinds of information. Now folks seem
> intimidated to post anything. Even opinions good or bad. I for one feel
> intimidated anymore to make any comments on here. Several long time AW
> citizens have told me they don't feel comfortable making posts on here
> anymore cus a few individuals would only pick them apart and criticize
> on their grammar, values, or information being presented. And I'll bet
> somebody will have something nasty to say about "this" post as well. Heck,
> don't mind a difference of opinion, but who will be the first one to pick
> apart and criticize what I'm saying...what I feel inside? There's nothing
> wrong with a debate. But why let it get out of control in public? Why let
> simple difference in opinion turn ugly and nasty on a message board? Life
> short folks. Value other people's perspectives more often and you will be
> better person for it. Ok....let the critiques begin....who's gonna be the
> first.....?
> "chickengurl" <ilove at chickensex.com> wrote in message
> news:3c83f2de at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I
> any
> is
> to
> Admin
> all
> Also,
> disallowed
Mar 5, 2002, 10:58am
Is this going to go on forever?? Approx. 25 threads for one flame war! - it
goes beyond stubborness and debating ... straight through rediculous ...
breezes past sublime ... and lands squarely in WTF land.
No more "Community" for me for a while, its just silly.
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3c84bb8a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Who cares? I'm a hacker, damn proud of it too. They only insult every
> you say because of the way you act.. you act a little better around
> you'll get better responses.
> -Silenced
> "sunofsolaris" <thelonesoul at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c849054 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 20, 2002, 12:32am
Very constructive KAH ... you seem to have a grasp of what it is to be petty
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3cc01145 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Agent1 the knight of pettyness strikes again ;-))
May 5, 2002, 8:40pm
The most likely turn of events ...
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <cozmo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3cd5a924 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> are you sure the bot is even running on the same citnumber as the
> feild
May 17, 2002, 4:18am
Its not like its a hidden feature or anything ... if people bother to RTFM
there wouldn't be a problem.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3CE48C01.5070704 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> It's pretty simple, chief. You CTRL+Right click on the area you want to
> delete, then you hit the delete key. If you want to wipe out multiple
> areas, hold down SHIFT while you use CTRL+Right Click, then hit Delete
> once you've selected all the areas. I find it hard to believe you never
> tried this before...
> pc hamster wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Guess it's not common sense after all...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
May 17, 2002, 4:22am
Its a common solution. The Rational suites use that or the NIC serial
number for the same purposes on their node-locked licenses. If its good
enough for software retailing in the 10's of thousands of dollars, its must
be reasonably safe.
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3ce46263 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The encryption is based off of the computers harddisk serial I believe.
> someone were to steal your 3.2 aworld.ini and use it on another harddisk
> with a different serial, it should not work. Although, the serial may not
> even be the key. I heard something about the serial somewhere, and I
> believe that this is what its for. I doubt you'll get much out of Roland
> about how the key is generated ;).
> -Joe
> "anduin" <anduin at NOSPAM.centercom.com.au> wrote in message
> news:3ce43f36 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> XP
> you
> Good
May 17, 2002, 4:57am
Its not so much what you couldn't do before, it more that its so much
simpler to do things now. You could do pretty much everything with a bit of
creative programming and forethought.
For instance, I have a COM DLL that I use to manage a common set of
attributes thoughout the world, shared by a number of bots. The same sort of
thing as Brant's session table code, but for pretty much everything. All the
bots were positioned around a world and fed information to the DLL to make
it available to the other bots. This method had a number of problems to
solve, including managing corresponding AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD and
AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE messages from different bots as an avatar switched
between their hearing ranges when it moved around the world. There is now no
need for all that complexity.
There are two key benefits that I can see at first glance, although I
imagine its a matter of preference in what you see as beneficial.
To start with, world-level notification of avatar activities ... i.e. being
able to monitor every avatar throughout the world with a single bot,
including movement and clicking. As I said above, before, you needed a
collection of bots strategically placed around the world, that used some
common store. Also, the move away from the idea that you should be visible
to the world to be able to detect other avatar activities such as chat and
movement is one helluva welcome inclusion. That comes with not needing to
issue the aw_state_change to get the messages.
Also, with the delivery of the object commands, monitoring world content is
now no longer retricted to a single active query zone. Again, in order to do
this before, you needed a collection of inter-related bots, each with an
active query zone in live-update mode.
I'm with Brant on this one, this is a big step forward for SDK
functionality - replacing what is effectivelty a lot of work-around code
with a much more appropriate and simple solution. It makes a number of my
components obsolete also - but I'm pleased about that, less code to
I'm sure other people see other benefits, but for me, Global Mode is an
ENORMOUS addition and represents the removal of some very restrictive
practices when using the SDK.
Hope that helps,
[View Quote]"just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ce45a5b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Can you give some examples of what bots will be able to do that they
> couldn't do before?
> ~Justin
May 17, 2002, 5:16am
Just found another whammy! The AW_EVENT_OBJECT_CLICK event now also provides
ALL the object data (model, description, action, etc.). This is HUGE! For a
lot of things, it erradicates the need to even do a property survey!
Can you tell I'm pleased?
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3ce4a9bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Its not so much what you couldn't do before, it more that its so much
> simpler to do things now. You could do pretty much everything with a bit
> creative programming and forethought.
> For instance, I have a COM DLL that I use to manage a common set of
> attributes thoughout the world, shared by a number of bots. The same sort
> thing as Brant's session table code, but for pretty much everything. All
> bots were positioned around a world and fed information to the DLL to make
> it available to the other bots. This method had a number of problems to
> solve, including managing corresponding AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD and
> AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE messages from different bots as an avatar switched
> between their hearing ranges when it moved around the world. There is now
> need for all that complexity.
> There are two key benefits that I can see at first glance, although I
> imagine its a matter of preference in what you see as beneficial.
> To start with, world-level notification of avatar activities ... i.e.
> able to monitor every avatar throughout the world with a single bot,
> including movement and clicking. As I said above, before, you needed a
> collection of bots strategically placed around the world, that used some
> common store. Also, the move away from the idea that you should be visible
> to the world to be able to detect other avatar activities such as chat and
> movement is one helluva welcome inclusion. That comes with not needing to
> issue the aw_state_change to get the messages.
> Also, with the delivery of the object commands, monitoring world content
> now no longer retricted to a single active query zone. Again, in order to
> this before, you needed a collection of inter-related bots, each with an
> active query zone in live-update mode.
> I'm with Brant on this one, this is a big step forward for SDK
> functionality - replacing what is effectivelty a lot of work-around code
> with a much more appropriate and simple solution. It makes a number of my
> components obsolete also - but I'm pleased about that, less code to
> maintain.
> I'm sure other people see other benefits, but for me, Global Mode is an
> ENORMOUS addition and represents the removal of some very restrictive
> practices when using the SDK.
> Hope that helps,
> Grims
> "just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3ce45a5b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 17, 2002, 2:06pm
[View Quote]"just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3ce5257a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sometimes I see someone is in my world by looking at the world count, but
> don't know where they are. Does the global parameters now mean I can use
> the bot to find anyone? Seems like a bit of privacy invasion?
I don't see why. Its no worse than being monitored by security camera when
you walk around a department store.
> Also, how will this effect running a bot in a huge world like Alpha World?
You have to have Caretaker rights in the world to enter in Global Mode.